


  • 中文名:沈京玲
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:太赫茲光電子學
  • 任職院校:首都師範大學物理系






· 2017年北京市優秀教師
· 2016年首都師範大學最受學生歡迎的優秀教師;
· 2014年首立幾斷都師範大學優秀本科畢業論文料朽指導教師;
· 2012年首都師範大學優秀主講教師;
· 2009年首都師範大學師德先進個人;
· 1998年首都師範大學優秀教學成果獎




早期太赫茲重點實驗室的籌建者之一,建立了國習記棗喇殃記講際上品種最多的毒品太赫茲譜資料庫,提出了多種基於特徵吸收譜的樣品識別方法和目標成分含量分析方法;對超材料和有閥判棄洪機薄膜在太赫茲光譜波段的光譜調製特性和感測特性進行研究並取得系列成果;主持國家重大儀器專項“基於飛秒雷射的太赫茲時域光譜儀”子任務。在Phys. Rev. A, Opt. Lett., Appl. Phys. Lett., Opt. Express等重要學術期刊發表相關研究論文110餘篇,獲得發明專利3項和實用新型專利4項。
[1] Guocui Wang, Bo Zhang, Hongyu Ji, Xin Liu, Ting He, Longfeng Lv, Yanbing Hou, and Jingling Shen, Monolayer graphene based organic optical terahertz modulator, Appl. Phys. Lett. 110, 023301 (2017)
[2] Yanan He, Bo Zhang, and Jingling Shen, Performance of terahertz metamaterials as high-sensitivity sensor, Modern Physics Letters B, 1750240 (2017)
[3] Tian-Ji Chen, Ting He, Bo Zhang, & Jing-Ling Shen, High efficiency conical shape THz coupler, JOURNAL OF INFRARED AND MILLIMETER WAVES, 35(2) (2016), 194-199
[4] Jing Liu, Ming-Fei Xiao, Jing-Ling Shen, Bo Zhang, Wei Zhang, & Cun-Lin Zhang, Broadband spectroscopy of polymer waveguide and its sensing applications in the THz region, JOURNAL OF INFRARED AND MILLIMETER WAVES, 35(5) (2016), 525-528
[5] Guocui Wang, Jianna Zhang, Bo Zhang, Ting He, Yanan He, Jingling Shen, Photo-excited terahertz switch based on composite metamaterial structure, Optics Communications 374 (2016) 64–68
[6] Jianna Zhang, Guocui Wang, Bo Zhang, Ting He, Yanan He, Jingling Shen, Photo-excited broadband tunable terahertz metamaterial absorber, Optical Materials 54 (2016) 32–36
[7] Liang Zhong, Bo Zhang, Ting He, Longfeng Lv, Yanbing Hou, and Jingling Shen, Conjugated polymer based active electric-controlled terahertz device, Appl. Phys. Lett. 108, 103301 (2016)
[8] А. S. Nikoghosyana, H. Ting, J. Shen, R. М. Мartirosyan, M. Yu. Tunyan, А. V. Papikyan, and А. А. Papikyan, Optical Properties of Human Jawbone and Human Bone Substitute Cerabone? in the Terahertz Range, Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences), 2016, 51(3), 256–264.
[9] Mengdi Zang, Ting He, Bo Zhang, Liang Zhong, Jingling Shen, Temperature-dependent Goos–H?nchen shift in the terahertz range, Optics Communications 370 (2016) 81–84
[10] Ting He, Bo Zhang, Guo-cui Wang, Meng-di Zang, Yan-bing Hou and Jing-ling Shen, High efficiency THz-wave modulators based on conjugated polymer-based organic films, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 49 (2016) 075111
[11] 何君,張鐵軍,熊偉,張波,和挺,沈京玲,基於聚醯亞胺基底的太赫茲濾波器,光譜學與光譜分析(Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis),Vol. 35 (11),3050-3053(2015)
[12] 劉建偉,沈京玲,張波,太赫茲技術對二甲基苯甲酸六種同分異構體的識別,光譜學與光譜分析(Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis),Vol. 35 (11),3041-3045(2015)
[13] Yanan He, Bo Zhang, Ting He, Tianji Chen, Guocui Wang, Yanbing Hou, Wei Xiong, Jingling Shen, Optically-controlled metamaterial absorber based on hybridstructure, Optics Communications 356 (2015) 595–598
[14] Bo Zhang, Longfeng Lv, Ting He, Tianji Chen, Mengdi Zang, Liang Zhong, Xinke Wang, Jingling Shen, and Yanbing Hou, Active terahertz device based on optically controlled organometal halide perovskite, Appl. Phys. Lett. 107, 093301 (2015)
[15] Ting He, Bo Zhang, Jingling Shen, Mengdi Zang, Tianji Chen, Yufeng Hu, and Yanbing Hou, High-efficiency THz modulator based on phthalocyanine- compound organic films, Appl. Phys. Lett. 106, 053303 (2015)
[16] Bo Zhang, Ting He, Jingling Shen, Yanbing Hou, Yufeng Hu, Mengdi Zang, Tianji Chen, Shengfei Feng, Feng Teng, and Liang Qin, Conjugated polymer-based broadband terahertz wave modulator, OPTICS LETTERS, Vol. 39, No. 21, 6110-6113 (2014)
[17] Qingmei Li, Bo Zhang, Wei Xiong, and Jingling Shen, Modulation of the resonance frequency in double-split ring terahertz metamaterials, Optics Communications 323, 162-166, (2014)
[18] 和挺,沈京玲,太赫茲技術在毒品檢測中的套用研究,光譜學與光譜分析(Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis),Vol. 33 (09),2348-2353(2013)
[19] CAI He, WANG Dong & SHEN JingLing, Study on terahertz spectra of SO2 and H2S, SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, Vol.56, No.4, 685-690 (2013)
[20] Qingmei Li, Bo Zhang, and Jingling Shen, “Goos-H?nchen shifts of reflected terahertz wave on a COC-air interface”, OPTICS EXPRESS, Vol. 21, No. 5 (2013) 6480-6487,
[21] 張曼,朱思源,李慶梅,沈京玲,太赫茲技術對頭孢菌類抗生素的研究,光譜學與光譜分析,Vol. 33 (02),330-333(2013)
[22] Jun He, Qingmei Li, Jingling Shen, Asymmetric double split- ring metamaterials absorber in the terahertz region, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 8562 85620N (2012), (Photonics Asia, International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2012)
[23] Liu Jing, Xiao Mingfei, Shen Jingling, Zhang Wei, Flexible PMMA pipe for terahertz propagation, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 8562 85620R (2012), (Photonics Asia, International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2012)
[24] ZHANG Man(張曼), PAN Rui(潘銳), XIONG Wei(熊偉), HE Ting(和挺), SHEN Jing-Ling(沈京玲), “A Compressed Terahertz Imaging Method”,CHIN. PHYS. LETT. Vol. 29, No. 10 (2012) 104208
[25] Binbin Li, Shengmei Yan, Wei Xiong, Jingling Shen, and Jun Yao, Terahertz-metallic aperture arrays designing, CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS 10, S13102 (2012)
[26] Li Qingmei, Shen Jingling, Asymmetric double split-ring resonators in the terahertz region, Symposium on Photonics and Optoelectronics (SOPO 2012), 978-1-4577-0911-1/12/ ?2012 IEEE
[27] Man Zhang, Rui Pan, and Jingling Shen, A Fast Terahertz Imaging: Method, Simulation, and Experiment, The 5th Global Symposium on Millimeter Waves (GSMM 2012), 978-1-4673-1305-6/12/ ?2012 IEEE, 431-434
[28] Binbin Li, Shengmei Yan, Wei Xiong, Jingling Shen, and Jun Yao, Terahertz-metallic aperture arrays designing, CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS 10, S13102 (2012)
[29] He Ting, Shen Jingling, Liang Meiyan, Quantitative identification of illicit drugs by using SOM neural networks, Measurement 44 (2011) 391-398
[30] Wei Xiong,Jingling Shen, Fingerprint extraction from interference destruction terahertz spectrum, 11 October 2010 / Vol. 18, No. 21 / OPTICS EXPRESS 21798
[31] Jingling Shen, Guangqin Wang, Dejun Jiang, Laishun Liang, Xiaoyu Xu, Terahertz spectroscopic investigations of caffeine and 3-acetylmorphine, Optik, 121 (2010), 1712–1716
[32] Meiyan Liang, Jingling Shen and Guangqin Wang, Identification of illicit drugs by using SOM neural networks, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 41 (2008) 135306 (6pp)
[33] Guangqin Wang, Jingling Shen, and Yan Jia, “Vibrational spectra of ketamine hydrochloride and 3, 4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine in terahertz range” J. Appl. Phys. 102, 013106 (2007)
[34] Meihong Lu, Jingling Shen, Ning Li, Yan Zhang, Cunlin Zhang, Laishun Liang, and Xiaoyu Xu, “Detection and Identification of Illicit Drugs Using Terahertz Imaging”, Journal of Applied Physics 100, 103104 (2006)
[35] Sun Jinhai, Shen Jingling, Liang Laishun, Xu Xiaoyu, Liu Haibo, Zhang Cunlin, Experimental Investigation on Terahertz Spectra of Amphetamine Type Stimulants, CHIN. PHYS. LETT. Vol. 22, No.12 (2005) 3176-3178
[36] Li Ning, Shen Jingling, Sun Jinhai, Liang Laishen, Xu Xiaoyu, Lu Meihong, and Jia Yan, Study on the Terahertz Spectrum of Methamphetamine, 5 September 2005, Vol.13, No.18, OPTICS EXPRESS 6750-55
[5] Guocui Wang, Jianna Zhang, Bo Zhang, Ting He, Yanan He, Jingling Shen, Photo-excited terahertz switch based on composite metamaterial structure, Optics Communications 374 (2016) 64–68
[6] Jianna Zhang, Guocui Wang, Bo Zhang, Ting He, Yanan He, Jingling Shen, Photo-excited broadband tunable terahertz metamaterial absorber, Optical Materials 54 (2016) 32–36
[7] Liang Zhong, Bo Zhang, Ting He, Longfeng Lv, Yanbing Hou, and Jingling Shen, Conjugated polymer based active electric-controlled terahertz device, Appl. Phys. Lett. 108, 103301 (2016)
[8] А. S. Nikoghosyana, H. Ting, J. Shen, R. М. Мartirosyan, M. Yu. Tunyan, А. V. Papikyan, and А. А. Papikyan, Optical Properties of Human Jawbone and Human Bone Substitute Cerabone? in the Terahertz Range, Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences), 2016, 51(3), 256–264.
[9] Mengdi Zang, Ting He, Bo Zhang, Liang Zhong, Jingling Shen, Temperature-dependent Goos–H?nchen shift in the terahertz range, Optics Communications 370 (2016) 81–84
[10] Ting He, Bo Zhang, Guo-cui Wang, Meng-di Zang, Yan-bing Hou and Jing-ling Shen, High efficiency THz-wave modulators based on conjugated polymer-based organic films, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 49 (2016) 075111
[11] 何君,張鐵軍,熊偉,張波,和挺,沈京玲,基於聚醯亞胺基底的太赫茲濾波器,光譜學與光譜分析(Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis),Vol. 35 (11),3050-3053(2015)
[12] 劉建偉,沈京玲,張波,太赫茲技術對二甲基苯甲酸六種同分異構體的識別,光譜學與光譜分析(Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis),Vol. 35 (11),3041-3045(2015)
[13] Yanan He, Bo Zhang, Ting He, Tianji Chen, Guocui Wang, Yanbing Hou, Wei Xiong, Jingling Shen, Optically-controlled metamaterial absorber based on hybridstructure, Optics Communications 356 (2015) 595–598
[14] Bo Zhang, Longfeng Lv, Ting He, Tianji Chen, Mengdi Zang, Liang Zhong, Xinke Wang, Jingling Shen, and Yanbing Hou, Active terahertz device based on optically controlled organometal halide perovskite, Appl. Phys. Lett. 107, 093301 (2015)
[15] Ting He, Bo Zhang, Jingling Shen, Mengdi Zang, Tianji Chen, Yufeng Hu, and Yanbing Hou, High-efficiency THz modulator based on phthalocyanine- compound organic films, Appl. Phys. Lett. 106, 053303 (2015)
[16] Bo Zhang, Ting He, Jingling Shen, Yanbing Hou, Yufeng Hu, Mengdi Zang, Tianji Chen, Shengfei Feng, Feng Teng, and Liang Qin, Conjugated polymer-based broadband terahertz wave modulator, OPTICS LETTERS, Vol. 39, No. 21, 6110-6113 (2014)
[17] Qingmei Li, Bo Zhang, Wei Xiong, and Jingling Shen, Modulation of the resonance frequency in double-split ring terahertz metamaterials, Optics Communications 323, 162-166, (2014)
[18] 和挺,沈京玲,太赫茲技術在毒品檢測中的套用研究,光譜學與光譜分析(Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis),Vol. 33 (09),2348-2353(2013)
[19] CAI He, WANG Dong & SHEN JingLing, Study on terahertz spectra of SO2 and H2S, SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, Vol.56, No.4, 685-690 (2013)
[20] Qingmei Li, Bo Zhang, and Jingling Shen, “Goos-H?nchen shifts of reflected terahertz wave on a COC-air interface”, OPTICS EXPRESS, Vol. 21, No. 5 (2013) 6480-6487,
[21] 張曼,朱思源,李慶梅,沈京玲,太赫茲技術對頭孢菌類抗生素的研究,光譜學與光譜分析,Vol. 33 (02),330-333(2013)
[22] Jun He, Qingmei Li, Jingling Shen, Asymmetric double split- ring metamaterials absorber in the terahertz region, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 8562 85620N (2012), (Photonics Asia, International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2012)
[23] Liu Jing, Xiao Mingfei, Shen Jingling, Zhang Wei, Flexible PMMA pipe for terahertz propagation, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 8562 85620R (2012), (Photonics Asia, International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2012)
[24] ZHANG Man(張曼), PAN Rui(潘銳), XIONG Wei(熊偉), HE Ting(和挺), SHEN Jing-Ling(沈京玲), “A Compressed Terahertz Imaging Method”,CHIN. PHYS. LETT. Vol. 29, No. 10 (2012) 104208
[25] Binbin Li, Shengmei Yan, Wei Xiong, Jingling Shen, and Jun Yao, Terahertz-metallic aperture arrays designing, CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS 10, S13102 (2012)
[26] Li Qingmei, Shen Jingling, Asymmetric double split-ring resonators in the terahertz region, Symposium on Photonics and Optoelectronics (SOPO 2012), 978-1-4577-0911-1/12/ ?2012 IEEE
[27] Man Zhang, Rui Pan, and Jingling Shen, A Fast Terahertz Imaging: Method, Simulation, and Experiment, The 5th Global Symposium on Millimeter Waves (GSMM 2012), 978-1-4673-1305-6/12/ ?2012 IEEE, 431-434
[28] Binbin Li, Shengmei Yan, Wei Xiong, Jingling Shen, and Jun Yao, Terahertz-metallic aperture arrays designing, CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS 10, S13102 (2012)
[29] He Ting, Shen Jingling, Liang Meiyan, Quantitative identification of illicit drugs by using SOM neural networks, Measurement 44 (2011) 391-398
[30] Wei Xiong,Jingling Shen, Fingerprint extraction from interference destruction terahertz spectrum, 11 October 2010 / Vol. 18, No. 21 / OPTICS EXPRESS 21798
[31] Jingling Shen, Guangqin Wang, Dejun Jiang, Laishun Liang, Xiaoyu Xu, Terahertz spectroscopic investigations of caffeine and 3-acetylmorphine, Optik, 121 (2010), 1712–1716
[32] Meiyan Liang, Jingling Shen and Guangqin Wang, Identification of illicit drugs by using SOM neural networks, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 41 (2008) 135306 (6pp)
[33] Guangqin Wang, Jingling Shen, and Yan Jia, “Vibrational spectra of ketamine hydrochloride and 3, 4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine in terahertz range” J. Appl. Phys. 102, 013106 (2007)
[34] Meihong Lu, Jingling Shen, Ning Li, Yan Zhang, Cunlin Zhang, Laishun Liang, and Xiaoyu Xu, “Detection and Identification of Illicit Drugs Using Terahertz Imaging”, Journal of Applied Physics 100, 103104 (2006)
[35] Sun Jinhai, Shen Jingling, Liang Laishun, Xu Xiaoyu, Liu Haibo, Zhang Cunlin, Experimental Investigation on Terahertz Spectra of Amphetamine Type Stimulants, CHIN. PHYS. LETT. Vol. 22, No.12 (2005) 3176-3178
[36] Li Ning, Shen Jingling, Sun Jinhai, Liang Laishen, Xu Xiaoyu, Lu Meihong, and Jia Yan, Study on the Terahertz Spectrum of Methamphetamine, 5 September 2005, Vol.13, No.18, OPTICS EXPRESS 6750-55


