

湯普金斯科特蘭社區學院(Tompkins Cortland Community College)是一所中型公立社區學院,成立於1968年,在校學生人數5,450。該校有三個校區,分別是紐約州德賴登(Dryden)、科特蘭(Cortland)和伊薩卡(Ithaca),其中主校區位於德賴登。


  • 中文名:湯普金斯科特蘭社區學院
  • 外文名:Tompkins Cortland Community College
  • 簡稱:TC3
  • 創辦時間:1968年
  • 類別:公立社區學院
  • 所屬地區:公立社區學院
  • 主要院系:文理科學、人文科學、商科、衛生科學
  • 城市:德賴登
  • 學生人數:5,450
  • 認證機構:中部各州學院及學校協會


湯普金斯科特蘭社區學院通過了紐約州教育部門及中部各州高等院校協會的認證。湯普金斯科特蘭社區學院是一所樂於待客的小型學院,校區坐落於安全的郊區內,其恬靜的環境非常適宜於學習,且有助於學生了解"真正"的美國。湯普金斯科特蘭社區學院擁有34個學位課程,學生來源廣泛。一些學生在完成學業之後直接進入職場。其他學生轉入大學,接著完成他們的學士、碩士以及博士學位。湯普金斯科特蘭社區學院接受國際學生的傳統源遠流長,其留學生來自世界各洲的 60 多個國家和地區。




  • Academic Experience: My school was small and not really difficult. There was alot of drama, and favoritism.
  • Academic Experience: They recently started more programs in my specific field and my major is hard to find in many schools.
  • Academic Experience: For the college being so close to two large colleges, one of which being an ivy league one, there is a lot of competition. This has let to the college to develop their programs and to add many more than other community colleges.
  • Academic Experience: Being a Business major here or any major really I believe would be harder than at other community colleges because many of the professors teach at Cornell and/or Ithaca so their classes are harder. This does though make transferring or going to a different college easier.
  • Campus Resources: The school has too many resources to list. Tons of athletic centers, a huge student center, a massive library, and countless other activities around campus.
  • Campus Resources: The computer network is the best I've seen or heard of at a community college. The connect is reliable and fast! This makes print on campus easy and hassle free to anyone.


