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博士、副教授、碩士研究生導師、中國國民黨革命委員會杭州師範大學總支部委員、杭州市教育局系統優秀教師、杭州師範大學信息科學與技術學院院長助理、數位化推進辦公室主任、中國計算機學會(China Computer Federation,CCF)杭州分部監督委員會委員、中國計算機學會青年計算機科技論壇(Young Computer Scientists & Engineers Forum,YOCSEF)杭州學術委員會副主席/學術委員(Academic Committee,AC)、杭州歐美同學會會員,曾擔任杭州師範大學計算機與金融信息服務系副主任。諾丁漢大學(The University of Nottingham)計算機科學與技術專業獲博士學位,威爾斯斯旺西大學(University of Wales Swansea)計算機與軟體技術專業獲碩士學位。以第一作者/通訊作者在《Swarm and Evolutionary Computation》《Information Sciences》《Applied Soft Computing》和《Complex & Intelligent Systems》等SCI著名期刊和GECCO、EuroGP等CCF國際學術會議上發表數十篇人工智慧領域相關的學術論文。


  • 中文名:洪立斌
  • 畢業院校:諾丁漢大學 
  • 職業:大學教師 
Libin HONG*, Guodong WANG, Ender ÖZCAN, and John R. WOODWARD, "Ensemble strategy using particle swarm optimisation variant and enhanced local search capability", Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, vol. 84, 101452, 2024.【Impact Factor: 10.0】
Libin HONG*, Xinmeng YU, John R. WOODWARD, and Ender ÖZCAN, "A sequential quadratic programming based strategy for particle swarm optimization on single-objective numerical optimization", Complex & Intelligent Systems, Oct 2023, Accepted.【Impact Factor: 5.8】
Libin HONG*, Xinmeng YU, Ben WANG, John R. WOODWARD, and Ender ÖZCAN, "An improved ensemble particle swarm optimizer using niching behavior and covariance matrix adapted retreat phase", Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, vol. 78, 101278, 2023.【Impact Factor: 10.0】
Libin HONG*, Youjian GUO, Fuchang LIU, and Ben WANG, "A variant of the united multi-operator evolutionary algorithms using sequential quadratic programming and improved SHADE-cnEpSin", Information Sciences, vol. 622, pp. 652-681, 2023.【Impact Factor: 8.8】
Bingbing JIANG, Wenda HE, Xingyu WU, Junhao XIANG, Libin HONG, Weiguo SHENG*, "Semi-Supervised Feature Selection with Adaptive Graph Learning", Acta Electronica Sinica, pp. 1-10, 2022.
江兵兵, 何文達, 吳興宇, 項俊浩, 洪立斌, 盛偉國*, "基於自適應圖學習的半監督特徵選擇", 電子學報, pp. 1-10, 2022.
Libin HONG, John R. WOODWARD, Ender ÖZCAN, and Fuchang LIU*, "Hyper-heuristic approach: automatically designing adaptive mutation operators for evolutionary programming", Complex & Intelligent Systems, vol. 7(6), pp. 3135-3163, 2021.【Impact Factor: 5.8】
Libin HONG, Xianglei WU, Dibin ZHOU, and Fuchang LIU*, "Effective defect detection method based on bilinear texture features for LGPs", IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 147958-147966, 2021.【Impact Factor: 3.9】
Libin HONG, Yue WANG, Yichen DU, Xin CHEN, and Yujun ZHENG*, "UAV search-and-rescue planning using an adaptive memetic algorithm", Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, vol. 22(11), pp. 1477-1491, 2021.【Impact Factor: 3.0】
Libin HONG, Chenjian LIU, Jiadong CUI, and Fuchang LIU*, "Mutation strategy based on step size and survival rate for evolutionary programming", Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, vol. 2021, 13 pages, 2021.【Impact Factor: 1.4】
Libin HONG, John H. DRAKE*, John R. WOODWARD, and Ender ÖZCAN, "A hyper-heuristic approach to automated generation of mutation operators for evolutionary programming", Applied Soft Computing, vol. 62, pp. 162-175, 2018.【Impact Factor: 8.7】
洪立斌*, 虞歌, "基於遺傳編程進化規劃的變異運算元的自動化設計", 杭州師範大學學報: 自然科學版, vol. 12(2), pp. 173-179, 2013.
Yongqiang CHEN*, Huansong YANG, and Libin HONG, "Analysis and thinking of failed Japanese ITO cases in China", International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organizations, vol. 10, pp. 307-318, 2012.
Limin TAO, Decai HUANG*, and Libin HONG, "Research on subjective trust model based on cloud model for open networks", Journal of Computational Information Systems, vol. 7, pp. 4844-4854, 2011.
Chenjian LIU, Libin HONG*, and Fuchang LIU*, "Partial mixture-of-experts similarity variational autoencoder for clustering on single cell data", IEEE 7th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Signal Processing, pp. 615-619, 2022.
Bingbing JIANG, Junhao XIANG, Xingyu WU, Wenda HE, Libin HONG, and Weiguo SHENG, "Robust adaptive-weighting multi-view classification", In Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, 2021. (CCF/B類)
Libin HONG, John H. DRAKE, John R. WOODWARD, and Ender ÖZCAN, "Automatically designing more general mutation operators of evolutionary programming for groups of function classes using a hyper-heuristic", In Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, pp. 725-732, 2016. (CCF/C類)
Libin HONG, John H. DRAKE, and Ender ÖZCAN, "A step size based self-adaptive mutation operator for evolutionary programming", In Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, pp. 1381-1388, 2014. (CCF/C類)
Libin HONG, John R. WOODWARD, Jingpeng LI, and Ender ÖZCAN, "Automated design of probability distributions as mutation operators for evolutionary programming using genetic programming", European Conference on Genetic Programming, pp. 85-96, 2013.
Libin HONG, Ge YU, and Guohua ZHAN, "Exploring and practice of practice teaching system for IT outsourcing talents", In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Computer Technology and Application and Computer Education of the University and college, 2010.
Limin TAO, Decai HUANG, and Libin HONG, "Research of subjective trust comprehensive evaluation model based on multi-element connection number", In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Information Science and Engineering, pp. 1433-1437, 2010.
Ge YU, Libin HONG, and Lei SHENG, "A web-based examination and evaluation system for computer programming", In Proceedings of 2010 International Conference on Management and Service Science, pp. 1-4, 2010.
Limin TAO, Decai HUANG, and Libin HONG, "A novel peer-to-peer grid subjective trust model based on connection number", International Forum on Computer Science Technology and Applications, 2010.


