

  • 中文名:湯宏穎
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:生物醫學光學成像、生物醫學信號檢測、人工智慧圖像識別
  • 任職院校:上海師範大學信息與機電工程學院


電子系統綜合實踐 Ⅰ、數字電路與集成器件、邏輯電路與FPGA套用。




(1) Hongying Tang, Xinyu Liu, Si Chen, Xiaojun Yu, Yuemei Luo, Junying Wu, Xianghong Wang, and Linbo Liu,Estimation of refractive index for biological tissue using micro–optical coherence tomography, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, accepted for publication,
(2) Hongying Tang, An improved active imaging method for upgrading low-light-level image detection sensitivity, Applied Physics Letters,
(3)Hongying Tang, Real-time Processing for Frequency Domain Optical Imaging Based on Field Programmable Gated Arrays,Applied Optics,
(4) Hongying Tang, Zhengtao Yu, Field programmable gate array processing for an improved low-light-level imaging system with higher detection sensibility, Review of Scientific Instruments,
(5) Hongying Tang, Zhengtao Yu, Note: Improving low-light-level image detection sensitivity with higher speed using auxiliary sinusoidal light signal, Review of Scientific Instruments,
(6) Xiaojun Yu, Hongying Tang, Chi Hu, Qianshan Ding, Lulu Wang, Xianghong Wang, Zeming Fan, and Linbo Liu*, Laser Physics Letters,Multiscale skin imaging in vivo using optical coherence tomography。
(7) Gang Li, Hongying Tang,Dongsung Kim, Jean Gao, Ling Lin, Employment of Frame Accumulation and Shaped Function for Upgrading Low-light-level Image Detection Sensitivity, Optics Letters,
(8) Xinyu Liu, Xiaojun Yu, Hongying Tang, Dongyao Cui, Meghna R. Beotra, Michael JA Girard, Ding Sun, Jun Gu, and Linbo Liu*. Spectrally encoded extended source optical coherence tomography. Optics letters
(9) Yuemei Luo, Dongyao Cui, Xiaojun Yu, Si Chen, Xinyu Liu, Hongying Tang, Xianghong Wang, Linbo Liu, Modeling of Mechanical Stress Exerted by Cholesterol Crystallization on Atherosclerotic Plaques. Plos One,
著作:林凌,湯宏穎. 電路與信號分析實驗指導書. 電子工業出版社,


