



  • 書名:熱分析套用手冊
  • 作者:(瑞士)德布爾、(瑞士)威德曼
  • 譯者:陸立明
  • ISBN:9787811119299
  • 頁數:138
  • 定價:48.00元
  • 出版社:東華大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2011-10
  • 副標題:藥物和食品




套用一覽表 Applications List!
1.熱分析概論IntroductionTo Thermal Analysis
1.1 差示掃描量熱法Differential Scanning Calorimetry(DSC)
1.1.1 常規DSC Conventional DSC
1.1.2 溫度調製DSC Temperature-modulated DSC
1.2 熱重分析了hermo Gravimetric Analysis(TGA)
1.3 熱機械分析了hermo Mechanical Analysis(TMA)
1.4 動態熱機械分析Dynamic Mechanical Analysis(DMA)
1.5 與TGA的同步測量SimuLTaneous Measurements with Tga
1.5.1 同步DSC和差熱分析Simultaneous DSC and differential thermal analysis(DTA,SDTA
1.5.2 逸出氣體分析Evolved gas analysis(EGA) TGA-MS TGA-FTIR
2.彈性體的結構、性能和套用Structure.Properties and Applications of Elastomers
2.1 聚合物的結構Structure of Polymers
2.1.1 大分子中單體的排列Arrangement of monomers in a macromolecule
2.1.2 大分子的結構Structure of macromolecules
2.2 聚合物的物理結構Physical Structure of Polymers
2.3 聚合物材料的分類Classification of Polymeric Materials
2.4 彈性體產品Elastomeric Products
2.4.1 聚合物的交聯Cross-linking of polymers
2.4.2 彈性體的生產Manufacture of elastomers
2.4.3 彈性體的組成Composition of elastomers
2.5 彈性體的分類Classfication of Elastomers
2.6 彈性體實例Examples of Elastomers
2.7 彈性體分析Analysis of Elastomers
2.7.1 熱效應了hermal effects
2.7.2 套用概述Application overview
2.7.3 彈性體分析標準方法匯總Summary of standard methods for elastomer analysis45
3.彈性體的基本熱效應BasicThermal Effects of Elastomers
3.1 DSC測試效應Measurement Effects with DSC
3.1.1 玻璃化轉變的計算方法Evaluation of glass transitions
3.1.2 結晶和熔融Crystallization and melting
3.1.3 硫化反應Vulcanization reaction
3.1.4 藉助ADSC用於曲線解析了he use of ADSC to aid curve intcrprctati.n93
3.2 效應的TGA測量Measurement Effects with TGA
3.2.1 組分分析的基本原理Basic principles of compositional analysis
3.2.2 實驗條件的影響Influence of experimental conditions
3.2.3 計算方法Evaluation possibilities
3.3 TMA測量TMA Measurements
3.3.1 膨脹係數的測量Measurement of the expansion coefficient
3.4 DMA實驗DMA Experiments
3.4.1 複合力學性能The complex mechanical properties
3.4.2 DMA曲線的計算和表示Evaluation and presentation of DMA curves
3.4.3 玻璃化轉變和鬆弛Glass transition and relaxation
4.熱分析的套用Applications.f Thermal Analysis
4.1 橡膠的分析Analysis of Rubber
4.1.1 不同種類橡膠的TGA分析TGA analysis of different types of rubber
4.1.2 玻璃化轉變Glass transition
4.1.3 結晶和熔融Crystallization and melting
4.1.4 DSC和DMA測量的比較Comparison of DSC and DMA measurements
4.2 硫化Vulcanization
4.2.1 硫化反應Vulcanization reactions
4.2.2 SBR硫化度對其熱分析結果的影響Influence of the degree of vulcanization.n thc resultS of SBR
4.2.3 硫化和未硫化矽橡膠的DSC比較Comparison of vulcanized and unvulcanized silic.nc elastomers by DSC
4.3 碳黑的影響The Influence of Carbon Black
4.3.1 碳黑的分析Analysis of carbon black
4.3.2 測定碳黑對彈性體影響的DSC測量DSC measurements tO determine the effect.f carb.n black on elastomers
4.3.3 彈性體中碳黑的TGA分析Analysis of carbon black in elastomers byTGA
4.3.4 含碳黑填料彈性體的TMA測量TMA of elastomers with carbon black fillers
4.3.5 碳黑填充彈性體的DMA測量Measurement of carbon black filled elastomers by DMA
4.4 以單一聚合物為基礎的彈性體的實驗Experiments on Elastomers Based on a Single Type Polymer
4.4.1 TGA分析TGA Analysis
4.4.2 彈性體的氣體分析鑑別Identification of elastomers by means of gas analysis
4.4.3 DSC測量DSC Measurements
4.4.4 低分子量成分的熔融和結晶Melting and crystallization of low molecular weight components
4.5 含若干個聚合物成分的彈性體Elastomers with Several Polymer Components
4.5.1 TGA測量TGA Measurements
4.5.2 彈性體組分的TGA/FTIR鑑定Identification of the polymer constituents byTGA-FTIR
4.5.3 DSC測量DSC measurements
4.5.4 複雜彈性體的分析實例Example of a complex elastomer analysis
4.5.5 DMA測量DMA measurements
4.6 彈性體中油和增塑劑的分析Analysis of Oils And Plasticizers In Elastomers
4.6.1 油含量的TGA測定Determination of the oil content by TGA
4.6.2 增塑劑對玻璃化轉變的影響Influence of plasticizers on the glass transition
4.7 添加劑和助劑的分析Analysis of Additives and Auxiliary Agents
4.7.1 阻燃劑Flame retardants
4.7.2 增塑劑Plasticizers
4.8 彈性體的進一步測量Further Measurements of Elastomers
4.8.1 TMA測量TMA measurements
4.8.2 DSC測量DSC measurements
5.結果的總結Summary of Results


