Long time ago there was a beautiful goddess, she had a lovely bird that was mastered in singing and making melodies. Because of the sweet birdsong, a handsome yong prince was fascinated once he passed and he fell in love with the pretty goddess. The god was enraged by them, he put a vicious curse on the goddess in order to punish the unforgivable behavior of her:"bared feet with the time she lived and get vanished once she walked on the mortal land."The sorrowful goddess covered with tears from morning till night and she was pining away with grief. The bird felt heart-broken seeing the haggard face of the goddess as she never stopped crying no matter how hard it sang with the wonderful voice. Finally, the bird took heart of grace to the goddess and comfort her:"please step on my back through the mortal land and let me be your shoes all my life, go and find the prince for a happy life, my lord." As soon as the words dropped, a pair of superb shoes turned out making from the spirit of the brave bird. The goddess put on the shoes with a cheerful smile and started to look for her handsome prince immediately. She found the prince after seeking hard over the whole place and they lived a heart to heart happy life till pale. There were many guests attracted by the shoes over the time and they were very interested in it. The goddess was staring deeply at it every time and tell them in tears:'it's In heart bird",my faithful servant."
This is the stroy about the bird, also the romance of the two yong lovers. The prince and the Goddess brand "In heart bird" inside of their heart with the sacrifice of the bird, the wish of the bird has became ture:enjoy the Freedom,Happiness and Love.