《深入解析SQLServer2008》是2009年人民郵電出版社出版的圖書,作者是(美)德萊尼。該書詳細闡述了SQL Server處理查詢、管理數據的相關內容。
- 書名:深入解析SQLServer2008
- 作者:(美國)德萊尼
- ISBN:9787115211439
- 定價:99.00 元
- 出版社:人民郵電出版社
- 出版時間:2009年09月
- 開本:16開
《深入解析SQL Server 2008(英文版)》是講述SQL Server關係資料庫引擎內部機理和架構的權威指南。書中包括SQL Server架構和配置、跟蹤/擴展事件、日誌和恢復、索引、表格、查詢最佳化、事務/並發以及DBCC。
《深入解析SQL Server 2008(英文版)》適合中高級資料庫開發人員閱讀。
Kalen Delanay世界知名的SQL Server專家。微軟SQLSewer MVP。從1 987年供職Sybase時與微軟合作開發最早的SQL Server版本算起。她的SQL Sewer研發經驗已達20多年。她本人以對SQL Server底層技術的精湛造詣享譽業內。所著Inside Microsoft SQL Server系列(本書前身)長期以來被奉為聖經級著作。
1 SQL Server 2008 Architecture and Configuration
SQL Server Editions
SQL Server Metadata
Compatibility Views
Catalog Views
Other Metadata
Components of the SQL Server Engine
Observing Engine Behavior
The Relational Engine
The Storage Engine
NUMA Architecture
The Scheduler
SQL Server Workers
Binding Schedulers to CPUs
The Dedicated Administrator Connection (DAC)
The Buffer Pool and the Data Cache
Access to In-Memory Data Pages
Managing Pages in the Data Cache
The Free Buffer List and the Lazywriter
Managing Memory in Other Caches
Sizing Memory
Sizing the Buffer Pool
SQL Server Resource Governor
Resource Governor Overview
Resource Governor Controls
Resource Governor Metadata
SQL Server 2008 Configuration
Using SQL Server Configuration Manager
Configuring Network Protocols
Default Network Configuration
Managing Services
SQL Server System Configuration
Operating System Configuration
Trace Flags
SQL Server Configuration Settings
The Default Trace
Final Words
2 Change Tracking, Tracing, and Extended Events
The Basics: Triggers and Event Notifi cations
Run-Time Trigger Behavior
Change Tracking
Change Tracking Configuration
Change Tracking Run-Time Behavior
Tracing and Profiling
SQL Trace Architecture and Terminology
Security and Permissions
Getting Started: Profi ler
Server-Side Tracing and Collection
Extended Events
Components of the XE Infrastructure
Event Sessions
Extended Events DDL and Querying