
濟南一品天冠茗茶有限公司(JINAN YIPINTIANGUAN TEA CO.,LTD.)成立於1998年,是一家集茶園種植、茶葉加工、茶品經營及茶文化宣教為一體的綜合型專業茶業公司。公司現有員工156人,其中享受政府特殊津貼的國家首席評茶師(屬國內唯一一位國家首席評茶師)1人,評茶師高級技師2人,評茶師技師6人,茶藝師高級技師1人,茶藝師技師3人,高級茶藝師18人,均畢業於浙江大學、安徽農業大學、濟南市茶藝學校等國家正規茶學專業院校。


  • 中文名:濟南一品天冠茗茶有限公司
  • 成立時間:1998年
  • 類型:茶業公司


濟南一品天冠茗茶有限公司(JINAN YIPINTIANGUAN TEA CO.,LTD.)成立於1998年,是一家集茶園種植、茶葉加工、茶品經營及茶文化宣教為一體的綜合型專業茶業公司。公司現有員工156人,其中享受政府特殊津貼的國家首席評茶師(屬國內唯一一位國家首席評茶師)1人,評茶師高級技師2人,評茶師技師6人,茶藝師高級技師1人,茶藝師技師3人,高級茶藝師18人,均畢業於浙江大學、安徽農業大學、濟南市茶藝學校等國家正規茶學專業院校。 公司旗下設有濟南市評茶師茶藝師學校教學實踐基地、濟南廣友茶葉市場天冠茗茶和濟南一品天冠茗茶連鎖配送中心等分支機構。公司成立15年來,一直秉承“以德育人、以儒行商、以質取勝、謀求共贏”的經營宗旨,堅持不懈狠抓質量,穩健發展開拓市場,已取得良好的社會效益與經濟效益。 隨著公司的逐漸成長壯大,為迎合市場需求,公司於2005年組建一品天冠茗茶連鎖配送中心啟動零售市場,開展“天冠茗茶”全國連鎖業務,短短六年時間內已成功開設68家“天冠茗茶”連鎖專賣店、專營店;並已突破外銷瓶頸,先後將產品打入俄羅斯、日本、英國、法國、南韓及東南亞等國外市場,“天冠茗茶”亦逐步成長為百姓公認的茶行業知名品牌!


“濟南一品天冠茗茶連鎖配送中心”全部茶品均經國家唯一首席評茶師、“蒙眼品茶”上海大世界基尼斯紀錄(首創人)保持者吳冠軍先生嚴格審評合格,絕對質量上乘且確保正宗。 正宗優質的茶品質量,原於真真正正的原產地。“天冠茗茶”各種茶品全部來自於公司設立在各名茶原產地的茶葉生產基地與大型茶葉生產廠家。專業的生產管理、嚴格的質量審評、全方位的行銷培訓、準確的市場定位開發及“最高質價比”定價原則鑄就了“天冠茗茶”卓越的茶品質量與不凡的市場地位。 “天冠茗茶”除在山東日照、福建安溪、浙江杭州與廣西橫縣等地設立有自己的生產基地外,還與各大型名茶廠家強強聯手,使貨源數量及質量都得到充分的保障。協約聯營供應基地已有山東日照市嵐潤(茶場)茶業有限公司、日照市綠峰茶場、浙江杭州乾隆西湖龍井茶葉有限公司、杭州西湖名茶茶業有限公司、蘇州市西山洞庭碧螺春茶葉有限公司、安徽黃山魁星太平猴魁有限公司、福建安溪龍涓雄德觀音加工廠、浙江龍泉金觀音茶葉有限公司、福建武夷山天岩紅大紅袍有限公司、台灣省名茶試驗改良場天怡茶葉加工廠、廣東潮州市宋種鳳凰單樅科研基地、廣東省潮州市鳳凰山茶廠、雲南古喬普洱茶業有限公司等32個廠家與公司。













吳冠軍,別名潁溪茶童,山東鄄城人。畢業於浙江大學茶學系,茶學學士,中國民建成員,“四君子茶藝”創始人,中國首位(目前國內唯一)享受政府特殊津貼的國家首席評茶師,茶藝師高級技師;多年來一直致力於茶葉的生產、審評、銷售及茶文化宣教工作,有著豐富的茶葉審評與鑑賞經驗。現任濟南市評茶師茶藝師學校副校長,濟南大舜茶文化交流中心秘書長,濟南一品天冠茗茶有限公司總經理。 在近20年的專業工作中,先後完成茉莉花茶“雙花同窨技術”、“快速洗茶法”、“四君子茶藝”等多項技術革新,並取得日照綠茶“低溫長烘提香工藝”、日照紅茶“中滯發酵工藝”兩項技術專利。2002年主編國內首本《茶藝師評茶師職業培訓教材》2003年執筆起草《濟南市茶藝師評茶師職業資格考試試題》(茶藝師初級至技師A、B卷、評茶師初級至技師A、B卷)2005年5月榮獲首屆“全國(上海)評茶師、茶藝師專業技能大賽”評茶師專業組“一等獎”2005年9月在CCTV-3“想挑戰嗎?”首創“蒙眼品茶”上海大世界基尼斯紀錄並保持至今2006年9月獲日照綠茶“低溫長烘提香工藝”技術專利2007年2月在“濟南市首屆百人鬥茶茶會”上榮獲“品茶高手大賽”金獎2010年2月執筆起草《山東省茶藝師評茶師職業資格考試試題》(高級技師A、B卷)2010年10月被評選為中國首位“國家首席評茶師”,享受政府特殊技能津貼並被納入國家高層次人才庫管理,填補了中國茶學史上沒有評茶師首席技師的空白,成為我國第一位享此殊榮的高級評茶師。2011年7月獲日照紅茶“中滯發酵工藝”技術專利。2012年3月15日,被山東省人民政府評選為“山東省首席技師”,享受山東省政府特殊津貼,納入山東省高層次人才庫管理。



1、 具備一定資金實力和合適的經營場地(50平方米以上)。2、 熱愛茶文化事業,具有品牌至上、信譽第一的經營頭腦和意識,能夠遵循“以儒行商”之道,自覺維護“天冠茗茶”的品牌形象,不得借“天冠”品牌效應損害“天冠茗茶”及消費者利益。3、 遵守“天冠茗茶”規範化管理和加盟守則以及國家相關法律法規。4、 必須按連鎖中心要求全面使用“天冠茗茶”統一標準的視覺形象包裝。5、 同地的“天冠茗茶”專賣店之間不得搞低價競爭和無序競爭,一旦違規取消加盟資格並追究責任。6、 開業後必須向連鎖中心提供專賣店店面彩色照片、具體地址、聯繫電話及經營狀況。7、 每月必須將本月經營數據上報“天冠茗茶”連鎖中心財務部審核中心。8、 加盟商未經允許不得以任何形式和理由經營“天冠”品牌以外的任何產品(聯營商戶除外)。一經發現按違約處理,並賠償連鎖中心一切經濟損失。









"Rizhao Plum" tea originating from Shandong province Rizhao City Houcun Town,It’s by the national chief tea master Mr. Wu Guanjun used the " million mu of tea science and technology demonstration garden" quality organic raw materials of Houcun Town, after more than 3 years and developed a new tea, with the following strong points: tight and black appearance、red and brilliant tea soup、thick and smooth taste、high and sharp honey aroma and unique aromatic bloom. because of its " wintersweet sweet charm ", and theChina's traditional black tea compared characteristics and have a style of one's own, it is known as "Rizhao Plum"tea.
"Rizhao Plum" tea, uses the Lanshan area high quality ecological tea bud or one bud one /two leaves as raw material, using the Wu Guanjun’s patent technology “Intermediate pause Fermentation Technology of Black Tea” produced. Each year in early May to early September end. High-grade tea using one bud one leaf early show fresh leaves as raw material, produce 500 grams dry tea contains about 5-6 million buds.


“齊魯紅”品牌系“天冠茗茶”旗下主力紅茶品牌,屬“天冠茗茶”系列產品中繼“天冠茗茶”及“齊魯青”日照綠茶品牌後,為日照紅茶系列產品而在國家商標總局註冊的特定紅茶品牌!“Qilu Red”brand is the main brand of Tianguan Tea Co..It has been registered in the State Trademark Bureau, following the brand “Qilu Green” tea and “Tianguan Tea”.


“日照紅梅”茶系採用國家首席評茶師、“蒙眼品茶”基尼斯紀錄保持者(首創人)吳冠軍先生研發的專利技術“紅茶IMP發酵技術”製作而成,此項技術為針對日照茶原料“葉片較厚,葉綠素、胺基酸、蛋白質、茶多酚含量整體較高”等特點歷經3年余而研發出來的紅茶製作新技術,明顯區別於常規日照紅茶的發酵工藝。"Rizhao Plum" tea uses the“Intermediate pause Fermentation Technology of Black Tea” patent which belongs to Guanjun Wu ,who is the chief tea taster and is the Gillis record holder of tasting tea with eyes masked. This patent deals with the special characters of Rizhao tea , for example: thick blade、high quantity of chlorophyll、Amino acids, proteins, tea polyphenols. This technology has experienced 3 years to work out and is quite different from the normal fermentation technology of black tea.“日照紅梅”茶製作工藝十分複雜,主要包括採摘、選菁、攤晾、萎凋、初揉、解塊、復揉捻、三段式中滯發酵、初烘、復烘等三十九道工序。“紅茶IMP發酵技術”的利用,徹底克服了常規日照紅茶常見的“香氣低沉、滋味酸澀淡薄、湯色暗淡”等不良品質,從而使“日照紅梅”茶以“外形緊結烏潤、湯色紅艷明亮、滋味厚滑鮮醇、蜜糖香氣高銳且獨具臘梅芳香”等完美的產品特徵展示給消費者。"Rizhao Plum" tea is made by a series of complex tea-making craft, including 39 processes: picking、choosing, airing, withering,first- rolling, kneading, solution of the block, re-rolling, etc.. The“Intermediate pause Fermentation Technology of Black Tea” totally solves the problems of the normal black tea, like low aroma, weak sour taste, dark color of the tea soup. After overcoming the above shortcomings, the "Rizhao Plum" tea demonstrates a brand new quality to its customers, with the following strong points: tight and black appearance、red and brilliant tea soup、thick and smooth taste、high and sharp honey aroma and unique aromatic bloom.“日照紅梅”茶鮮葉原料采自生長在濱海特殊地理環境中的小葉種茶。原產地日照市地處山東省東南部,位於東經118°35′~119°39′、北緯35°04′~36°02′之間,是我國最北的茶葉主產區,屬暖溫帶濕潤季風氣候,雨量充沛、空氣濕潤、光照充足且漫射光多。東面瀕臨黃海,境內多山地、丘陵,主要是由甲子山、文山、五蓮山、浮來山等山系組成的低山緩坡、丘陵、剝蝕丘陵及嶺下平地,土壤呈微酸性,屬黃棕壤土,含有豐富的有機質和微量元素,從而使得“日照紅梅”茶富含胺基酸和錳、鉀、硒等營養成分。胺基酸易於被人體吸收,微量元素鉀有增強心臟血液循環的作用,並能減少鈣在體內的消耗;紅茶中所含的錳是骨結構不可缺少的元素之一,因而常喝紅茶對骨骼強健作用明顯;硒元素具有延緩衰老的奇特功效,在醫學上被尊為“生命的奇效元素”。Fresh materials of “Rizhao Plum” tea are collected from trees growing in special coastal environment. Its original production area, Rizhao, is located between longitude 118 ° 35 '~ 119 ° 39' and latitude 35 ° 04 '~ 36 ° 02' , which is southwest ofSandongProvince. The climate is temperate, humid and monsoon, with lots of rain and sufficient diffusion sunshine, which helps to make Rizhao a main production area of tea in the north ofChina. The east of this area is Yellow Sea and there are lots of gentle low mountains, hills, denuded hills and plains, which connectJiawenMountain,WenMountain,WulianMountainandFulaiMountain. The soil of this area is yellow brown and is slightly acidic and contains numerous kinds of organic matter and trace elements, which makes “Rizhao Plum” tea rich in Amino acid, Manganese, Potassium, Selenium and other nutrients. Amino acid can be easily absorbed by human body. Potassium helps to strengthen the heart blood circulation and reduce body consumption of calcium. Manganese is an indispensable element ofbone formation, so black tea which containsManganesecan help to build strong bones.Selenium has the magic functions of anti-aging and is regarded as “Miraculous Element for Livings” in medicine.正是得力於優越的沿海氣候條件和優良的相對弱光低溫環境,孕育了“日照紅梅”茶“外形緊結烏潤、湯色紅艷明亮、滋味厚滑鮮醇、蜜糖香氣高銳且獨具臘梅芳香、經沖耐泡”的獨待品質,“日照紅梅”茶因此被譽為“江北第一紅茶”。Due to its superior coastal climate and excellent relative weak light and low temperature environment, “Rizhao Plum” tea is known as No1 black tea in the north ofYangtze Riverfor its features of smooth shape, bright soup, fresh tastes, sweet smell and long brewing.


經化學測定表明:“日照紅梅”茶富含310多種香氣物質,其游離胺基酸與蛋白質含量為普通紅茶的1.5--3倍,茶黃素含量高達1.88%,而普通紅茶中茶黃素含量多在0.3—1.0%。茶黃素是形成紅茶優良品質的主要物質,因其富有強烈的收斂性及消炎作用,故茶黃素含量的多少直接決定了紅茶“健脾養胃、美容養顏”等保健功效的大小。The chemical test shows that “Rizhao Plum” tea contains more than 310 kinds of aroma elements. Its content of free amino acids and protein is 1.5 - 3 times of ordinary black tea, the theaflavins is up to 1.88%, while the theaflavins in ordinary black tea is about 0.3-1.0%. The theaflavins is the main material of good black tea because of its strong convergence and anti-inflammatory effect. The content of theaflavins in black tea determines the health effect of black tea, such as nourishing stomach, spleen, skin, complexion, etc..“日照紅梅”茶茶性溫和,可以補氣養胃,禦寒生熱。研究表明,高血脂人群飲用“日照紅梅”茶25分鐘後,靜脈血管血流速度改善明顯,從而證實“日照紅梅”茶與普通紅茶相比具有更強的防治心肌梗塞與心腦血管疾病的作用;“日照紅梅”茶還對養胃健脾、整腸助消化起著明顯的藥用功效,尤其適合患有慢性胃炎及胃寒人群飲用,多數平時有腸胃不適症狀的消費者反映,自從飲用“日照紅梅”茶後,腸胃功能改善明顯。此外,“日照紅梅”茶還具備預防骨質疏鬆、防輻射、預防腫瘤、提神醒腦、利尿、消炎滅菌、預防蛀牙、養顏美容等多種功效。“Rizhao Plum” tea is mild to care the stomach and warm the body. Studies show that in 25 minutes after drinking Rizhao plum tea, the speed of venous blood of people with high cholesterol improves significantly, proving the fact that “Rizhao Plum” tea has stronger effect in controlling and preventing myocardial infarction and cardiovascular diseases than ordinary black tea. “Rizhao Plum” tea also helps to care the stomach and spleen and to improve digestion, especially for people with chronic gastritis and cold stomach. People with gastrointestinal symptoms said that their gastrointestinal function improved significantly after drinking Rizhao plum tea. In addition, it is also effective in terms of osteoporosis prevention, radiation protection, cancer prevention, refreshing, diuretic, anti-inflammatory sterilization, tooth decay prevention, skincare and soon.


“好茶尚需好手泡,品茗更待名師教”。針對“日照紅梅”茶的科學品飲,經國家“首席評茶師”、茶藝師高級技師吳冠軍對“日照紅梅”茶反覆沖泡實驗,總結沖泡注意事項如下:最佳沖泡用水:純淨水或純天然“山泉水”最佳沖泡水溫:95—100°C“Premium tea should be brewed by outstanding experts, while the skills of tea savoring should be taught by prestigious masters .”Based on the characteristics of “Rizhao Plum” tea, Wu Guanjun, the state chief tea taster and Senior tea artist made a lot of experiment and summarized the skills of brewing“Rizhao Plum” tea:The best brewing water: pure water or natural “spring water”The best temperature:95—100°C 品茗流程:Savoring process:一、生活品茗1、醒茶:取“日照紅梅”茶3-5克置於茶杯中,注入95—100°C開水少許,液面以能將乾茶浸潤為宜,然後輕搖茶杯並迅速將茶水倒掉,完成“醒茶”作業。2、聞香:醒茶之後手握茶杯,從杯口深深嗅聞“潤茶香”,此時“日照紅梅”茶獨特的“梅花”香韻會伴著高銳的蜜糖甜香油然而生,沁人心脾而馨盈肺腑。3、沖泡:待聞香結束,注入開水至7、8成滿,3—5分鐘後即可品飲。4、續水:每次茶湯飲用至剩餘1/2—1/3時,再次續入開水,以保證茶湯口味的一致性,可連續沖泡3-5次。5、溫馨提示:A、茶湯濃度可依個人喜好適當增減投茶量與沖泡時間B、根據個人喜好此茶可與牛奶、方糖、花草茶等飲品調飲C、杜絕5次以上(杯泡法)反覆沖泡飲用,因為經3—5次沖泡後,茶葉中的營養物質已基本完全浸出。First, daily drinking1, “wake up tea”: Take the "Rizhao Plum" tea 3-5 g, then place the tea in white porcelain cup, pour in a little 95-100 ° C boiling water, which should be able to wet the whole dry tea. Then shake the cup and quickly pour out the water to complete the "wake up tea" operation.2, smell: After waking up the tea, hold the lid and deep sniff the "tea fragrance", then the unique "plum" aroma of "Rizhao Plum " tea will emerge, accompanied by a high and sharp honey sweet smells, refreshing your heart and lungs.
3, brew: After smelling fragrance, fill the boiling water into the cup, 70%-80% full. After 3-5 minutes, you can drink the tea soup.4. add water: when the cup is 1/2—1/3 full, add boiling water to ensure the consistency of the taste. You can add 3-5 times.
5, tips:
A, the concentration of tea could be changed by adjusting the amount of tea and brewing time according to personal preferences,
B, based on personal preferences, the tea could be mixed with milk, sugar, drinking herbal tea and other beverages.
C, tea should not be brewed for more than 5 times(in cup). After 3-5 times of brewing, nutritious elements have already been soaked out. Overbrewing may give rise to tea saponin, pesticide residues and heavy metals precipitation [Note: This applies to all teas. Brewing tea scientifically! ]
二、功夫品茗1、醒茶:取“日照紅梅”茶8--10克置於白瓷蓋碗中,注入100°C沸水,然後輕搖蓋碗並迅速將茶水倒掉,完成“醒茶”作業。2、聞香:醒茶之後手持杯蓋深深嗅聞“潤茶香”。3、初泡:待聞香結束,注入沸水至滿杯,7—9秒鐘後即可出湯至公道杯。4、續泡:沖泡4—6次後感覺茶湯濃度有所降低時,可將沖泡時間延長至15—30秒,可連續沖泡7--9次。5、溫馨提示:A、茶湯濃度可依個人喜好適當增減投茶量與沖泡時間B、根據個人喜好此茶可與牛奶、方糖、花草茶等飲品調飲C、亦可選用紫砂茶具沖泡,浸泡時間應相應縮短2秒鐘D、杜絕10次以上(功夫泡法)反覆沖泡飲用。Second, the kung fu tea
1, “wake up tea”: Take the "Rizhao Plum" tea 8 -10 gwhich is then placed in white porcelain tureen, pour in 100 ° C boiling water, then shake the tureen and quickly pour out the water to complete the "wake up tea" operation.
2, smell: After waking up the tea, hold the lid and deep sniff the "tea fragrance", then the unique "plum" aroma of "Rizhao Plum " tea will emerge, accompanied by a high and sharp honey sweet smells, refreshing your heart and lungs.
3, the first brewing: After the end of smelling fragrance, fill the boiling water into the tureen. After 7-9 seconds, pour the water out into the Gongdao Cup.
4, continued brewing: After brewing the tea for 4-6 times, the concentration may decrease. So you can brew the tea for 7--9 times consecutively with each brewing time extended to 15-30 seconds.
5, tips:
A, the concentration of tea could be changed by adjusting the amount of tea and the brewing time according to personal preferences,
B, based on personal preferences, the tea could be mixed with milk, sugar, drinking herbal tea and other beverages.
C, zisha teapot could be used, but brewing time should be shortened by 2 seconds accordingly.
D, tea should not be brewed for more than 10 times. Overbrewing may give rise to tea saponin, pesticide residues and heavy metals precipitation [Note: This applies to all teas. Brewing tea scientifically! ]


“日照紅梅”茶目前由“天冠茗茶”唯一授權日照嵐潤茶業有限公司採用吳冠軍專利技術“紅茶中滯發酵技術”生產,“臘梅香韻”為“日照紅梅”茶區別於其他品牌日照紅茶的獨特韻味特徵,“齊魯紅”品牌為“日照紅梅”茶唯一銷售品牌,敬請廣大茶友選購時加以甄別。"Rizhao Plum " tea is produced by Rizhao Lanrun Tea Co. Ltd., using the Wu Guanjun’s patent of ““Intermediate pause Fermentation Technology of Black Tea”exclusively authorized by Tianguan Tea Co.. The “plum fragrance” is the unique distinctive feature of "Rizhao Plum " tea, which is same to no other black teas. “Qilu Red” is the only sales brand of "Rizhao Plum " tea and please identify this brand when purchasing our product.

