



  • 中文名:漢語將來時助動詞研究:默認語義學模式
  • 作者:姜濤
  • 出版社:復旦大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2013年5月
  • 頁數:260 頁
  • 定價:25 元
  • 開本:32 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787309095951




Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Research Objective
1.2 Research Background
1.3 Research Questions
1.4 Research Methodology
1.5 Organizational Structure
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Identification of Chinese Future Auxiliaries
2.1.1 The defining of Chinese auxiliaries
2.1.2 The defining of future tense
2.1.3 Ways of expressing future tense
2.2 Studies on the Meaning Interpretation of Chinese Future Auxiliaries
2.2.1 The polysemous view
2.2.2 The monosemous view
2.3 Problems of Previous Interpretations of Chinese Future Auxiliaries
2.3.1 One-sided interpretations
2.3.2 Lack of a holistic analysis
2.3.3 Lack of a theoretical model
2.4 Summary
Chapter Three The Default Semantic Model as an Analytic Framework
3.1 The Classical Gricean Theory of Conversational Implicature and Its Defects
3.1.1 Natural meaning and non-natural meaning
3.1.2 Grice' s analysis of content of communication
3.1.3 Defects of the classical Gricean theory
3.2 An Introduction to the Default Semantic Model
3.2.1 What is default meaning?
3.2.2 What is inferential meaning?
3.2.3 Post-Gricean models of meaning
3.2.4 Advantages of Jaszczolt's Model of Default Semantics
3.3 Interpretation of English Future Auxiliaries within the Default Semantic Mode
3.4 Reinterpretation of Modality
3.4.1 Classification of modality
3.4.2 Modality vs. intentionality
3.4.3 Degrees of modality
3.4.4 Continuity of modality
3.5 Summary
Chapter Four The Semantics-Pragmatics of Chinese Future Auxiliaries
4.1 Analysis of JIANG
4.1.1 Meaning interpretation issues in JIANG
4.1.2 Modality of JIANG
4.1.3 Default semantic analysis of JIANG
4.2 Analysis of YAO
4.2.1 Meaning interpretation issues in YAO
4.2.2 Modality of YAO
4.2.3 Default semantic analysis of YAO
4.2.4 Meaning interpretation issues in YAO for future time reference
4.2.5 Default semantic analysis of YAO for future time reference
4.3 Analysis of HUI
4.3.1 Meaning interpretation issues in HUI
4.3.2 Modality of HUI
4.3.3 Default semantic analysis of HUI
4.4 Summary
Chapter Five Meaning Relations Among Chinese Future Auxiliaries
5.1 Modal Meaning Relations
5.2 Future Meaning Relations
5.3 Co-occurrences of JIANG, YAO and HUI
5.3.1 Auxiliary co-occurrence
5.3.2 Rules of auxiliary co-occurrence
5.3.3 Rules of co-occurrence of Chinese future auxiliaries
5.3.4 Default semantic analysis of co-occurrence meanings
5.4 Summary
Chapter Six Conclusion
6.1 Main Findings of This Study
6.2 Significance of This Study
6.3 Limitations and Future Research Directions


