



  • 中文名:湯賽君
  • 畢業院校:英國約翰·因內斯中心
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:植物細胞死亡與植物抗病分子機理
  • 任職院校中國農業大學



1994.1-1998-12 英國約翰·因內斯中心(The Sainsbury Laboratory), 導師Jonathan D.G. Jones 教授,植物分子生物學專業,獲得哲學博士學位。


1989.9-1993.11 北京大學生物系蛋白質及植物基因工程國家重點實驗室,助教。
1993.11-1994.11 英國約翰·因內斯中心遺傳系,訪問學者。
1998.12-2000.12 美國北卡羅來納大學生物系 Jeff Dangl 實驗室,博士後。
2001.1-2004.12 美國北卡羅來納大學生物系 Jeff Dangl 實驗室,助理研究員。
2005.1-至今 中國農業大學生物學院副教授,博士生導師。







David A. Jones, Penny Brading, Mark Dixon, Kim Hammond-Kosack, Kate Harrison, Kostas Hatzixanthis, Martin Parniske, Pedro Piedras, Miguel Torres, Saijun Tang, Colwyn Thomas and Jonathan D.G. Jones (1998). Molecular, genetic and physiological analysis of Cladosporium resistance gene function in tomato.
Symposia of the Society for Experimental Biology 51, 111-113.
Kim Hammond-Kosack, Saijun Tang, Kate Harrison and Jonathan D.G. Jones (1998). The tomato Cf-9 disease resistance gene functions in tobacco and potato to confer responsiveness to the complementary fungal avirulence gene product Avr9.
Plant Cell 10(8), 1251-1266.
Tina Romeis, Saijun Tang, Kim Hammond-Kosack, Pedro Piedras, Mike Blatt and Jonathan D.G. Jones (2000). Early signaling events in the Avr9/Cf-9-dependent plant defence response.
Molecular Plant Pathology 1(1), 3-8.
Colwyn Thomas, Saijun Tang, Kim Hammond-Kosack and Jonathan D. G. Jones (2000). Comparison of the hypersensitive response induced by the tomato Cf-4 and Cf-9 genes in Nicotiana spp.
Mol. Plant Microbe Interact. 13(4), 465-469.
Julia Krüger, Colwyn Thomas, Catherine Golstein, Mark S. Dixon, Matthew Smoker, Saijun Tang, Lonneke Mulder, Jonathan D. G. Jones (2002). A tomato cysteine protease required for Cf-2-dependent disease resistance and suppression of autonecrosis.
Science 296(5568), 744-747.
Xianhui Hou, Linchuan Li, Zhiyu Peng, Baoye Wei, Saijun Tang, Maoyu Ding, Jingjing Liu, Fangxian Zhang, Yunde Zhao, Hongya Gu and Li-Jia Qu (2010). A platform of high-density INDEL/CAPS markers for map-based cloning in Arabidopsis.
Plant Journal 63(5), 880-888.
Vera Bonardi, Saijun Tang, Anna Stallmann, Melinda Roberts, Karen Cherkis, Jeffery L. Dangl (2011). Expanded functions for a family of plant intracellular immune receptors beyond specific recognition of pathogen effectors.
PNAS 108(39), 16463-8.
Melinda Roberts, Saijun Tang (共同第一作者), Anna Stallmann, Jeffery L. Dangl and Vera Bonardi (2013). Genetic requirements for signaling from an autoactive plant NB-LRR intracellular innate immune receptor.
PLoS Genetics 9(4), e1003465.
Fuqiang Cui, Mikael Brosche, Nina Sipari, Saijun Tang (通訊作者) and Kirk Overmyer (2013). Regulation of ABA dependent wound induced spreading cell death by MYB108.
New Phytologist 200(3), 634-640.
Yuke Geng, Binshuang Pang, Chenyang Hao, Saijun Tang, Xueyong Zhang and Tian Li (2014). Expression of wheat high molecular weight glutenin subunit 1Bx Is affected by large insertions and deletions located in the upstream flanking sequences.
PLoS One 9(8), e105363.
Zhijun Dong, Yanwen Yu, Shenghui Li, Juan Wang, Saijun Tang (通訊作者), Rongfeng Huang (2016). Abscisic acid antagonizes ethylene production through the ABI4-mediated transcriptional repression of ACS4 and ACS8 in Arabidopsis.
Molecular Plant 9(1), 126-135.
Xiaoping Zhang, Lichuan Guo, Ranran Ma, Lijuan Cong, Zhonghua Wu, Ying Wei, Shijie Xue, Wei Zheng and Saijun Tang (通訊作者) (2017). Rapid detection of Salmonella with Recombinase Aided Amplification.
Journal of Microbiological Methods 139, 202-204.




