

馬克達羅長大以後成為一名出色的辯護律師——感謝指導的萊昂內爾Farr,考德威爾教授,在當地的一所大學。現在,它的時候,Farr still-youthful門徒問他還這個人情:威脅要破壞貪污醜聞考德威爾。回到他的母校的舊傷作為總統開啟。16年前,他發現了一個黑人女學生身體,安琪拉大廳,在尖頂的底部,鐘樓,支配著茂密的校園。他最好的朋友,史蒂夫·提爾曼,被控安琪拉的謀殺和給予無期徒刑。達羅開始自己的調查這起謀殺事件,不久又相信該名兇手仍在逃。他自己的生活也有危險…握,銳利,”的尖頂”是一個非常令人滿意的驚悚片,一個傷感的愛情故事-和理察·帕特森小說北方最引人注目的一年。


  • 書名:無極尖峰
  • ISBN:9780330456500
  • 定價:¥82.80元
  • 出版社:Publisher:Pan Macmillan
  • 出版時間:2010-07-02
  • 英文名:The Spire


英文名:The Spire作 者/Author:Richard North Patterson著
出 版 社/Publisher:Pan Macmillan
出版時間/Publication Date:2010-07-02
頁 數/Pages:400
裝 幀/Format:平裝
紙 張/Paper:膠版紙
所屬分類/Category:圖書> 英文原版書> Mystery & Thrillers(神秘與驚悚)
定 價:¥82.80


- - - - - -《紐約時報書評
- - - - -人們
- - - - - -《華盛頓郵報》


Mark Darrow grows up to become a superb trial lawyer - thanks to the mentorship of Lionel Farr, a professor at Caldwell, the local college. Now, it's time for Farr to ask his still-youthful protege to return the favour: an embezzlement scandal threatens to destroy Caldwell. Returning to his alma mater as president opens old wounds. Sixteen years before, he discovered the body of a black female student, Angela Hall, at the base of The Spire, the bell tower that dominates the leafy campus. His best friend, Steve Tillman, was charged with Angela's murder and given a life sentence. Darrow begins his own inquiry into the murder, and is soon convinced that the killer is still at large. His own life too may be at risk ...Gripping and razor-sharp, "The Spire" is a hugely satisfying thriller, a poignant love story - and Richard North Patterson's most compelling novel in years.


Mark Darrow grows up to become a superb trial lawyer - thanks to the mentorship of Lionel Farr, a professor at Caldwell, the local college. Now, it's time for Farr to ask his still-youthful protege to return the favour: an embezzlement scandal threatens to destroy Caldwell. Returning to his alma mater as president opens old wounds. Sixteen years before, he discovered the body of a black female student, Angela Hall, at the base of The Spire, the bell tower that dominates the leafy campus. His best friend, Steve Tillman, was charged with Angela's murder and given a life sentence. Darrow begins his own inquiry into the murder, and is soon convinced that the killer is still at large. His own life too may be at risk ...Gripping and razor-sharp, "The Spire" is a hugely satisfying thriller, a poignant love story - and Richard North Patterson's most compelling novel in years.




Richard North Patterson is the author of fifteen previous bestselling and critically acclaimed novels, including Balance of Power, The Race and Eclipse. Formerly a trial lawyer, Patterson was the SEC's liaison to the Watergate special prosecutor and has served on the boards of several Washington advocacy groups. He lives in San Francisco and on Martha's Vineyard with his partner, Dr Nancy Clair.


