

拼音:wú kě biàn bó



  • 中文名:無可辯駁
  • 拼音:wú kě biàn bó
  • 釋義:表示道理很明白或事實很清楚
  • 示例:勞拉波說的話里有無可辯駁的邏輯


wú kě biàn bó




蔡東藩 《清史演義》第二回:“齊薩所說的,無非是索交尼堪外蘭,否則兵戎相見,差弁無可辯駁,只得唯唯而還。”


  1. 勞拉·波說的話里有無可辯駁的邏輯。
    There was a compelling logic to what Laura Bo was saying .
  2. 律師以無可辯駁的論據打贏了那場官司。
    The lawyer won his case with an impregnable argument .
  3. 這是一個無可辯駁的事實。
    This is an irrefutable fact .
  4. 這是個無可辯駁的觀點。
    That is an indefensible point of view .
  5. 無可辯駁的,保羅是一個「成熟的」基督徒。
    In every sense of the word, Paul was a "mature " Christian .
  6. 然而,隨著通用電氣無可辯駁的巨大例外,夢想破滅了。
    But with the admittedly large exception of GE , the dream died .
  7. 當然美國還是為世界乾過一些好事的,這點我無可辯駁
    Sure the US has done some good things in the world , I cannot debate that .
  8. 如今無可辯駁的數據為我們勾勒出秦陵地宮的精確形制。
    Today , we offer irrefutable data for the precise shapes of a provincial treasure.
  9. 怎么解釋在這些有利條件下、無可辯駁地做出的糟糕決策呢?
    What explains the bad decisions that do undeniably get made even in these propitious circumstances ?
  10. 咱們必需承認,大量無可辯駁的纖悉的證據遠遠壓倒了有關清白的假定。
    We must admit that the overwhelming volume of indisputable circumstantial evidence far outweighed the presumption of innocence .
  11. 而科學的績效管理體系又為個人職業發展提供了客觀的、無可辯駁依據。
    Whereas scientific management system proffer reference of objective , nought refutation for individual profession development .
  12. 我們必須承認,大量無可辯駁的纖悉的證據遠遠壓倒了關於清白的假定。
    We must admit that the overwhelming volume of indisputable circumstantial evidence far outweighed the presumption of innocence .
  13. 他表示,新的世界秩序將受到“自由選擇原則這一無可辯駁的必要性”的推動。
    He said the new world order would be driven by "the compelling necessity of the principle of the freedom of choice ".
  14. 這個巨大的反差無可辯駁地證明了,出版傳媒業實行轉企改制的必要性和緊迫性。
    The big contrast -polarity irrefutably proved that , publishing media circles go enterprises the necessity and urgency .
  15. 顯而易見:這份證件是偽造的!在無可辯駁的事實面前,威爾遜受到了應得的處分。
    It is obvious : the documents to be forged in the hard facts , Wilson received a fair share of action .
  16. 他們還寫到“此外,無可辯駁的是每日飲食的平衡對於促進人類健康是至關重要的”。
    "Moreoer , " they write , "it is irrefutable that a balanced daily diet is important for the promotion of human health .
  17. 每年夏秋兩季,枝葉繁茂,遮天蔽日,以自己無可辯駁的神威,敘述著青蓮寺的沉浮興衰。
    The summer and fall of each year , lush foliage , zhe tian bi ri to their irrefutable Shenwei , describes the ups and downs of the rise and fall of Qinglian Temple .
  18. 愛金髮的紳士:我們確信,哪種口味的人都會一致同意海姆斯沃斯先生是無可辯駁地養眼。
    Gentlemen Prefer Blonds : We 're sure all flavours of the human race would generally agree that Sir Hemsworth has something undeniably eye-pleasing about him.
  19. 眼下也沒有任何證據比這無可辯駁地說明:一種微妙的疾病早已開始蠶食他性格的實體了。
    no evidence , at once so slight and irrefragable, of a subtle disease that had long since begun to eat into the real substance of his character .
  20. 要是這個製造商能夠拿出確鑿的證據,證明減免關稅定會使他倒閉出局,國會肯定認為他的反對意見無可辯駁
    And if he can prove that he really would be forced out of business if the tariff were removed or reduced , his argument against that action is regarded by Congress as conclusive .
  21. 更重要的是,歷史——尤其是二戰之後的世界歷史——已無可辯駁地證明,其他所有經濟組織制度都要糟糕得多。
    What is more important is that history , notably the history of the world after the second world war , has demonstrated beyond dispute that every other system of economic organisation is far worse .
  22. 他們認為,幾乎崩潰的世界銀行系統無可辯駁地表明,象金融這樣的重要行業不能由看不見的手隨心所欲地操縱。
    The near -collapse of the world 's banking system shows once and for all, they argue , that an industry as important as finance cannot be left to the whims of the invisible hand .
  23. 照片可提供無可辯駁的證據,證明我們有去旅行(看看我空間海量的旅行圖片便知),計畫有實施,也玩得開心。
    As photographs give people an imaginary possession of a past that is Photographs will offer indisputable evidence that the trip was made , that the program was carried out , that fun was had.
  24. 首先,我的牙醫提出了一無可辯駁的因果鏈。不好好刷牙,就會導致牙齒壞掉。唯一的解決方法,就是好好刷牙。
    First , my hygienist presented me with a causal chain that was hard to dispute. Bad brushing leads to loss of teeth . The only way out is to brush better .
  25. 而對你們而言,除非你們看到無可辯駁的物理證據,你們才能展示給其他人,特別是你們自己,然後指著說“看到了嗎?”
    But for you , unless there is undeniable physical manifested proof that you can hold up to others as well as especially yourselves and point to and say 'see ?
  26. 這是無可辯駁的,難道不是任何人都會因為各種爭論、各種理由、各種結果、各種道德思索、這樣或那樣的問題而極度乏味嗎?
    There are no arguments . Can anyone who has reached the limit bother with arguments , causes , effects , moral considerations , and so forth?Of course not .
  27. 托雷斯的門前得分能力毋庸置疑,而且這名擁有風一般速度的前鋒已經無可辯駁的成為了世界上現役球員中一對一能力最強的人。
    There is no question about Torres' ability in front of goal ; the super-fast striker is arguably the greatest player at one-on - one situations currently playing football.
  28. 不管你的評估是否考慮了美國加州的空氣和水污染,抑或孟加拉國的疫苗接種率以及日本人口的平均壽命等因素,他的結論都是無可辯駁的。
    Whether one counts air and water pollution in California or vaccination rates in Bangladesh or life expectancy in Japan , his conclusion is indisputable .
  29. 阿普頓·克萊所寫的關於芝加哥肉類加工業無可辯駁的紀實小說《屠場》的出版,激起了人們的普遍義憤,從而促成了美國食品醫藥管理局於1906年誕生。
    The popular outrage generated by Upton Sinclair 's devastating, fact-based novel about the meatpacking industry in Chicago , The Jungle , had helped to create the Food and Drug Administration in1906 .
  30. 阿普頓·克萊所寫的關於芝加哥肉類加工業無可辯駁的紀實小說《屠場》的出版,激起了人們的普遍義憤,從而促成了美國食品醫藥管理局於1906年誕生。
    The popular outrage generated by Upton Sinclair 's devastating, fact-based novel about the meatpacking industry in Chicago , The Jungle , had helped to create the Food and Drug Administration in1906 .


