

同濟大學化學科學與工程學院,博士、教授、博士生導師 。 2002年6月於日本Kinki University獲博士學位,同年回國任同濟大學副教授,2009年晉升教授;2004年入選同濟大學優秀青年教師,2012年開始擔任中國功能材料學會理事,2011年和2015年分別赴日本Tohoku University和 德國Humboldt-Universitätzu Berlin 高訪學術交流。參加了《普通化學》、《普通化學實驗》和國家“十一五” 教材《化學與社會》的編寫。


  • 中文名:溫鳴
  • 外文名:WEN Ming
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生地:西安
  • 職業:大學教師
  • 主要成就:高效能源與環境催化納米合金的構築


溫鳴從事納米化學和納米合金催化材料等方面的科研工作。研究高效催化納米合金的結構設計與可控制備,並將所構建的新型納米合金催化材料套用於發展清潔能源和保護環境。特別是功能多級結構納米合金的可控制備。針對當今化學儲氫物質儲量高卻難以釋放的瓶頸問題,利用納米合金催化新路線,對硼烷和水合肼等系列高能化學儲氫物質實現娥常溫常壓下的可控高效快速催化裂解制氫,突破了具有超低活化能系列多級結構納米合金的構築。作為通訊聯繫人或第一作者在Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, Chemical Communications, Chemistry- A European Journal, Journal of Materials Chemistry, ACS Applied Materials & Interface, Inorganic Chemistry, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C等國際重要學術期刊上面發表了80餘篇有影響力的SCI研究論文;授權發明專利30餘項;2013年“無機納米結構/材料的控制合成與器件組裝及其性能研究”成果獲上海市自然科學三等獎。作為項目負責人承擔了國家973項目子課題、國家自然科學基金面上及重大培育項目、上海市科委基礎研究重點科技項目和上海市教委科研創新重點項目等十餘項國家與省部級重要研究課題。








“合金納米棒陣列修飾的繡球碳等級孔複合體系的構築及其電催化析氫性能研究”(No. 21771140)
(9)主持973項目子課題“金屬與金屬件間化合物納米晶的可控合成與催化反應”(No. 2011CB932404)
“催化釋氫導向的多元合金/鑲嵌結構高活性晶面選擇性合成及其機理研究”(No. 91222103)
“多級複合納米金屬/合金異質織網結構的構築與性能研究”(No. 51271132)
“貴金屬線穿引鐵系合金的納米鏈結的製備及其性能研究”(No. 21171130)
“多元非晶態合金納米管的軟硬複合模板誘導合成及其性質研究”(No. 20771085)
“生物燃料電池中新型網孔結構非晶態合金酶電極的製備及其性能研究”(No. 09JC1414100)
(3)主持上海市教委科研創新重點項目“性能可控多元非晶態合金納米管的組裝合成研究” (No. 10ZZ21)


(45) Hao Fang, Jinhu Yang, Ming Wen*, Qingsheng Wu*, Nanoalloy Materials for Chemical Catalysis, Advanced Materials, 2018, 1705698.
(44) Shipei Chen†, Ke Xing†, Ming Wen*, Qingsheng Wu, Hierarchical assembly and superior sodium storage properties of sea-sponge structural C/SnS@C nanocomposite, Journal of Materials Chemistry A., 2018, 6, 7631 - 7638.
(43) Shipei Chen, Qingnan Wu, Yafei Fan, Ming Wen*, Qingsheng Wu*, Yi Cui, Nicola Pinna, Sea-sponge-like Structure of nano-Fe3O4 on Skeleton-C with Long Cycle Life under High Rate for Li-ion batteries , ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018, 10, 19656−19663.
(42) Xin Xiao, Dekang Huang, Yong Qing Fu, Ming Wen, Xingxing Jiang, Xiaowei Lv, Man Li, Lin Gao, Shuangshuang Liu, Mingkui Wang, Chuan Zhao, Yan Shen*, Engineering NiS/Ni2P Heterostructures for Efficient Electrocatalytic Water Splitting, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018, 10, 5, 4689-4696.
(41) Chen Gu†, Dandan Wu†, Ming Wen*, Qingsheng Wu, A Freestanding SiO2 Ultrathin Membrane with NiCu Nanoparticles Synchronous Assembly on Its Double-surfaces for Effectively Catalyzing Nitro-amination Reaction, Dalton Transaction, 2018, 47, 7083 - 7089.
(40) Hao Fang†, Yuting Chen†, Ming Wen*, Hanxing Chen, and Qingsheng Wu, 3D radial SnNi nanostructure with SnNiPt patches: towards enhanced electrocatalysis performance, Nanoresearch, 2017, 10(11), 3929-3940.
(39) Dandan Wu, Ming Wen*, Chen Gu, Qingsheng Wu, 2D-structured NiFe/CeO2 Basic-Sites Enhanced Catalyst via In-Situ Topotactic Reduction for selectively catalyzing the H2 generation from N2H4·H2O, ACS Applied Materials & Interface, 2017, 9 (19), 16103-16108.
(38) Dandan Wu,† Yanqiao Zhang,† Ming Wen,* Hao Fang, and Qingsheng Wu, Fe3O4/FeNi Embedded Nanostructure and Its Kinetic Law for Selective Catalytic Reduction of p-nitrophenyl compounds, Inorganic Chemistry, 2017, 9(56), 5152-5157.
(37) Shipei Chen, Qingnan Wu, Ming Wen,* Chenxiang Wang, Qingsheng Wu, Jiahao Wen, Meng Zhu, Yansen Wang, A Tubular Sandwich-structure of CNT@Ni@Ni2(CO3)(OH)2 with Superior Electrochemical Performances for Hybrid Supercapacitor, The Jornal of Physical Chemistry C, 2017, 121 (18), 9719-9728.
(36) Chengxiang Wang, Jie Wang, Hanxing Chen, Ming Wen,* Ke Xing, Shipei Chen, Qingsheng Wu, An Interlayer Nanostructure of rGO/Sn2Fe-NRsArray/rGO with High Capability for Lithium Ion Battery Anodes, Science China Materials, 2016, 59(11):927-937.
(35) Dandan Wu, Ming Wen,* Xijian Lin, Qingsheng Wu, Chen Gu and Hanxing Chen, NiCo/NiO-Co3O4 Ultrathin Layered Catalyst with Strong Basic Sites for Highly Performance H2 Generation from Hydrous Hydrazine, Journal of Materials ChemistryA., 2016, 4, 6595-6602.
(34) Xiaomeng Li, Ming Wen*, Dandan Wu, Qingsheng Wu, Jiaqi Li, Pd-on-NiCu nanosheets with enhanced electro-catalytic performances for methanol oxidation, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2016, 15(685), 42-49.
(33) Hao Fang, Ming Wen,* Hanxing Chen, Qingsheng Wu, Graphene Stabilized Ultra-small-sized CuNi Nanocomposite with High Activity and Recyclability toward Catalysing the Reduction of Aromatic Nitro-Compounds, Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 536-542.
(32) Hanxing Chen, Teng Tu, Ming Wen*, and Qingsheng Wu*, Assembly Synthesis of Cu2O-on-Cu Nanowires with Visible-light Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity, Dalton Transactions, 2015, 44, 15645-15652.
(31) Zaidi Huang, Ming Wen*, Dandan Wu, Qingsheng Wu, A Special Ag/AgCl Network-nanostructure for Selective Catalytic Degradation of Refractory Chlorophenol Contaminants, RSC Advance, 2015, 2015, 5, 12261 – 12267.
(30) Zaidi Huang, Ming Wen*, Qingsheng Wu*, Hao Fang, Hanxing Chen, Fabrication of Cu@AgCl Nanocables for their Enhanced Activity toward the Selective Catalytic Degradation of 4-Chlorophenol, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2015, 460, 230-236.
(29) Hanxing Chen, Ming Wen*, Zaidi Huang, Qingsheng Wu, Jiali Liu, Teng Tu, Construction of Cu@ZnO Nanobrushes Based on Cu Nanowires and Their High-performance Selectivity-degradation for Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2015, 3(2), 600-607.
(28) Ming Wen*, Bo Zhou, Hao Fang, Qingsheng Wu, Shipei Chen, A Novel Phase-structural High-efficiency Anode-catalyst for Methanol Fuel Cells: α-(NiCu)3Pd Nanoalloy, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2014, 118(46), 26713-26720.
(27) Hanxing Chen, Linyi Zhou, Ming Wen*, Qingsheng Wu, Chenxiang Wang, A branched-dumbbell Pt/NiFe nanostructure and its high catalytic reduction activity for nitro-aromatic compounds, Materials Research Bulletin, 2014, 60, 322-327.
(26) Linyi Zhou, Ming Wen*, Qingsheng Wu, Dandan Wu, Fabrication and Catalytic Activity of FeNi@Ni Nanocables for the Reduction of p-nitrophenol, Dalton Transactions, 2014, 43(21), 7924-7929.
(25) Yange Wu, Ming Wen*, Hao Fang, Qingsheng Wu, Ni/Graphene Nanostructures and Its Electron-enhanced Catalysis Hydrogenation Reaction for Nitrophenol,The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2014, 118(12), 6307-6313.
(24) Ming Wen*, Qingnan Wu, Jin Peng, Qingsheng Wu, Chenxiang Wang, Fabrication of Pt-loaded NiCo nanochains with superior catalytic dehydrogenation activity, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2014, 416, 220-226.
(23) Jiali Liu†, Ming Wen†,Hanxing Chen, Qing-Sheng Wu*, and Jing Li, Assembly of TiO2-on-Cu2O Nanocubes with Narrow–band Cu2O Induced Visible-light Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity, ChemPlusChem, 2014, 79(2), 298-303.
(22) Lizu Wang, Ming Wen*,Pin-Shi Yuan, Linyi Zhou, and Qing-Sheng Wu*, One-step Synthesis and High-efficiency Decoloration of Multi-functional Porous-C/Fe3O4 Nanospheres Using Sandwich Structural Precursor Acting as Three Roles, ChemPlusChem, 2013, 78(8), 816-822.
(21) Bo Zhou, Ming Wen*, Qingsheng Wu, C-isolated Ag-C-Co Sandwich Sphere-nanostructures and Their Highly Activity Catalysis Induced by Surface Plasmon Resonance, Nanoscale, 2013, 5, 8602-8608.
(20) Ming Wen*,Yuzhen Sun, Xiaomeng Li, Qingsheng Wu, Qingnan Wu, Chenxiang Wang, Ru-capped/FeCo Nanoflowers with High Catalytic Efficiency toward Hydrolytic Dehydrogenation, Journal of Power Sources, 2013, 243, 299-305.
(19) Jin Peng, Ming Wen*, Chenxiang Wang, Qingsheng Wu, Yuzhen Sun, Microwave-assisted synthesis and high dechlorination activity of magnetic FeNi broom-like nanostructures, Dalton Transactions, 2013, 42(24), 8667-8673.
(18) Yuzhen Sun, Ming Wen*, Qingsheng Wu, Qingnan Wu, Controllable Assembly and Dehydrogenation Catalysis Activity of Urchin-like FeNi-Ru(tips) Amorphous Alloy Hierarchical Nanostructures, ChemPlusChem, 2013, 78(4), 375-381.
(17) Na Wang, Ming Wen*, Qingsheng Wu, Glucose oxidase-loaded amorphous FeNi-Pt fan-shaped nanostructures and their electrochemical behaviors, Colloids and surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2013, 111, 726-731.
(16) Ming Wen*, Shiqing Zhou, Qingsheng Wu, Juyang Zhang, Qingnan Wu, Chenxiang Wang, and Yuzhen Sun, Construction of NiCo-Pt Nanopolyhedrons Inlay-structures and Their Highly Efficient Catalysis Hydrolytic Dehydrogenation toward Ammonia Borane, Journal of Power Sources, 232 (2013) 86-92.
(15) Shiqing Zhou, Ming Wen*, Na Wang, Qingsheng Wu*, Qingnan Wu, and LiYa Cheng, Highly Active NiCo Alloy Hexagonal Nanoplates with Crystal Plane Selective Dehydrogenatio and Visible-light Photocatalysis, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2012, 22 (33), 16858-16864.
(14) Ming Wen*, Baolei Sun, Bo Zhou, Qingsheng Wu*, Jin Peng, Controllable Assemblly of Ag/C/Ni Magnetic Nanocables and Its Low Activation Energy Dehydrogenation Catalysis, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2012, 22, 11988-11993.
(13) Baolei Sun, Ming Wen*, Qingsheng Wu, Jin Peng, Oriented Growth & Assembly of Ag@C@Co Pentagonalprism Nanocables and Their Highly Activity Selected Catalysis along Edges for Dehydrogenation; Advanced Functional Materials, 2012, 2012, 22,2860-2866.
(12) Ming WEN*, MingZhu Cheng, Shiqing Zhou, Qingsheng Wu,Na Wang, Linyi Zhou, Synthesis of Reusable NiCo@Pt Nanoalloys From Icosahedron to Spheres By Element Lithography and Their Synergistic Photocatalysis for Nano-ZnO Toward Dye Wastewater Degradation, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2012,116, 11702-11708.
(11) MingZhu Cheng, Ming Wen*, Shiqing Zhou, Qingsheng Wu, Na Wang, LinYi Zhou, Solvothermal Synthesis of NiCo Alloy Icosahedral Nanocrystals, Inorganic Chemistry, 2012, 51 (3), 1495–1500.
(10) Ming Wen*, Fan Zhang, Mingzhu Cheng, Qingsheng Wu, Baolei Sun, and Yuzhen Sun, Inducing Growth of FeNi-Pt Match-like Magnetic Nanoheterostructures on Pt Nanotips and Dechlorination of Hydrochloricether, ChemPhysChem, 2011, 12, 3573-3577.
(9) Ming Wen*, Xiangguo Meng, Baolei Sun, Qingsheng Wu,and Xiaolan Chai, Length-controllable Catalyzing-synthesis and Length-corresponding Properties of FeCo/Pt Nanorods, Inorganic Chemistry, 2011, 50(19), 9393-9399.
(8) Yijun Chen†, Ming Wen, Qingsheng Wu*, Stepwise Blossoming of BiOBr Nanoplate-assembled Microflowers and Their Visible-light Photocatalytic Activities, CrystEngComm, 2011, 13, 3035- 3039.
(7) Ming Wen*, YaFen Wang, Yi Jin, MingZhu Cheng, Qingsheng Wu, Controlled Fabrication of 0 & 2D NiCu Amorphous Nano-alloys by the Cooperation of Hard-Soft Interfacial Templates, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2010, 342, 229-235.
(6) Feng Zhang†, Ming Wen†, Mingzhu Cheng, Di Liu, Anwei Zhu, Yang Tian*,Pt-on-NiCo Nanostructures with Facilitated Electrocatalytic Activities for Sensitive Determination of Intracellular Thiols with Long-Term Stability, Chemistry- A European Journal, 2010, 16(36), 11115-11120.
(5) Fan Zhang, Ming Wen*, Mingzhu Cheng, Qingsheng Wu*, Xiangguo Meng, Inducing Nanolayers-assembly of FePtDy 1D Superstructure and Its Induced Visible Light Photocatalysis Effect for TiO2, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2010, 20, 7661 - 7668.
(4) Ming Wen*, Dan Yang, Qing-sheng Wu, Ru-ping Lu, Yuan-zheng Zhu and Fan Zhang, Inducing Synthesis of Amorphous EuFePt Nanorods and Their Comprehensive Enhancement of Magnetism, Thermostability and Photocatalysis, Chemical Communications, 2010, 46, 219-221.
(3) Ming Wen, Haiqing Liu, Feng Zhang, Yuanzheng Zhu, Di Liu, Yang Tian*, Qingsheng Wu, Amorphous FeNiPt nanoparticles with tunable length for electrocatalysis and electrochemical determination of thiols, Chemical Communications, 2009, 30, 4530-4531.
(2)Ming Wen*, YaFen Wang, Fan Zhang, Qingsheng Wu, Nanostructures of Ni and NiCo Amorphous Alloys Synthesized by a Double Composite Template Approach, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2009, 113(15), 5960-5966.
(1) Ming Wen*, Yuan-zheng Zhu, Qing-sheng Wu, Fan Zhang, Tao Zhang, Composition-depended Assembly and Magnetic Specificity of (Fe1-xNix)0.5Pt0.5 Amorphous Nanothreads Through Substitution of Ni for Fe in FePt System, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2009, 113(46), 19883-19890.


