- 中文名:沈小雙
- 畢業院校:中國科學技術大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:貴金屬電材料的製備、自組裝與套用
- 任職院校:揚州大學
2004.9-2010.6 中國科學技術大學, 凝聚態物理,博士
2010.8-2012.7 新加坡南洋理工大學,博士後
發展了不同了將膠體納米顆粒組裝成有序結構的方法: 1. 利用多晶凍的微結構作為模板將金納米球和納米棒組裝成一維的鏈狀結構; 2. 利用雙親二嵌段共聚物作為穩定劑和包覆劑將金屬納米顆粒組裝成三維多面體團簇,如八面體和二十面體團簇; 3. 利用蒸發溶液的方法將鈀納米立方體組裝成具有簡立方結構的微米立方體。
納米顆粒團簇的製備與結構調控 (BK20150437, 2015 .7 ~ 2018.6) , 江蘇省自然科學基金(青年),20萬元, 負責人:沈小雙
1.Chao Mei, Yanshuang Pan, Hui Sun, Xiaoshuang Shen,* Xun Hong, Hui He, and Xianghua Zeng*,Structure competition and evolution in minimum energy nanoparticle clusters,CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 6566 .
2.X. Shen,* Chao Mei, Hui He, Min Zhou, Weiwei Xia and Xianghua Zeng*,Spontaneous Structure Transition in Nanoparticle Aggregates: from Amorphous Clusters to Supercrystals, CrystEngComm, 2015, 17, 4637.
3.X. Shen,* C. Mei, Y. Zhou, W. Xia, M. Zhou and X. Zeng*, “Controlled Formation of Nanoparticle Clusters Mediated by Electrostatic Interaction”, RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 43105.
4.A. Urban#, X. Shen#(co-first author), Y. Wang, N. Large, H. Wang, M. W. Knight, P. Nordlander*, H. Chen*, and N. J. Halas*, “3-D Plasmonic Nanoclusters”,Nano Letters, 2013, 13, 4399.
5.X. Shen, L. Chen, D. Li, L. Zhu, H. Wang, C. Liu, Y. Wang, Q. Xiong and H. Chen*, “Assembly of Colloidal Nanoparticles Directed by the Microstructures of Polycrystalline Ice”, ACS Nano, 2011, 5, 8426.
6.X. Shen, G. Wang*, X. Hong, X. Xie, W. Zhu and D. Li, “Anisotropic Growth of One-Dimensional Silver Rod-Needle and Plate-Belt Heteronanostructures Induced by Twins and hcp Phase”, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2009, 131, 10812.
7.X. Shen, G. Wang,* X. Hong and W. Zhu, “Simple-cubic microcubes assembled by palladium nanocubes”, CrystEngComm, 2009, 11, 753.
8.X. Shen, G. Wang,* X. Hong and W. Zhu, “Nanospheres of silver nanoparticles: agglomeration, surface morphology control and application as SERS substrates”, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2009, 11, 7450.
9.X. Shen, G. Wang,* X. Hong and W. Zhu, “Shape-Controlled Synthesis of Palladium Nanoparticles and their SPR/SERS Properties”, Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics, 2009, 22, 440.
10.L. Zhu, X. Shen, Z. Zeng, H. Wang, H. Zhang, and H. Chen*,“Induced Coiling Action: Exploring the Intrinsic Defects in Five-Fold Twinned Silver Nanowires”, ACS Nano, 2012, 6 , 6033-6039.
11.H. Sun, X. Shen, L. Yao, S. Xing, H. Wang, Y. Feng, and H. Chen*,"Measuring the Unusually Slow Ionic Diffusion in Polyaniline via Study of Yolk-Shell Nanostructures", Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2012, 134, 11243-11250.
12.H. Wang, L. Chen, X. Shen, L. Zhu, J. He, and H. Chen*, "Unconventional Chain-Growth Mode in the Assembly of Colloidal Au Nanoparticles", Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 2012, 51, 8021-8025.
13.L. Zhu, H. Wang, X. Shen, L. Chen, Y. Wang, and H. Chen*, "Developing Mutually Encapsulating Materials for Versatile Syntheses of Multilayer Metal-Silica-Polymer Hybrid Nanostructures", Small, 2012, 1857-1862.
14.L. Chen, H. Wang, J. Xu, X. Shen, L. Yao, L. Zhu, Z. Zeng, H. Zhang and H. Chen*, “Controlling Reversible Elastic Deformation of Carbon Nanotube Rings”, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2011, 133, 9654.
15.Y. Wang, Q. Wang, H. Sun, W. Zhang, G. Chen, Y. Wang, X. Shen, Y. Han, X. Lu, and H. Chen*, “Chiral Transformation: from Single Nanowire to Double Helix”, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2011, 133, 20060.
16.W. Zhu, G. Wang,* X. Hong and X. Shen, “One-step Fabrication of Ni/TiO2 Core/Shell Nanorod Arrays in Anodic Aluminium Oxide Membranes”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2009, 113, 5454.
17.X. Hong, G. Wang,* W. Zhu, X. Shen and Y. Wang, “Synthesis of Sub-10 Nanometer Cu2O Nanowires by the Poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) Assisted Electrodeposition”,Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2009, 113, 14172.
18.W. Zhu, G. Wang*, X. Hong, X. Shen, D. Li and X. Xie, “Metal Nanoparticle Chains Embedded in TiO2 Nanotubes Prepared by One-step Electrodeposition”, Electrochimica Acta, 2009, 55, 480.