《湘雅記事》是2016年武漢大學出版社出版的圖書,作者是[美] 魯思·奧特曼·顧仁(Ruth,Altman,Greene),本書講述了Phil Greene醫生自1923年開始在湘雅醫院的從醫經歷,側面反映出湘雅醫院的發展歷史。
- 中文名:湘雅記事
- 作者:[美] 魯思·奧特曼·顧仁(Ruth,Altman,Greene)
- 出版社:武漢大學出版社
- ISBN:9787307187412
《湘雅記事(英文版)/湘雅文化傳承叢書》是中南大學湘雅醫院110周年湘雅文化傳承叢書之一。Ruth Altman Greene根據其與先生Phil Greene醫生的來往書信為主線,講述了Phil Greene醫生自1923年開始在湘雅醫院的從醫經歷,側面反映出湘雅醫院的發展歷史。Phil Greene醫生在湘雅醫院工作期間,雖困難重重,但仍堅定不移地奮鬥在一線,醫者仁心可見一斑。
1 Changsha
2 The First Year
3 The Eventful Fall of 1924
4 Year of Great Changes
5 Coming of the Nationalists
6 End of an Era
7 Years of Decision and Return to China
8 Return to a Different China
9 Time of Ferment
10 Time of Great Changes
11 Bursting with Life and Threatened with Death
12 Furlough and Return to China
13 Changsha in the Fall of 1937
14 Refuge in the Philippines
15 The Burning of Changsha
16 Supplies Through the Blockade
17 Low Ebb in Changsha
18 The Journey Inland
19 Hsiang-Ya in Kweiyang Spring of 1940
20 Time of Testing
21 The End but Not the End