

《法制與新聞英語(雙語大學專業英語系列教程)》由余素青主編,本書主要目的在於介紹新聞和法律有關的問題,如言論自由、訊息自由、侵犯名譽、隱私、保密、新聞來源、新聞審查、廣告、著作權等。 《法制與新聞英語(雙語大學專業英語系列教程)》亮點: *追蹤法制熱點問題及動態 *選取經典語篇範文 *呈現常用法制新聞及法律英語辭彙 *注重實踐,著力提高學生使用英文的能力


  • 中文名:法制與新聞英語
  • 外文名:Law and the Media
  • 作者:余素青
  • 出版時間:2013年6月1日
  • 出版社:北京大學出版社
  • 頁數:152 頁
  • ISBN:9787301227527
  • 開本:16 開




Unit 1 News
1. What Is NEWS?
2. News Sources
3. Why Do We Need News?
4. Etymology
5. History
6. Forums of News
7. Online Journalism
8. Newsworthiness
9. New Ecology of News
Unit 2 Relations Between Law and Media
1. What Is Law?
2. Why Do We Need Laws?
3. What Is Media?
4. Communications & Media Law
5. Who Regulates Communications?
Unit 3 Freedom of Speech and Expression
1. Importance of Freedom of Speech and Expression
2. The Racial Discrimination Act Amendments
3. Relative Freedom of Speech
4. Conclusions
Unit 4 Freedom of Information
1. Freedom of Information (or Information Freedom)
2. The Information Society and Freedom of Expression
3. Hacktivismo
4. Global Network Initiative
5. Internet Censorship
Unit 5 Defamation
1. Definition
2. Types of Torts: Slander and Libel
3. Criminal Defamation
4. Defenses
5. Defamation and Freedom of Speech
Unit 6 Contempt of Court and Trial by Media
1. Contempt of Court
2. Trial by Media
Unit 7 Privacy
1. Privacy
2. Types of Privacy
3. The Right to Privacy
4. Privacy Protection
Unit 8 Confidentiality
1. Confidentiality
2. Legal Confidentiality
3. History of the English Law of Confidentiality
4. Medical Confidentiality
5. Clinical Psychology
Unit 9 Journalism Sourcing
1. Overview
2. Using Confidential Information
3. Anonymous Sources
4. Not on Tape
5. Attribution
6. Ethics
7. "Speaking Terms"
8. Neologisms
Unit 10 Censorship
1. Censorship
2. Rationale
3. Political Censorship
4. Censorship of State Secrets and Prevention of Attention
5. Censorship of Educational Sources
6. Censorship in Music and Popular Culture
7. Copy, Picture, and Writer Approval
8. Censorship of Maps
9. Meta Censorship
10. Creative Censorship
11. Censorship Implementation
12. Internet Censorship
Unit 11 Advertising
1. Public Service Advertising
2. Types of Advertising
3. Media and Advertising Approaches
4. Criticism of Advertising
5. Regulation
6. Future
Unit 12 Copyright
1. Justification
2. Exclusive Rights Granted by Copyright
3. Works Subject to Copyright
4. International Copyright Law
5. Copyright by Country
6. Obtaining Copyright
7. Copyright Enforcement
8. Limits and Exceptions to Copyright
9. Copyright as Property Right


余素青,浙江龍遊人。1998年、2006年分別於上海外國語大學獲碩士及博士學位;2008年7月至8月於澳大利亞維多利亞大學進修英語語言教學法;2009年2月至7月在英國阿斯頓大學“法律語言學研究中心”進修半年,師從國際法律語言學協會首屆會長Malcom Coulthard教授;2012年5月華東政法大學法學博士後流動站順利出站。現為校級重點學科“外國語言學及套用語言學(法律語言學方向)”帶頭人。兼任中國法律語言學研究會副會長,為國際法律語言學協會會員,主持國家社會科學基金項目一項、國家教育部人文社科規劃基金項目一項、上海市教委科學研究項目兩項、校級科學研究項目一項。先後在《外國語》、《外國語文》、《修辭學習》、《江西社會科學》等雜誌發表論文二十多篇


