



  • 中文名:湯修映
  • 國籍中國 
  • 民族:漢族
  • 畢業院校中國農業大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:農業機械化工程
  • 任職院校中國農業大學
  • 姓名拼音:Tang Xiuying 





(1)Yanlei Li, Xiuying Tang*, Zhixiong Shen, Jun Dong. Prediction of Total Volatile Basic Nitrogen (TVB-N) Content of Chilled Beef for Freshness Evaluation by Using Viscoelasticity Based on Airflow and Laser Technique. Food Chemistry. 2019(SCI IF=4.879)(通訊作者)
(2)Jun Dong, Xiaoguang Dong , Yanlei Li, Yankun Peng , Kuanglin Chao, Cuiying Gao, Xiuying Tang*. Identification of unfertilized duck eggs before hatching using visiblenear infrared transmittance spectroscopy. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 2019, v157:471-478(SCI IF=2.427)(通訊作者)
(3)Xiaoguang Dong, Xiuying Tang*, Jun Dong, Zhixiong Shen, Yang Xu. Maintaining the predictive abilities of egg freshness models on new variety based on VIS-NIR spectroscopy technique. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 2019,v156:669-676(SCI IF=2.427)(通訊作者)
(4)Xiaoguang Dong, Zhengxuan Li, Zhixiong Shen, XiuyingTang*. Nondestructive egg freshness assessment from the equatorial and blunt region based on visible near infrared spectroscopy. Spectroscopy Letters. Published online: 01 Dec 2018(SCI IF= 0.860)(通訊作者)
(5)YanleiLi, Wenjuan Wang, Yuan Long, Peng Yankun, Kuanglin ChaoXiuying Tang*.A Feasibility Study of Rapid Nondestructive Detection of total volatile basic nitrogen (TVB-N) content in beef based on Airflow and Laser Ranging Techniques. Meat Science. 2018,v145:367-374(SCI IF=3.550)
(6)LuQiao,Xiuying Tang*, Jun Dong. A feasibility quantification study of total volatile basic nitrogen (TVB-N) content in duck meat for freshness evaluation. Food Chemistry. 2017, v237: 1179-1185,DOI: 10.1016j.foodchem.2017.06.31(SCI IF=4.979)(通訊作者)
(7)XiaoguangDong, Jun Dong,Yankun Peng,Xiuying Tang*. Comparative study of albumen pH and whole egg pH based on visible near infrared spectroscopy. Spectroscopy Letters. 2017,50(9), 463-469: DOI:10.108000387010.2017.1360357(SCI IF= 0.860)(通訊作者)
(8)Lu Qiao,Xiuying Tang*, Xiaotong Zhu, Yangmuyu Su. Rapid non-destructive evaluation of duck meat pH and color by using visible and near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy. Spectroscopy Letters. 2017,50(8),456-461,DOI: 10.108000387010.2017.1358183(SCI IF= 0.860)(通訊作者)
(9)YuanLong,Xiuying Tang*, Wenjuan Wang, Yankun Peng, Xiaoguang Dong, Xilong Kang and Yongyu Li. A unique method for detecting beef tenderness based on viscoelasticity principle. Journal of Texture Studies. 2017,48(5):433-438,DOI: 10.1111jtxs.12258(SCI IF=1.591)(通訊作者)
(10)秦五昌,湯修映*,彭彥昆,趙興華.基於可見/近紅外透射光譜的孵化早期受精雞蛋的判別.光譜學與光譜分析,2017,37(1):200-204(SCI IF=0.326)(通訊作者)
(11)XiaotongZhu, Can Hu, Wei Wang, Yankun Peng,Xiuying Tang*. Nondestructivedetection of water content of jujubes based on visible-near infrared spectroscopy. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2017,July 16-19, 2017, Spokane, Washington USA. DOI: 10.13031aim.201700800 (EI)(通訊作者)
(12)XiaoguangDong, Xiuying Tang*, Yankun Peng, Jun Dong. Nondestructive assessment ofeggshellthickness by VISNIR spectroscopy. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2017, July 16-19,2017, Spokane, Washington USA. DOI: 10.13031/aim.201700888 (EI)(通訊作者)
(13)HuboXu, Xiuying Tang*, Yankun Peng, Yanlei Li. A nondestructive and rapid detecting deviceforviscoelasticity of beef. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2017, July 16-19,2017, Spokane,WashingtonUSA. DOI: 10.13031aim.201700899(EI)(通訊作者)
(14)YangmuyuSu, Xiuying Tang*, Xiaotong Zhu, Yankun Peng, Yongyu Li. Vis-NIR spectra quick non-destructive detection model for TVB-N of chilled beef. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2017, July 16-19,2017, Spokane, Washington USA. DOI: 10.13031aim.201700768 (EI)(通訊作者)
(15)YangmuyuSu, Xiuying Tang*, Xiaoguang Dong, Yankun Peng. Non-destructive quickdetectionbased on Vis-NIR spectra for content of soil available nitrogen. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2017, July 16-19,2017, Spokane, Washington USA. DOI: 10.13031aim.201701389 (EI)(通訊作者)
(16)Xilong Kang, Xiuying Tang*, Lu Qiao, Huanru Shi, Yang Xu. A Device for elasticitydetection ofbeef. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2017, July 16-19,2017, Spokane, Washington USA. DOI: 10.13031aim.201700799 (EI)(通訊作者)
(17)YanleiLi, Xiuying Tang*, Lu Qiao, Huanru Shi, Hubo Xu. Simulation of deformation behavior of beef based on Mooney-Rivlin model. American Society of Agricultural andBiologicalEngineers Annual International Meeting 2017, July 16-19,2017, Spokane, Washington USA. DOI: 10.13031aim.201700896 (EI)(通訊作者)
(18)Can Hu, Bing Lu, Xiaotong Zhu, Xiuying Tang*, Chaoji Liu. Study on the Changing Ruleofthe Dielectric Properties of the Damaged Red Jujube in the Drying Process. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2017, July 16-19,2017, Spokane, Washington USA. DOI: 10.13031aim.201700803 (EI)(通訊作者)
(19)Hubo Xu, Xiuying Tang, Fangqi Chen, Lihua Liu. Finite element analysis of collisionpredictionof clams in mechanical grading. American Society of Agricultural andBiologicalEngineers Annual International Meeting 2017, July 16-19,2017, Spokane, Washington USA (EI) DOI: 10.13031aim.201700898
(20)李岩磊,趙興華,彭彥昆,李永玉,湯修映*.基於瞬時彈性成像的生物組織彈性測量的研究進展.食品安全質量檢測學報, 2016,7(9):3535-3540.(通訊作者)
(21)康熙龍,李岩磊,董俊,王文娟,彭彥昆,湯修映*.食用肉類黏彈性檢測研究進展.食品安全質量檢測學報, 2016,7(8):3265-3269.(通訊作者)
(23)Bing Lu, Can Hu, Xufeng Wang, Xiuying Tang, Ruikun Niu and Chuanfeng Li. Compressive mechanical properties test and finite element analysis of winter jujube duringcrispripe period in South Xinjiang, China. International Agricultural Engineering Journal. 2016,25(4): 245-256 (EI)
(24)MingTang, Xu Wang, Yang Xu, Huanru Shi, Xiuying Tang. Water-injected detecting methodresearchbased on relative value of water content of beef. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2016, July 17-20,2016, Orlando, FL, USA (EI)
(25)WenjuanWang, Xiuying Tang, Yankun Peng, Fan Wang; Xiaoguang Dong and Yongyu Li: Determination of Chicken's pH Value Using Near-infrared Spectroscopy. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2016, July 17-20,2016, Orlando, FL, USA (EI) DOI:
(28)Wang Wenxiu; Peng Yankun; Li Yongyu; Tang Xiuying; Liu Yuanyuan. Nondestructivedetectionof pork quality based on dual-band VIS/NIR spectroscopy. Proceedings of SPIE - TheInternationalSociety for Optical Engineering, v 9488, 2015, Sensing for Agriculture and Food Quality and Safety VII. (EI)
(29)LongYuan, Guo He, Peng Yankun, Wang Caiping, Zheng Jie, Zhao Linlin, TangXiuying*. Identification of the Spoiled Pork Based on Fisher Discrimination Method. International Agricultural Engineering Journal(IAEJ),2014,23(3):41-49. (EI)(通訊作者)
(30)Fachao Jiang, Yuan Long, Xiuying Tang, Caiping Wang, Linlin Zhao, Yankun Peng*. Detectionofthe total viable counts in chicken based on visible/near-infraredspectroscopy. Proceedings of SPIE 9108 on sensing for Agriculture and Food Quality and Safety VI, 910805, May 5, 2014, Baltimore, Maryland, USA (EI)
(31)ZhaoLinlin, Wang Mingwu, Peng Yankun, Long Yuan, Wang Caiping, Tang Xiuying*.A precise positioning device for height of probe of spectral detection of pork quality based on DSP. The 18th World Congress of the International Commission of Agriculture and Biosystems Engineering (CIGR), September 16-19, 2014, Beijing, China.(通訊作者)
(32)唐鳴,徐揚,彭彥昆,湯修映,田瀟瑜,牛力釗.基於粒子群聚類的牛肉含水率光譜檢測技術.農業機械學報,2014,45(10):220-225. (EI)
(33)馬世榜,彭彥昆,徐楊,湯修映,田瀟瑜.可見近紅外光譜結合變數選擇方法檢測牛肉揮發性鹽基氮,江蘇大學學報(自然科學版),34(1): 44-48,2013.(EI)
(34)郭志明,黃文倩,彭彥昆,王秀,湯修映.自適應蟻群最佳化算法的近紅外光譜特徵波長選擇方法.分析化學. 2014,42(4):513-518(SCI)
(35)Xiuying Tang, He Guo, Yankun Peng, Yang Xu; Jie Zheng. Prediction of the total viablebacterialcount based on visible/near infrared spectra during pork spoiling. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2013, v2, p1420-1428, 2013. Kansas City, Missouri, USA (EI)
(36)湯修映,牛力釗,徐楊,彭彥昆,馬世榜,田瀟瑜.基於可見/近紅外光譜技術的牛肉含水率無損檢測.農業工程學報. 2013, 29(11):248-254 (EI)
(37)XiuyingTang, Yizhe Chen, Yankun Peng, Xiu Wang, Yang Xu, Weilong Yang. A DSP-based controlsystem for precision variable rate fertilization. Advanced MaterialsResearch, v 605-607, p1408-1414, 2013, Advanced Designs and Researches forManufacturing(EI)
(38)XiuyingTang, Dan Xiao, Ling Liu, Enrong Mao, Zhenghe Song, Yankun Peng. A new way of virtual prototype design and analysis for tractor steering system. AdvancedMaterials Research, v605-607, p616-621, 2013, Advanced Designs and Researches for Manufacturing (EI)
(39)XiuyingTang, Cuiling Li, Yankun Peng, Kuanglin Chao, Mingwu Wang:Nondestructiveprediction of pork freshness parameters using multispectral scatteringimages.Proceedingsof SPIE- The International Society for Optical Engineering. Vol. 8369, 836912,2012, Sensing for Agriculture and Food Quality and Safety IV (EI)
(40)XiuyingTang, Weilong Yang, Yankun Peng, Teqing Chen: Demonstration Research for Sugarcane Mechanization Production in China. American Society of Agricultural and BiologicalEngineers AnnualInternational Meeting 2012, v7, p5832-5841, 2012, Dallas, Texas, USA(EI)
(41)湯修映,肖丹,劉嶺,劉川,毛恩榮. ADAMS、Pro/E和ANSYS間數據的自動傳輸技術.農業機械學報. 2011,42(6): 193-197. (EI)
(42)Xiuying Tang, Chang Y. Mo; Diane E. Chan, Yankun Peng, Jianwei Qin, Chun-Chieh Yang, MoonS. Kim, Kuanglin Chao. Physical and mechanical properties of spinach for whole-surface onlineimaginginspection. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, v8027, 802711, 2011, Sensing for Agriculture and Food Quality and Safety III (EI)
(43)XiuyingTang, Jingrui Ren, Chuan Liu, Dan Xiao. Simulation of Vibration Harvesting Mechanism for Wolfberry. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2011, v5, p4096-4110, 2011, Louisville, Kentucky, USA. (EI)
(44)Xiuying Tang, Cuiling Li, Xiu Wang, Xinpeng Yue, Yankun Peng. A control system of mobilenavigationrobot for precise spraying based ultrasonic detecting and ARM embeddedtechnologies. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, v8027,80270Z, 2011. (EI)
(45)陳伊哲,湯修映*,彭彥昆,徐楊,李翠玲.農田地塊圖像分割技術研究.農業機械學報. 2010,41(Z1): 253-256. (EI)(通訊作者)
(46)Xiuying Tang, Tiezhong Zhang, Ling Liu, Dan Xiao, Yizhe Chen. A new robot systemfor harvestingcucumber. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2009, v6, p3873-3885, 2009, Reno, Nevada, USA. (EI)
(47)Cuiling Li,Yankun Peng,Xiuying Tang,Akira Sasao, Shibang Ma. A portable system for prediction of pork freshness parameters using multispectral imaging technology.AmericanSociety of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2013, v1, p450-457, 2013. Kansas City, Missouri, USA (EI)
(48)Xiaoyu Tian, Yang Xu, Yankun Peng, Xiuying Tang, Shibang Ma. Application of VIS-SW-NIRspectroscopy for detecting adulteration in fresh minced beef. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2013, v1, p728-737, 2013. Kansas City, Missouri, USA (EI)
(49)田瀟瑜,徐楊,彭彥昆,湯修映,郭輝,林琬.基於光譜技術的牛肉多品質參數快速檢測模型.農業機械學報. 2013,44(Supp1):171-176(EI)
(50)劉嶺,閆光榮,雷毅,肖丹,湯修映.基於改進粒子群算法的車輛轉向梯形機構最佳化.農業工程學報. 2013,29(10):76-82 (EI)
(51)馬世榜,湯修映,徐楊,彭彥昆,田瀟瑜,付姓.可見/近紅外光譜集合遺傳算法無損檢測牛肉pH值.農業工程學報,2012,28(18):263-268. (EI)
(52)Feifei Tao, Xiuying Tang, Yankun Peng, Sagar Dhakal. Classification of Pork Quality Characteristics byHyperspectralScattering Technique. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2012, v7, p5842-5851, 2012Dallas, Texas, USA(EI)
(53)Xiaoyu Tian, Xiuying Tang, Yang Xu, Yankun Peng, Shibang Ma. Application of VIS/NIRHyperspectral Imaging for Predicting Beef Tenderness. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2012, v 7, p 6043-6054, 2012, Dallas,Texas, USA(EI)
(54)馬世榜,徐楊,湯修映,田瀟瑜,付姓.利用可見近紅外光譜多指標綜合預測生鮮牛肉儲存期.光譜學與光譜分析. 2012,32 (12): 3242-3246. (SCI/EI)
(55)李翠玲,彭彥昆,湯修映:基於多光譜成像技術的豬肉新鮮度無損快速檢測裝置,農業機械學報, 43(suppl.1): 202-206, 2012 (EI)
(56)Hui Huang, Yankun Peng, Xiuying Tang, Sagar Dhakal, Xiu Wang. Rapid detection of chlorophyll content in corn leaves by using VISNIR hyperspectral imaging. International Agricultural Engineering Journal, 2012, 21(1):p17-25 (EI)
(57)Yongyu Li, Leilei Zhang, Yankun Peng, Xiuying Tang, Kuanglin Chao, Sagar Dhakal.Hyperspectralimaging technique for determination of pork freshness attributes. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, v 8027, 2011, SensingforAgriculture and Food Quality and Safety III (EI)
(58)Xiaoyu Tian, Yang Xu, Yongyu Li, Yankun Peng, Xiuying Tang. An Automated Determination System for Beef Quality Evaluation using VIS/NIR Spectroscopy and ImagingTechnology. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers AnnualInternationalMeeting 2011, v3, p2187-2195, 2011, Louisville, Kentucky, USA. (EI)
(59)馬曉蕾,范廣博,李永玉,徐楊,彭彥昆,湯修映.精準施肥決策模型與資料庫系統.農業機械學報. 2011, 42(5): 193-197. (EI)
(60)王銘武,彭彥昆,王彩萍,湯修映*.基於可見/近紅外光譜技術的腐壞豬肉檢測控制系統設計[J].食品安全質量檢測學報. 2012,3(6): 585-588(通訊作者)
(61)楊偉龍,彭彥昆,江發潮,湯修映*,郭輝,周彤.牛肉大理石花紋分級系統軟體設計[J],食品安全質量檢測學報, 2012,3(6):608-612(通訊作者)
(62)湯修映,侯書林,朱玉龍,陳伊哲,劉川. 油菜移栽機械化技術研究進展.農機化研究.2010(4):224-227.
(63)湯修映,張鐵中.黃瓜收穫機器人避碰軌跡規劃.農機化研究. 2010(5): 98-102
(64)陳伊哲,湯修映,王偉,彭彥昆.變數施肥系統中人機互動界面的設計. 2010國際農業工程大會論文集,2010.09 上海(通訊作者)
(65)LingLiu; Xiuying Tang; Dan Xiao; Enrong Mao; Xiuhua Lou; Zhenghe Song. Automatic interface for the collaborative simulation between ADAMS and Pro2009 International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Optimization-CMSO: 303-306.(2009.12.26-27, Beijing, China). (ISTP) (通訊作者)。
(66)馬世榜,徐楊,彭彥昆,湯修映.基於光譜技術的支持向量機判別牛肉新鮮度.食品安全質量檢測學報. 2012,3(6): 603-607


(17) 一種基於多光譜成像技術的畜肉新鮮度無損傷檢測方法.授權號:201310294175.3
(18)基於便攜通訊設備的畜肉品質輕便無損檢測儀. 授權號:201410130838.2.




7.蘋果農藥殘留的快速無損傷檢測技術與裝置示範,2010年公益性行業(農業)科研專項,2010 -2014,參與。
8.廣西桂中地區中等規模全程機械化生產技術和關鍵裝備的開發和試驗示範,2010年公益性行業(農業)科研專項,2010 -2014,參與。


2012.10 中國農業大學教學成果二等獎 (第1完成人)
2005.11 中國農業大學青年教師教學基本功比賽,優秀獎
2005.10 中國農業大學工學院青年教師教學基本功比賽一等獎
2004.11 中國農業大學教學成果三等獎 (第2完成人)


