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潘濤,副教授,碩士生導師,獲得“中國科學院大學”與“比利時根特大學(Ghent University,全球Top100大學)”雙理學博士學位。




2015.09-2020.07,比利時根特大學(Ghent University,全球Top100大學),理學院,地圖學與地理信息系統專業,博士學位;
2022.05- ,中國科學院地理科學與資源研究所博士後,地理學。




[1] 主持教育部人文社科青年基金項目:三江平原土地制度對糧食產量的影響研究;
[2] 主持山東省自然科學基金青年項目:山東省多維土地分類和熱環境研究;
[3] 主持山東省水土保持與環境保育重點實驗室開放基金,中國乾旱區城市地表研究。


[1] SCI期刊:Remote Sensing (中科院分區:二區),客座編輯
[2]英文期刊審稿人:Land Degradation & Development,Remote Sensing,Sustainability


[1] 2018年3月,根特大學地理系開放日(GeoHappening UGent),展板題目:Urban land cover dynamics in arid China based on high resolution remote sensing products;
[2] 2018 年4 月,中國-比利時地理信息系統聯合實驗室博士論壇(PhD GI-Forum of the Sino-Belgian Joint Lab for Geo-Information),報告題目:Urban land structure and its effect on surface energy;
[3] 2018年11月,中國-比利時地理信息聯合實驗室----中比科技合作成就展,展板題目:Urban land-cover dynamics in the belt and road based on high resolution urban land mapping products。


[2]城市地表熱環境遙感分析與調控,北京:科學出版社,2015, 07,參編;


[1]Tao Pan, Chi Zhang, Wenhui Kuang, Geping Luo, Guoming Du, Zherui Yin. Large-scale rain-fed to paddy farmland conversion modified land-surface thermal properties in Cold China. Science of the Total Environment, 2020.(中科院一區Top 期刊)
[2]Tao Pan, Guoming Du, Jinwei Dong, Wenhui Kuang, PhilippeDe Maeyer, AlishirKurban. Divergent changes in cropping patterns and their effects on grain production under different agro-ecosystems over high latitudes in China. Science of the Total Environment, 2019. (中科院一區Top 期刊)
[3]Tao Pan, Dengsheng Lu, Chi Zhang, Xi Chen, Hua Shao, Wenhui Kuang, Wenfeng Chi, Zhengjia Liu, Guoming Du, Liangzhong Cao. Urban land-cover dynamics in arid China based on high-resolution urban land mapping products. Remote Sensing, 2017, 9(7), 730. DOI: 10.3390/rs9070730. (中科院二區)
[4]Tao Pan, Chi Zhang, Wenhui Kuang, PhilippeDe Maeyer, Alishir Kurban, Rafiq Hamdi, Guoming Du. Time Tracking of different cropping patterns using landsat images under different agricultural systems during 1990–2050 in Cold China. Remote Sensing, 2018, 10(12). (中科院二區)
[5]Tao Pan, Wenhui Kuang, Hamdi Rafiq, Chi Zhang, et al. City-level Comparison of urban land-cover configurations from 2000–2015 across 65 countries within the global belt and road. Remote Sensing, 2019, 11(13): 1515. (中科院二區)
[6] Guoming Du , Wenqi Liu ,Tao Pan(通訊作者) , Haoxuan Yang and Qi Wang. Cooling effect of paddy on land surface temperature in Cold China based on MODIS data: A case study in northern Sanjiang plain. Sustainability, 2019, 11(20), 5672.
[7] Wenhui Kuang, Lijun Chen, Jiyuan Liu, Weining Xiang, Wenfeng Chi, Dengsheng Lu, Tianrong Yang,Tao Pan, Ailin Liu. Remote sensing-based artificial surface cover classification in Asia and spatial pattern analysis. Science China Earth Sciences, 2016, 9(59): 1720-1737.
[8] Liangzhong Cao, Xi Chen, Chi Zhang, Alishir Kurban, Xiuliang Yuan,Tao Pan. Philippe de Maeyer. The temporal and spatial distributions of the near-surface CO2 concentrations in central Asia and analysis of their controlling factors. Atmosphere, 2017, 8(05): 2073-2087.
[9] Jia Ning, Jiyuan Liu, Wenhui Kuang, Xinliang Xu, Shuwen Zhang, Changzhen Yan, Rendong Li Shixin Wu, Yunfen Hu, Guoming Du, Wenfeng Chi,Tao Pan, Jing Ning. Spatiotemporal patterns and characteristics of land-use change in China during 2010–2015. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2018, 28(5): 547-562.
[10] Zhi Li, Chenghu Zhou, Xiaomei Yang, Xi Chen, Fan Meng, Chen Lu,Tao Pan, Wenjuan Qi. Urban landscape extraction and analysis in the mega-city of China’s coastal regions using high-resolution satellite imagery: A case of Shanghai, China. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 2018.
[11] Liangzhong Cao, Xi Chen, Chi Zhang, Alishir Kurban, Jin Qian,Tao Pan, Zuozhong Yin, Xiugong Qin, Friday Uchenna Ochege, Philippe De Maeyer. The Global Spatiotemporal Distribution of the Mid-Tropospheric CO2 Concentration and Analysis of the Controlling Factors. Remote Sensing, 2018.
[12] Jiangyue Li, Hongxing Chen, Chi Zhang,Tao Pan. Variations in ecosystem service value in response to land use/land cover changes in Central Asia from 1995–2035. PeerJ, 2019, 7: e7665.
[13]潘濤, 張弛, 杜國明, 董金瑋, 遲文峰. 城鄉不透水面增長格局及地表溫度的回響特徵研究[J].地球信息科學學報, 2017, 19(01): 134-142.
[14]潘濤,杜國明,張弛,董金瑋,李全峰,石福習.基於Landsat TM的2001~2015年哈爾濱市地表溫度變化特徵分析[J].地理科學, 2016, 36(11): 1759-1766.
[15]匡文慧, 遲文峰, 高成鳳, 杜國明, 潘濤, 楊天榮, 劉愛琳. 雲南魯甸地震災害應急救
援環境分析與影響快速評估[J].地理科學進展, 2014, 33(09): 1152-1158.
[16]杜國明,潘濤,尹哲睿,董金瑋.水田化進程中的富錦市耕地景觀格局演化規律[J].套用生態學報, 2015, 26(01): 207-214.
[17]匡文慧, 陳利軍, 劉紀遠,象偉寧, 遲文峰, 陸燈盛,楊天榮,潘濤, 劉愛琳.亞洲人造地表覆蓋遙感精細化分類與分布特徵分析[J].中國科學:地球科學, 2016, 46(09):1162-1179.
[18]楊天榮,匡文慧,劉衛東,劉愛琳,潘濤.基於生態安全格局的關中城市群生態空間結構最佳化布局[J].地理研究, 2017, 36(03): 441-452.
[19]劉紀遠,寧佳,匡文慧,徐新良,張樹文,顏長珍,李仁東,吳世新,胡云鋒,杜國明,遲文峰,潘濤,寧靜. 2010-2015年中國土地利用變化的時空格局與新特徵[J].地理學報, 2018, 73(05): 789-802.
[20]杜皓陽,胡琪,張弛,邱源,邵華,潘濤,金曉龍,常紅.哈密綠洲土地利用變化對區域環境的影響[J].乾旱區研究, 2018, 35(03): 568-578.
[21]莊元,薛東前, 匡文慧, 遲文峰, 潘濤.中國半乾旱區呼包鄂城市群地表等級結構時空特徵研究[J].遙感技術與套用, 2019, 34(1): 197-206.
[22]遲文峰,匡文慧,黨曉宏,潘濤, 劉正佳. 基於遙感的內蒙古地級市土地覆蓋結構時空變化特徵分析[J].遙感技術與套用, 2019, 34(01): 33-45.


[1] 2020年5月,中國科學院院長獎學金;
[2] 2019年12月,中國科學院,荒漠與綠洲生態國家重點實驗室青年科學家論壇,三等獎;
[3] 2019年11月,中國科學院,博士國家獎學金;
[4] 2019年10月,第一作者發表的論文獲得“地球信息科學學報”十大高影響力論文獎;
[5] 2019年5月,中國科學院,優秀研究生榮譽稱號;
[6] 2019年1月,英語技能證書,發證單位:比利時根特大學;
[7] 2019年1月,R技能中級證書,發證單位:比利時根特大學;


[1] 優秀學士學位論文指導教師;
[2] 國家級大學生創新訓練項目(大創)指導教師。


