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[9] 廣西大學科研基金項目(No.GXZ090126,2008.12-2012.11,10萬),有機酸蒙脫石的製備及其性能研究,項目負責人。
[10] 第四十批中國博士後科學基金一等資助金(No.20060400220,2006.10-2008.9),項目負責人。該項目主要進行具有廣譜、長效抗菌功能的天然纖維素材料及紙製品的功能化研究,採用原位聚合及多層組裝等技術將抗菌劑鍵合和吸附到天然纖維素材料表面上。通過抗菌機理的基礎研究,來進一步最佳化功能性天然大分子的設計,使所產生的抗菌天然纖維素材料既具有長期、高效及廣譜的抗菌性能,又具有可再生、可降解等天然資源的優點。
[11] 加拿大國家自然科學與工程研究基金委發現資助計畫(2011-2015年),參加人員。新型功能性高分子聚合物接枝和微型或納米膠囊改性的紙品的製備。
[12] 加拿大國家自然科學與工程研究委員會戰略研究中心項目生物活性及抗菌紙的製備(2010-2014年),參加人員。主要負責抗菌高分子的合成表征。
[13] 加拿大國家自然科學與工程研究委員會戰略研究中心項目纖維化學改性(2010-2014年),參加人員。主要負責疏水性陽離子乳液的合成表征以及對纖維素纖維的疏水性改性。
[14] 廣西科技廳攻關項目(桂科攻1598007-6,2015.5-2017.5),參加人員。納米碳酸鈣一步法製備/改性核殼乳液及其水性塗料的研發。
[15] 廣西科技廳攻關項目(桂科攻1099050,2010-2012),參加人員。反相懸浮聚合法合成澱粉乙烯類高吸水性樹脂工藝研究。
[16] 廣西石化資源加工及過程強化技術重點實驗室開放基金(2010-2012),參加人員。膨潤土層間組裝雜多酸(鹽)製備高光催化活性複合功能材料。
[17] 廣西大學科研基金項目(XBZ100104,2010-2012年),參加人員。反相乳液聚合法合成可生物降解高吸水樹脂。
[18] 2006年度廣東省高等學校自然科學研究重點項目(No.06Z002),項目的主要參與者。本項目通過高分子接枝,可控緩釋納米或微膠囊等研究手段,賦予天然纖維素材料或紙製品特殊的抗菌及抗病毒功能。
[19] 2006年華南理工大學博士後創新基金(No.2006,2006.9-2008.8),項目負責人。本項目研究開發多種具有廣譜抗菌性(可抗高分子細菌、病原體和真菌等)、能與纖維素纖維發生反應的活性高分子聚合物。其中開發了一種具有良好的性價比的基於澱粉的抗菌助劑,在不改變現有的造紙設備、增加額外投資的情況下,獲得高附加值的抗菌產品。
[20] 教育部優秀青年教師基金(教人2002-40,2002-2004年),項目主要參與者。高結合磷磷酸酯澱粉合成機理與結構表征。主要負責高結合磷磷酸酯澱粉合成與表征。


近 五 年 發 表 期 刊 論 文
[1] Hou Xiaobang, Li Yuchen, Pan Yuanfeng*, Jin Yongcan, Xiao Huining*. Controlled release of agrochemicals and heavy metal ion capture dual-functional redox-responsive hydrogel for soil remediation [J]. Chemical communications, 2018, 54, 13714-13717. (SCI, EI收錄,IF6.290,一區)
[2] Pan Yuanfeng*, Wang Jingchun, Cai Pingxiong, Xiao Huining. Dual-responsive IPN hydrogel based on sugarcane bagasse cellulose as drug carrier [J]. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2018, 118, 132-140. (SCI, EI收錄,IF 3.909, 三區)
[3] Xia Qiuyang, Xiao Huining*, Pan Yuanfeng, Wang Lidong. Microrheology, advances in methods and insights [J]. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 2018, 257: 71-85. (SCI, EI收錄,IF 7.346,WOS:000440961200006, 二區)
[4] Li Yuan, Xiao Huining*, Pan Yuanfeng*, Wang Lidong. Novel composite adsorbent consisting of dissolved cellulose fiber/microfibrillated cellulose for dye removal from aqueous solution [J]. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2018, 6(5): 6994-7002. (SCI, EI收錄,IF 6.14,WOS:000431927500142, 二區)
[5] Li Yuan, Xiao Huining*, Pan Yuanfeng*, Zhang min, Ni Shuzhen, Hou Xiaobang, Hu Erfeng. Study on cellulose microfilaments based composite spheres: Microwave-assisted synthesis, characterization, and application in pollutant removal [J]. Journal of Environmental Management, 2018, 228: 85-92. (SCI, IF 4.005, 二區)
[6] Pan Yuanfeng*, Shi Xiang, Cai Pingxiong, Guo Tianxiang, Tong Zhangfa, Xiao Huining*. Dye removal from single and binary systems using gel-like bioadsorbent based on functional-modified cellulose [J]. Cellulose, 2018, 25(4), 2559-2575. (SCI, EI收錄,IF3.809,WOS:000428925300029, 二區)
[7] Li Bo, Li Ming*, Zhang Jinyao, Pan Yuanfeng, Huang Zhihong, Xiao Huining*. Adsorption of Hg (II) ions from aqueous solution by diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid-modified cellulose [J]. International journal of biological macromolecules, 2018, 122: 149-156. (SCI, EI收錄,IF3.909, 三區)
[8] Li Ming*, Li Bo, Pan Yuanfeng, Zhou Li, Xiao Huining. An aminosalicylic acid-modified cellulose composite used for mercury (II) removal from single and quarternary aqueous solutions [J]. ChemistrySelect, 2018, 3: 10096-10102. (SCI, EI收錄,IF1.505 , 四區)
[9] Guo Tianxiang*, Ma Nan, Pan Yuanfeng, Bedane Alemayehu H., Xiao Huining, Eic Mladen, Du Yarong. Characteristics of CO2 adsorption on biochar derived from biomass pyrolysis in molten salt [J]. CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, 2018, 96(11): 2352-2360. (SCI, IF 1.265, 四區)
[10] 王福濤,蔡平雄,石翔,潘遠鳳*. 陽離子乳液對纖維素表面的疏水改性[J]. 高分子材料科學與工程,2018,34(5),71-75,83. (EI收錄)
[11] 王靖淳,蔡平雄,潘遠鳳*. 蔗渣纖維素基雙重敏感型IPN水凝膠的製備及其藥物緩釋[J]. 廣西大學學報( 自然科學版),2018,43(6): 2383-2390.
[12] 黃宗敏,蔡平雄,潘遠鳳*. 抗菌型聚丙烯酸酯乳液的合成及性能研究[J]. 廣西大學學報(自然科學版),2018,43(2): 794-799.
[13] 王玉龍,晏雅婧,肖惠寧,潘遠鳳*. 疏水改性高分子絮凝劑的製備及其煤化工含油廢水套用研究[J]. 套用化工,2018,47(9): 1803-1806, 1810.
[14] 王玉龍,張琪,肖惠寧,潘遠鳳*. 煤化工廢水處理工藝研究進展[J]. 廣東化工,2018,45:96-97,110.
[15] 李博,晏雅婧,張金瑤,潘遠鳳*,肖惠寧,宣志剛,黃志紅. 乙二胺改性木屑對 As(V) 的吸附研究[J]. 離子交換與吸附,2018,34(1): 29-39.
[16] Li Yang, Cai Pingxiong, Tong Zhangfa, Xiao Huining, Pan Yuanfeng*. Preparation of copolymer-based nanoparticles with broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity [J]. Polymers, 2017, 9(12): 717-727. (SCI, EI收錄,IF 2.935,WOS:000419239400082,二區)
[17] Hou Xiaobang, Zhang Yi, Pan Yuanfeng*, Xiao Huining*, Chen Haoren, Chen Yiwei, Du Shuming, Guo Hua. Dynamic flocculation of ultrafine particles of coal-fired power plant induced by ionic polyacrylamides at bench and pilot scales [J] Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2017, 56, 12438-12446. WOS:000415028300002
[18] Wang Futao, Pan Yuanfeng*, Cai Pingxiong, Guo Tianxiang, Xiao Huining. Single and binary adsorption of heavy metal ions from aqueous solutions using sugarcane cellulose-based adsorbent [J]. Bioresource Technology, 2017, 241, 482-490. (SCI收錄,WOS:000405502400059,IF 5.807,一區)201710
[19] Guo Tianxiang, Bedane Alemayehu H., Pan Yuanfeng, Shirani Babak, Xiao Huining*, Eić Mladen. Adsorption characteristics of carbon dioxide gas on a solid acid derivative of beta-cyclodextrin [J]. Energy & Fuels, 2017, 31(4), 4186-4192. (SCI收錄,WOS:000400039800089, IF 3.091,二區)
[20] Heydarifarda Solmaz, Pan Yuanfeng*, Xiao Huining*, Nazhadd Mousa M., Shipin Oleg. Water-resistant cellulosic filter containing non-leaching antimicrobial starch for water purification and disinfection [J]. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2017, 163, 146-152. (SCI收錄,WOS:000396955500017, IF 4.811,二區)
[21] 李陽, 張正東, 潘遠鳳*, 童張法.聚苯丙抗菌乳液的製備及表征[J]. 高分子材料科學與工程,2017,33(1),34-39. (EI收錄,20171303511173)
[22] Guo Tianxiang, Bedane Alemayehu H., Pan Yuanfeng, Xiao Huining*, Eić Mladen. Characteristics of carbon dioxide gas adsorption on beta-cyclodextrin derivative [J]. Materials Letters, 2017, 189, 114-117. (SCI、EI收錄,WOS:000393248000031,IF 2.572,二區)
[23] Pan Yuanfeng*, Cai Pingxiong, Farmahini-Farahani Madjid, Li Yiduo, Hou Xiaobang, Xiao Huining*. Amino-functionalized alkaline clay with cationic star-shaped polymer as adsorbents for removal of Cr(VI) in aqueous solution [J]. Applied Surface Science, 2016, 385, 333-340 (SCI, EI收錄,WOS:000380825900040, IF 3.150,二區).
[24] Pan Yuanfeng*, Wang Futao, Wei Tengyou, Zhang Chaolan, Xiao Huining*. Hydrophobic modification of bagasse cellulose fibers with cationic latex: Adsorption kinetics and mechanism [J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016, 302, 33-43 (SCI, EI收錄,WOS:000382590900004,IF 5.310,一區).
[25] Pan Yuanfeng*, Zhang Zhengdong, Li Yang, Cai Pingxiong, Tong Zhangfa, Hou Xiaobang, Xiao Huining*. Preparation and adsorption behaviour of cationic nanoparticles for sugarcane fibre modification [J]. RSC Advances, 2016, 6(40): 33554-33560 (SCI, EI收錄,WOS:000374045000041,IF 3.289,二區).
[26] Pan Yuanfeng*, Xiao Huining*, Cai Pingxiong, Colpitts Meaghan. Cellulose fibers modified with nano-sized antimicrobial polymer latex for pathogen deactivation [J]. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2016, 135: 94-100 (SCI, EI收錄,WOS:000363822500013,IF 4.219,二區). 2016.1.1
[27] Pan Yuanfeng*, Xiao Huining, Wang Hao, Wan Xia. Eco-friendly Films Prepared via Compounding Biodegradable Polyester with Thermoplastic Starch, 2016 International Conference on Mechanical Manufacturing and Energy Engineering (ICMMEE 2016), April 23–24 2016, Changsha, China. (EI,ISTP收錄,WOS:000390842800021)
[28] Zhang Yi, Li Kunqi, Chen Haoren, Pan Yuanfeng*, Xiao Huining, Guo Hua. Agglomeration of ultra-fine particles from flue gas in coal-fired power plant using polymeric flocculants. AER-Advances in Engineering Research, 2016, 65, 151-155. (ISTP收錄,WOS:000389238400029)
[29] 張正東, 李陽, 王福濤, 潘遠鳳*. 核殼乳液的合成及對蔗渣纖維的疏水化改性[J]. 精細化工,2016,33(8): 880-884, 945. (EI收錄,20163302706240).
[30] 楊陽,王一寧,潘遠鳳*,肖惠寧. TEMPO 氧化微晶纖維素和馬來酸酐接枝微晶纖維素的製備及對Cu2+的吸附[J]. 環境工程學報,2016,10(1): 33-37.
[31] Pan Yuanfeng*, Xiao Huining, Li Kunqi, Xu Jixiao. Cationic Starch Emulsified Beeswax for Enhancing Moisture Barrier of Paper as Packaging Materials. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2015 6TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MANUFACTURING SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, AER-Advances in Engineering Research, 2016, 32: 1126-1129. (SCI收錄,WOS:000388457800205)
[32] Pan Yuanfeng*, Farmahini-Farahani Madjid, O’Hearn Perry, Xiao Huining, Ocampo Helen. An overview of bio-based polymers for packaging materials [J]. Journal of Bioresources and Bioproducts, 2016, 1(3), 106-113.
[33] Pan Yuanfeng, Xue Yan, Snow Jamie, Xiao Huining*. Tailor-made Antimicrobial/Antiviral Star Polymer via ATRP of Cyclodextrin and Guanidine-based Macromonomer [J]. Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 2015, 216(5): 511-518. (SCI, EI收錄,WOS:000350507500005,IF 2.495,三區).
[34] 李琨琪,晏雅婧,潘遠鳳*,肖惠寧. 用於染料吸附的改性沸石吸附劑:機理及功能表征[J]. 離子交換與吸附, 2015, 31(5): 417-429.
[35] Farmahini-Farahani Madjid, Bedane Alemayehu H., Pan Yuanfeng, Xiao Huining*, Eić Mladen, Chibante F. Cellulose/nanoclay composite films with high water vapor resistance and mechanical strength [J]. Cellulose, 2015, 22 (6):3941-3953 (SCI, EI收錄,IF 3.195,WOS:000364513800034, 二區).
[36] Farmahini-Farahani Madjid, Xiao Huining*, Khan Avik, Pan Yuanfeng, Yang Yang. Preparation and Characterization of Exfoliated PHBV Nanocomposites to Enhance Water Vapor Barriers of Calendared Paper [J]. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2015, 54 (45), 11277–11284 (SCI, EI收錄,IF 2.567,WOS:000365148800003, 二區).
[37] Xu Xiang, Zheng Anna, Zhou Xiaodong, Guan Yong, Pan Yuanfeng, Xiao Huining*. Antimicrobial polyethylene wax emulsion and its application on active paper-based packaging material [J]. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2015, 132(27): 42214.(SCI, EI收錄,WOS:000353232800034,IF 1.866,四區).
[38] Lu Peng, Xiao Huining*, Pan Yuanfeng. Improving Water Vapor Barrier of Green-Based Nanocellulose Film via Hydrophobic Coating. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2014 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENERGY ENGINEERING (CMSEE 2014). 2015: 148-153 (SCI收錄,WOS:000354687700023).
[39] 張珂,潘遠鳳,童張法,韋藤幼*. 葡萄糖酸改性蒙脫石納米帶的製備[J]. 高校化學工程學報,2015,29(1):201-207. (EI收錄)
[40] 楊貴涵,潘遠鳳*,張家佳. 功能化低聚物胍鹽陽離子單體材料合成與表征[J]. 化工新型材料,2015, 43(2):129-131,160.
[41] Xue Yan, Pan Yuanfeng, Xiao Huining*, Zhao Yi. Novel quaternary phosphonium-type cationic polyacrylamide and elucidation of dual-functional antibacterial/antiviral activity [J]. RSC Advances, 2014, 4(87): 46887-46895 (SCI, EI收錄,WOS:000342761800066,IF 3.289,二區).
[42] Faruk Omar, Sain Mohini *, Farnood Ramin, Pan Yuanfeng, Xiao Huining. Development of Lignin and Nanocellulose Enhanced Bio PU Foams for Automotive Parts [J]. Journal of Polymers and the Environment, 2014, 22: 279-288. (SCI, EI收錄, WOS:000340399900001,IF 1.969,三區).
[43] Pan Yuanfeng, Xiao Huining*, Zhao Yi. Adsorption of cationic nanosized particles on natural fiber for hydrophobic modification. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 2014, 248: 470-COLL. (SCI,ISTP收錄,WOS:000349165104007).
[44] Lu Peng, Pan Yuanfeng, Xiao Huining*. Hydrophobic modification of microfibrillated cellulose biocomposite with reactive soybean oil for green-based packaging. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 2014, 248: 86-IEC. (SCI收錄,WOS:000349167400507).
[45] Pan Yuanfeng, Xiao Huining*, Wang Wenchen, Chui Yinghei. Characterization of PVAc Adhesive Penetration and its Effect on Wood Properties [J]. Advanced Materials Research, 2014, 1033-1034: 1271-1274 (EI收錄).
[46] Xiao Miaomiao, Pan Yuanfeng, Xiao Huining*. Preparation and properties of compatibilized poly(butylenesadipate-co-terephalate)/thermoplastic starch blends [J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014, 556-562: 15-18 (SCI, EI收錄,WOS:000349448500004).
[47] 張建,潘遠鳳*,張家佳,楊貴涵. 以偏鈦酸為原料的催化劑的脫硝性能研究[J]. 當代化工,2014, 43(9):1683-1685.
[48] 張家佳,潘遠鳳*,楊貴涵,張建. 抗菌澱粉/PVA複合薄膜的合成[J]. 現代化工,2014,34(6):55-57, 59.
[49] Song Zhaoping, Pan Yuanfneg, Xiao Huining*. Effects of Zein Emulsion on Improving Water Resistance Properties of Paper[J]. Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal, 2013, 28(3): 381-385 (SCI, EI收錄,WOS:000325145900007,IF 1.062,四區).
[50] Pan Yuanfeng, Wang Michael, Xiao Huining*, Zhao Yi. CTMP-based cellulose fibers modified with core-shell latex for reinforcing biocomposites [J]. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2013, 95(1): 428-494 (SCI, EI收錄,WOS:000319029700058,IF 4.219,二區).
[51] Pan Yuanfeng, Wang Michael, Xiao Huining*. Biocomposites containing cellulose fibers treated with nanosized elastomeric latex for enhancing impact strength [J]. Composites Science and Technology, 2013, 77: 81-86 (SCI, EI收錄,WOS:0030316650900012,IF 3.897,二區).
[52] Pan Yuanfeng, Xiao Huining*, Song Zhaoping. Hydrophobic modification of cellulose fibres by cationic-modified polyacrylate latex with core-shell structure [J]. Cellulose, 2013, 20(1): 485-494 (SCI, EI收錄,WOS:000313365700042,IF 3.195,二區).
[53] Pan Yuanfeng, Xiao Huining*, Xu Jixiao, Zhao Yi. Cellulose fibers modified with starch-based microcapsules for green packaging [J]. Advanced Materials Research, 2013, 781-784: 2734-2737 (SCI, EI收錄,WOS:000336634801262).
[54] Pan Yuanfeng, Li Shuzhao, Xiao Huining*. Polypropylene-based Biocomposites Reinforced by Tailor-modified Cellulose Fibers and Microfibrils. Construction and Urban Plainning, 2013, 671-674: 1826-1829 (SCI, EI收錄,WOS:000323185101035).
[55] Pan Yuanfeng, Xiao Huining*, Beh Catherine. Branched and responsive antimicrobial polymers based on modified PVA for functionalizing of cellulose fibres [J]. Advances in Materials and Materials Processing, 2013, 652-654: 414-417 (SCI, EI收錄,WOS:000320475900087).
[1] 潘遠鳳,候蕭邦,肖惠寧. 一種土壤穩定化劑的製備方法[P]. 2018.10.09,CN201811028518.0.
[2] 潘遠鳳,石翔,肖惠寧. 一種硫脲改性的纖維素基水凝膠及其製備方法[P]. 2018.08.22,CN201810805386.1.
[3] 肖惠寧,李博,潘遠鳳,張金瑤,解鴻天. 一種可清除汞離子的複合吸附微球的製備方法[P]. 2018.07.10,CN201810748152.
[4] 蔡平雄,潘遠鳳,石海信,王曉麗. 硫酸法鈦白粉生產中煅燒晶種的製備及使用方法 [P]. 2018.01.05,CN201810011012
[5] 蔡平雄,潘遠鳳. 硫酸法鈦白粉沉降鈦液中低位熱回收方法及回收系統[P]. 2018.02.23,CN201711209944.X.
[6] 蔡平雄,潘遠鳳. 硫酸法鈦白粉水解結束料中低位熱回收方法及回收系統[P]. 2018.03.06,CN201711209905.X
[7] 蔡平雄,潘遠鳳. 三價鈦溶液的製備方法[P]. 2018.03.20,CN201711209889.
[8] 蔡平雄,潘遠鳳. 塑膠用鈦白粉有機表面處理方法[P]. 2018.03.23,CN201711209937.
[9] 黃志紅,肖惠寧,李簫寧,潘遠鳳,張振強,李博,張金瑤. 一種重金屬吸附劑及其製備方法與套用[P]. 2018.05.18,CN201810479233.
[10] 蔡平雄,潘遠鳳,石海信,何耀. 硫精砂制酸副產稀廢酸回收利用方法[P]. 2017.12.29,CN201711481785.
[11] 蔡平雄,潘遠鳳,石海信,羅祥生. 硫精砂制酸副產稀廢酸處理方法[P]. 2017.12.29,CN201711477647.
[12] 蔡平雄,潘遠鳳. 硫酸法鈦白粉小度水的回收利用方法[P]. 2017.11.28,CN201711209903.
[13] 蔡平雄,何耀,潘遠鳳. 體積和流量可調自動加液器[P]. 2018.03.06,CN201711209909.8
[14] 肖惠寧,李宗紅, 潘遠鳳, 張金瑤, 侯蕭邦, 黃志紅. 一種用於重金屬去除的2‑氨基對苯二甲酸改性纖維素的製備方法[P]. 2018.02.16,CN201710961622.4
[15] 肖惠寧,李博, 潘遠鳳, 侯蕭邦, 黃志紅,肖選虎. 一種載鐵粉煤灰除砷吸附劑的製備方法[P]. 2017.11.24,CN201710749573.
[16] 黃志紅,肖惠寧,周曉平,李宗紅,李博,侯蕭邦, 潘遠鳳, 宣志剛,李明,周穎. 一種用於重金屬離子去除的L‑半胱氨酸改性纖維素的製備方法[P]. 2017.10.03,CN201710492534.
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國 際 會 議 論 文
[1] Yuanfeng Pan, Huining Xiao*, Hao Wang, Xia Wan. Eco-friendly Films Prepared via Compounding Biodegradable Polyester with Thermoplastic Starch, 2016 International Conference on Mechanical Manufacturing and Energy Engineering (ICMMEE 2016), April 23–24 2016, Changsha, China.
[2] Yi Zhang, Kunqi Li, Haoren Chen, Yuanfeng Pan*, Huining Xiao, Hua Guo. Agglomeration of ultra-fine particles from flue gas in coal-fired power. 2016 International Conference on Civil, Structure, Environmental Engineering (I3CSEE 2016), March 12-13, 2016, Guangzhou, China.
[3] Yuanfeng Pan, Huining Xiao*, Zhangfa Tong. Rendering cellulose fibres antimicrobial using functional-modified latex. The 63rd Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Fredericton, Canada, Oct.20-23, 2013.
[4] Yuanfeng Pan, Huining Xiao*, Shuzhao Li. Innovative approaches of hydrophobic-modified cellulose fibres or microfibrils as reinforcements for polypropylene-based biocomposites. The 63rd Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Fredericton, Canada, Oct.20-23, 2013.
[5] Xiaoliu Shen, Yuanfeng Pan*. Pentaerythritol-based star polymers/clay as novel absorbents for the removal of phenol and metal ions. The 63rd Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Fredericton, Canada, Oct.20-23, 2013.
[6] Yuanfeng Pan, Huining Xiao*. Functional Microcapsule loaded with Antibiotic for Antimicrobial Cellulose Fibre-based Products. The 244rd ACS National Meeting, Division of Colloid and Surface Chemistry, Philadelphia, U.S.A., 2012, 08.
[7] Pan Y., Wei T., Xiao H.*. Study on Montmorillonite Modified by Gluconic Acid as Trace-water Dehydration Materials. 2012 the 2nd International Conference on Environment and Industrial Innovation, Hong Kong, China, 2012, 06.
[8] Jianbin Luo, Yuanfeng Pan, Huinng Xiao, et al. Antiviral polymers and hybrid nanoparticles, Sentinel Scientific Meeting, May 8-11, 2012, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, Canada
[9] Yuanfeng Pan, Jixiao Xu, Huining Xiao*. Preparation of novel latex with multi-functionality and beeswax microparticles for fibre/paper modification. Innovative Green Wood Fibre Products Network, Semi-annual Meeting, May 1-3, 2012, Cornwall, Canada.
[10] Pan Y., Xiao H.*. Cyclodextrin-based nanocapsules with tailored antimicrobial star arms prepared by ATRP. The 243rd ACS National Meeting, Division of Carbohydrate Chemistry, San Diego, U.S.A., 2012, 03.
[11] Pan Y., Xiao H.*, Wang H. Preparation of novel antimicrobial latexes for cellulose fiber-based packaging materials. The 243rd ACS National Meeting, Division of Colloid and Surface Chemistry, San Diego, U.S.A., 2012, 03.
[12] Pan Y., Xiao H.*, Song Z.. Adsorption of core-shell nanoparticles on fibers for hydrophobic modification. The 243rd ACS National Meeting, Division of Colloid and Surface Chemistry, San Diego, U.S.A., 2012, 03.
[13] Zainab Ziaee, Meaghan Colpitts, Yuanfeng Pan, Huining Xiao, et al. Antimicrobial polymers, NSERC Forest Innovation by Research & Education (FIBRE) multi-networks Scientific Meeting, Oct 28-30, 2011, Ottawa, Canada.
[14] Yuanfeng Pan, Zhao Song, Huining Xiao*. Hydrophobic modification of cellulose fiber and hand-sheets with latex and polymer grafting. Innovative Green Wood Fibre Products Network Semi-Annual Meeting, Aug 30 - Sept 1, 2011, Mont Gabriel, QC, Canada.
[15] Y. Pan, J. Xu, H. Xiao*. Beeswax and polymeric microcapsule for hydrophobic modification of cellulose fibres and fibre networks. Innovative Green Wood Fibre Products Network, Semi-annual Meeting, Aug 30 - Sept 1, 2011, Mont Gabriel, QC, Canada.
[16] Hao Wang, Yuanfeng Pan, Huining Xiao, et al. Antimicrobial polymers: synthesis and applications, Sentinel-Bioactive Paper Network, Scientific annual meeting, May 16-19, 2011, Alliston, Ontario, Canada
[17] Yuanfeng Pan, Jixiao Xu, Junrong Li, Huining Xiao*. Hydrophobic latex and capsules for lowering WVTR of paper products. Innovative Green Wood Fibre Products Network, 1st Annual Meeting, February 4, 2011, McGill Univ., Montreal, Canada.
[18] Zhangfa Tong*, Tengyou Wei, Huaiju Li, Yuanfeng Pan. Preparation and characterization of gluconic acid bentonite as the trace-water dehydrant. The 5th Sino-US joint Conference of Chemical Engineering, Beijing, 2009, 10:133.
[19] Pan Yuanfeng, Zheng Anna*, Hu Fuzeng. Study on PP Grafted with ULP Containing Rare Earth, Proceeding of China-Japan Joint Seminar on Green Composites, Shanghai, 2005, 9.
國 內 會 議 論 文
[1] 張正東,潘遠鳳*. 乳液對蔗渣纖維表面疏水化改性的研究. 2015年中國化工學會年會,北京,2015,10.
[2] 李陽,潘遠鳳*. 聚丙烯酸酯抗菌乳液的合成及性能研究. 2015年中國化工學會年會,北京,2015,10.
[3] 姜宏鵬,朱雲倩,韋藤幼,潘遠鳳. 葡萄糖酸膨潤土在PVA改性中的套用. 第5屆中國化學工程與生物化工年會,湖南長沙,2010.10.
[4] 趙娟,韋藤幼,潘遠鳳,童張法. 活性白土負載氫氧化鈣的機理及其在油脂脫酸中的套用. 第5屆中國化學工程與生物化工年會,湖南長沙,2010.10.
[5] 翁艷英,韋藤幼,潘遠鳳,童張法. 三七皂苷的選擇性吸附分離研究. 《中國中藥雜誌》第九屆編委會暨中藥新藥研發理論與技術創新論壇,安徽黃山,2009,08.
[6] 潘遠鳳,胡福增,鄭安吶. 稀土銪-丙烯酸-鄰菲羅啉配合物熔融接枝聚丙烯的研究. 2005年全國高分子學術論文報告會,北京,2005,10.
[7] 潘遠鳳,胡福增,鄭安吶. 多元苯甲酸稀土銪配合物的合成及其螢光性能研究. 第五屆中國功能材料及其套用學術會議,北京,2004,09.
[8] 潘遠鳳,鄭安吶,胡福增. 鍵合型螢光聚合物的研究. 2004年高分子科學與工程研討會,上海,2004,10.


