

包括渭河泛濫平原及其兩側的渭河的三級階地,稱為頭道塬、二道塬、三道塬.南部秦嶺南麓還分布有比三道塬更高的塬地,北部各塬除大河兩岸遭受切割外,保存相當完好.植被應屬落葉闊葉林,黃土性粘、屬沾黃土分布帶,發育塿土,現有植被以耕作植被為主.由於受地理條件與大氣環流的影響,氣候條件優良.氣候適中,1月平均溫度0℃左右,7月平均溫度28℃,作物生長期長達260天,無霜期200天,日均溫10℃以上有230天(3月底—11月初),積溫達450°—50℃.水量較充分,年降水量50—600毫米,降水日數在80—90左右,9月份雨量最多,5月份次之,暴雨較少,年變率在10%以下,乾燥度約在1—12之間為半濕潤氣候.且有涇渭灌區的水利設施.B為重要糧棉基地,號稱“八百里秦川”,是中國古代文明發祥地之一.Including the Weihe River and its flood plain of the Weihe River on both sides of the three terraces, known as the first Road plateau, two plateau, three plateau. The southern foot of the southern Qinling Mountains is also the distribution of more than 3 plateau of the plateau, the northern part of the plateau, inter major rivers subjected to cutting, the preservation of relatively intact. vegetation should be deciduous broad-leaved forest, loess of sticky tape is a dip loess distribution, developmental Lousoil, vegetation, existing vegetation dominated by farming. Due to geographical conditions and atmospheric circulation the impact of good weather conditions. climate is moderate, in January the average temperature of around 0 ℃,Julyaverage temperature of 28 ℃, crop growing season as long as 260 days, frost-free period 200 days, average daily temperature is above 10 ℃ 230 days (the end of March -11 In early), accumulated temperature over 450 ° -50 ℃. water over the full 50-600 mm annual precipitation, precipitation in 80-90 days or so, most rainfall in September, followed in May, heavy rains less variability in 10 years % or less, about 1-12 degrees between the dry semi-humid climate. and there isJingWei Irrigation water conservancy facilities. B as an important grain and cotton base, known as "800 years Qin Chuan," is one of the cradles of ancientChinesecivilization.


