


  • 中文名:潘莉莎
  • 國籍:中國
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職務:導師




獲海南省科技進步一等獎、海口市科技進步一等獎、海南省機械工程學會科技成果獎、海南省自然科學優秀論文獎、海南省青年教師講課大賽優秀獎、海南省多媒體教材評比一等獎、海南大學教學成果獎二等獎、吳多泰博士論文著作獎、材料與化工學院十佳教學工作者等榮譽。 所指導的研究生獲海南省優秀碩士論文獎、國家獎學金、海南大學優秀研究生稱號及多項海南大學優秀研究生培育項目和研究生實踐創新項目。




公開發表學術論文80餘篇,以第一和通訊作者身份發表論文被三大索引收錄20篇,發表在CONSTR BUILD MATER (IF: 3.169);CATAL COMMUN (IF: 3.330);J POLYM ENVIRON(IF: 1.877);POLYM BULL (IF:1.430);ADV CEM RES (IF:0.646);INT POLYM PROC (IF:0.634);J ENG FIBER FABR(IF:0.500);高分子學報(IF:0.433),出版學術著作和教材3部,申請專利8項。
1.Zheng Tian, Lisha Pan*, Nai Xu, et al. Polypropylene grafted with maleic anhydride and styrene as a compatibilizer for biodegradable poly(propylene carbonate)/polypropylene. Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics. Accept. (SCI,四區)
2.Kun Zhang, Lisha Pan*, Jiacheng Li, et al. How does Adsorption Behavior of Polycarboxylate Superplasticizer effect Rheology and Flowability of Cement Paste with Polypropylene Fiber? Cement and Concrete Composites. 2019, 95: 228~236. (SCI,二區)
3.Lisha Pan*, Qin Yang, Nai Xu, et al. Preparation and characterization of biodegradable polylactic acid/polypropylene spun-bonded nonwoven fabric slices. International Polymer Processing. 2018, 5: 634~641. (SCI,四區)
4.Hui Feng, Lisha Pan*, Qiang Zheng, et al. Effects of molecular structure of polycarboxylate superplasticizers on their dispersion and adsorption behavior in cement paste with two kinds of stone powder. Construction and Building Materials. 2018, 170: 182~192. (SCI,二區)
5.Lisha Pan*, Chenman Wang, Jiacheng Li, Tao Wang*. Effects of emulsifier and continuous phase on biodegradable poly(propylene carbonate) emulsion. Journal of polymers and the environment. 2017, 25: 81~96. (SCI,三區)
6.Fanrong Kong, Li-Sha Pan*, Chen-man Wang, et al. Effects of polycarboxylate superplasticizers with different molecular structure on the hydration behavior of cement paste. Construction and Building Materials.2016, 102: 545~553. (SCI,二區)
7.Lin Qiang, Guo Zhifang, Pan Lisha*, et al. Zn–Cr double metal cyanide catalysts synthesized by ball milling for the copolymerization of CO2/propylene oxide, phthalic anhydride/propylene oxide, and CO2/propylene oxide/phthalic anhydride. Catalysis Communications. 2015, (64):114~118. (SCI,三區)
8.Yilu Zhang, Zhifang Guo, Liming Zhang, Lisha Pan*, et al. Mechanochemistry: a novel approach to graft polypropylene with dual monomers (PP-g-(MAH-co-St)). Polymer Bulletin. 2015,72(8):1949-1960. (SCI,四區)
9.潘莉莎, 田政, 張政卿, 徐鼐*等. 可生物降解聚碳酸亞丙酯(PPC)/相容劑/聚丙烯(PP)紡粘非織造布切片性能研究. 高分子學報. 2014, (7): 899~908. (SCI,四區)
10.王陳曼, 潘莉莎*, 李冬青, 等. 聚碳酸亞丙酯(PPC)乳液的製備與性能. 高分子材料科學與工程.2014,30(10):144~147.(EI)
11.田政, 潘莉莎*, 高鵬博, 等. 助劑對可生物降解聚碳酸亞丙酯/聚丙烯非織造布切片性能的影響. 高分子學報. 2013, (4): 482~490. (SCI,四區)
12.潘莉莎, 田政, 杜治光, 等. 5種常用減水劑對水泥砂漿耐久性的研究. 建築材料學報, 2012, 15(1): 136-138(EI)
13.Lisha Pan, Nai Xu, Zheng Tian, et al. Preparation and Characterization of Poly (propylene carbonate) Alkali Lignin Composite Sheets by Calendering Process. Advanced Materials Research. 2011, 233-235: 1786-1789. (EI)
14.Nai Xu, LiSha Pan*, LingBin Lu, et al. Crystallization behavior and melting characteristics of isotactic polypropylene nucleated by a novel nucleating agent. Advanced Materials Research. 2011, 233-235: 2413-2418. (EI)
15.LiSha Pan, XueQing Qiu*, YuXia Pang, et al. Effect of Water-Reducing Chemical Admixtures on Early Hydration of Cement. Advances in Cement Research. 2008, 20(3): 93-100. (SCI,四區)
16.潘莉莎, 邱學青*, 龐煜霞, 等.減水劑對水泥水化行為的影響.矽酸鹽學報,2007,35(10): 1369~1375.( EI)
17.LiSha Pan, XueQing Qiu*, YuXia Pang, et al. Effects of Different Kinds of Water-reducing Agents on Mechanical Performances of Mortar and Their Comprehensive Evaluation by Fuzzy Mathematics. Journal of Sichuan University (Engineering Science Edition).2006, 38(4):75~81. (EI)
18.潘莉莎, 邱學青*, 龐煜霞, 等. 砂漿抗滲性和抗壓強度的影響因素. 華南理工大學學報. 2005, 33(7): 47~51. (EI)
19.潘莉莎, 邱學青*, 龐煜霞, 等. 改性木素磺酸鈣高效減水劑GCL1-3A的砂漿性能研究.中國造紙. 2005, 24(12): 25~28. (EI)
20.潘莉莎, 文秀芳, 程江, 楊卓如*. 有機矽氧烷改性水性羥基丙烯酸樹脂的研製.華南理工大學學報. 2004, 32(6):45~54. (EI)
1.潘莉莎,呂巧強等.一種可生物降解抗靜電聚乳酸無紡布切片及其製備方法. 201810327065.5
3.潘莉莎,孫妍,袁靖喆等.超支化聚氧乙烯醚及其聚合製備的側鏈超支化聚羧酸. 201710631892.9
4.潘莉莎,袁靖喆,孫妍等.一種超支化聚氧烯烴醚及其製備方法. 201710214661.8
5.潘莉莎,楊欽,陳龍敏等.一種可生物降解的紡粘無紡布切片及其製備方法. 201510046792.0
6.潘莉莎,田政,陳敏龍等.可生物降解的紡粘無紡布切片及其製備方法. 201410117753.0
7.潘莉莎,田政,陳敏龍等.一種可生物降解的熔噴無紡布切片及其製備方法. 201310012884.8
1.潘莉莎(主編).減水劑對混凝土耐久性影響及機理研究.海南出版社. 2007.12. ISBN:978-7-5443-2339-0
2.潘莉莎(副主編).化學與環境.華中科技大學出版社. 2008.11. ISBN:978-7-5609-4979-6(全國普通高等院校工科化學規劃精品教材)
3.潘莉莎(副主編).化工基礎實驗指導書.海南出版社. ISBN:978-7-5443-4014-4.


