



  • 中文名:潘曉慧
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校:齊齊哈爾師範大學
  • 主要成就哈爾濱工業大學英語語言學碩士
  • 代表作品:*Journal Articles
  • 現就職於深圳大學傳播學院
  • 獲獎:國際傳播學(ICA)一等獎
  • 研究項目:《傳播學理論》等


*所教課程: 傳播學理論, 跨文化傳播,新聞傳播學專業英語
*研究方向:全球化與媒體, 跨文化傳播學以及研究方法


1998年6月-1999年6月在美國 – 加州州立大學Fullerton分校傳播學系; 南加州大學人類學系; 德克薩斯大學Austin分校語言學系; 巴爾的摩大學Merrick商學院
2005年8月訪問英國Cardiff大學新新聞傳播學院; Napier大學創意媒體學院
2005年 10月訪問了新加坡國立大學
2008年 7月訪問了伊斯坦堡FATITH大學傳播系。


*Journal Articles
1. With Stella Ting-Toomey, Tomoko Masumoto, Yumiko Yokochi, Jiro Takai and Richard Wilcox. Face and Facework in Conflict: A cross-cultural Comparison of China, Germany, Japan, and United States.. Communication Monographs. Vol.68 No.3, September, 2001
2. With Yu Miao. The Analysis on EPR’s Past and Present Development. , Beijing Institute of Technology Press, No.3, 2003
3. Demographics and Gratifications as the Determinants of Mobile Phone Use in Hong Kong., Journal of Harbin University of Commerce (Natural Science Edition) , No. 4. July, 2003
4. With Richard L. Wiseman. Status and Situational Influences on the Emotional and Social Appropriateness of Smiling: A Cross-Cultural Analysis. Intercultural Communication Studie, Issue No. XIII-I, 2004
*Conference Papers
1. Individual Globality Associated with Media Exposure. Hawaii International Conference on Social Sciences, Hawaii, June, 2003
2. Individual Globality Measurement. International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities, Greece, July, 2003
3. With Richard Wiseman. Smiling in the Peoples Republic of China and the United States: Status and Situational Influences on the Social Appropriateness of Smiling. Intercultural Communication Association Conference, Fullerton, California, U.S.A., July, 2003
4. With Francis. Adu-Febiri, The empirical linkage between individual globality and nationalism in China. Hawaii International Conference on Social Sciences, Hawaii, June, 2004
5. With William A. Haskins & Amalia Leguizamón, ‘‘Freedom of Speech in Collectivist Cultures: Cross-Cultural Analysis of Attitudes in Argentina, China, Japan, Nigeria, Qatar, and Turkey”, The Fifth International Conference on Diversity in Organizations, Communities, and Nations, Beijing, June 30 - July 3, 2005
6. With Wang Xiaohua, “The Determinants of Enhancing Chinese Students’ Globality,” The International and Intercultural Communication Association (IAICS) Convention, Taipei, Taiwan, July 6 - 8, 2005
7. The Collateral Model of Globality and Nationalism in China, Conference of Digital Communication and Social Transformation, Hong Kong Baptist University, December 15 - 17, 2006
8. New media function in shaping individual globality, The 6th Biennial Convention of Pacific and Asian Communication University of Hawaii, January 7 - 8, 2007 Hawaii
9. The mediated gap of Individual globality: A case study on globalization impact in China. The 5th Hawaii International Conferences on Arts and Humanities, January 12 - 15, 2007, Hawaii.
10. With Zhou He. The Empirical Study on the Glocalization Strategy of Chinese Media and Its Audience. The 5th International Conference on Communication and Mass Media, May 21 - 22, 2007, Greece


論文《 Face and Face Work in Conflicts: A Cross-cultural Comparison of China, Germany, Japan, and United States 》With Stella Ting-Toomey, Tomoko Masumoto, Yumiko Yokochi, Jiro Takai and Richard Wilcox, in ICA, Acapulco, Mexico, 在2000年於墨西哥召開的國際傳播學(ICA)上獲一等獎




