
生態學博士,教授,教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計畫入選者,美國《Crop Science》雜誌和德國《Fresenius Environmental Bulletin》雜誌(SCI期刊)和中文期刊《作物學報》、《植物生態學報》審稿人,印度National Environmental Science Academy任區域協調員,曾獲加拿大農業部研究貢獻獎。已經主持和參加國家及國際合作項目20餘個,發表SCI文章20餘篇。


  • 中文名:熊友才
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生地:武漢市新洲區


博 士:蘭州大學乾旱與草地業生教育部重點實驗室(師從“長江學者”李鳳民教授)




1. 教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計畫項目:旱地麥類作物根冠通訊特徵及節水栽培研究,50萬元,2008-2010,項目批准號:NCET-07-0396(主持)
2. 國家自然科學基金項目:旱地小麥非水力根源信號與籽粒產量形成的協同演化機制,29萬元,2007-2009,項目批准號:30670321(主持)
3. 中國博士後基金(第四十期一等資助):旱地小麥根源信號與籽粒產量的耦合關係,5萬元,2007-2008,項目批准號:20060400046(主持)
4. 蘭州大學人才引進專項:旱地春小麥根冠通訊的進化機制研究,15萬元,2006-2011,項目批准號:582449(主持)
5. 教育部《“長江學者和創新團隊發展計畫”》創新團隊項目《乾旱農業生態系統研究》子項目:旱地作物根系特徵和生產力形成的生理生態關係,15萬元,2008-2010(主持)
6. 國家公益性行業(氣象)科研專項子課題:氣候變化對西北旱作農業的影響及應對技術研究,6萬元,2008-2010,項目批准號:GYHY200806021-06(主持)
7. 教育部“春暉計畫”項目:旱脅迫下麥類作物根系電信號生理研究,3萬元,2008-2009,項目批准號:Z2007-1-62016(主持)
8. 新疆生產建設兵團綠洲生態農業重點實驗室開放課題:旱地小麥根冠通訊與異速生長在種群尺度上的相關性研究,3萬元,2007-2009,項目批准號:200701(主持)
9. 橫向科研合作項目:武威市壓減灌溉面積測量與遙感檢測,3萬元,2008,項目批准號:Ih0393(主持)
10. 國家重點基礎研究發展計畫(973計畫)項目《乾旱區鹽鹼土碳過程與全球變化》子課題:荒漠–綠洲複合體鹽鹼土及水鹽運移過程,> 50萬元,2009-2013,項目批准號:2009CB825101(第一參加人)
11. 國家社會科學基金項目:石羊河流域水資源管理的有效性評估,11萬元,2009-2011,項目批准號:08XSH011(第一參加人)
12. 國家傑出青年基金項目:旱地作物抗旱對策與根系調控機理,200萬元,2007-2010。(參加)
13. 高等學校“111”引智基地(國際合作),寒旱生態學與農牧業發展,2007 – 2011(參加)
14. 國家“973”項目北方草地與農牧交錯帶生態系統維持與適應性管理的科學基礎子課題:人工生態系統設計與功能維持機理(2007CB106804),2007.5- 2012.5(參加)
15. 高等學校科技創新工程重大項目培育資金項目:不同選擇壓力下植物抗旱對策與機理,80萬元,2005-2007(參加)
16. 中國科學院百人計畫項目:植物抗旱對策與根系調控機理,220萬元, 2003-2006(參加)
17. 國際科技合作項目:國家農業規劃支撐系統—中國作物填圖,80萬元,項目批准號:2006DFA31070,2006-2009(參加)
18. 國家自然科學基金項目: 低土壤水分條件下春小麥根系吸水的功能效率研究,2000-2002, 14.5 萬元,項目批准號:39970148(參加)
19. 國家自然科學基金項目:枸杞體細胞胚發生相關基因和相關蛋白質的研究,26萬元,2006-2009(參加)
20. 區域農業生態環境評價與生態環境安全格局(2002CB111507),973 課題,2002-2008。(參加)
21. 黃土高原典型區域農業生態環境評價(2004BA5D8B22),國家科技攻關項目,2004-2006(參加)
22. 典型流域防護林體系空間配置與結構最佳化決策支持系統 ( 專題),十一五國家科技支撐項目,2006-2010(參加)
23. 中--俄遠東生物多樣性變化及驅動力研究,國家自然科學基金國際(地區)合作交流項目,2007-2009(參加)


1. You-Cai Xiong, Feng-Min Li* and Ting Zhang. 2006. Performance of wheat crops with different chromosome ploidy: root-sourced signals, drought tolerance and yield performance. Planta. 224(3) 710-718.
2. You-Cai Xiong, Feng-Min Li*, Bing-Cheng Xu and Kenneth C. Hodgkinson. 2006. Hydraulic and Non-hydraulic Root-sourced Signals in Old and Modern Spring Wheat Cultivars in the Semiarid Area. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation. 25(2): 120-136.
3. You-Cai Xiong, Feng-Min Li*, Ting Zhang, Chen Xia. 2007. Evolutional mechanism of non-hydraulic root-to-shoot signal during the anti-drought genetic breeding of spring wheat. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 59: 193-205.
4. You-Cai Xiong, Geng-Mei Xing, Feng-Min Li, Shao-Ming Wang, Xian-Wei Fan, Zhi-Xiao Li and Ya-Fu Wang. 2006. Abscisic acid promotes accumulation of toxin ODAP in relation to free spermine level in grass pea seedlings (Lathyrus sativus L.). Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 44:161-169
5. You-Cai Xiong, Geng-Mei Xing, Zheng Zheng, Ya-Fu Wang, Zhi-Xiao Li, Feng-Min Li*. 2005. Europium (Eu3+) Improve Drought Tolerance but Decrease the ODAP Level in Grass Pea (Lathyrus Sativus L.) seedlings. Journal of Rare Earths. 23:502-507.
6. You-Cai Xiong, Geng-Mei Xing, Chun-Mei Gong, Feng-Min Li, Shao-Ming Wang, Zhi-Xiao Li and Ya-Fu Wang. 2006. Dual role of abscisic acid on antioxidative defense in grass pea seedling (Lathyrus Sativus L.). Pakistan Journal of Botany. 38(4): 999-1014.
7. You-Cai Xiong, Bao-Luo Ma, Feng-Min Li,Tian-Yun Wu. 2009. Divergence and Trade-off between Survival Adaptation and Reproductive Allocation in Salt-stressed Oat Genotypes. Crop Science
8. You-Cai Xiong, Bao-Luo Ma, Ming-Bo Yang, Jian-Ping Ge, Xiao-Liang Qin, Pu-Fang Li, Hai-Yan Kong, Feng-Min Li*. 2009. Early activation of PM H+-ATPase and its relation to osmotic adjustment and dehydraulic adaptation in two contrasting oat cultivars (Avena sativa L.). Crop Science
9. You-Cai Xiong, Jian-Ping Ge, Guo-Jun Sun, and Feng-Min Li. 2008. Trigger timing of non-hydraulic root-sourced signal: A novel strategy to improve water use efficiency and dehydration tolerance in dryland wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Plant Science. (In review)
10. Shao-Ming Wang, Xia Zhang, Yu Li, Ling Zhang, You-Cai Xiong and Gang Wang*.2005. Spatial distribution patterns of the soil seed bank of Stipagrostis pennata (Trin.) de Winter in the Gurbantonggut Desert of north-west China. Journal of Arid Environment. 63: 203-222.
11. Guo-Ju Xiao, Qiang Zhang, You-Cai Xiong, Mao-Zhi Lin, Jing Wang. 2006. Integrating rainwater harvesting with supplemental irrigation into rain-fed spring wheat farming. Soil & Tillage Research. 93(2): 429-437.
12. Sheng-Mao Yang, S. S. Malhi, Jian-Rong Song, You-Cai Xiong, Wei-YunYue, Jian-Guo Wang and Tian-Wen Guo. 2006. Crop yield, nitrogen uptake and nitrate-nitrogen accumulation in soil as affected by 23 annual applications of fertilizer and manure in the rainfed region of Northwestern ChinaNutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems.76 (1) 81-94.
13. Guo-Ju Xiao, Qiang Zhang, Yu-Bi Yao, Sheng-Mao Yang, Run-Yuan Wang, You-Cai Xiong, Zhao-Jun Sun. 2007. Effects of temperature increase on water use and total yields of crops in a pea-spring what-potato rotation system in semiarid regions of China. Agricultural Water Managements 91: 86-91.
14. Jin-Ping Jiang, You-Cai Xiong, Yu Jia, Feng-Min Li*, Hong-Mei Jiang, Jin-Zhang Xu. 2007. Soil quality dynamics under successional alfalfa grassland in the semiarid loess plateau of northwestern China. Arid Land Research and Management 21(4): 287-303.
15. Tai-Chun Wang, You-Cai Xiong, Jian-Ping Ge, Shao-Ming Wang, Yu Li, Tian-Ming Wang & Gang Wang 2008. Four-year dynamic of vegetation on mounds created by zokors (Myospalax baileyi) in a subalpine meadow of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Journal of Arid Environments 72: 84-96.
16. Jun-Quan Zhao, Guo-Zhen Du, You-Cai Xiong, Yi-Fu Wen, Monika Bhadauria and Satendra Kumar Nirala. 2007. The attenuation of Beryllium-Induced Hepatorenal Dysfunction and Oxidative Stress in Rodents by Means of the Combined Effect of Gallic Acid and Piperine. Archives of Pharmacal Research 30 (12): 1575-1583.
17. Xiao-Ming Yang, Li-Ze An, You-Cai Xiong, Jin-Ping, Zhang, Yi Li and Shi-Jian Xu. 2008. Somatic embryogenesis from immature zygotic embryos and monitoring of the genetic fidelity of regenerated plants in grapevine. Biologia Plantarum 52 (2): 209-214.
18. An-Ning Suo, You-Cai Xiong, Tian-Ming Wang, Dong-Xia Yue and Jian-Ping Ge. 2008. Ecosystem Health Assessment of the Jinghe River Watershed on the Huangtu Plateau. EcoHealth 5: 127–136.
19. An-Ning Suo, You-Cai Xiong, Tian-Ming Wang, Jian-Ping Ge. 2008. Hydrological response to deforestation in a typical mountain watershed of Loess Plateau. Journal of Hydrology (In press).
20. Chun-Mei Gong, You-Cai Xiong*, Feng-Min Li, Gen-Xuan Wang, Jian-Ping Ge, Tian-Ming Wang and Ming-Bo Yang. 2007. Responses of key photosynthetic enzymes to varying drought stresses induced by micro-ecological fields in two desert shrub species: A cue for C3-C4 photosynthesis evolution. The Rangeland Journal. (*Corresponding author)
21. Xian-Wei Fan, Feng-Min Li, You-Cai Xiong, Li-Zhe An, Rui-Jun Long. 2008. The cooperative relation between non-hydraulic root signals and osmotic adjustment under water stress improves grain formation for spring wheat varieties. Physiologia Plantarum 132 (3): 283-292.
22. Xiang-Wen Fang, Jin-Hua Li, You-Cai Xiong, Dang-Hui Xu, Feng-Min Li. 2008. Responses of Caragana korshinskii Kom. to clear shoot removal: mechanisms underlying regrowth. Ecological Research 23 (5): 863-871.
23. Zhen-Yu Wang, Feng-Min Li, You-Cai Xiong, Bing-Cheng Xu. 2008. Soil-Water Threshold Range of Chemical Signals and Drought Tolerance Was Mediated by ROS Homeostasis in Winter Wheat During Progressive Soil Drying. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation.


1. You-Cai Xiong, Jian-Ping Ge, Tian-Ming Wang, Guo-Jun Sun, Xiao-Jun Hu, Shao-Jun Zhu, Bao-Cheng Jin, Ya-Jie Song and Feng-Min Li. 2009. Water Partitioning Policy and Human Ecosystem Sustainability in Severely-degraded Minqin Oasis of Northwestern China。4th International Symposium on Environment. Athens, Greece, 21-24 May 2009,
2. You-Cai Xiong, Bao-Luo Ma, Zheng Zheng, Ming-Bo Yang, Jian-Ping Ge, Xiao-Liang Qin, Pu-Fang Li, Hai-Yan Kong and Feng-Min Li. 2008. Early activation of plasma membrane H+-ATPase and its relation to osmotic adjustment and dehydraulic adaptation in two contrasting oat (Avena sativa L.) genotypes. 50th Anniversary CSPP Meeting. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, June 14 to 17, 2008.
3. Zhi-Qiang Gao, Bao-Luo Ma, You-Cai Xiong. 2008. Effects of Different Fertilizer Prescriptions on Grain Yield and ProteinConcentration of Wheat Grown with loess Materials. 50th Anniversary CSPP Meeting. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, June 14 to 17, 2008.
4. You-Cai Xiong. 2007. Eco-physiological Implication of Root-Sourced Signal Affecting Yield Formation in Dryland Wheat under the Pressure of Artificial Selection. Ecological Complexity and Sustainability, Eco Summit 2007. Beijing, China. 2007.5.22-27 (第三屆世界生態高峰大會報告)
5. You-Cai Xiong, Bao-Luo Ma, Feng-Min Li,Tian-Yun Wu. 2007. Divergence and Trade-off between Survival Adaptation and Reproductive Allocation in Salt-stressed Oat Genotypes. 2nd Annual General Meeting of Green Crop Network. (December 10-11, 2007). Ottawa, Canada. (第二屆國際綠色作物網年會論文)
6. You-Cai Xiong. 2006. Hydrological response to deforestation in a typical mountain watershed of Loess Plateau (B). 1st Ecosystem Assessment and Management (EAM) International Symposium. (December 17-21, 2006). Lanzhou, China. (首屆EAM國際學術研討會摘要)
7. You-Cai Xiong, Dong-Xia Yue, Feng-Min Li. 2007. Ecological Security and Sustainable Development in Northwestern China. Landa-Yale Forum in Ecology (June 5-9, 2007). Lanzhou, China. (2007年蘭大-耶魯生態學高峰論壇報告)
8. You-Cai Xiong. 2007. Differentiate Contributions of Drought Tolerance and Drought Avoidance to Grain Yield Formation in Old or Modern Dryland Spring Wheats. 2007 “111” Project Symposium. (May 6-12, 2007). Lanzhou, China. (2007年高等學校“引智項目”研討會報告)
9. You-Cai Xiong, Bao-Luo Ma, Ming-Bo Yang, Jian-Ping Ge, Xiao-Liang Qin, Pu-Fang Li, Hai-Yan Kong, Feng-Min Li*. 2008. Early activation of PM H+-ATPase and its relation to osmotic adjustment and dehydraulic adaptation in two contrasting oat cultivars (Avena sativa L.). 50th Anniversary CSPP Meeting Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, June 14 to 17, 2008
10. Tianming Wang, Paul P. Mou1, Jianping Ge, Jianguo Wu, Youcai Xiong. 2007 Land Use Effect on Spatiotemporal Patterns of Precipitation-Vegetation Relationship in the Loess Plateau, China. ESA Annual Meeting (2007年美國生態學會年會論文)
11. An-Ning Suo, You-Cai Xiong, Tian-Ming Wang, Jian-Ping Ge. 2006. Hydrological response to deforestation in a typical mountain watershed of Loess Plateau (A). International Conference of Forest and Water in a Changing Environment. (August 8-10, 2006). Beijing, China. (2007年變化環境中的森林與水國際會議論文和報告)


