



  • 中文名:潘紅播
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:攝影測量與遙感
  • 任職院校:中南大學


武漢大學 測繪遙感信息工程國家重點實驗室| 攝影測量與遙感| 博士學位| 博士研究生畢業
武漢大學| 遙感科學與技術| 學士學位| 大學本科教育
地球科學與信息物理學院| 中南大學 副教授
地球科學與信息物理學院| 中南大學 講師




[1] Pan H. Geolocation error tracking of ZY-3 three line cameras [J]. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2017, 123(1): 62-74
[2] Pan H,Tao C,Zou Z. Precise georeferencing using the rigorous sensor model and rational function model for ZiYuan-3 strip scenes with minimum control [J]. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2016, 119: 259-266
[3] Pan H,Zou Z,Zhang G,Zhu X,Tang X. A penalized spline-based attitude model for high-resolution satellite imagery [J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2016, 54(3): 1849-1859
[4] Pan H,Zhang G,Tang X,Li D,Zhu X,Zhou P,Jiang Y. Basic Products of the ZiYuan-3 Satellite and Accuracy Evaluation [J]. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 2013, 79(12): 1131-1145
[5] Zhang G,Pan H,Li D,Tang X,Zhu X. Block adjustment of satellite imagery using RPCs with virtual strip scenes Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 2014, 80(11): 1053-1059
[6] Tao C,Pan H,Li Y,Zou Z. Unsupervised Spectral–Spatial Feature Learning With Stacked Sparse Autoencoder for Hyperspectral Imagery Classification [J]. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2015, 12(12): 2438 - 2442
[7] Tang X,Zhou P,Zhang G,Wang X,Pan H. Geometric accuracy analysis model of the ZiYuan-3 satellite without GCPs [J]. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 2015, 81(12): 927-934
[8] Zhang G,Wang T,Li D,Tang X,Jiang Y,Huang W,Pan H. Block Adjustment for Satellite Imagery Based on the Strip Constraint [J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2015, 53(2): 933-941
[9] Zhang G,Jiang Y,Li D,Huang W,Pan H,Tang X,Zhu X. In-orbit geometric calibration and validation Of ZY-3 linear array sensors [J]. The Photogrammetric Record, 2014, 29(145): 68-88
[10] Zhang G,Z Li, H.B Pan,Q Qiang,L Zhai. Orientation of Spaceborne SAR Stereo Pairs Employing the RPC Adjustment Model [J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2011, 49(7): 2782 - 2792
[11] Jiang Y,Zhang G,TANG X,Li D,Huang W,Pan H. Geometric Calibration and Accuracy Assessment of ZiYuan-3 Multispectral Images [J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2014, 52(7): 4161-4172
[12] Wang T,Zhang G,Li D,Tang X,Jiang Y,Pan H,Zhu X. Planar Block Adjustment and Orthorectification of ZY-3 Satellite Images [J]. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 2014, 80(6): 559-570
[13] Wang T,Zhang G,Li D,Tang X,Jiang Y,Pan H,Zhu X,Fang C. Geometric accuracy validation for ZY-3 satellite imagery [J]. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2014, 11(6): 1168 - 1171
[14] 潘紅播,鄒崢嶸,張過,張雲生,汪韜陽. 基於同軌約束RFM的高分衛星影像區域網平差 [J]. 國土資源遙感, 2016, 28(3): 46-52
[15] 張過,潘紅播,唐新明,李德仁,許妙忠,周平,祝小勇. 資源三號測繪衛星長條帶產品區域網平差 [J]. 武漢大學學報(信息科學版), 2014, 39(9): 1098-1102
[16] 潘紅播, 張過,唐新明,王霞,周平,許妙忠,李德仁. 資源三號測繪衛星影像產品精度分析與驗證 [J]. 測繪學報, 2014, 42(5): 738-744
[17] 潘紅播,張過,唐新明,周平,蔣永華,祝小勇,江萬壽,許妙忠,李德仁. 資源三號測繪衛星感測器校正產品幾何模型 [J]. 測繪學報, 2014, 42(4): 516-522
[18] 蔣永華,張過,唐新明,祝小勇,黃文超,潘紅播,秦前清. 資源三號測繪衛星多光譜影像高精度譜段配準 [J]. 測繪學報, 2013, 42(6): 884-890
[19] 唐新明, 張過, 祝小勇, 潘紅播, 蔣永華, 周平, 王霞, 郭莉. 資源三號測繪衛星三線陣成像幾何模型構建與精度初步驗證 [J]. 測繪學報, 2012, 41(2): 191-198
[20] 張過,陳鉭,潘紅播,江萬壽. 基於有理多項式係數模型的物方面元最小二乘匹配 [J]. 測繪學報, 2011, 40(5): 592-597
[21] 張過,潘紅播,江萬壽. 基於RPC模型的線陣衛星影像核線排列以及核線幾何關係重建 [J]. 國土資源遙感, 2010, 22(4): 1-5
[22] 張過,汪韜陽,李德仁,唐新明,蔣永華,潘紅播,祝小勇. 軌道約束的資源三號標準景影像區域網平差 [J]. 測繪學報, 2014, 43(11): 1158-1164
[23] Pan H,Zhang G,Chen T. A general method of generating satellite epipolar images based on RPC model [C]. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2011,
[24] Pan H,Zou Z. PENALIZED SPLINE: A GENERAL ROBUST TRAJECTORY MODEL FOR ZIYUAN-3 SATELLITE [J]. Int Arch Photogramm Remote Sens Spatial Inf Sci, 2016,
[1]2018-2020,國家自然科學基金青年基金 “面向高精度立體定位的高分線推掃式影像穩健姿態模型研究”,主持


[1]2016年測繪科學進步獎 一等獎
[2]第一屆中國科協優秀科技論文遴選計畫 優秀論文獎
[3]2013年測繪科技進步獎 一等獎
[4]中國精品科技期刊頂尖學術論文 2013年度領跑者5000論文獎


