沙德尚,1977年11月生,江蘇省宿遷人。1998年獲得洛陽工學院本科學位。2001年獲得南京航空航天大學碩士學位。2005年獲得中國科學院電工所博士學位。2008年中關村科技園海淀園博士後出站。2012-2013年維吉尼亞理工大學未來能源電子中心訪問學者。現為北京理工大學自動化學院特別研究員,博士生導師。2013年入選教育部新世紀優秀人才。IEEE senior member,國際電工委員會委員,IEC/TC26專家,中國電工技術學會機電一體化委員會委員,中國電工技術學會高級會員。擔任國際知名期刊IEEE transaction on Power Electronics 和IEEE transation on Industrial Electronics審稿人。以第一作者(通信)發表SCI論文35篇,其中IEEE-Transactions 20餘篇。獲得國家發明專利10餘項。完成多款軍、民型號電源並且大規模投入生產。
- 中文名:沙德尚
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 出生地:江蘇宿遷
- 出生日期:1977年11月
- 職業:教師
- 畢業院校:中國科學院電工研究所
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向:電力電子高頻變換
- 職務:研究員
1.D.Sha, Z.Guo, X.Liao,“cross-feedback output current-sharing control for input-series-output-parallel modular DC-DC converters” IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics Vol 25 No 11. Nov 2010 PP 2762 – 2771.
2. D. Sha, Z. Guo, X. Liao,“Control strategy for input-parallel-output-parallel high frequency isolated inverter modules”IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics. Vol 26 No 8 Jul 2011 PP 2237 – 2248.
3. D. Sha, K. Deng, X. Liao, “Duty cycle exchanging control for input-series-output-series connected two PS-FB DC-DC converters”, (Accepted, in press). IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics. VoI:10 1109/ TPEL. 2011.2165084.
4. D. Sha, K. Deng, X.Liao, “Control Strategy for Input-Series-Output-Parallel High Frequency AC Link Inverters”. IEEE Transaction on Industrial Electronics. (Accpted in press).
5. D. Sha, D.Wu, X.Liao,“Analysis of a hybrid controlled three-phase grid-connected inverter with harmonics compensation in synchronous reference frame”, IET Power Electronics. July. 2011.PP.743-751.
6. D. Sha, Z. Guo, X. Liao,“Digital control strategy for input-series-output-parallel modular DC/DC converters”,Journal of power electronics. Vol 10 No 3, 2010.PP 245-250.
7. D. Sha, Z.Guo, X. Liao “DSP based series-parallel connected two full-bridge DC-DC converter with Interleaving output current sharing”,Journal of power electronics. Vol 10 No.6, Nov 2010 PP 673-679, 2010.
8. D.Sha, Z.Qin, X.Liao,“A Digitally Controlled Three-Phase Cycloconverter Type High Frequency AC Link Inverter Using Space Vector Modulation”,Journal of power electronics Vol 11 No.1, Jan-Feb,2011.PP.28-36.
9. Z.Guo, D.Sha and Xioazhong Liao, “Input Voltage Sharing Control for Input-Series-Output-Parallel DC-DC Converters without Input Voltage Sensors”, Journal of Power Electronics (ACCPTED)
1. D. Sha, Z. Guo, X. Liao,“Input-series connected high frequency DC-DC converters with one transformer”in proceeding of IEEE _APEC2010.PP. 662 – 665.
2. D. Sha, X. Liao,“Digital control of switch-mode pulsed GMAW welding power”in proceeding of IEEE_ ECCE2009.PP. 1 – 6.
3. D. Sha, Y.Bao, B.Qi, “Full digitalized ZVZCS control strategy for high frequency link inverter”, in proceeding of IEEE_PESC 2006. PP.2746-2749.
4. Z.Qin, D.Sha, X.Liao, “A Three-phase Boost-type Grid-connected Inverter Based on Synchronous Reference Frame Control”.IEEE-APEC 2012(Accpted).
5. D.Wu, D.Sha,X.Liao, “Parallel-connected Three-phase Inverters for Railway Auxiliary Power Supply without Sensing Output Currents” IEEE-APEC2012 (Accpted).
6. X.Song, D.Sha,X.Liao, “Input series common transformer PS-FB DC-DC converters for pulused MIG welding” IEEE-APEC2012 (Accpted).