1991-2001:在英國East Anglia, Leeds、Imperial College等大學從事科研與教學。2000年回國。國家基金委重大基金項目專家組專家,國家發改委太湖項目國際委員會專家,十五國家重大專項副首席科學家,十五和十一五國家重點基礎研究項目課題負責人,中國環境學會水環境分會副理事長,中國物理學會同步輻射專業委員會委員。
Aquatic ecological engineering (eutrophication and algal bloom control)
Environmental micro/nano interfacial processes
Vice president, Aquatic Environment Committee, Chinese Society of Environment
Board member, Synchrotron Committee, Chinese Society of Physics
Board member, Chinese Society of Limnology and Oceanography
Board member, Chinese Society of Environmental Nanotechnology
National First Prize of Environmental Science and Technology, China (2009)
“Scientists of the Year” (2010, Chinese national annual award)
1. Liang Li and Gang Pan, A Universal Method for Flocculating Harmful Algal Blooms in Marine and Fresh Waters Using Modified Sand, Environ. Sci. Technol.
2. Gang Pan et al., Impact of suspended inorganic particles on phosphorus cycling in the Yellow River (China), Environ. Sci. Technol
3. Pan, G., et al., Reducing the recruitment of sedimented algae and nutrient release into the overlying water using modified soil/sand flocculation-capping in eutrophic lakes, Environ. Sci. Technol.
4. Pan,G., Yang, B., Effect of surface hydrophobicity on the formation and stability of oxygen nanoscale gas state, ChemPhysChem
5. He, G., Pan, G., Zhang, M., Waychunas, G., Coordination Structure of Adsorbed Zn(II) at Water-TiO2 Interfaces, Environ. Sci. Technol.
6. Pan, G., Chen, J., Anderson D., Modified local sands for the mitigation of harmful algal blooms, Harmful Algae,
7. Pan, G., et al., In-lake algal bloom removal and submerged vegetation restoration using modified local soils, Ecological Engineering
8. Pan, G.; You, C., Sediment-water distribution of perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) in Yangtze River Estuary, Environmental Pollution
9. He, GZ., Pan, G., Zhang MY., Wu, ZY., Quantitative XANES Studies on Metastable- Equilibrium Adsorption of Arsenate on TiO2 surfaces, J. Phys. Chem. C,
10. He GZ., Zhang MY., Pan G., The Influences of pH on Initial Adsorbate Concentration Effect of Oxyanions on Mineral Surfaces: adsorption of arsenate onto anatase studied based on DFT calculations and XAFS spectroscopy, J. Phys. Chem. C