《燃氣輪機套用—用於發電設備的要求》(GB/T 38179-2019)是2020年5月1日實施的一項中華人民共和國國家標準,歸口於全國燃氣輪機標準化技術委員會。
《燃氣輪機套用—用於發電設備的要求》(GB/T 38179-2019)規定了發電用燃氣輪機評估和採購的最低技術和資料要求。該標準適用於陸地和海上簡單循環和聯合循環的燃氣輪機,也適用於熱電聯產用燃氣輪機。燃氣輪機發電機組的試驗也同樣適用。
- 中文名:燃氣輪機套用—用於發電設備的要求
- 外文名:Gas turbine applications—Requirements for power generation
- 標準號:GB/T 38179-2019
- 中國標準分類號:k56
- 標準類別:基礎
- 國際標準分類號:27.040
- 發布日期:2019-10-18
- 實施日期:2020-05-01
- 歸口單位:全國燃氣輪機標準化技術委員會
- 執行單位:全國燃氣輪機標準化技術委員會
- 主管部門:中國機械工業聯合會
- 性質:推薦性國家標準
- 狀態:現行
- 標準計畫
- 發布實施
前言 | XIII |
引言 | XIV |
1範圍 | 1 |
2規範性引用檔案 | 2 |
3術語和定義 | 10 |
4標準參考條件下的性能對比評估 | 14 |
5現場條件下的性能 | 15 |
6現場條件和公用設備 | 16 |
7環境排放 | 18 |
8契約規定燃料 | 20 |
9燃料系統和燃料處理 | 22 |
10法規、規範和標準 | 24 |
11運行要求 | 26 |
12質量 | 28 |
13可靠性、可用性和可維護性(RAM) | 30 |
14安全要求 | 35 |
15測量、語言、標識和標準化 | 38 |
16防腐蝕、噴塗和塗飾 | 39 |
17包裝與運輸 | 42 |
18燃氣輪機本體 | 43 |
19齒輪箱和聯軸器 | 51 |
20進氣系統 | 53 |
21排氣系統 | 58 |
22土建和基礎 | 60 |
23發電機設計接口要求 | 61 |
24餘熱鍋爐接口 | 62 |
25聯合循環套用 | 63 |
26儀控系統要求 | 64 |
27電氣系統 | 77 |
28維護要求 | 83 |
29罩殼 | 88 |
30輔助設備 | 93 |
31狀態監控 | 103 |
32安裝和調試 | 105 |
33驗證試驗 | 106 |
34設計壽命 | 108 |
35技術資料和檔案 | 108 |
附錄A(規範性附錄)數據表要求和選項 | 111 |
附錄NA(資料性附錄)與該標準中規範性引用的國際檔案有一致性對應關係的我國檔案 | 113 |
附錄NB(資料性附錄)數據表 | 117 |
參考文獻 | 162 |
GB/T 4208-2017 外殼防護等級(IP代碼)(IEC 60529:2013,IDT) GB/T 6075.4-2015 機械振動—在非旋轉部件上測量評價機器的振動—第4部分:具有滑動軸承的燃氣輪機組(ISO 10816-4:2009,IDT) GB/T 6557-2009 撓性轉子機械平衡的方法和準則(ISO 11342:1998,IDT) GB/T 9239.1-2006 機械振動—恆態(剛性)轉子平衡品質要求—第1部分:規範與平衡允差的檢驗(ISO 1940-1:2003,IDT) GB/T 11348.4-2015 機械振動—在旋轉軸上測量評價機器的振動—第4部分:具有滑動軸承的燃氣輪機組(ISO 7919-4:2009,1DT) GB/T 14099.3-2009 燃氣輪機—採購—第3部分:設計要求(ISO 3977-3:2004,IDT) GB/T 14099.4-2010 燃氣輪機—採購—第4部分:燃料與環境(ISO 3977-4:2002,IDT) GB/T 14099.9-2006 燃氣輪機—採購—第9部分:可靠性、可用性、可維護性和安全性(ISO 3977-9:1999,IDT) GB/T 14100-2016 燃氣輪機—驗收試驗(ISO 2314:2009,IDT) GB17888.2-2008 機械安全—進入機械的固定設施—第2部分:工作平台和通道(ISO 14122-2:2001,IDT) GB/T 18039.4-2017 電磁兼容—環境—工廠低頻傳導騷擾的兼容水平(IEC 610002-4:2002,IDT) GB/T 32821-2016 燃氣輪機套用—安全(ISO 21789:2009,IDT) ISO 128-1 技術製圖—畫法的一般原則—第1部分:導言和索引(Technical drawings—Generalprinciples of presentation—Part 1:Introduction and index) ISO 1461 鋼鐵製件熱浸鍍鋅層—規範和試驗方法(Hot dip galvanized coatings on fabricatedand steel articles—Specifications and test methods) ISO 2409 色漆和清漆—交叉切割試驗(Paints and varnishes—Cross-cut test) ISO 2533 標準大氣(Standard atmosphere) ISO 2592 石油產品閃點和燃點的測定—克利夫蘭開口杯法(Determination of flash and firepoints—Cleveland open cup method) ISO 2909 石油產品—用運動黏度的黏度指數的計算(Produits petroliers—Calculation of Viscosityindex from kinematic viscosity) ISO 2954 旋轉式和往復式機器的機械振動—對測量振動烈度儀器的要求(Mechanical vibratioof rotating and reciprocating machinery—Requirements for instruments for measuring vibration severity) ISO 3016 石油產品—傾點的測定(Petroleum product—Determination of pour point) ISO 3104 石油產品—透明和不透明液體石油運動黏度測定和動力黏度計算(Petroleum products—Transparent and opaque liquids—Determination of kinematic viscosity and calculation of dynamicviscosity and calculation of dynamic viscosity) ISO 3448 工業液體潤滑劑—ISO黏度分類(Industrial liquid lubricants—ISO vicosity classification) ISO 3675 原油和液體石油產品—密度實驗室測定—法密度計法(Crude petroleum and liquid poroleum products—Laboratory determination of density—Hydrometer method) ISO 3746 聲學—聲壓法測定噪聲源聲功率級和聲能量級—採用反射面上方包絡測量面的簡易法(Acoustics—Determination of sound power levels and sound energy levels of noise sources usingund pressure—Survey method using an enveloping measurement surface over a reflecting plane) ISO 3977-1 燃氣輪機—採購—第1部分:序言和定義(Gas turbines—Procurement—Part 1:General and definitions) ISO 3977-8 燃氣輪機—採購—第8部分:檢查、試驗、安裝和調試(Gas turbines—Procurement一Part 8:Inspection testing, installation and commissioning) ISO 4261 石油產品—燃料(F類)—工業及船舶用燃氣輪機燃料規格[Petroleum products—Fuels(class F)—Specifications of gas turbine fuels for industrial and marine applications] ISO 4263-1 石油及相關產品—防氧化油和流體老化性能的測定—第1部分:礦物油測定程式(Petroleum and related products—Determination of the ageing behaviour of inhibited oils and fluids TOST test—Part 1:Procedure for mineral oils) ISO 4406 液壓傳動—油液—固體顆粒污染等級代號法(Hydraulic fluid power—Fluids—Methodfor coding the level of contamination by solid particles) ISO 4407 液壓傳動—液體污染—採用光學顯微鏡測定顆粒污染度的方法(Hydraulic fluid powr—Fluid contamination—Determination of particulatecontamination by the counting method using anoptical microscope) ISO 5167-1 用安裝在圓形截面管道中的差壓裝置測量滿管流體流量—第1部分:一般原理和要求(Measurement of fluid flow by means of pressure differential devices inserted in circular cross-section conduits running full—Part 1:General principles and requirements) ISO 6247 石油產品—潤滑油泡沫特性測定法(Petroleum products—Determination of foamingharacteristics of lubricating oils) ISO 6336-1 正齒輪和斜齒輪負載能力的計算—第1部分:基本原理、介紹和一般影響因素(Calculation of the load capacity of spur and helical gears—Part 1:Basic principles,introductionandgeneral influence factors) ISO 6743-5 潤滑劑、工業用油和有關產品(L類)分類—第5部分:T系列(渦輪機)[Lubricantsindustrial oils and related products (class L)Classifications Part 5:Family T(turbines)] ISO 6976 天然氣—發熱量、密度、相對密度和沃泊指數的計算方法(Natural gas Calculation ofcalorific values,density,relative density and Wobbe index from composition) ISO 8501-1 塗覆塗料前鋼材表面處理—表面清潔度的目視評定—第1部分:未塗覆過的鋼材表面和全面清除原有塗層後的鋼材表面的鏽蝕等級和處理等級(Preparation of steel substrates beforeapplication of paints and related products—Visual assessment of surface cleanliness—Part 1: Rustgrades and preparation grades of uncoated steel substrates and of steel substrates after overall removaof previous coatings) ISO 8501-2 塗覆塗料前鋼材表面處理—表面清潔度的目視評定—第2部分:已塗覆過的鋼材表面局部清除原有塗層後的處理等級(Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products—Visual assessment of surface cleanliness—Part 2:Preparation grades of previouslycoated steel substrates after localized removal of previous coatings) ISO 8501-3 塗覆塗料前鋼材表面處理—表面清潔度的目視評定—第3部分:焊縫、邊緣和其他區域的表面缺陷的處理等級(Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related pructs—Visual assessment of surface cleanliness—Part 3:Preparation grades fo welds,cut edges andother areas with surface imperfections) ISO 8502(所有部分) 塗裝油漆和有關產品前鋼材預處理—表面清沾度的評定試驗(Preparationof steel substrates before application of paints and related products—Tests for the assessment ofsuface cleanliness) ISO 8504-1 塗裝油漆和有關產品前鋼材預處理—表面預處理方法—第1部分:總則(Preparationof steel substrates before application of paints and related products—Surface preparation methods—Part 1:General principles) ISO 9120 石油和相關產品—蒸氣透平油有其他油品空氣釋放特性的測定—撞擊法(Petroleurand related products—Determination of air-release properties of steam turbine and other oils—Impinger method) ISO 9223 金屬與合金的腐蝕—大氣腐蝕性—分類、測定和評估(Corrosion of metals and alloy—Corrosivity of atmospheres—Classification. determination and estimation) ISO 9614-1 聲學—聲強法測定噪聲源的聲功率級—第1部分:離散點上的測量(Acoustics—Mination of sound power levels of noise sources using sound intensity—Part 1:Measurement at dis-crete points) ISO 9614-2 聲學—聲強法測定噪聲源的聲功率級—第2部分:掃描測量法(Acoustics- Determination of sound power levels of noise sources using sound intensity—Part 2:Measurement by scanning) ISO 9951 封閉管道中氣體流量的測量—渦輪流量計(Measurement of gas flow in closed conduits—Turbine meters) ISO 10380 管道—波紋狀金屬軟管和軟管組件(Pipework—Corrugated metal hoses and hose assemblies) ISO 10396 固定源排放—用於永久安裝監測系統的氣體排放濃度的自動測定採樣(Stationarysource emissions—Sampling for the automated determination of gas emission concentrations for permanently-installed monitoring systems) ISO 10441:2007 石油、石化和天然氣工業—機械動力傳輸用撓性連線器—特殊用途套用(Petroum,petrochemical and natural gas industries—Flexible couplings for mechanical power transmission—Special—Purpose applications) ISO 10494 燃氣輪機與燃氣輪機機組—排放的空傳噪聲的測量—規劃/測定方法(Gas turbinesand gas turbine sets—Measurement of emitted airborne noise—Engineering/survey method) ISO 10816-2 機械振動—在非旋轉部件上測量評定機器的振動—第2部分:50MW以上,額定轉速1500r/min、1800r/min,3000r/min,3600r/min陸地安裝的汽輪機和發電機(Mechanical vibration—Evaluation of machine vibration by measurements on non rotating parts—Part 2:Land-basedsteam turbines and generators in excess of 50 MW with normal operating speeds of 1500 r/minI 800 r/min,3000 r/min and 3600 r/min) ISO 10816-3 機械振動—在非旋轉部件上測量來評定機器振動—第3部分:額定功率大於15kW額定轉速在120r/min至15000r/min之間的在現場測量的工業機器(Mechanical vibration—Evaluation of machine vibration by measurements on non- rotating parts—Part 3:Industrial machines with nominal power above 15 kw and nominal speeds between 120r/ min and 15000 r/ min when measured in situ) ISO 10817-1 旋轉軸振動測量系統—第1部分:徑向振動的相對和絕對感測(Rotating shaft vibration measuring systems—Part 1:Relative and absolutesensing of radial vibration) ISO 11042-1 燃氣輪機—煙氣排放—第1部分:測試與評估(Gas turbines—Exhaust gas emission—Part 1:Measurement and evaluation) ISO 11042-2 燃氣輪機—煙氣排放—第2部分:排放的自動監控(Gas turbines—Exhaust gas emission—Part 2:Automated emission monitoring) ISO 11086:1996 燃氣輪機—辭彙(Gas turbines—Vocabulary) ISO 11204 聲學—機械和設備發射的噪聲—套用精確環境校正在工作位置和其他指定位置發射聲壓級的測量(Acoustics—Noise emitted by machinery and equipment—Determination of emissionsound pressure levels at a work station and at other sp ecified positions applying accurate environmenal corrections) ISO 12100 機械安全—設計通則—風險評估和風險減小(Safety of machinery—Generalprinciples for design—Risk assessment and risk reduction) ISO 12151-1 液壓傳動和通用連線件—軟管附屬檔案—第1部分:帶1SO8434-30形圈面密封端的軟管附屬檔案(Connections for hydraulic fluid power and general use—Hose fittings- Part1:Hose fittingswith ISO 8434-3 O-ring face seal ends) ISO 12151-2 液壓傳動和通用聯接件—軟管附屬檔案—第2部分:與ISO 8434-1和ISO8434-4的24°帶O型圈錐形連線端相配的軟管附屬檔案(Connections for hydraulic fluid power and general use—Hose fittings—Part 2:Hose fittings with ISO 8434-1 and ISO 8434-4 24° cone connector ends with O-rings) ISO 12944-1 色漆和清漆—防護漆體系對鋼結構的腐蝕防護—第1部分:總則(Paints and varnishes—Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems—Part 1:General introduction) ISO 12944-2:1998 色漆和清漆—防護漆體系對鋼結構的腐蝕防護—第2部分:環境分類(Paintsand varnishes—Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems—Part 2:Classification of environments) ISO 12944-4 色漆和清漆—防護漆體系對鋼結構的腐蝕防護—第4部分:表面類型和表面處理(Paints and varnishes—Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems—Part 4:Types of surface and surface preparation) ISO 13691 石油和天然氣工業—高速特種齒輪箱(Petroleum and natural gas industries—Highspeed special purpose gear units) ISO 139381 紡織品—織物脹破特性—第1部分:漲破強力的測定的液壓方法(TextilesBursting properties of fabrics —Part 1:Hydraulic method for determination of bursting strength andbursting distension) ISO 14122-1 機械安全—進入機械的固定設施—第1部分:進入兩級平面之間的固定設施的選擇(Safety of machinery—Permanent means of access to machinery—Part 1:Choice of fixed means andgeneral requirements of access) ISO 14122-3 機械安全—進入機械的固定設施——第3部分:樓梯、階梯和護欄(Safety of machinry—Permanent means of access to machinery—Part 3:Stairs,stepladders and guard-rails) ISO 14122-4 機械安全—進入機械的固定設施—第4部分:固定式直梯(Safety of machinery—Permanent means of access to machinery—Part 4:Fixed ladders) ISO 14123-1 機械安全—減少由機械排放的危害性物質對健康的風險—第1部分:用於機械製造商的原則和規範(Safety of machinery—Reduction of risks to health from hazardous substancesemitted by machihery—Part 1:Principles and specifications for machinery manufacturers) ISO 14691 石油、石化和天然氣工業—機械動力傳輸用撓性連線器—一般用途套用(Petroleumpetrochemical and natural gas industries—Flexible couplings for mechanical power transmissionGeneral—Purpose applications) ISO 147132 鋅覆蓋層—鋼鐵結構防腐蝕的指南和建議—第2部分:熱浸鍍鋅(Zinc coating—Guidelines and recommendations for the protection against corrosion of iron and steel in structures—Part 2:Hot dip galvanizing) ISO 15649 石油和天然氣工業—管道輸送(Petroleum and natural gas industries—Piping) ISO 16276-2 防護塗料體系對鋼結構的防腐蝕保護—塗層附著力/內聚力(破壞強度)的評定和驗收準則—第2部分:劃格試驗和劃叉試驗[ Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paintsystems—Assessment of,and acceptance criteria for,the adhesion/cohesion(fracture strength)of aoating—Part 2:Cross-cut testing and X-cut testing] ISO 18752 橡膠軟管和軟管組件合件—液壓用鋼絲或織物增強的單壓型—規範(Rubber hoseand hose assemblies—Wire-or textile-reinforced single pressure types for hydraulic applications—Specification) ISO 19840 色漆和清漆—防護漆體系對鋼結構的防腐蝕—粗糙表面乾膜厚度的測量與驗收準則(Paints and varnishes—Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems—Measurement of,and acceptance criteria for,the thickness of dry filmsurfac) ISO 19860:2005 燃氣輪機—燃氣輪機裝置採集和監測系統要求(Gas turbines—Data acquisitiononitoring system requirements for gas turbine installations) ISO 21940-13 機械振動—轉子平衡—第13部分:中型和大型轉子的現場平衡準則和防護裝置(Mechanical vibration—Rotor balancing—Part 13:Criteria and safeguards for the in-situ balancing ofmedium and large rotors) ISO 21940-31 機械振動—轉子平衡—第31部分:機械失衡的敏感度和靈敏度(Mechanical vibration—Rotor balancing—Part 31:Susceptibility and sensitivity of machines to unbalance) ISO 21940-32 機械振動—轉子平衡—第32部分:軸與配合件平衡的鍵準則(Mechanical vibration—Rotor balancing—Part 32:Shaft and fitment key convention) ISO 22266-1 機械振動—旋轉機械扭振—第1部分:50MW以上陸地安裝的透平和燃氣輪機發HE BLSA(Mechanical vibration—Torsional vibration of rotating machinery—Part 1:Land-based steamand gas turbine generator sets inof 50 Mw) ISO 80000-1 量和單位—第1部分:總則(Quantities and units—Part 1:General) IEC 60034-1 旋轉電機—第1部分:定額和性能( Rotating electrical machines—Part 1:Rating and performance) IEC 60034-3:2010 旋轉電機—第3部分:汽輪機或燃氣輪機驅動的同步發電機的特殊要求(Rtating electrical machines—Part 3:Specific requirements for synchronous generators driven by steamturbines or combustion gas turbines) IEC 60034-5 旋轉電機—第5部分:旋轉電機整體設計的防護等級(IP代號)分類版本4.1再版[Rotating electrical machines—Part 5:Degrees of protection provided by the integral design of rotating electrical machines(IP code)-classification-edition 4.1: Consolidated Reprint] IEC 60038:2009 IEC標準電壓(IEC standard voltages) IEC 60079-10-1 爆炸性環境—第10-1部分:區域分類—爆炸性氣體環境(Explosive atmospheres—Part 10-1:Classification of areas—Explosive gas atmospheres) IEC 60079-11 爆炸性環境—第11部分:由本質安全型“i”保護的設備(Explosive atmospheres—Part 11:Equipment protection by intrinsic safety "i") IEC 60079-14:2013 爆炸性環境—第14部分:電氣裝置的設計、選型和安裝(Explosive atmospheres—Part 14:Electrical installations design,selection and erection) IEC 60146-1 半導體變流器—通用要求和電網換相變流器—第1-1部分:基本要求規範(Semiconductor converters—General requirements and line commutated converter—Part 1-1: Specificationof basic requirements) IEC 60204-1:2009 機械的安全—機械的電氣設備—第1部分:一般要求(Safety ofElectrical—Equipment of machines—Part 1:General requirements) IEC 60204-11 機械安全—機械電氣設備—第11部分:電壓高於1000Va.C,或1500Vdc.但不超過36kV的高壓設備的技術條件(Safety of machinery—Electrical equipment of machines—Part11 Requirements for HV equipment for voltages above 1000 Va.c. or 1500 Vd.c,and not exceeding 36kV) IEC 60304 低頻電纜和電線用絕緣的標準顏色(Standard colours for insulation for low-frequency cables and wires) IEC 60332 電纜和光纜在火焰條件下的燃燒試驗:相關部分(Tests on electric and optical fibrecables under fire conditions: Relevant Part) IEC 60364-1 低壓電氣裝置—第1部分:基本原理、一般特性評估和定義(Low- voltage electricalstallations—Part 1:Fundamental principles,assessment of general characteristics,definitions) IEC 60364-4-41 低壓電氣裝置—第4-41部分:安全防護—電擊防護(Low- voltage electrical installations—Part 4-41:Protection for safety—Protection against electric shock) IEC 60417 設備用圖形符號(Graphical symbols for use on equipment) IEC 60439 低壓開關設備和控制設備組合裝置:相關部分(Low-voltage switchgcontrolgear assemblies:Relevant parts) IEC 60445 人機界面、標誌和標識的基本原則和安全原則—設備端子和特定導線的線端標識(包括字母數字系統的一般規則)(Basic and safety principles for man-machine interface, marking and identification—Identification of equipment terminals,conductor terminations and conductors) IEC 60502 額定電壓1kV(Um=1.2kV)到30kV(Um=36kV)擠包絕緣電力電纜及附屬檔案:相關部分[Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltages from I kv(Um=1.2 kv)up to 30 kv(Um=36 kv), Relevant parts] IEC 60757 電氣顏色標誌的代碼(Code for designation of colours) IEC 60896 固定式鉛酸蓄電池組:相關部分(Stationary lead-acid batteries:Relevant parts) IEC 60947 低壓開關設備和控制設備:相關部分(Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear Relevant parts) IEC 60947-7-1 低壓開關設備和控制設備—第7-1部分:輔助器件銅導體的接線端子排(Lowvoltage switchgear and controlgear—Part 7-1:Ancillary equipment-Terminal blocks for copper con-ductors) IEC 61000-2-2 電磁兼容性(EMC)—第2-2部分:環境公用低壓供電系統低頻傳導騷擾及信傳輸的兼容水平[Electromagnetic compatibility(EMC)—Part2-2: Environment- Compatibilitylevels for low-frequency conducted disturbances and signalling in public low-voltage power supply systems] IEC 61000-4-2 電磁兼容性(EMC)—第4-2部分:試驗和測量技術靜電放電抗擾試驗[Electro-agnetic compatibility(EMC)—Part 4-2:Testing and measuring techniques-electrostatic dischargemmunity test] IEC 61000-6-2 電磁兼容性(EMC)—第6-2部分:通用標準工業環境的抗繞度[Electromagneticcompatibility (EMC)—Part 6-2:Generic standards—Immunity standard for industrial environments] IEC 61000-6-3 電磁兼容性(EMC)—第6-3部分:通用標準居住、商業和輕工業環境用發射標準[Electromagnetic compatibility( EMC)—Part 6-3:Generic standards-emission standard for redential, commercial and light-industrial environments] IEC61000-6-4 電磁兼容(EMC)—第6-4部分:通用標準工業環境用放射標準[Electromagnetic compatibility(EMC)—Part 6-4:Generic standards—Emission standard for industrial environments] IEC/TR 61000-5-1 雷電防護—第1部分:一般原則(Protection against lightning—Part1General principles) IEC/TR 61000-5-2 電磁兼容性(EMC)—第5部分:安裝和調試指南—第2節:接地和電纜敷設[Electromagnetic compatibility(EMC)—Part 5:Installation and mitigation guidelines—Section 2 Earthing and cabling] IEC 61140 電擊防護—安裝和設備的共同方面(Protection against electric shock—Common aspects for installations and equipment) IEC 61643-12 低壓電涌保護器—第12部分:低壓配電系統的電涌保護器—選擇和使用原(Low-voltage surge protective devices—Part 12:Surge protective devices connected to low-voltagepower distribution systems—Selection and application principles) IEC 61672-1 電聲—學聲級計—第1部分:規範(Electroacoustics—Sound level meters—Part1 Specifications) IEC 61786 關於人體暴露的低頻電場和磁場的測量—儀表的特殊要求和測量指南(Measurementof Low-frequency magnetic and electric fields with regard to exposure of human beings—Special requirements for instruments and guidance for measurements) IEC 61918 工業通信網路—工業環境中通信網路安裝(Industrial communication networks—Installation of communication networks in industrial premises) IEC 61936-1 交流電壓大於1kV的電力裝置—第1部分:通用規則(Power installationsexceeding 1 kv ac.Part 1: Common rules) IEC 62040-1 不間斷電源系統(UPS)—第1部分:UPS的一般要求和安全要求[Uninterruptiblepower systems(UPS)—Part 1:General and safety requirements for UPS] IEC 620402 不間斷電源系統(UPS)—第2部分:電磁兼容性(EMC)要求[Uninterruptiblepower systems(UPS)Part 2:Electromagnetic compatibility(EMC)requirements] IEC 62305-1 雷電防護—第1部分:一般原則(Protection against lightning—Part 1:Generalprinciples) IEC 62305-4 雷電防護—第4部分:建築物內的電氣和電子系統(ProtectiPart 4:Electrical and electronic systems within structures) IEC 82079-1 使用說明書的編制—構成、內容和表示方法—第1部分:一般原則和詳細要求(Preparation of instructionsuse—Structuring. content and presentation—Part 1:Generaprinciples and detailed requirements) EN 779 一般通用微粒空氣過濾器—過濾性能的測定(Particulate air filters for general ventilaon—Determination of the filtration performance) EN 1822-1 高效空氣過濾器(EPA,HEPA和ULPA)—第1部分:分類、性能試驗、標記[High efficiency air filters(EPA,HEPA and ULPA)—Part 1:Classification,performance testing,marking] EN 1822-5 高效空氣過濾器(EPA,HEPA和ULPA)—第5部分:過濾器元件的效率測定[Highefficiency air filters(EPA, HEPA and ULPA)—Part 5:Determining the efficiency of filter elements] EN 1837 機械安全—機器的整體照明(Safety of machinery—Integral lighting of machines) EN 1838 照明設備—應急燈(Lighting applications—Emergency lighting) EN 1997-1 歐洲建築規範7:土木工程設計—第1部分:總則(Eurocode7:Geotechnical design—Part 1:General rules) EN 13284-1:2001 固定源輻射—粉塵的小範圍質量濃度的測定—第1部分:人工重量分析法(Stationary source emissions—Determination fo low range mass concentration of dust Part 1:Manual gravimetric method) EN 13480-1 金屬工業管道—第1部分:總則( Metallic industrial piping—Part 1:General) EN 15259-1:2007 空氣品質—固定源排放的測量—測量區域和場所的要求及測量對象、規劃和報告的要求(Air quality—Measurement of stationary source emissions—Requirements for measurement sections and sites and for the measurement objective, plan and report) EN 50160 公共分布體系供電的電壓特性(Voltage characteristics of electricity supplied bpublic electricity networks) EN 50272-2 中級蓄電池和電池裝置的安全要求—第2部分:固定電池(Safety requirements fosecondary batteries and battery installations—Part2:Stationary batteries) EN 50522 超過1kV的交流電力設備(Earthing of power installations exceeding 1 kV a.c) IEEE C50.13 10MVA及以上的50和60Hz鼓形轉子同步發電機標準(Cylindrical- Rotor50Hand 60 Hz Synchronous Generators Rated 10 MVA and Above) IEEE C95.3 人體受100kHz~300GHz射頻電磁場輻射的測量和計算的推薦實施規程(Recomended Practice for Measurements and Computations of Radio Frequency Electromagnetic FieldsWith Respect to Human Exposure to Such Fields,100kHz~300GHZ) IEEE 762:2006 用於報告發電設備的可靠性、有效性和生產率的定義(Standard Definitions foin Reporting Electric Generating Unit Reliability,Availability,and Productivity) AGMA 6011-103 高速齒輪技術規範(Specification for high speed helical gear nits AGMA 6011-J14 高速齒輪技術規範(Specification for high speed helical gear units) AGMA 6123-B06 封閉本輪齒輪驅動用設計手冊(Design manual foepicyclic geardrives)ASHRAF 52.2一般通風用空氣潔淨設備分級粒徑效率的測試方法(Mfor Removal Efficiency by Particle Size) API 613 石油、化工和天然氣工業用特種用途齒輪裝置(Special Purpose Gear Units for Petrom Chemical, and Gas Industry Services) API 670 機械保護系統(Machinery Protection Systems) ASME B31.1 動力管道(Power Piping) ASME B31.3 工藝管道(Process Piping) ASME PTC 22 燃氣輪機性能試驗規程(Performance Test Code on gas Turbine) ASTM D13786 測定紡織品破裂強度的標準試驗方法—薄膜破裂強度試驗機法(Standard test Method for Bursting Strength of Textile Fabrics—Diaphragm Bursting Strength Tester Method) NAS 1638 油品潔淨度分級標準(Cleanliness requirement of parts used in hydraulic systems NEMA MG1 電動機和發電機(Motors and Generators) NFPA 70 國家電氣規程(National electrical code) NFPA 85:2015鍋爐和燃燒系統危險規範(Boiler and Combustion Systems Hazards Code) SAE AS 4059E 航空航天—液力液壓液的清潔度分級(Aerospace Fluid Power—CleanlinessClassification for hydraulic fluids) |