- 中文名:洞見新的世界錢學森與他開啟的智慧之門
- 作者:錢學森智庫
- 出版時間:2021年
- 出版社:五洲傳播出版社
- ISBN:9787508546810
- 類別:傳記類圖書
- 開本:16 開
- 裝幀:平裝
眾所周知,錢學森是享譽海內外的傑出科學家、中國航天事業的奠基人,然而同時,錢學森還是一位思想家,是系統工程中國學派的創始人。錢學森的一生先後經歷了20年美國學術奠基、近28年中國航天實踐、晚年近30年學術研究,他在哲學、科學、技術、工程各個層面均取得了巨大成就。錢學森的一生生動詮釋了他本人的一句話:要敢於說別人沒說過的話、走別人沒走過的路、乾別人沒有乾成的事。本書由錢學森智庫撰寫,由中國航天系統科學與工程研究院和本社聯合組成編委會。全書分為四個部分:“從拂曉到黎明:新的思想之光”“時代的呼喚:創建系統學”“系統觀念下的科學預見”“從此岸到彼岸:新世界的猜想”,內容豐富,資料全面,用通俗易懂的方式,比較全面地闡述了錢學森的系統論思想,特別是開放的複雜巨系統理論的緣起、發展、成熟、創新,試圖撥開時代的迷霧,為人類認識客觀世界、改造客觀世界提供新的理論武器。As we all know, Hsue-shen Tsien isn't only a worldrenowned scientist, but a contributor to the founding of China's aerospace industry. He was an essential catalyst to lead the research and development of China's rockets, missiles, and spacecraft. However, many are unaware that Hsue-shen Tsien is an ideologist and the founder of the Chinese School of Systems Engineering. Hsue-shen Tsien laid the foundation with 20 years of American academics, nearly 28 years of practical experience in Chinese aerospace, and approximately 30 years of academic research in his later years. He realized great achievements in philosophy, science, technology, and engineering. Hsue-shen Tsien’s life can be vividly explained with his own quote, “Dare to say what others have not said, walk the road that others have not traveled, and do things that others have not done.”Insight Into a New World: Hsue-shen Tsien and the Gateway to Intellect starts with the evolution of reductionism and holism paradigms. At the same time, it expounds on Hsue-shen Tsien's systems theory, particularly the origin, development, maturity, and innovation of the open complex giant system theory. The book attempts to clear the fog of this era and provide a new theoretical tool for humanity to understand and transform the objective world.
錢學森智庫,是以“中國航天之父”錢學森的生平事跡及其重要思想理論作為研究對象的專門機構,掌握權威、翔實的手資料。 The Hsue-shen Tsien Think Tank is a specialized institution that studies the life story and important thoughts and theories of Hsue-shen Tsien, “the father of Chinese aerospace”. It has authoritative and accurate first-hand information of Hsue-shen Tsien.