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  • 中文名:潘毅群
  • 畢業院校:同濟大學機械學院
  • 主要成就:2005年9月-12月在德國Erfurt套用科技大學任訪問學者
  • 性別:女










[1]Yiqun Pan, Qiqiang Li, et al, Development of an interactive graphical user interface (GUI) for Energyplus, Proceedings of the ASME2010 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, November 2010 (EI)
[2]Yiqun Pan, Yuming Li, et al, Optimal design of multi-utility complex for a Low Carbon City in china integrating Renewable Energy, Proceedings of the ASME2010 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, November 2010 (EI)
[3]Yiqun Pan, Qiqiang Li, et al, A Chinese interactive graphical user interface(GUI) for energyplus, Simbuild 2010, New York, USA, Aug 2010
[4]Yiqun Pan, Yuming Li, Zhizhong Huang, Gang Wu, Study on simulation methods of atrium building cooling load in hot and humid regions, Energy and Buildings, Aug 2010 (SCI/EI)
[5]Yiqun Pan, Mingming Zuo, Gang Wu, Whole building energy simulation and energy saving potential analysis of a large public building, Journal of Building Performance Simulation, June 2010 (EI)
[6] Yuming Li,Yiqun Pan, Chen Chen, Study on energy saving retrofitting strategies for existing public buildings in shanghai, ASME 2009 3rd International Conference on Energy Sustainability, San Francisco, USA, July 2009 (EI)
[7]Yiqun Pan, Yan Qu, Yuming Li, Cooling loads prediction of 2010 shanghai world expo, ASME 2009 3rd International Conference on Energy Sustainability, San Francisco, USA, July 2009 (EI)
[8]Yiqun Pan, Zhizhong Huang, Xiaowei Zheng. Data processing and data mining on energy consumption database of commercial buildings in shanghai. ASHRAE Transactions, Jan 2009 (EI).
[9]Yiqun Pan, Rongxin Yin, Zhizhong Huang. Energy modeling of two office buildings with data center for green building design. Energy and Buildings, April 2008 (SCI/EI).
[10]Yiqun Pan, Zhizhong Huang, Gang Wu. Calibrated building energy simulation and its application in a high-rise commercial building in shanghai. Energy and Buildings, 2007, 39:651-657, (SCI/EI).
[11]Y. Pan, H Zhou, Z Huang, Y Zeng, W Long. Measurement and simulation of indoor air quality and energy consumption in two Shanghai office buildings with variable air volume. Energy and buildings, 2003, 35: 877-891, (SCI/EI).
[12]Y. Pan, Z. Huang, G. Wu, C. Chen. The application of building energy simulation and calibration in two high rise commercial buildings in Shangai. Nov 2006. Building Simulation Conference, Australia.
[13]Y. Pan, Z. Huang, et al. A statistics-based method for hourly solar radiation data calculation. Nov 2006. Building Simulation Conference, Australia.
[14] Yu Wanga, Bernhard Schwarzb,Yiqun Pan, et al. Mechatronics education at CDHAW of Tongji University: structure, orientation and curriculum. Mechatroics. 2008. 18:172-177. (SCI/EI)
[15] John D. Gilleard,Yiqun Pan. Challenge and opportunity: facility management in Shanghai", Facilities, 1999. 17:105 – 111.
[16]Yiqun Pan, Gang Wu, Fujun Yang, et al. CFD and Daylight Simulation Calibrated with Site Measurement for Waiting Hall of Shanghai South Railway Station. Aug 2008. Third National Conference of IBPSA-USA.
[17]Yiqun Pan, Yuming LI, et al. Study on energy modeling methods of atrium buildings, 2009, Building Simulation, Glasgow, UK.
[18] J.Mischner,Yiqun Pan, et al. Flow characteristics of actuators - part 1: basics, flow equation, approximate solutions. Mar 2009. GWF – Gas/Erdgas.
[19] J.Mischner,Yiqun Pan, et al. Flow characteristics of actuators – part 2: flow coefficient, applications. Apr 2009. GWF – Gas/Erdgas.
[20] Zhizhong Huang,Yiqun Pan, Emulation-based optimal control of chiller plants, Proceedings of the ASME2010 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, November 2010 (EI).
[21]潘毅群, 陳沛霖, 相變材料式蓄冷系統的動態模擬及運行分析, 暖通空調, 1997.
[22]潘毅群, 陳沛霖, 相變材料式蓄冷槽的蓄放冷特性, 同濟大學學報, 1998.
[23] 龍惟定,潘毅群, 范存養, 上海公共建築能耗現狀及節能潛力分析, 暖通空調, 1998.
[24] 龍惟定,潘毅群, 白瑋, 智慧型建築的室內生態環境, 暖通空調, 2000.
[25]潘毅群, 辦公樓的室內空氣品質與通風, 製冷技術, 2000.
[26]潘毅群, 白瑋, 龍惟定, 上海某大商場空氣品質調查, 暖通空調, 2000.
[27]潘毅群, 龍惟定, 范存養, 上海市7幢辦公樓室內環境品質評價, 暖通空調, 2000.
[28]潘毅群, 二十一世紀的通風新標準, 製冷與空調, 2000.
[29]潘毅群, 相變材料式蓄冷系統的設計、配置與能耗分析, 華東電力, 2001.
[30] 倪凌,潘毅群, 超細微粒對人體健康及室內空氣品質的影響, 潔淨與空調技術, 2001.
[31] 龍惟定,潘毅群, 白瑋, 上海智慧型樓宇空調系統對室內生態環境的影響, 暖通空調, 2001.
[32] 周建戎,潘毅群, 太陽能空調系統綜述, 製冷, 2002.
[33]潘毅群, 龍惟定, 范存養, 辦公樓的室內空氣品質與新風, 暖通空調, 2002.
[34] V.哈特科普夫,潘毅群, 吳剛, 固體氧化物燃料電池在建築冷熱電聯產中的套用, 暖通空調, 2003.
[35]潘毅群, 黃治鐘, 張蓓紅, 分散式供能系統在上海某新建醫院套用的可行性研究, 暖通空調, 2004.
[36] 蔡浩, 龍惟定,潘毅群, 燃料電池技術在地下工程中的套用探討, 建築熱能通風空調, 2004.
[37]潘毅群, 吳剛, 建築全能耗分析軟體EnergyPlus及其套用, 暖通空調, 2004.
[38] 龍惟定,潘毅群, 黃治鐘, 中德合作, 探索建築設備工程教育的新形式, 暖通空調, 2005.
[39] 陳晨,潘毅群, 黃治鐘, 上海市商用建築信息資料庫的初步建立與套用, 全國暖通空調製冷學術年會, 2006.
[40] 鄭曉衛,潘毅群, 國內外建築能耗基準評價工具的研究與套用, 上海節能, 2006.
[41] 鄭曉衛,潘毅群, 基於建築能耗資料庫的建築能耗基準評價工具的研究與套用, 節能與環保, 2006.
[42] 陳晨,潘毅群, 無成本、低成本節能措施在商用建築中的套用, 製冷空調與電力機械, 2006.
[43] 龍惟定,潘毅群, 黃治鐘, 上海市某商用建築能耗分析與節能評估, 暖通空調, 2006.
[44] 瞿燕, 魏黎,潘毅群, 上海低密度住宅牆體熱工性能分析, 製冷空調與電力機械, 2006.
[45]潘毅群, 黃治鐘, 建築能耗模擬的校驗方法及其套用, 暖通空調, 2007.
[46] 瞿燕,潘毅群, 上海世博園區空調動態負荷預測與研究, 暖通空調, 2008.
[47] 李玉明,潘毅群, 陳晨, 上海地區既有辦公建築圍護結構節能改造措施研究, 製冷與空調, 2008.
[48] 左明明,潘毅群, 某大型公共建築全能耗模擬和節能潛力分析建築, 熱能通風空調, 2008.
[49] 鄭曉衛,潘毅群, 數據挖掘技術在上海市商業建築信息資料庫中的套用, 暖通空調, 2008.
[50] 瞿燕,潘毅群, 上海世博園區空調負荷變化情景分析, 建築節能, 2008.
[51]潘毅群, 左明明, 李玉明. 建築能耗模擬—綠色建築設計與建築節能改造的支持工具之一: 基本原理與軟體, 製冷與空調, 2008.
[52]潘毅群, 賴艷紅. 建築能耗模擬—綠色建築設計與建築節能改造的支持工具之二: 案例分析, 製冷與空調, 2009.
[53] 周蘭蘭,潘毅群, 某數據中心空調系統設計與節能最佳化分析, 暖通空調, 2009.
[54] 左明明,潘毅群, 基於EnergyPlus的某大型公共建築全能耗模擬和節能潛力分析, 建築熱能空調, 2009.
[55] 李玉明,潘毅群, 陳晨, 上海市既有辦公建築節能改造適用技術研究, 建設科技, 2009.
[56] 林興斌,潘毅群, 基於TRNSYS的HVAC控制系統的仿真, 建築節能, 2010.
[57] 徐偉,潘毅群, 機會、選擇與進展:開發適用於中國的建築能耗評測體系, 城市發展研究: 第六屆國際綠色建築與建築節能大會論文集, 2010.
[58]潘毅群, 殷榮欣, 樓振飛, 上海十幢大型公共建築節能狀況調研, 暖通空調, 2010.
[59] 林興斌,潘毅群, 黃治鐘, 變風量空調系統不同控制策略下的能耗分析, 建築熱能通風空調, 2010.
[60] 張潔,潘毅群, 黃治鐘, 變風量空調系統靜壓設定值重置控制方法研究, 建築熱能通風空調, 2010.
[61] 張潔,潘毅群, 黃治鐘, 變風量空調系統靜壓設定值重置方法及控制策略研究, 暖通空調, 2011.
[62] 黃森,潘毅群, 上海某數據中心能效調研分析, 製冷與空調, 2011.
[63] 黃森,潘毅群, 開窗滲透對於空調房間熱濕環境影響分析, 建築節能, 2012.
[64] 姚遠,潘毅群, 黃治鐘, 辦公空間中智慧型照明控制系統的套用, 建築節能, 2011.
[65]潘毅群, 李玉明, 建築環境綜合測試與評價實驗的教學改革, 實驗室研究與探索, 2012.
[66] 周芮錦,潘毅群, 黃治鐘, 時間序列方法及其在實際辦公樓能耗預測中的套用, 建築節能, 2012.
[67] 花莉,潘毅群, 范蕊, 基於TRNSYS的土壤源熱泵熱平衡問題的影響因素分析, 建築節能, 2012.
[68] 王龍,潘毅群, 黃治鐘, 建築外窗自然通風流量係數的影響因素分析, 建築節能, 2012.
[69] Jie Shi, Wei Su, Mingya Zhu, Huaning Chen,Yiqun Pan, et al. Solar water heating system integrated design in high-rise apartment in China, Energy and Buildings, 58(2013). (SCI/EI)
[70]Yiqun Pan, Mingya Zhu, et al. Energy efficiency technologies applicable for buildings in China - status, challenges and opportunities. International Conference on Applied Energy, Jul 5-8, 2012.
[71] 朱明亞,潘毅群, 沙華晶, 許鵬, 黃治鐘氣候變化條件下中國典型城市未來天氣參數與建築能源需求預測, 建築節能, 2013.


