




  • 中文名:河海大學水利水電工程學院
  • 外文名:無
  • 地點:江蘇
  • 前身:華東水利學院




學院現有水利水電工程、熱能與動力工程等2個本科專業,分屬水利水電工程系和動力工程系。學院現有教職工127人,其中,專任教師83人。專任教師中有中國工程院院士1人,河海學者特聘教授3人,博士生導師22人,教授32人,副教授23人,高級職稱人員占專職教師總數的 72%。學院還聘請了雙聘院士3人,兼職博導6人.兼職教授31人。2007年,學院有在校本科生1297人,碩士生684人,博士生173人,工程碩士 460人,留學生12人。我院有“新世紀百千萬人才工程”國家級人才2人;“江蘇省青年科技獎獲得者”2人;“全國模範教師”獲得者1人;“333高層次人才培養工程”科技領軍人才1人;中青年科學技術帶頭人6人;江蘇省“青藍工程”學術帶頭人2人;青年骨幹教師3人。我院各學科形成了學科梯隊,以具有博士學位的中青年專家為主體,教師結構配置合理,絕大多數教師均有博士學位,很有發展潛力。學院還與美國Akron大學、荷蘭Delft、英國 Cardif、新加坡南洋理工大學等著名大學合作培養博士研究生,推進研究生培養的國際化進程。




近年來,學院發揮綜合優勢,先後承接了三峽、二灘、南水北調、小浪底等遍及全國重大水利水電工程的科研項目,經費近億元,取得了大量成果,發表論文 1500餘篇,出版教材、專著40餘部。先後獲得國家科技進步特等獎、二等獎、三等獎和省部級科技獎等近70項。國家發明專利15項。在新形勢下,水利水電工程學院正朝著更高的目標前進。


The College of Water Conservancy and Hydropower Engineering is a member of the HoHaiUniversity, an integrated entirety of education, scientific research and engineering consulting. The college has long history and characteristics with water science and technology. The college currently contains two departments, one program responsible for speciality development, one research institute and two academic divisions. Among which the research institute of safety monitor and control of water conservancy and hydropower engineering projects, headed by Professor Wu Zhongru. The Academician of the Chinese Engineering Academy , enjoys high reputation in domestic and abroad. The research academic accomplishments from the institute are ranked among the first class in international technology community. In addition, both the center of safety monitor of metal structures under the Ministry of Water Resources, and the center of safety engineering research under the Ministry of Education are annexed to the college as well.
Currently, there is a faculty composed of 115 teachers and researchers in the college, of them 54%personnel are equivalent to or higher than associate professor level, including one Academician of the Chinese Engineering Academy, 22 Professors qualified as PhD supervisor, and 34 Professors. The faculty in the college is noted for its excellence, vitality and diversity.
The college offers four-year undergraduate programs leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science, and graduate curricula leading to the degree of Master of Science in six majors: Hydraulics and River Dynamics, Hydraulic Structure Engineering, Water Conservancy and Hydropower Engineering, Water Disaster and Water Safety, Machinery Design and Theory, and Disaster Prevention and Relief and Protection Facilities, and Doctor of Philosophy in four majors: Hydraulics and River Dynamics, Hydraulic Structure Engineering, Water Conservancy and Hydropower Engineering, and Water Disaster and Water Safety. Currently there are about 1200 undergraduate students enrolled in the college, 700 students are studying towards Master Degree and 200 for PhD. A post-Doctor work-station in the college accommodates PhD holders for their further studies.
After the development for several decades, the speciality of the Water Conservancy and Hydropower in the college has been judged top in China. The employment records of the graduates from the college are excellent , the immediate employment rates of the graduates in the recent years have been kept ninety-nine percent except those who continue their studies in advanced programs. The college has trained about ten thousand students with different degrees from Bachelor, Master to PhD. The distinguished alumni include the Academicians of the Chinese Science Academy and the Chinese Engineering Academy , Professors, PhD supervisors, Senior Engineers, and officials and chief technical-administrators in Ministry or Province level. All of them have made great contributions to the water conservancy and hydropower development in China. In addition, a good deal of foreign students from Asia and Africa has been trained in the college.
In recent years, the faculty in the college has been working for more than forty items of the national science-technology tough problem attacking and key engineering projects. The research funds obtained summed into several ten million Chinese-Yuan. The faculty members of the college have won eighteen items of the National Science-Technology Advance Awards, in the first, second and third grades, and twenty-eight items of the Science-Technology Advance Awards from the National Education Committee, and Ministry and Province Governments. The faculty members have published 1200 papers and more than 100 monographs.


