- 公司名稱:河南省邦尼貿易有限公司
- 經營範圍:足部護理產品的研發和銷售
- 公司口號:團結,合作、永續、創新、做精、做強
- 產品:鞋全墊,後跟墊,前腳掌墊
- 特點:良好的品質,合理的價格
Based on Xinxiang Buyun Shoe Insoles Co., Ltd., Henan Province Bangni Trading Co., Ltd. has served European, North American and Asian clients for over a decade, and we are proud of the product quality and services.
The satisfaction of our customers is our primary objective.
Bangni strives to attain these objectives by supplying the best quality and service. We fulfill expectations via continuous company development with R&D and customer service in our progressive future path.
The head office, Xinxiang Buyun Shoe Insoles Co., Ltd., is located in Huixian City, Henan Province. Henan Province Bangni Trading Co., Ltd. was set up for export, making the export to be much easier.
We supply all kinds of foot care products to suit the needs of our varying clients, and our products include full length insoles, heel cushions & support products, forefoot pads and cushions, 3/4 length insoles, high heeled insoles, fashion insoles and accessories, toe protectors, and bunions and balls of foot protectors.
Our main markets are Europe (Italy, Germany, Greece, and England), Asia (Singapore, Japan, Korea, Vietnam) and North America.
We are developing numerous new products continuously to adapt to rapidly changing market demands. We have researched and developed various functional insoles with healthy functions for people, including magnetism, deodorization, anti-viral, decompression, and sole kneading. All our products have different functions for use and are specifically tailored to directly focus on the area of the foot in question.
Please view the product directory on the left side for more information about our products.
We're striving to do:
Manufacturing / Production,
Packaging Solutions,
Project Solutions,
Research & Development,
Product Enhancement,
Brand Management,
Quality Control,
International Testing Requirements
Delivery Options
步雲系列藥物鞋墊,誕生於上世紀八十年代 ,它為改善人們的足部環境、捍衛足部健康,鍥而不捨。其獨特功能就是:抑菌、除臭、祛汗,其核心藥物配方最早源於上海醫科大學,後經步雲研發人員多次改良,二十多個風雨春秋孜孜不倦,創造了轟動中華的鞋墊銷售奇蹟。
企業精神: 團結,合作、永續、創新、做精、做強
做人之道: 嚴於律己、寬以待人
管理之道: 人人有目標,執行有程式,過程有監督,結果有反饋
做事之道: 精神、精心、精確
服務理念: 客戶滿意是唯一服務標準
工作觀: 為自己的履歷工作,把崗位當事業,過有意義的人生
用人理念: 尊重,包容,激勵,培養