



  • 中文名:泰山宣言
  • 主題:和平發展、共創繁榮,國泰民安
  • 時間:2012年11月29日
  • 參與國家亞洲歐洲美洲11個國家




2012年11月 中國·泰安
Taishan Declaration
November 2012, Tai’an, China
Today, we hold the event of “World Think Tanks’ Visit of Taishan” under the theme of “Peaceful Development, Common Prosperity, Prosperous Country, Decent Life and Harmonious World” at the foot of the world-famous mountain of Taishan. After consultation, we have reached consensus on the following:
I. Peaceful development, a prosperous country and a decent life are the common pursuits of people in all nations. The world is undergoing profound and complex changes, but peace and development are still the themes of our times. Braving challenges and setbacks, an increasingly multi-polar and globalized world is emerging, with accelerated application of information technologies and diversification of development modes. In this era where opportunities as well as challenges abound, we should join our hands in unity to strive for a beautiful homeland and a harmonious world.
II. Shelving differences while seeking common grounds for joint efforts toward shared prosperity is a general trend in the development of mankind. Mankind has only one Earth and all nations share one world. We pursue peace, development and cooperation and endeavor to oppose wars, eliminate poverty and avoid confrontation. We seek to replace conflicts with dialogues and reduce hatred with love, stand as one in the face of difficulties and challenges, and share common peace and prosperity.
III. Inheritance of civilization and environmental friendliness ensure sustainable development. Civilizations serve as an ever-existing identification for all nations and peoples around the world. From east or west, from north to south, from the past to the present to the future, whenever and wherever civilizations of great diversities meet, they make each other even more brilliant. We need to step up our efforts for ecological progress and build a resource-conserving and environmentally friendly society in order to create a bright future for mankind.
IV. Dialogues and exchanges among think tanks and scholars are an important platform to promote peaceful development. Exchanges and dialogues among think tanks based on the trend of the times and the common aspiration of mankind are of profound significance for promoting political, economic, security and cultural cooperation among countries, and for a world of greater prosperity, democracy, cultural progress, equality, justice and rule of law.
People of the world with love for peace and longing for development, let’s join our efforts for lasting peace and stability, and share the benefit of cooperation and development!
We thank the China Center for Contemporary World Studies (CCCWS), the China Foundation for Peace and Development (CFPD), the Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Shandong Province and the Tai’an Municipal Government for your efforts for this event.


