



  • 中文名:湯葉濤
  • 畢業院校:中山大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:環境科學
  • 任職院校:中山大學



  • 2003.9-2009.6 中山大學環境科學與工程學院環境科學專業理學博士
  • 1997.9-2000.6中山大學地球與環境科學學院環境科學專業理學碩士
  • 1991.9-1995.7南京大學環境科學與工程系環境化學專業理學學士


  • 2017.1-至今中山大學環境科學與工程學院教授
  • 2012.7-2012.8法國科學院岩石學與地球化學中心(CRPG) 訪問學者
  • 2011.3-2012.2法國國立洛林理工學院(INPL)土壤與環境實驗室博士後
  • 2010.1-2016.12中山大學環境科學與工程學院環境科學系副教授
  • 2002.7-2009.12中山大學環境科學與工程學院環境科學系講師
  • 2000.7-2002.7中山大學地球與環境科學學院環境科學系助教
  • 1995.7-1997.9雲南省環境放射性監督管理所助理工程師


  • 環境科學專業本科生《生態學》、《專業英語》、《生態環境實習》等課程
  • 中山大學校級精品課程《環境土壤學》成員、廣東省教學團隊(《生態學》和《環境土壤學》)核心成


  • 水土環境污染修復、礦山污染生態恢復、植物修復、過渡金屬元素生物地球化學、離子型廢棄稀土礦山生態恢復


  1. 環境污染控制與生態修復研究,江西威典環保科技有限公司(092018122466v1),2018.12-2022.12,主持,1000萬
  2. 重度污染農田經濟作物-原位穩定聯合修復和資源化技術集成與示範,國家重點研發計畫課題(2018YFD0800703),2018.07-2020.12,主持,214萬
  3. 離子型稀土礦山場地土壤污染防治與生態恢復技術,中山大學2018年“三大”建設國家重大科技項目前瞻培育專項,2018-2019,主持,50萬
  4. 超富集植物對稀土元素的吸收、轉運和分餾機制,國家自然科學基金面上項目(41771343),2018.1-2021.12,主持,63萬
  5. 離子型稀土礦尾砂地綜合治理技術示範,廣東省科技計畫項目(公益研究與能力建設,2016A020221013),2016.1-2017.12,主持,30萬
  6. 珠三角地區鎘超標農田的安全利用技術研究與示範,廣州市科技計畫項目(201607010065),2016.1-2017.12,主持,20萬
  7. 離子型稀土礦廢棄地低成本治理技術示範,中山大學科技成果轉化類項目,2016.5-2017.5,主持,50萬
  8. 華南典型礦山污染土壤修復技術與金屬資源化研究,中山大學重大項目培育和新興、交叉學科資助計畫項目(15lgjc36),2015.9-2017.12,主持,40萬
  9. 鐵對水稻吸收鎘的阻控機制研究,廣東省自然科學基金面上項目(2014A030313200),2015.1-2018.1,主持,10萬
  10. 穩定同位素分餾示蹤超富集植物對鋅吸收和轉運機制的研究,國家自然科學基金面上項目(41371315),2014.1-2017.12,主持,75萬
  11. 超富集植物根系對鋅鎘的覓食性及生理調控機制,國家自然科學基金青年基金項目(40901151),2010.1-2012.12,主持,20萬
  12. 超富集植物葉片不同組織間重金屬分布的差異性及其生理機制研究,高校基本科研業務費中山大學青年教師培育項目(09lgpy23),2010.1-2012.12,主持,15萬
  13. 金屬結合蛋白和植物絡合素在Zn/Cd超富集植物中的特異表達和解毒機理,廣東省環境污染控制與修復技術重點實驗室開放基金(2006K0012),2007.1-2008.12,主持,3.2萬
  14. 土壤環境污染控制與修復創新引智基地,高等學校學科創新引智計畫項目(B18060),2018.1-2022.12,參加,900萬
  15. 鉛鋅礦尾礦庫重金屬污染生態控制技術與環境管理研究,環保公益行業科研專項重點項目(201509037),2015.4-2018.3,排名第3,520萬
  16. Investigation of the interactions between soil microorganisms and invertebrates in rare earth elements (REEs) mine sites in southern China,國家留學基金委中法蔡元培交流合作項目,2018.1-2020.12,排名第2
  17. 翅莢決明(Cassia alata)和生物碳聯合修復多金屬尾礦污染土壤的理論與套用研究、廣東省科技計畫項目(公益研究與能力建設,20163800042020621),2016.1-2017.12,排名第2,30萬
  18. 低積累作物培育與農田矽鐵水肥調控技術套用與示範,國家科技支撐計畫項目“重金屬超標農田安全利用技術研究與示範”課題“珠三角鎘鉛超標農田安全利用技術集成與示範”任務一(2015BAD05B05+1),2015.4-2019.12,排名第2,114萬
  19. 重金屬污染土壤修復理論研究與技術示範,廣東省科技廳科技計畫項目(2014A050503032),2015.1-2017.12,排名第8,50萬
  20. 大型有色金屬基地及周邊地區重金屬污染土壤植物修復技術與示範,國家十二五863重點項目(2012AA06A202),2012.1-2015.12,排名第5,292.7萬
  21. 重金屬複合污染土壤修復和工程示範,廣東省教育廳項目(2012gjhz0002),2012.1-2014.12,排名第7,50萬
  22. 典型場地污染土壤修復技術與機理研究,廣東省教育廳項目,2012.1-2014.12,排名第2,120萬
  23. 礦區農田土壤重金屬複合污染控制與修復技術,廣東省科技廳科技計畫項目(20133800042020606),2012.8-2014.12,排名第2,6.25萬
  24. 雲南箇舊多金屬礦區周邊污染農田生態修復技術示範工程,環境保護部科研項目,2011.4-2012.8,排名第2,60萬
  25. 鋅鎘處理下超富集植物的差異蛋白質表達及金屬耐性機理研究,國家自然科學基金青年基金項目(31000248),2011.1-2013.12,排名第2,21萬
  26. Zn/Cd超富集植物中鎘鋅補償機制研究,教育部高等學校博士學科點專項科研基金(20110171110018),2011.1-2013.12,排名第2,12萬
  27. PHYTONICKEL,中法徐光啟項目,2011-2012,中方排名第2,5000歐元
  28. 寶安區土壤重金屬污染及地下水污染防治規劃,事業單位(深圳市寶安區環境保護和水務局)委託項目,2015.7-2015.12,排名第2,27.5萬
  29. 荔灣區土壤環境質量現狀調查,事業單位(廣州市荔灣區環境監測站)委託項目,2014.9-2015.1,排名第2,19.6萬
  30. 廣東大寶山礦區及周邊環境保護與綜合整治方案,企業(廣東大寶山礦業有限公司)委託項目,2010.1-2010.9,排名第3,88萬
  31. 多金屬污染土壤的植物修復與調控技術研究,國家十一五863計畫探索性項目(2007-AA-06Z305),2007.12-2010.12,排名第2,100萬
  32. 金屬礦區及周邊重金屬污染土壤聯合修復技術與示範,國家十一五863計畫重點項目子課題(2007-AA-061001),2007.1-2010.12,排名第3,161萬
  33. 鎘對超富集植物的毒性刺激效應研究,教育部博士點專項科研基金(20070558005),2008.1-2010.12,排名第2,6萬
  34. 多金屬超富集植物修復Pb、Zn、Cd污染土壤的機理研究,國家自然科學基金(40571144),2006.1-2008.12,排名第2,35萬
  35. 礦山污染土壤修復的理論與實踐,廣東省自然科學基金團隊項目(06202438),2007.1-2010.12,排名第8,125萬


  1. 仇榮亮,張仁鐸,賀志理,唐常源,肖仕,湯葉濤,束文聖,王宏斌,楊欣,葉志鴻,李金天,嚴凱,章衛華,王詩忠,阮菊俊.土壤環境污染控制與生態修復創新團隊,科技部創新人才推進計畫重點領域創新團隊,2017年
  2. 仇榮亮,湯葉濤,王詩忠,章衛華,晁元卿,姚愛軍,葉志鴻,仇浩,曾曉雯,何爾凱,韋獻革,董漢項,黃雄飛.華南多金屬污染土壤修復技術體系與套用,廣東省環境保護科學技術獎一等獎,2018年
  3. 仇榮亮,王詩忠,湯葉濤,張雲霓,晁元卿,董漢英,楊秀虹,姚愛軍.以《環境土壤學》為核心,構建理論-實驗-認知實踐相結合的課程體系,第八屆廣東省教育教學成果獎二等獎,2018年
  4. 仇榮亮,王詩忠,湯葉濤,張雲霓,晁元卿,董漢英,楊秀虹,姚愛軍.以《環境土壤學》為核心,構建理論-實驗-認知實踐相結合的課程體系,中山大學第八屆教學成果獎一等獎,2017年


  1. Bao-Jia Qin, Wen-Shen Liu#, Er-Kai He, Ya-Ying Li, Chang Liu, Ju-Jun Ruan*, Rong-Liang Qiu,Ye-Tao Tang*. Vacuum pyrolysis method for reclamation of rare earth elements from hyperaccumulatorDicranopteris dichotomagrown in contaminated soil.Journal of Cleaner Production. 2019, DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.05.031(IF=5.79, 2017,中科院JCR-SCI環境科學與生態學大類一區)
  2. Ai-Jun Yao, Xiao-Dan Ling, Chong Liu, Lin Ju, Xian-Ge Wei, Hao Qiu*,Ye-Tao Tang, Jean Louis Morel, Rong-Liang Qiu, Charlie Li, Shi-Zhong Wang. Simultaneous attenuation of phytoaccumulation of Cd and As in soil treated with inorganic and organic amendments.Environmental Pollution, 2019, 250(7):464-474(IF=4.358, 2017,中科院JCR-SCI環境科學與生態學大類二區)
  3. Wen-Shen Liu, Hong-Xiang Zheng, Jean-Louis Morel, Hermine Huot, Antony van der Ent,Ye-Tao Tang*, Rong-Liang Qiu. Co-deposition of silicon with rare earth elements (REEs) and aluminium in the fernDicranopteris linearisfrom China.Plant and Soil, 2019, 437:427-437(IF=3.306, 2017,中科院JCR-SCI農林科學大類一區)
  4. 藍莫茗,張鵬,高藝純,楊文俊,湯葉濤*,仇榮亮.模擬降雨對大寶山排土場植物穩定修復重金屬的影響.套用與環境生物學報,2019,DOI: 10.19675/j.cnki.1006-1006-687x.2018
  5. Ying-Hen Fei, Dan Zhao, Ya-Dong Cao, Hermine Huot,Ye-Tao Tang, Hong-Guo Zhang*, Tang-Fu Xiao. Phosphorous retention and release by sludge-derived hydrochar for potential use as a soil amendment.Journal of Environmental Quality, 2019. DOI: 10.2134/jeq2018.09.0328(IF=2.405, 2017,中科院JCR-SCI環境科學與生態學大類三區)
  6. Wen-Shen Liu, Le-Lan Wu, Meng-Yuan Zheng, Yuan-Qing Chao, Chun-Mei Zhao, Xi Zhong, Keng-Bo Ding, Hermine Huot, Miao-Yue Zhang,Ye-Tao Tang*, Charlie Li, Rong-Liang Qiu. Controls on rare-earth element transport in a river impacted by ion-adsorption rare-earth mining.Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 660: 697-704(IF=4.610, 2017,中科院JCR-SCI環境科學與生態學大類二區Top; EI)
  7. Teng-Hao-Bo Deng,Ye-Tao Tang*, Thibault Sterckeman, Guillaume Echevarria, Jean-Louis Morel, Rong-Liang Qiu.Effects of the interactions between nickel and other trace metals on their accumulation in the hyperaccumulatorNoccaea caerulescens,Environmental and Experimental Botany,2019, 158:73-79(IF=3.666, 2017,中科院JCR-SCI環境科學與生態學大類二區)
  8. Wen-Shen Liu, Mei-Na Guo, Chang Liu, Ming Yuan, Xin-Tian Chen, Hermine Huot*, Chun-Mei Zhao,Ye-Tao Tang*, Jean Louis Morel, Rong-Liang Qiu. Water, sediment and agricultural soil contamination from an ion-adsorption rare earth mining area.Chemosphere, 2019, 216: 75-83(IF=4.427, 2017,中科院JCR-SCI環境科學與生態學大類二區Top; EI)
  9. Wen-Jun Yang, Keng-Bo Ding, Peng Zhang, Hao Qiu*, Christophe Cloquet, Han-Jie Wen, Jean-Louis Morel, Rong-Liang Qiu,Ye-Tao Tang*. Cadmium stable isotope variation in a mountain area impacted by acid mine drainage.Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 646: 696-703(IF=4.610, 2017,中科院JCR-SCI環境科學與生態學大類二區Top; EI)
  10. 陳鶯燕,劉文深,袁鳴,郭美娜,劉暢,Hermine Huot,湯葉濤*,仇榮亮.超富集植物對稀土元素吸收轉運解毒與分異的研究進展.土壤學報,2019, 56(3):
  11. 張鵬,楊富淋,藍莫茗,劉文深,楊文俊,湯葉濤*,仇榮亮.廣東大寶山多金屬污染排土場耐性植物與改良劑穩定修復研究.環境科學學報, 2019, 39(2):545-552
  12. Jin-Tian Li, Hanumanth Gurijala, Long-Hua Wu, Antony Van der Ent, Rong-Liang Qiu, Alan JM Baker,Ye-Tao Tang, Xiao-E Yang*, Wen-Sheng Shu*. Hyperaccumulator plants from China: a synthesis of the current state of knowledge.Environmental Science & Technology, 2018, 52(21): 11980-11994. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.8b01060.(IF=6.653, 2017,中科院JCR-SCI環境科學與生態學大類一區; EI)
  13. 羅小麗,鞠琳,姚愛軍*,劉沖,楊燕花,曹健,湯葉濤,仇榮亮.水分管理、鐵矽材料與生物炭對不同水稻品種吸收鎘的影響及其機制.農業環境科學學報(已接受)
  14. 張鵬,楊文俊,鄧騰灝博,晁元卿,王詩忠*,仇榮亮,湯葉濤*.土壤-植物體系中鋅鎘穩定同位素分餾研究進展.科學通報, 2018, 63(28-29): 2944-2953(EI)
  15. 陳鶯燕,劉文深,丁鏗博,湯葉濤*,仇榮亮,有機改良劑及生物炭對離子型稀土礦尾砂地生態修復的改良探究.環境科學學報,2018, 38(12): 4769-4778
  16. Baptiste Laubie*, Zeinab Chour,Ye-Tao Tang, Jean-Louis Morel, Marie-Odile Simonnot, Laurence Muhr. REE recovery from the Fern D. Dichotoma by acid oxalic precipitation after direct leaching with EDTA.Minerals, Metals and Materials Series, 2018: 2659-2667(DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-95022-8_224(EI)
  17. Zeinab Chour, Baptiste Laubie, Jean Louis Morel,Ye-Tao Tang, Rong-Liang Qiu, Marie-Odile Simonnot, Laurence Muhr*. Recovery of Rare Earth Elements fromDicranopteris dichotomaby an enhanced ion exchange leaching process.Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification,2018, 130: 208-213(IF=2.826, 2017,中科院JCR-SCI工程技術大類三區; EI).
  18. 曹健,陳喆,吳箐*,吳灼浩,董漢英,姚愛軍,仇榮亮,王詩忠,何爾凱,湯葉濤.基施鋼渣及生物炭結合水分管理阻控水稻鎘砷吸收研究.農業環境科學學報,2018. 37(7):1475-1483
  19. 郭娟,羅小麗,姚愛軍*,袁鳴,劉沖,湯葉濤,仇榮亮.模擬酸雨條件下鐵矽材料和生物炭對土壤鎘砷形態及生物有效性的影響.農業環境科學學報,2018. 37(7):1495-1502
  20. 楊慧珠,程乾坤,王新璋,陳惠康,張紅雲,黃雄飛,楊曉芳,湯葉濤,石太宏*.改性拜爾法赤泥顆粒的製備及對土壤鉛的穩定化處理.環境工程學報, 2018, 12(4): 1171-1181
  21. Teng-Hao-Bo Deng, Antony van der Ent,Ye-Tao Tang*, Thibault Sterckeman, Guillaume Echevarria, Jean-Louis Morel, Rong-Liang Qiu*. Nickel hyperaccumulation mechanisms: a review on the current state of knowledge.Plant and Soil2018, 423: 1-11(IF=3.306, 2017,中科院JCR-SCI農林科學大類一區)
  22. Keng-Bo Ding, Chang Liu,Ye-Tao Tang, Shi-Zhong Wang, Xian-Ge Wei, Yuan-Qing Chao, Rong-Liang Qiu*. Phytoremediation of heavy metal-contaminated soil in southern China. In: Y. Luo, C. Tu (eds.), Twenty years of Research and Development on Soil Pollution and Remediation in China.Science Press & Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018.
  23. Chang Liu, Ming Yuan, Wen-Shen Liu, Mei-Na Guo, Hermine Huot,Ye-Tao Tang, Baptiste Laubie, Marie-Odile Simonnot, Jean-Louis Morel, Rong-Liang Qiu*. Element case studies: rare earth elements. In: Agromining: extracting unconventional resources from plants. van der Ent A, Echevarria G, Baker AJM, Morel J-L (eds). Mineral Resource Reviews series,Springer International Publishing AG,2018 [DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-61899-9_19], 297-304
  24. Keng-Bo Ding, Qing Wu*, Hang Wei, Wen-Jun Yang, Geoffory Séré, Shi-Zhong Wang, Guillaume Echevarria,Ye-Tao Tang, Juan Tao, Jean-Louis Morel, Rong-Liang Qiu. Ecosystem services provided by heavy metal-contaminated soils in China.Journal of Soils and Sediments. 2018, 18: 380-390(IF=2.627, 2017,中科院JCR-SCI環境科學與生態學大類三區)
  25. Ming Yuan, Chang Liu, Wen-Shen Liu, Mei-Na Guo, Jean-Louis Morel, Hermine Huot, Hong-Jie Yu,Ye-Tao Tang*, Rong-Liang Qiu*. Accumulation and fractionation of rare earth elements (REEs) in the naturally grownPhytolacca americanaL. in southern China.International Journal of Phytoremediation, 2018, 20(5):415-423(IF=1.886, 2017,中科院JCR-SCI環境科學與生態學大類三區)
  26. Ming Yuan, Mei-Na Guo, Wen-Shen Liu, Chang Liu, Antony van der Ent, Jean Louis Morel, Hermine Huot, Wan-Ying Zhao, Xian-Ge Wei*, Rong-Liang Qiu,Ye-Tao Tang*. The accumulation and fractionation of Rare Earth Elements in hydroponically grownPhytolacca americanaL.Plant and Soil.2017, 421:67-82(IF=3.306, 2017,中科院JCR-SCI農林科學大類一區)
  27. Chang-MingDu*, Shang Chao, TingWang,Xiao-Liang Xiao, Ju-JunRuan,Dan-YanMa,Ye-Tao Tang,Rong-LiangQiu*. Study of the process and mechanism of the remediation of phenol contaminated soil by plasma vibrated bed.Plasma Chemistry And Plasma Processing,2017, 37(6):1635-1653(IF=2.658, 2017,中科院JCR-SCI工程技術大類三區; EI)
  28. Zhe Chen,Ye-Tao Tang*, Ai-Jun Yao, Jian Cao, Zhuo-Hao Wu, Zhe-Ran Peng, Shi-Zhong Wang, Shi Xiao, Alan J. M. Baker, Rong-Liang Qiu. Mitigation of Cd accumulation in paddy rice (Oryza sativaL.) by Fe fertilization.Environmental Pollution, 2017, 231: 549-559(IF=4.358, 2017,中科院JCR-SCI環境科學與生態學大類二區)
  29. ,房麗莎,譚韻盈,湯葉濤*,仇榮亮. CMC-nZVI對高硫礦山土壤中銅的固定效果及機理,環境科學學報. 2017, 37(11): 4336-4343
  30. Rong-Rong Ying, Ling-Ya Kong, Lei Wang, Yan-Hong Feng, Yan-Hong Shan, Xiao-Wen Zeng, Rong-Liang Qiu,Ye-Tao Tang*, Shao-Po Deng. The Zn/Cd accumulation and antioxidative enzymes response in hyperaccumulatorArabis paniculataFranch. under Zn and Cd co-exposure.Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2017, 4: 2797-2805(IF=0.673, 2017,中科院JCR-SCI環境科學與生態學大類四區)
  31. Zhe Chen,Ye-Tao Tang*, Can Zhou, Shu-Ting Xie, Shi Xiao, Alan J. M. Baker, Rong-Liang Qiu*. Mechanisms of Fe biofortification and mitigation of Cd accumulation in rice (Oryza sativaL.) grown hydroponically with Fe chelate fertilization.Chemosphere, 2017, 175:275-285(IF=4.427, 2017,中科院JCR-SCI環境科學與生態學大類二區; EI)
  32. Huan-Ping Lu, Zhi-An Li*, Jing-Tao Wu, Yong Shen, Ying-Wen Li, Bi Zou,Ye-Tao Tang, Ping Zhuang*. Influences of calcium silicate on chemical forms and subcellular distribution of cadmium inAmaranthus hypochondriacusL.Scientific Reports, 2017, 7, 40583(IF=4.122, 2017,中科院JCR-SCI綜合性期刊三區)
  33. Hao Zhang, Dan-Yan Ma, Rong-Liang Qiu*,Ye-Tao Tang, Chang-Ming Du*. Non-thermal plasma technology for organic contaminated soil remediation: a review.Chemical Engineering Journal. 2017. 313: 157-170(IF=6.735, 2017,中科院JCR-SCI工程技術大類一區; EI)
  34. Yan-Mei Chen, Wen-Jun Yang, Yuan-Qing Chao*, Shi-Zhong Wang,Ye-Tao Tang, Rong-Liang Qiu*. Metal-tolerantEnterobactersp. strain EG16 enhanced phytoremediation usingHibiscus cannabinusvia siderophores-mediated plant growth promotion under metal contamination.Plant and Soil. 2017, 413:203-216(IF=3.306, 2017,中科院JCR-SCI農林科學大類一區)
  35. Ai-Jun Yao, Ya-Ni Wang, Xiao-Dan Ling, Zhe Chen,Ye-Tao Tang, Hao Qiu, Rong-Rong Ying, Rong-Liang Qiu*. Effects of an iron-silicon material, a synthetic zeolite and an alkaline clay on vegetable uptake of As and Cd from a polluted agricultural soil and proposed remediation mechanisms.Environmental Geochemistry and Health. 2017, 39(2): 353-367(IF=2.994, 2017,中科院JCR-SCI環境科學與生態學大類三區)
  36. 杜長明*,李子明,仇榮亮,湯葉濤,劉育.電漿聯合紫外光催化淨化有機廢氣關鍵技術分析.環境工程學報, 2016, 10(10): 5782-5790
  37. Yuan-Qing Chao,Wen-Shen Liu,Yan-Mei Chen,Wen-Hui Chen,Li-Hua Zhao,Qiao-Bei Ding,Shi-Zhong Wang,Ye-Tao Tang*,Tong Zhang, andRong-Liang Qiu*.Structure, variation, and co-occurrence of soil microbial communities in abandoned sites of a rare earth elements mine.Environmental Science & Technology, 2016, 50(21): 11481-11490.(IF=6.653, 2017,中科院JCR-SCI環境科學與生態學大類一區; EI)
  38. Lu Tang, Ai-Jun Yao, Ming Yuan,Ye-Tao Tang*, Jian Liu, Xi Liu, Rong-Liang Qiu*. Transcriptional up-regulation of genes involved in photosynthesis of the Zn/Cd hyperaccumulatorSedum alfrediiin response to zinc and cadmium.Chemosphere, 2016, 164: 190-200(IF=4.427, 2017,中科院JCR-SCI環境科學與生態學大類二區; EI)
  39. Ye-Tao Tang, Christophe Cloquet, Teng-Hao-Bo Deng, Thibault Sterckeman, Guillaume Echevarria, Wen-Jun Yang, Jean-Louis Morel, Rong-Liang Qiu*. Zinc isotope fractionation in the Zn hyperaccumulatorNoccaea caerulescensand the nonaccumulating plantThlaspi arvenseat low and high Zn supply.Environmental Science & Technology, 2016, 50(15): 8020-8027(IF=6.653, 2017,中科院JCR-SCI環境科學與生態學大類一區; EI)
  40. Sai-Hua Liu,Ye-Tao Tang*, Rong-Liang Qiu, Rong-Rong Ying, Rui-Guang Ge, Xiong-Hui Ji. Responses of carbonic anhydrase to cadmium in the zinc/cadmium hyperaccumulatorPicris divaricataVant.Pedosphere, 2016, 26(5): 709-716(IF=2.430, 2017,中科院JCR-SCI農林科學大類三區)
  41. Teng-Hao-Bo Deng,Ye-Tao Tang*, Antony van der Ant, Thibault Sterckeman, Guillaume Echevarria, Jean-Louis Morel, Rong-Liang Qiu*. Ni translocation via the phloem in the hyperaccumulatorNoccaea caerulescens(Brassicaceae).Plant and Soil, 2016, 404: 35-45(IF=3.306, 2017,中科院JCR-SCI農林科學大類一區)
  42. Nicolas Estrade*, Christophe Cloquet, Guillaume Echevarria, Thibault Sterckeman, Teng-Hao-Bo Deng,Ye-Tao Tang, Jean-Louis Morel. Weathering and vegetation controls on nickel isotope fractionation in surface ultramafic environments (Albania).Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2015, 423:24-35(IF=4.581, 2017,中科院JCR-SCI地學大類一區; EI)
  43. 劉文深,劉暢,王至威,滕文凱,湯葉濤*,仇榮亮.離子型稀土礦尾砂地植被復墾障礙因子研究.土壤學報, 2015, 52(4): 179-187 (2015年第4期封面論文)
  44. Teng-Hao-Bo Deng, Christophe Cloquet,Ye-Tao Tang*, Thibault Sterckeman*, Guillaume Echevarria, Nicolas Estrade, Jean-Louis Morel, Rong-Liang Qiu. Nickel and zinc isotope fractionation in hyperaccumulating and non-accumulating plants.Environmental Science & Technology, 2014, 48(20): 11926-11933(IF=6.653, 2017,中科院JCR-SCI環境科學與生態學大類一區; EI)
  45. Lu Tang, Rong-Liang Qiu*, Ye-TaoTang, Shi-Zhong Wang. Cadmium-zinc exchange and their binary relationship in the structure of Zn-related proteins: a mini review.Metallomics. 2014,6, 1313-1323(IF=4.069, 2017,中科院JCR-SCI生物大類二區)
  46. Lu Tang,Ye-Tao Tang*, Guo-Mao Zheng, Gan-Hao Zhang, Wen-Shen Liu, Rong-Liang Qiu*. Spatial heterogeneity of Zn/Cd-contaminated soil on the removal efficiency by the hyperaccumulatorSedum alfredii.Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2014, 14: 948-954(IF=2.627, 2017,中科院JCR-SCI環境科學與生態學大類三區)
  47. Lu Tang, Rong-Rong Ying, Dan Jiang, Xiao-Wen Zeng*, Jean-Louis Morel,Ye-Tao Tang*, Rong-Liang Qiu. Impaired leaf CO2diffusion mediates Cd-induced inhibition of photosynthesis in the Zn/Cd hyperaccumulatorPicris divaricata.Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2013, 73: 70-76(IF=2.718, 2017,中科院JCR-SCI生物大類三區)
  48. Zeng-Hui Diao, Tai-Hong Shi, Shi-Zhong Wang*, Xiong-Fei Huang, Tao Zhang,Ye-Tao Tang, Xia-Ying Zhang, Rong-Liang Qiu*.Silane-based coatings on the pyrite for remediation of acid mine drainage,Water Research, 2013, 47(13): 4391-4402(IF=7.051, 2017,中科院JCR-SCI環境科學與生態學大類一區; EI)
  49. C-Leigh Broadhurst*, Gary-R Bauchan, Charles-A Murphy,Ye-Tao Tang,Christopher Pooley, Allen-P Davis, Rufus-L Chaney. Accumulation of zinc and cadmium and localization of zinc inPicris divaricataVant.Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2013, 87: 1-9(IF=3.666, 2017,中科院JCR-SCI環境科學與生態學大類二區)
  50. Ye-Tao Tang, Christophe Cloquet, Thibault Sterckeman*, Guillaume Echevarria, Jean Carignan, Rong-Liang Qiu, Jean-Louis Morel. Fractionation of stable Zn isotopes in the field-grown Zn hyperaccumulatorNoccaea caerulescensand the zinc-tolerant plantSilene vulgaris.Environmental Science & Technology, 2012,46, 9972-9979(IF=6.653, 2017,中科院JCR-SCI環境科學與生態學大類一區; EI)
  51. Ye-Tao Tang, Teng-Hao-Bo Deng, Qi-Hang Wu, Shi-Zhong Wang, Rong-Liang Qiu, Ze-Bin Wei, Xiao-Fang Guo, Qi-Tang Wu, Mei Lei, Tong-Bin Chen, Guillaume Echevarria, Thibault Sterckeman, Marie-Odile Simonnot, Jean-Louis Morel*. Designing cropping systems for metal-contaminated sites: a review.Pedosphere, 2012, 22(4): 470-488(IF=2.430, 2017,中科院JCR-SCI農林科學大類三區)
  52. Peng-Jie Hu, Yuan-Yuan Gan,Ye-Tao Tang, Quan-Fang Zhang, Dan Jiang, Nan Yao, Rong-Liang Qiu*. Cellular tolerance, accumulation and distribution of cadmium in leaves of hyperaccumulatorPicris divaricata.Pedosphere, 2012, 22(4): 497-507(IF=2.430, 2017,中科院JCR-SCI農林科學大類三區)
  53. Rong-Liang Qiu*,Ye-Tao Tang, Xiao-Wen Zeng, Palaniswamy Thangavel, Lu Tang, Yuan-Yuan Gan, Rong-Rong Ying, Shi-Zhong Wang. Mechanisms of Cd hyperaccumulation and detoxification in heavy metal hyperaccumulators: how plants cope with Cd.Progress in Botany, 2012, 73, 127-159 (編輯約稿綜述)
  54. Hai-Hong Gu, Shu-Shun Zhan, Shi-Zhong Wang,Ye-Tao Tang, Rufus L. Chaney, Xiao-Hang Fang, Xin-De Cai, Rong-Liang Qiu*. Silicon-mediated amelioration of zinc toxicity in rice (Oryza sativaL.) seedlings.Plant and Soil,2012, 350(1-2): 193-204(IF=3.306, 2017,中科院JCR-SCI農林科學大類一區)
  55. Hai-Hong Gu, Hao Qiu, Tian Tian, Shu-Shun Zhan, Teng-Hao-Bo Deng, Rufus Chaney, Shi-Zhong Wang,Ye-Tao Tang, Jean-Louis Morel, Rong-Liang Qiu*. Mitigation effects of silicon rich amendments on heavy metal accumulation in rice (Oryza sativaL.) planted on multi-metal contaminated acidic soil.Chemosphere, 2011, 83: 1234-1240(IF=4.427, 2017,中科院JCR-SCI環境科學與生態學大類二區; EI)
  56. Rui-Jun Du, Er-Kai He,Ye-Tao Tang, Peng-Jie Hu, Rong-Rong Ying, Jean-Louis Morel, Rong-Liang Qiu*. How phytohormone IAA and chelator EDTA affect lead uptake by Zn/Cd hyperaccumulatorPicris divaricata?International Journal of Phytoremediation, 2011, 13(10):1024-1036(IF=1.886, 2017,中科院JCR-SCI環境科學與生態學大類三區)
  57. Rong-Liang Qiu*,PalaniswamyThangavel, Peng-Jie Hu, Palaninaicker Senthilkumar, Rong-Rong Ying,Ye-Tao Tang. Interaction of cadmium and zinc on accumulation and sub-cellular distribution in leaves of hyperaccumulatorPotentilla griffithi.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2011,186:1425-1430(IF=6.434, 2017,中科院JCR-SCI工程技術大類一區; EI)
  58. Xiao-Wen Zeng, Rong-Liang Qiu*, Rong-Rong Ying,Ye-Tao Tang, Lu Tang, Xiao-Hang Fang. The differentially-expressed proteome in Zn/Cd hyperaccumulatorArabis paniculataFranch. in response to Zn and Cd.Chemosphere, 2011,82:321-328(IF=4.427, 2017,中科院JCR-SCI環境科學與生態學大類二區; EI)
  59. Xiao-Wen Zeng, Lena Ma*, Rong-Liang Qiu*,Ye-Tao Tang.Effect of Zn on plant tolerance and non-protein thiols accumulation in Zn hyperaccumulatorArabis paniculataFranch.Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2011, 70:227-232(IF=3.666, 2017,中科院JCR-SCI環境科學與生態學大類二區)
  60. 湯葉濤,關麗捷,仇榮亮*,應蓉蓉,劉鳳傑,胡鵬傑.鎘對超富集植物滇苦菜抗氧化系統的影響.生態學報, 2010, 30(2): 324-332
  61. 於方明,湯葉濤,仇榮亮*,周小勇,應蓉蓉,胡鵬傑,張濤. Cd脅迫下超富集植物圓錐南芥抗氧化機理.環境科學學報, 2010, 30(2): 409-414
  62. 於方明,湯葉濤,周小勇,何爾凱,應蓉蓉,李清飛,仇榮亮*.鎘對圓錐南芥鋅的吸收、亞細胞分布和化學形態影響.中山大學學報(自然科學版), 2010,49(4):118-124
  63. Rong-Rong Ying, Rong-Liang Qiu*,Ye-Tao Tang, Peng-Jie Hu, Hao Qiu, Hong-Ru Chen, Tai-Hong Shi, Jean-Louis Morel. Cadmium tolerance of carbon assimilation enzymes and chloroplast in Zn/Cd hyperaccumulatorPicris divaricata.Journal of Plant Physiology,2010, 167: 81-87(IF=2.833, 2017,中科院JCR-SCI生物大類三區)
  64. Feng-Jie Liu,Ye-Tao Tang, Ru-Jun Du, Hai-Yan Yang, Qi-Tang Wu, Rong-Liang Qiu*. Root foraging for zinc and cadmium requirement in the Zn/Cd hyperaccumulator plantSedum alfredii.Plant and Soil, 2010, 327:365-375(IF=3.306, 2017,中科院JCR-SCI農林科學大類一區)
  65. Ye-Tao Tang, Rong-Liang Qiu*, Xiao-Wen Zeng, Rong-Rong Ying, Fang-Ming Yu, Xiao-Yong Zhou. Lead, zinc, cadmium hyperaccumulation and growth stimulation inArabis paniculataFranch.Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2009, 66:126-134(IF=3.666, 2017,中科院JCR-SCI環境科學與生態學大類二區)
  66. Ye-Tao Tang, Rong-Liang Qiu*, Xiao-Wen Zeng, Xiao-Hang Fang, Fang-Ming Yu, Xiao-Yong Zhou, Yu-Du Wu. Zn and Cd hyperaccumulating characteristics ofPicris divaricataVant.International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 2009, 38(1/2): 26-38(IF=0.506, 2016,中科院JCR-SCI環境科學與生態學大類四區; EI)
  67. 湯葉濤,吳妤都,仇榮亮*,曾曉雯,胡鵬傑.滇苦菜(Picris divaricataVant.)對鋅吸收和富集特性的研究.生態學報,2009,29(4):1823-1831
  68. Xiao-Wen Zeng, Lena-Q.Ma*, Rong-Liang Qiu*,Ye-Tao Tang.Responses of Cd accumulation and non-protein thiols to Cd exposure in Cd hyperaccumulatorArabis paniculataFranch.Environmental and Experimental Botany,2009, 66(2): 242-248(IF=3.666, 2017,中科院JCR-SCI環境科學與生態學大類二區)
  69. Peng-Jie Hu,Rong-Liang Qiu*, Palaninaicker Senthilkumar, Dan Jiang, Zhong-Wei Chen,Ye-Tao Tang, Feng-Jie Liu.Tolerance, accumulation and distribution of zinc and cadmium in hyperaccumulatorPotentilla griffithii.Environmental and Experimental Botany,2009, 66(2): 317-325(IF=3.666, 2017,中科院JCR-SCI環境科學與生態學大類二區)
  70. Rong-Liang Qiu*, Wen Liu, Xiao-Wen Zeng,Ye-Tao Tang, Eric Brewer, Xiao-Hang Fang. Effects of exogenous citric acid and malic acid addition on nickel uptake and translocation in leaf mustard (Brassica juncea var. foliosaBailey) andAlyssum corsicum.International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 2009, 38(1/2): 15-25(IF=0.506, 2017,中科院JCR-SCI環境科學與生態學大類四區; EI)
  71. Rong-Liang Qiu*, Xuan Zhao,Ye-Tao Tang, Fang-Ming Yu, Peng-Jie Hu. Antioxidative response to Cd in a newly discovered cadmium hyperaccumulator,Arabis paniculataF.Chemosphere, 2008, 74:6-12(IF=4.427, 2017,中科院JCR-SCI環境科學與生態學大類二區; EI)
  72. 於方明,仇榮亮*,周小勇,應蓉蓉,湯葉濤,趙璇,胡鵬傑,曾曉雯.鎘對超富集植物圓錐南芥氮素代謝的影響研究.土壤學報,2008,45(3):497-502
  73. 秦文淑,湯葉濤,仇榮亮*.套用植物重金屬超富集機理修復土壤複合污染的研究現狀與展望.四川環境,2008,27(2):106-114
  74. 應蓉蓉,杜鎖軍,胡鵬傑,趙芝灝,周小勇,湯葉濤,仇榮亮*.長柔毛委陵菜對鋅的吸收動力學特性的研究.套用生態學報,2008,19(6):1349-1354
  75. 仇榮亮*,劉鳳傑,萬雲兵,湯葉濤,胡鵬傑,Brewer EP, LI YM.植物A. corsicumA. murale修復鎳污染土壤.中國環境科學, 2008,11:1026-1031
  76. 於方明,仇榮亮*,湯葉濤,應蓉蓉,周小勇,趙璇,胡鵬傑,曾曉雯.Cd對小白菜生長及氮素代謝的影響研究.環境科學,2008,29(2):506-511
  77. 於方明,湯葉濤,周小勇,胡鵬傑,曾曉雯,趙璇,仇榮亮*.鎘在圓錐南芥(Arabis paniculataFranch.)中的亞細胞分布及其化學形態.中山大學學報(自然科學版),2007,46(6):88-92
  78. 胡鵬傑,周小勇,仇榮亮*,湯葉濤,應蓉蓉.Zn超富集植物長柔毛委陵菜對Cd的耐性與富集特徵.農業環境科學學報, 2007, 26(6): 2221-2224
  79. Rong-Liang Qiu*, Xiao-Hang Fang,Ye-Tao Tang, Suo-Jun Du, Xiao-Wen Zeng, Eric Brewer. Zinc hyperaccumulation and uptake byPotentilla griffithiiHook.International Journal of Phytoremediation, 2006, 8(4):299-310(IF=1.886, 2017,中科院JCR-SCI環境科學與生態學大類三區)
  80. Ye-Tao Tang, Rong-Liang Qiu*, Xiao-Wen Zeng, Xiao-Hang Fang, Xiao-Yong Zhou, Fang-Ming Yu, Yu-Du Wu, Lead, zinc and cadmium accumulation in herbaceous species and soils in Lanping Pb/Zn mining area, Yunnan Province, China (Abstract).Chinese Journal of Geochemistry, 2006, 25(Suppl.):250.
  81. 湯葉濤,仇榮亮*,曾曉雯,方曉航.一種新的多金屬超富集植物——圓錐南芥(Arabis paniculataFranch).中山大學學報(自然科學版),2005,44(4):135-136
  82. 方曉航,仇榮亮*,曾曉雯,湯葉濤,劉雯.EDTA、小分子有機酸對蛇蚊岩發育土壤Ni、Co活性的影響.中山大學學報(自然科學版),2005,44(4):111-114
  83. 方曉航,仇榮亮*,湯葉濤,趙德竣.雲南蛇紋岩發育土壤與植被中重金屬含量的分析.套用與環境生物學報,2005,11(4):431-434
  84. 方曉航,仇榮亮*,趙德竣,劉雯,湯葉濤.生物源提取液與工業廢水對土壤中Ni、Co的活化研究.生態環境,2005,14(3):348-348
  85. 蔡信德,仇榮亮*,湯葉濤,方曉航,陳桂珠.外源鎳在土壤中的存在形態及其與土壤酶活性的關係.中山大學學報(自然科學版),2005,14(5):93-97
  86. 方曉航,仇榮亮*,劉雯,湯葉濤.小分子有機酸對蛇紋岩發育土壤Ni、Co的活化影響.中國環境科學,2005,25(5):618-621
  87. Rong-Liang Qiu*, Ye-Tao Tang, Xiao-Hang Fang, Rufus-L Chaney, Ying-Ming Li, J-S Angle, Wen Liu, Xiao-Wen Zeng, Phytoremediation of heavy metal contaminated soil and its mechanism,Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Sunyatseni,2004,43(6):144-149
  88. 湯葉濤,賈后磊,溫琰茂*,舒廷飛.網箱養殖對水環境的影響.水利漁業,2003,23(1):46-48
  89. 周勁風,黃平*,湯葉濤,羅建山.廣州市水政水資源管理信息系統開發研究.重慶環境科學, 2002,24(3):14-16
  90. 舒廷飛,溫琰茂*,湯葉濤.養殖水環境中氮的循環與平衡.水產科學,2002,21(2):30-34
  91. 湯葉濤,黃平*,周勁風.基於客戶/伺服器結構的環境信息系統的開發研究.上海環境科學(CN31-1322/X,網路版),2002.2
  92. 管東生,湯葉濤,彭逸生.環境科學專業本科生態學課程理論與實踐教學改革探討.高教論壇. 2015, 10: 28-31
  93. 管東生,湯葉濤,彭逸生.生態學課程野外實習教學改革和實習基地建設探討——以本科環境科學專業為例.高教論壇. 2017, 12: 18-20
  94. 湯葉濤,袁鳴,仇榮亮,劉文深,劉暢,郭美娜,陳鶯燕,游敏,晁元卿,王詩忠.一種離子型稀土尾砂地改良劑及其修複方法.中國發明專利,申請號:CN201810338539.6,申請日:2018年4月16日
  95. 湯葉濤,劉暢,劉文深,游敏,袁鳴,郭美娜,楊奕鳴,晁元卿,王詩忠,仇榮亮.一種利用耐性經濟植物苧麻修復離子型稀土尾砂區的方法.中國發明專利,申請號:201710198811.0,申請日:2017年3月29日
  96. 晁元卿,劉文深,王詩忠,湯葉濤,仇榮亮.利用生物炭-廄肥複合改良劑和植物隔離層穩定多金屬礦山排土場重金屬的方法.中國發明專利,申請號:201810032232.3,申請日:2018年1月21日
  97. 王國保,王詩忠,遲浩淳,袁永強,俸文玲,晁元卿,湯葉濤,仇榮亮.一種新型土柱淋溶裝置.中國實用新型專利,申請號: 201821495149.1,申請日: 2018年9月11日
  98. 王詩忠,王國保,遲浩淳,袁永強,俸文玲,晁元卿,湯葉濤,仇榮亮.一種新型一體化徑流裝置.中國實用新型專利,申請號: 201821480484.4,申請日:2018年9月11日
  99. 王詩忠,李元媛,曾加會,黃禮格,阮迪申,仇榮亮,晁元卿,湯葉濤.一種提升番茄耐鎘能力的方法.中國發明專利,申請號:CN201810231150.1,申請日:2018年3月20日
  100. 王詩忠,阮迪申,李元媛,楊璐,黃禮格,丁鏗博,趙曼,仇榮亮,晁元卿,湯葉濤.一種基於ZigBee協定控制溫濕度的植物培養裝置.中國發明專利,申請號:CN201810231788.5,申請日:2018年3月20日
  101. 王詩忠,黃禮格,李元媛,丁鏗博,趙曼,楊璐,仇榮亮,晁元卿,湯葉濤.翅莢決明和生物炭聯合修復尾礦庫的方法.中國發明專利,申請號:CN201810167307.9,申請日:2018年2月28日
  102. 王詩忠,林慶祺,王英麗,仇榮亮,湯葉濤,晁元卿.一種利用草酸和鐵載體DFOB溶解赤鐵礦的方法.中國發明專利,申請號:CN201710253361.0,申請日:2017年4月18日
  103. 王詩忠,林慶祺,梁志鋒,黃禮格,李元媛,仇榮亮,晁元卿,湯葉濤.基於植物、土壤、微生物的重金屬污染土壤修復效果綜合評價方法.中國發明專利,申請號:CN201710255923.5,申請日:2017年4月18日
  104. 王詩忠,李元媛,楊璐,黃禮格,丁鏗博,趙曼,仇榮亮,晁元卿,湯葉濤.根表鐵膜/微生物膜生成模擬裝置及方法.中國發明專利,申請號:CN201710253060.8,申請日:2017年4月18日
  105. 仇榮亮,杜長明,阮菊俊,湯葉濤,熊亞.一種利用廢線路板中非金屬分離物製備吸附劑的方法.中國發明專利,申請號:201610641629.3,申請日:2016年8月8日
  106. 湯葉濤,劉文深,仇榮亮,劉暢,王至威,滕文凱,王詩忠.一種離子型稀土礦尾砂地改良及植被復墾的方法.中國發明專利,申請號:201410197494,申請日:2014年5月12日
  107. 仇榮亮,姚愛軍,陳喆,湯葉濤,王詩忠,曹健.一種修復重金屬污染酸性土壤的鈣鐵矽基複合材料及其套用.中國發明專利,專利號:ZL201510602213.6,授權日:2018年10月30日
  108. 石太宏,趙光利,陳惠康,徐源,湯葉濤,王新璋,柴洪元,程乾坤,張紅雲,黃雄飛.一種利用赤泥顆粒材料修復重金屬污染土壤的方法.中國發明專利,專利號:ZL201510796682.6,授權日:2017年8月29日
  109. 趙光利,石太宏,王新璋,陳惠康,徐源,柴洪雲,湯葉濤,程乾坤,張紅雲,黃雄飛.一種赤泥顆粒土壤修復劑及其製備方法.中國發明專利,專利號:ZL201510793560.1,授權日:2018年8月24日
  110. 仇榮亮,湯葉濤,曾曉雯,方曉航,杜鎖軍.利用圓錐南芥治理土壤和水體鉛、鋅、鎘污染的方法, 2007 (專利號ZL 2004 1 0052107.7)
  111. 仇榮亮,方曉航,湯葉濤,杜鎖軍,曾曉雯,蔡信德.利用長柔毛委陵菜治理土壤和水體鋅、鉛、鎘污染的方法2007 (專利號ZL 2004 1 0052108.1)
  112. Tang Ye-Tao*,Huot Hermine, Liu Wen-Shen, Guo Mei-Na, Liu Chang, Yuan Ming, Chen Ying-Yan, Séré Geoffroy, Watteau Françoise, Morel Jean Louis, Qiu Rong-Liang.Phytoremediation of rare earth mining sites in south China.The 15thInternational Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements (ICOBTE 2019), 5-9 May, Nanjing, China (Oral report)
  113. Chong Liu,Ye-Tao Tang, Ai-Jun Yao, Rong-Liang Qiu. Phenomics and metabolomics of root exudates revealed contrasting cadmium resistance strategies in two rice lines (Oryza sativaL.). The 15thInternational Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements (ICOBTE 2019), 5-9 May, Nanjing, China (Oral report)
  114. Wen-Shen Liu, J.S. Laird, A. van der Ent,Ye-Tao Tang*, Rong-Liang Qiu. Silicon induced detoxifiction of rare earth elements and aluminum in the fernDicranopteris linearisfrom China. The 15thInternational Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements (ICOBTE 2019), 5-9 May, Nanjing, China (Oral report)
  115. Ying-Yan Chen, Zhi-Qi Li, Yang-Ke Fu, De-Xiang Xu,Ye-Tao Tang*, Rong-Liang Qiu. Effect of different amendments on REE uptake byPhytolacca americanafor phytoextraction of ionic rare earth mine tailing of south China. The 15thInternational Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements (ICOBTE 2019), 5-9 May, Nanjing, China (Poster report)
  116. 湯葉濤,仇榮亮,劉文深,Jean-Louis Morel,Marie-Odile Simonnot, Baptiste Laubie.植物超富集稀土機理與濕法冶金技術研究.第八屆重金屬污染防治技術及風險評價研討會暨重金屬污染防治專業委員會2018年學術年會. 2018年11月15-18日,騰衝,雲南(邀請報告)
  117. Baptiste Laubie,Zeinab Chour,Ye-Tao Tang, Rong-Liang Qiu, Jean-Louis Morel, Marie-Odiel Simonnot, Laurence Muhr. REE agromining: recovery processes from the fernD. Dichotoma. 11th Sino-French Workshop – Innovations for the circular economy by recycling secondary resources. 29 October - 2 November, 2018, Guangzhou, China (Oral report)
  118. Hermine Huot, Mei-Na Guo, Chang Chang, Wen-Shen Liu, Ming Yuan, Ying-Yan Chen, Geoffroy Séré, Françoise Watteau, Yuanqing Chao, Apolline Auclerc, Jean-Louis Morel,Ye-Tao Tang, Rong-Liang Qiu. Reclamation of ionic rare earth elements (REEs) mine tailings in Southern China. 29 October - 2 November, 2018, Guangzhou, China (Oral report)
  119. 湯葉濤.華南礦山及周邊農田污染修復的3RAP體系.土壤重金屬污染植物生態修復學術研討會,2018年10月12-14日,桂林,中國(邀請報告)
  120. Zeinab Chour,Baptiste Laubie,Ye-Tao Tang, Rong-Liang Qiu, Jean-Louis Morel, Marie-Odile Simonnot, Laurence Muhr. REE recovery from mine tailings via the hyperaccumulatorD. dichotoma. IMPC 2018, 17-21 September, Moscow, Russia (Oral Report)
  121. Baptiste Laubie, Zeinab Chour,Ye-Tao Tang, Jean Louis Morel, Marie-Odile Simonnot, Laurence Muhr. Recovery of Rare Earth Elements from a Fern Biomass by Hydrometallurgy. Extraction 2018, 26-29 August, Westin Ottawa, Canada (Oral Report)
  122. Noémie Janot, Hermine Huot, Sophie Leguédois, Geoffroy Séré,Ye-Tao Tang, Jean-Louis Morel, Rong-Liang Qiu, Bert-Jan Groenenberg. Rare earths elements cycling in reclaimed ion-adsorption mine tailings. Goldschmidt2018, 12-17 August, Boston, USA (Oral Report)
  123. Ming Yuan, Wen-Shen Liu, Chang Liu, Mei-Na Guo, Jean Louis Morel, Hermine Huot,Ye-Tao Tang*, Rong-Liang Qiu*. Remediation of rare earth elements (REEs) mining sites byPhytolacca americanaL. and the REE fractionation in soil-plant system. 21th World Congress of Soil Science (WCSS), 12-17 August, 2018, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (Oral Report)
  124. Wen-Shen Liu, Meng-Yuan Zheng, Le-lan Wu, Chun-Mei Zhao, Yuan-Qing Chao,Ye-Tao Tang*, Rong-Liang Qiu*. Colloids control the transport and fraction of REEs in the river at ion-adsorption rare earth mining area. 21th World Congress of Soil Science (WCSS), 12-17 August, 2018, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (Poster)
  125. Wen-Shen Liu, Hong-Xiang Zheng, Jean-Louis Morel, Hermine Huot, Antony van der Ent,Ye-Tao Tang*, Rong-Liang Qiu.Dicranopteris dicthotoma: a rare earth elements (REEs), aluminum (Al) and silicon (Si) hyperaccumulator. 21th World Congress of Soil Science (WCSS), 12-17 August, 2018, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (Oral Report)
  126. Hermine Huot*, Mei-Na Guo, Chang Liu, Wen-Shen Liu, Ming Yuan, Geoffroy Séré, Françoise Watteau, Jean-Louis Morel,Ye-Tao Tang, Rong-Liang Qiu,Maire-Odile Simonnot. Soil development in ion-adsorbed REE mine tailings to assess the sustainability of the reclamation. 21th World Congress of Soil Science (WCSS), 12-17 August, 2018, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (Oral Report)
  127. Chang Liu, Yi-Ming Yang, Hermine Huot Mei-Na Guo, Wen-Shen Liu, Ming Yuan, Jean-Louis Morel,Ye-Tao Tang*, Rong-Liang Qiu*,Xi Zhong. Stabilization of rare earth elements (REEs) in ionic REE Mine Tailings using amendment and ramie (Boehmeria nivea). 21th World Congress of Soil Science (WCSS), 12-17 August, 2018, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (Oral Report)
  128. Baptiste Laubie, Zeinab Chour, Marie-Odile Simonnot, Jean-Louis Morel,Ye-Tao Tang, Laurence Muhr. A green process to extract rare earth element from the ashes ofDicronopteris dichotoma. GPE 2018, 3-6 June, 2018, Toulouse, France (Oral Report)
  129. 湯葉濤.高等植物中微量元素鋅和鎳的穩定同位素分餾研究.中國植物營養與肥料學會2018年學術年會. 2018年8月6-9日,西安,中國(邀請報告)
  130. 湯葉濤.華南礦區土壤污染修復與實踐案例.全國農田土壤重金屬污染防控與修復技術會議. 2018年7月9-11日,昆明,中國(邀請報告)
  131. 湯葉濤,仇榮亮.華南稀土礦山生態修復研究.第一屆礦山環境污染與修復學術研討會,2018年4月6-8日,廣州(華南理工大學),中國(邀請報告)
  132. 湯葉濤*.南方稀土礦區土壤污染與修復.第七屆重金屬污染防治技術及風險評價研討會暨重金屬污染防治專業委員會2017年學術年會,2017年11月21-23日,廣州,中國(邀請報告)
  133. Ye-Tao Tang*, Teng-Hao-Bo Deng, Christophe Cloquet, Thibault Sterckeman, Guillaume Echevarria, Jean-Louis Morel, Rong-Liang Qiu.Isotopic fractionation of trace elements (Zn/Ni) in plants. 10thSino-French Workshop on Contaminated Soil Remediation – Soil Functions Along a Gradient of Anthropisation (SAGA 2017). 11-15 September, 2017, Nancy, France (Oral report,邀請報告)
  134. Ming Yuan, Wen-Shen Liu, Chang Liu, Mei-Na Guo, Antony van der Ent, Jean Louis Morel, Hermine Huot, Rong-Liang Qiu*,Ye-Tao Tang*. The accumulation and fractionation of Rare Earth Elements (REEs) in hydroponically grownPhytolacca americanaL.第四屆污染生態學國際學術研討會暨第二屆土壤環境保護與生態文明建設國際研討會. 2017年8月24-29日,長沙,中國(口頭報告,研究生專場一等獎)
  135. Wen-Shen Liu, Ming Yuan, Chang Liu, Meina Guo, Chunmei Zhao, Hermine Huot,Ye-Tao Tang*, Rong-Liang Qiu.High concentrations and environmental fate of Rare Earth Elements in an ion-adsorption rare earth mine area.劉文深,袁鳴,劉暢,郭美娜,趙春梅, Hermine Huot,湯葉濤*,仇榮亮.離子型稀土礦污染現狀和分異特徵調查.第四屆污染生態學國際學術研討會暨第二屆土壤環境保護與生態文明建設國際研討會. 2017年8月24-29日,長沙,中國(口頭報告,研究生專場二等獎)
  136. Ming Yuan, Hermine Huot, Chang Liu, Wen-Shen Liu, Mei-Na Guo, Jean-Louis Morel,Ye-Tao Tang, Rong-Liang Qiu. The accumulation of rare earth elements (REEs) in Phytolacca americana, a REE hyperaccumulator. 14th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements (ICOBTE), 16-20 July, 2017, Zürich, Switzerland (Poster report)
  137. Ming Yuan,Jean-Louis Morel, Mei-Na Guo, Wen-Shen Liu, Chang Liu, Hermine Huot,Ye-Tao Tang, Rong-Liang Qiu. Rare earth elements (REEs) accumulation and fractionation inPhytolacca americana, a REE hyperaccumulator. AquaConsoil, 26-30 June, 2017, Lyon, France (Oral report)
  138. Hermin Huot, Mei-Na Guo, Chang Liu, Wen-Shen Liu, Ming Yuan,Geoffroy Séré, Françoise Watteau, Jean-Louis Morel,Ye-Tao Tang, Rong-Liang Qiu.Studying soil development in ionic REE mine tailings to assess the sustainability of the revegetation.SUITMA 9, 22-26 May, 2017, Moscow, Russia (Oral report)
  139. Ye-Tao Tang, Teng-Hao-Bo Deng, Christophe Cloquet, Thibault Sterckeman, Guillaume Echevarria, Jean-Louis Morel, Rong-Liang Qiu. Stable isotope fractionation associated with Zn/Ni uptake and transport in higher plants. Second Australia-China Joint Workshop on Soil and Food Security. 24-25 April, 2017. Guangzhou, China.(Oral report,邀請報告)
  140. 湯葉濤*,鄧騰灝博,楊文俊,仇榮亮.穩定同位素分餾示蹤植物吸收鋅/鎳機理的研究.中國礦物岩石地球化學學會第九次全國會員大會暨第16屆學術年會. 2017年4月18-21日.中國西安. (口頭報告)
  141. 湯葉濤*.礦山及農田重金屬污染土壤修復技術與實踐.第八期“贛州環保大講堂”,江西贛州市環保局主辦,2016年11月14-15日,江西定南(主題報告)
  142. Ye-Tao Tang*,Teng-Hao-Bo Deng, Christophe Cloquet, Thibault Sterckeman, Wen-Jun Yang, Guillaume Echevarria, Nicolas Estrade, Jean-Louis Morel, Rong-Liang Qiu.Zinc and nickel isotope fractionation in hyperaccumulating and non-accumulating plants.2ndAnnual IIES (International Institute of Environmental Studies) Scientific Workshop. 21-24 August, 2016, Kuopio, Finland (Poster report)
  143. Wen-Jun Yang, Yan-Mei Chen,Ye-Tao Tang*, Rong-Liang Qiu. Cadmium isotopes fractionation of the surface water in a mining area impacted by acid mine drainage. 2ndAnnual IIES (International Institute of Environmental Studies) Scientific Workshop. 21-24 August, 2016, Kuopio, Finland (Oral report).
  144. Ye-Tao Tang*,Zhe Chen, Jian Cao, Ai-Jun Yao, Shi-Zhong Wang, Rong-Liang Qiu. Strategies for reducing rice Cd accumulation in Southern China. The 1stJoint Workshop on Soil and Food Security of Sun Yat-sen University and Griffith University. 17-19 July, 2016, Brisbane, Australia (Oral report,邀請報告).
  145. Ye-Tao Tang*,Zhe Chen, Jian Cao, Ai-Jun Yao, Hai-Hong Gu, Shi-Zhong Wang, Jean-Louis Morel, Rong-Liang Qiu. Strategies for mitigation of Cd accumulation in rice. 8thSino-French Workshop on Soil Pollution and Remediation – Urban Agronomy. 30 November - 2 December, 2015, Nancy, France (Oral report,特邀報告)
  146. 湯葉濤*.贛州廢棄稀土礦山綜合治理技術與示範,贛州廢棄稀土礦山綜合治理技術交流座談會. 2015年11月20-21日,江西定南(主題報告)
  147. Wen-Shen Liu, Chang Liu, Mei-Na Guo,Ye-Tao Tang*, Jean-Louis Morel, Rong-Liang Qiu*. Loss Characteristics of Rare Earth Elements of Ionic Rare Earth Mine Tailings in South China. SUITMA8, September 20-25, 2015, Mexico city, Mexico (Oral report)
  148. Zhe Chen,Ye-Tao Tang*, Ai-Jun Yao, Jian Cao, Shi-Zhong Wang, Rong-Liang Qiu*. Mitigation of Cd Accumulation in Rice by Fe Fertilization. SUITMA8, 20-25 September, 2015, Mexico city, Mexico (Poster report)
  149. Wen-Jun Yang,Ye-Tao Tang*, Rong-Liang Qiu. Cadmium isotope investigation of surface waters and sediment in a mountain watershed impacted by acid mine drainage. SUITMA8, 20-25 September, 2015, Mexico city, Mexico (Poster report)
  150. 楊文俊,陳燕玫,丁鏗博,湯葉濤*,仇榮亮.酸性礦山廢水影響下流域地表水中鎘穩定同位素的調查研究.中國礦物岩石地球化學學會第15屆學術年會. June 23-26, 2015.長春,中國(口頭報告)
  151. Zhe Chen,Ye-Tao Tang*, Jian Cao, Rong-Liang Qiu. The Production of Safe Food from Contaminated Land – Mitigation of Cd Accumulation in Rice by Fe Fertilization. 7thSino-French Workshop on Soil Pollution and Remediation, 23-25 November, Guangzhou, China (Oral report,邀請報告)
  152. Wen-Shen Liu, Chang Liu,Ye-Tao Tang*, Rong-Liang Qiu, Wen-Kai Teng, Zhi-Wei Wang, Limiting factors for ecological remediation of abandoned rare earth elements (REEs) mine tailings and a field survey of REEs hyperaccumulating plants in Ganzhou, China. 20thWorld Congress of Soil Science, 8-13 June, 2014, Jeju, Korea (Oral report)
  153. Zhe Chen,Ye-Tao Tang, Rong-Liang Qiu, Bo-Qing Tie. The application of Si and Se fertilizers for mitigation of Cd accumulation in rice. 20thWorld Congress of Soil Science, 8-13 June, 2014, Jeju, Korea (Poster report)
  154. Teng-Hao-Bo Deng, Christophe Cloquet, Thibault Sterckeman,Ye-Tao Tang, Guillaume Echevarria, Jean-Louis Morel, Rong-Liang Qiu. Nickel and zinc isotope fractionation in hyperaccumulating and non-hyperaccumulating plants.Goldschmidt 2014, 8-13 June, 2014, Sacramento, USA (Oral/Poster report)
  155. Ye-Tao Tang, Rong-Liang Qiu, Shi-Zhong Wang, Xiaowen Zeng, Lu Tang. Phytoremediation of Multi-Metal Polluted Soils around Mining Area in South China. SUITMA 7, 16-20 September, 2013, Torun, Poland(Oral report)
  156. Thibault Sterckeman,Ye-Tao Tang, Christophe Cloquet, Guillaume Echevarria, Jean Carignan, Rong-Liang Qiu, Jean-Louis Morel. Fractionation of Stable Zn Isotopes in the Zn HyperaccumulatorNoccaea caerulescensand two Non-Accumulating Species,Thlaspi arvenseandSilene vulgaris. 12thInternational Conference on The Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements. 16-20 June, 2013. Athens, Georgia, USA(Oral report)
  157. 湯葉濤,仇榮亮.重金屬污染植物修復技術發展與趨勢-以廣東大寶山重金屬污染土壤修復為例.農產品產地土壤重金屬污染修復示範與禁止生產區劃分試點技術交流會. March 9, 2013,廣西南寧(邀請報告)
  158. 應蓉蓉,曾曉雯,仇榮亮,湯葉濤,湯璐.芥菜(Brassica juncea)和白菜(Brassica pekinensis)對鎘的提取效率.中國環境科學學會生態與自然保護分會2013學術年會(會議論文)
  159. Lu Tang,Ye-Tao Tang,Rong-Liang Qiu, Positive effects of low cadmium on leaf photosynthesis in the Zn/Cd hyperaccumulatorSedum alfredii.Phytotechnology9thInternational Conference, 11-14 September, 2012, Hasselt University, Belgium (Oral report)
  160. Ye-Tao Tang, Christophe Cloquet, Thibault Sterckeman, Guillaume Echevarria, Jean Carignan, Rong-Liang Qiu, Jean-Louis, Morel. Fractionation of stable Zn isotopes in the Zn hyperaccumulatorNoccaea caerulescens. SYSU-INRA Symposium on Soil Pollution Remediation, 29 October, 2012, Guangzhou, China (Oral report)
  161. Christophe Cloquet,Ye-Tao Tang, Thibault Sterckeman, Guillaume Echevarria, Jean Carignan, Rong-Liang Qiu, Jean-Louis Morel. Zn isotopes variation in field hyperaccumulator plant species. Goldschmidt 2012, 24-29 June, 2012, Montreal, Canada (Oral report)
  162. 湯葉濤, Christophe Cloquet, Thibault Sterckeman, Guillaume Echevarria, Jean Carignan,仇榮亮, Jean-Louis Morel.超富集植物Noccaea caerulescens對鋅的穩定同位素分餾. 2012年同位素地質新技術新方法與套用學術討論會. 20-23 April, 2012,廈門(口頭報告)
  163. Ye-Tao Tang, Rong-Liang Qiu, Peng-Jie Hu, Dan Jiang, Xiao-Wen Zeng, Rong-Rong Ying, Feng-Jie Liu. Celluar distribution of zinc, cadmium and lead in hyperaccumulatorArabis paniculata. 6thPhytotechnology International Conference, 1-4 December, 2009, Saint Louis, MO, USA (Oral report)
  164. Ye-Tao Tang, Rong-Liang Qiu, Xiao-Wen Zeng, Fang-Ming Yu.Pb, Zn, Cd hyperaccumulation ofarabis paniculataFranch: hydroponic culture. 3rdInternational Conference on Environmental Science and Technology. 6-9 August, 2007, Houston, USA (Oral report)
  165. Xiao-Wen Zeng, Rong-Liang Qiu,Ye-Tao Tang.The effect of zinc and cadmium on organic acids and proteins inArabis paniculataFranch.3rdInternational Conference on Environmental Science and Technology. 6-9 August, 2007, Houston, USA (Oral report)
  166. Ye-Tao Tang, Rong-Liang Qiu, Xiao-Wen Zeng. Lead, zinc, cadmium accumulation and community characters of herbaceous species in Lanping Pb/Zn mining area, Yunnan province. The 7th International Symposium on Environmental Geochemistry, 24-27 September, 2006, Beijing, China (Oral report)
  167. 湯葉濤,仇榮亮,方曉航.植物採礦研究進展.區域環境質量演變及環境安全學術研討會. 22-26 October, 2004,香港中文大學(口頭報告)


