
沈樂成,男,博士,中山大學電子與信息工程學院“百人計畫”副教授,博士生導師,主要從事光學成像和光場調控的研究,已在Physical Review Letters、Optica等國際頂級物理和光學期刊發表文章30餘篇。


  • 中文名:沈樂成
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校:華盛頓大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:電子工程
  • 職務:中山大學博士生導師
  • 職稱:副教授







  • 光學工程
  • 光學成像
  • 光場調控
  • 超導量子器件中光和物質耦合的前沿研究




[31]Z. Zhen, Y. Huang*, Y. Feng, Y. Shen*, Z. Li*, “An ultranarrow photonic nanojet formed by an engineered two-layer microcylinder of high refractive-index materials”, Optics Express 27 (6), 9178-9188 (2019)
[30] Z. Wu, J. Luo, Y. Feng*, X. Guo, Y. Shen*, and Z. Li*, “Controlling 1550-nm light through a multimode fiber using a Hadamard encoding algorithm”, Optics Express 27 (4), 5570-5580 (2019).
[29] Y. Huang*, Z. Zhen, Y. Shen*, C. Min, and G. Veronis, “Optimization of photonic nanojets generated by multilayer microcylinders with a genetic algorithm”, Optics Express 27 (2), 1310-1325 (2019).
[28] L .Song, Y. Feng*, X. Guo, Y. Shen, D. Wu, Z. Wu, C. Zhou, L. Zhu, S. Gao, W. Liu, X. Zhang*, and Z. Li*, “Ultrafast polarization bio-imaging based on coherent detection and time-stretch techniques”, Biomedical Optics Express, 9 (12), 6556-6568 (2018).
[27] J. Yang, L. Gong, Y. Shen, and L.V. Wang*, “Synthetic Bessel light needle for extended depth-of-field microscopy”, Applied Physics Letters, 113 (18), 181104 (2018).
[26] A. Hemphill, Y. Shen, J. Hwang*, and L.V. Wang*, “High-speed alignment optimization of digital optical phase conjugation systems based on auto-covariance analysis in conjunction with orthonormal rectangular polynomials”, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 24(3), 1-11 (2018).
[25] Y. Huang*, Y. Shen, C. Min, and G. Veronis, “Switching photonic nanostructures between cloaking and superscattering regimes structures using phase-change materials”, Optical Materials Express, 8 (6), 1672 (2018).
[24] Y. Qu, L. Li, Y. Shen, X. Wei, T.T.W. Wong, P. Hu, J. Yao, K. Maslov, and L.V. Wang*, “Dichroism-sensitive photoacoustic computed tomography”, Optica, 5 (4), 495-501 (2018).
[23] Y. Shen, Z. Chen, Y.He, Z. Li*, and J.T. Shen*, “Solution to single-photon spontaneous emission in waveguide QED systems”, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 35, 607 (2018).
[22] Y. Liu, Y. Shen, H. Ruan, F.L. Brodie, T.T.W. Wong, C. Yang, and L.V. Wang*, “Time-reversed ultrasonically encoded optical focusing through highly scattering ex vivo human cataractous lenses”, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 23(1), 010501 (2018).
[21] A. Hemphill, Y. Shen, Y. Liu, and L.V. Wang*, “High-speed single-shot optical focusing through dynamic turbid media using off-axis holography”, Applied Physics Letters, 111(22), 221109 (2017).
[20] J. Yang, Y. Shen, Y. Liu, A. Hemphill, and L.V. Wang*, “Focusing light through scattering media by polarization modulation based generalized digital optical phase conjugation”, Applied Physics Letters, 111(20), 201108 (2017).
[19] Y. Huang*, Y. Shen, C. Min, and G. Veronis, “Switching of the direction of reflectionless light propagation at exceptional points in non-PT-symmetric structures using phase-change materials”, Optics Express, 25 (22), 27283-27297 (2017).
[18] J. Yang, L. Gong, X. Xu, P. Hai, Y. Shen, Y. Sukuzi, and L.V. Wang*, “Motionless volumetric photoacoustic microscopy with spatially invariant resolution”, Nature communications, 8, 780 (2017).
[17] Y. He, Y. Shen, X. Feng, C. Liu*, and L.V. Wang*, “Homogenizing microwave illumination in thermoacoustic tomography by a linear-to-circular polarizer based on frequency selective surface”, Applied Physics Letters, 111 (6), 063703 (2017).
[16] L. Li, L. Zhu, Y. Shen, and L.V. Wang*, “Multi-view Hilbert transformation in full-ring-transducer-array based photoacoustic computed tomography”, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 22(7), 076017-076017 (2017).
[15] Y. Huang, Y. Shen, C. Min, S. Fan, and G. Veronis*, “Unidirectional reflectionless light propagation at exceptional points”, Nanophotonics, (2017).
[14] Y. Liu, C. Ma, Y. Shen, J. Shi, and L.V. Wang*, “Focusing light inside dynamic scattering tissue with millisecond digital optical phase conjugation”, Optica, 4 (2), 280-288 (2017).
[13] Y. He, Y. Shen, C. Liu*, and L.V. Wang*, “Suppressing excitation effects in microwave induced thermoacoustic tomography by multi-view Hilbert transformation”, Applied Physics Letters, 110 (5), 053701 (2017).
[12] Y. Shen, Y. Liu, C. Ma, and L.V. Wang*, “Sub-Nyquist sampling boosts targeted light transport through opaque scattering media”, Optica, 4 (1), 97-102 (2017).
[11] Y. Liu, Y. Shen, C. Ma, J. Shi, and L.V. Wang*, “Lock-in camera based heterodyne holography for ultrasound-modulated optical tomography inside dynamic scattering media”, Applied Physics Letters, 108, 231106 (2016).
[10] Y. Shen, Y. Liu, C. Ma, and L.V. Wang*, “Focusing light through biological tissue and tissue-mimicking phantoms up to 9.6 cm in thickness with digital optical phase conjugation”,Journal of Biomedical Optics,21(8), 085001 (2016).
[9] Y. Liu, C. Ma, Y. Shen, and L.V. Wang*, “Bit-efficient, sub-millisecond wavefront measurement using a lock-in camera for time-reversal based optical focusing inside scattering media”, Optics Letters, 41, 1321-1324 (2016).
[8] Y. Shen, Y. Liu, C. Ma, and L.V. Wang*, “Focusing light through scattering media by full-polarization digital optical phase conjugation”, Optics Letters, 41, 1130-1133 (2016).
Before 2015
[7] Y. Shen and J.T. Shen*, “Photonic Fock states scattering in waveguide QED and their correlation functions”,Physical Review A, 92, 033803 (2015).
[6] Y. Shen, L.V. Wang, and J.T. Shen*, “Ultralong photonic nanojet formed by a two-layer dielectric microsphere”, Optics Letters, 39, 4120-4123 (2014).
[5] Y. Shen*, L.V. Wang, and J.T. Shen*, “Deep subwavelength optical imaging using correlated nano-torches”, Applied Physics Letters, 103(20), 201119 (2013).
[4] Y. Shen and J.T. Shen*, “Numerical investigation of Rayleigh nanoparticle sensing using a whispering-gallery-mode resonator”, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 29, 2897 (2012).
[3] Y. Shen, D.R. Chen, and J.T. Shen*, “Statistical theory of nanoparticle sensing using a whispering-gallery-mode resonator”, Physical Review A, 85, 063808 (2012).
[2] Y. Shen and J.T. Shen*, “Nanoparticle sensing using whispering-gallery-mode resonators: Plasmonic and Rayleigh scatterers”, Physical Review A, 85, 013801, (2012).
[1] Y. Shen, M. Bradford, and J.T. Shen*, “Single-photon diode by exploiting the photon polarization in a waveguide”, Physical Review Letters, 107, 173902 (2011).


