"Marwyn! Go tell the king that Lothar and Varian are on their way. They should be here within the hour."
"I grew up in this area, sir, and most of these farmers are the independent sort. They bring their produce and livestock in to the villages, sell it, and come home."
"Light preserve us. I'd thought things like this were just stories to scare children."
-- “聖光保佑我們--我還以為這樣的話這只是故事,來嚇唬孩子。”
"Sir, if I may. I'm... well... I would rather be hacked into a thousand pieces than turn into one of them undead."
--“長官,如果我可以。我... 好吧...我寧願被撕成碎片也不願變成一個亡靈。”
"Sir... we're utterly surrounded. We can hold out for a while, but eventually they're going to wear us down. Who- what- we lose in numbers, they'll gain."