國家“211”工程重點高校,是我國食品、生物、設計等輕工、創意人才的搖籃。Jiangnan University, one of China’s key national “211 Project” universities, is the cradle for China’s talents in the field of designing and light industries such as food science and biotechnology
一所隸屬於江蘇省人民政府的公立專科學校,每年為無錫市培養2800多名技術人才。It is a public polytechnic school under the jurisdiction of Jiangsu Provincal Government cultivates over 2,800 technicians for wuxi every year
It is the earliest comprehensive institute of computing technology in China integrating computer technology with engineering
北京大學軟體與微電子學院無錫產學研合作教育基地。Wuxi Production-teaching-research Cooperation Education Base of School of Software and Microelectronics at Wuxi of Peking University
藍色巨人IBM公司為中國客戶搭建的世界上第一個虛擬計算環境,是中國首個雲計算中心。The first virtual computing environment in the world established for chinese customers by Big Blue IBM, China’s first “cloud computing centre”