



  • 書名:津津有味•讀經典:大衛•科波菲爾
  • 作者:海瑟•瓊斯 查爾斯•狄更斯
  • 出版日期:2012年6月1日
  • 語種:英語
  • ISBN:9787544728690
  • 外文名:Davie Copperfield
  • 出版社:譯林出版社
  • 頁數:92頁
  • 開本:16
  • 品牌:江蘇譯林





作者:(英國)查爾斯·狄更斯 改編:海瑟·瓊斯



CHAPTER 1 My Early Childhood 1
CHAPTER 2 School Days 8
CHAPTER 3 The End of My Schooldays 13
CHAPTER 4 At Dover 18
CHAPTER 5 At Canterbury 23
CHAPTER 6 At Yarmouth and London 29
CHAPTER 7 I Fall in Love 34
CHAPTER 8 Emily and Steerforth 38
CHAPTER 9 Happiness and Bad News 44
CHAPTER 10 A Death 49
CHAPTER 11 I Get Married 52
CHAPTER 12 Bad News Abroad and at Home 58
CHAPTER 13 Mr. Micawber's Mystery and Emily's Story 63
CHAPTER 14 Four Deaths 69
CHAPTER 15 Going Away and Coming Home 74
CHAPTER 16 Looking Back 79
New Words 84
Playlet 86


"Are you married,Peggotty?"
"Goodness,no,"said Peggotty.
"Don't you want a husband?You're very pretty.,
"Goodness,no,Davy.I've never had a husband,and I don't want one.What would your mother do withoutme?,
Then she took me up to bed.
The next day,my mother came home with a arange man.He was tall and dark.Mother said."This is Mr.Murdstone.Davy.Shake hands."
I didn't like the man.He didn't smile.and he said."Youshouldn't kiss David So much.Mrs.Copperfield."Then tome he said."let's be best friends.David.Shake hands.,Igave him my left hand."That's the wrong hand!"laughedMr.Murdstone.
later,I found Mother and Peggotty crying.Peggotty was saying,"Mr.Copperfield wouldnk like this one,miss.,I didn't understand.
A few days later,Peggotty asked me ifl wanted to go to Yarmouth to see her brother.
"Oh,yes,please,Peggotty! I replied.
So Peggotty and I set off the next day for her brothers place in Yarmouth.The horse was slow,So the iourney feIt very long.Then Peggotty fell asleep,but she brought lots of food,So our trip was still exciting.
Finally,we arrived at the beach.
"look!,she said."There our house.Master Davy."
I looked but all I could see was an upside—down boat with a chimne It was their house!We went inside.and it was beautifully clean,I met Mr.Ham Peggotty,,Peggotty's
Mr.Peggotty looked serious and said,"Drowned."
I felt sad,and Peggotty said I should get to bed.
We stayed at the boathouse for tWo weeks.During thattime,I played with Emily a lot.We went down to the beach,and I feIt close to her.She had no fatheg just like me.
There was one other person in the boathouse--a Mrs.Gummidge.She was old and often said,"oh,I'm alI aloneand no one caresforme!,I keptoUt ofherway.
After tWo weeks,Peggotty and I said goodbye to Peggotty'sfamily.l was glad to be home but was upset when motherdidn't come oUt to meet me.
"Oh,Peggotty,is she dead?"
"No,no,Master Davy.You should know that you havea newfather.n
My heart feIt cold.We went inside.Mother and Ml Murdstone were siing in the parlor.Mother got up to greetme,but she seemed timid.
"Now,Clara,my dear.Don't fuss over the,boy,"said Mr.Murdstone."Davy,you have a new bedroom.Go there."
l went upstairs and cried myself to sleep.
In the morning,Mother came to,see、me and kissed me.But right after came Ml Murdstone.
"Now,Clara.Ieave him alone.Go away,and l will talkto the boy.,Mother left."David.if l want to train.a baddog.what doI do?
"I donk know"I said.
"I hit him.Now wash your face and be a good boy.
I thought things were bad,but they got worse:The nextday,Mr.Murdstone's sister arrived.She was iust like him—tall and dark and hard.She took the keys to the housefrom my mother.Mother tried to fight her,but she wastoo weak.
Every night,the Murdstones watched me as my motherasked me to recite a book from memory.I tried to remember.Before l went into the parlor,I knew everything perfectly,but once I started to speak.I said the wrong words.Mr.Murdstone looked at me and said to my mothe"Clara.make him do it again."
I tried again but made more mistakes.Miss Murdstonetapped her foot.They looked at me angrily.
"Try again,Davy,"said my mother.
"Don't help him,,said Mr.Murdstone."He's iust lazy.,
"Please.sir,I'm not!,I said.
Every night it was the same.FinallMr.Murdstonebrought in a whip.
l was frightened.I looked at Motheg and she wasfrightened for me.
"Now,Davv recite vour book.,
I couldn't I saw the whip in Mr.Murdstone's hand.
"Wlell,Clara,I see I'll have to teach him a lesson.
He moved toward me and caught me.His arnl went aroundmy small body.Immediately',I bit him!It was So sudden.
Mr.Murdstone carried me to my room and threw meon the bed.I lay there crying and crying.He left me alone.


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