英國環境署預估 2080年泰晤士河的平均海平面將由目前的 26公分上升至 86公分,最糟的狀況將可能上升 2公尺。屆時,將有 125萬的倫敦居民面對淹水的威脅,河岸邊的倫敦市機場 (City Airport)和另外八座電廠都可能被淹水,總共約有 80億英鎊的房屋和建築會泡水。Looking across the park towards the Thames BarrierThe Thames Barrier Park is a 22 acre park in London's docklands, named after its location on the north side of the River Thames next to the Thames Barrier. It is intended to aid the regeneration of the area by creating an attractive public space alongside residential and commercial developments. It is adjacent to Pontoon Dock DLR station.泰晤士河水閘
Alain Provost of Groupe Signes won the international competition to design the park in 1995. As the first largely post-modern design in London, the park has a fresh modern look with adventurous planting and dancing water fountains, though unfortunatly these are currently (summer 2007) fenced off and inoperable due to continued vandalism.