



  • 中文名:汪蘭
  • 國籍:中國
  • 畢業院校:華中農業大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:食品科學
  • 職務:主任




2019-2022 主持國家自然科學基金面上項目“魔芋葡甘聚糖對肌原纖維蛋白冷凍保護作用的分子機制研究”
2018-2019 主持湖北省技術創新專項重大項目“特色淡水魚預製調理加工與副產物綜合利用關鍵技術研發”
2018-2020 主持國家重點研發計畫子課題“預製調理品品質控制及貨架期預測關鍵技術”;
2010-2012 主持國家自然科學基金青年基金項目“大米澱粉巨觀特性與水分子運動的相關性研究”;
2014-2016 主持國家農業科技成果轉化項目“天然複合鯽魚調味品研究與示範”;


用鱘魚脊骨製備低分子量鱘魚硫酸軟骨素的方法,ZL201310548309. X


1. Shao, Y., Wang, L*, Chen, C., Xiong, G., Hu, Y., Qiao, Y., Wu, W., Li, X., Wang, J., Liao, L., & Ding, A. (2018). Antioxidant capacity of fermented soybeans and their protective effect on protein oxidation in largemouth bass ( Micropterus salmoides ) during repeated freezing-thawing (FT) treatments. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 91, 213-221.
2. Shao, Y., Xiong, G., Ling, J., Hu, Y., Shi, L., Qiao, Y., Yu, J., Cui, Y., Liao, L., Wu, W., Li, X., Ding, A., & Wang, L*. (2018). Effect of ultra-high pressure treatment on shucking and meat properties of red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkia). LWT - Food Science and Technology, 87, 234-240.
3. Shi, L., Xiong, G., Ding, A., Li, X., Wu, W., Qiao, Y., Liao, L., & Wang, L*. (2018). Effects of freezing temperature and frozen storage on the biochemical and physical properties of Procambarus clarkii. International Journal of Refrigeration, 91, 223-229.
4. Shi, L., Yang, T., Xiong, G., Li, X., Wang, X., Ding, A., Qiao, Y., Wu, W., Liao, L., & Wang, L.* (2018). Influence of frozen storage temperature on the microstructures and physicochemical properties of pre-frozen perch ( Micropterus salmoides ). LWT - Food Science and Technology,, 92, 471-476.
5. Lan Wang, Guangquan Xiong, Yong-bo Peng, Wenjing Wu, Xin Li , Jun Wang , Yu Qiao, Li Liao, Anzi Ding. The Cryoprotective Effect of Different Konjac Glucomannan (KGM) Hydrolysates on the Glass Carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) Myofibrillar During Frozen Storage. Food and bioprocessing technology. (2014) 7:3398–3406
6. Qianchun Deng, Xiao Yu, Jiqu Xu, Lan Wang, Fenghong Huang, Qingde Huang, Changsheng Liu and Fangli Ma. Effects of endogenous and exogenous micronutrients in rapeseed oils on the antioxidant status and lipid profile in high-fat fed rats. Lipids in Health and Disease 2014, 13:198
7. Yan Gao, Lan Wang*, Xiali Yue, Guangquan Xiong, Wenjin Wu, Yu Qiao, Li Liao. Physicochemical properties of lipase-catalyzed laurylation of corn starch. Starch/Stärke. 2014, 66(5-6):450–456
8. Lan Wang, Bijun Xie, Guangquan Xiong, Wenjing Wu, Jun Wang, Yu Qiao, Li Liao.The effect of freeze–thaw cycles on microstructure and physicochemical properties of four starch gels. Food Hydrocolloids. 2013.31(1): 61–67.(IF3.473)
9. Lan Wang, Bijun Xie, Guangquan Xiong, Xin Du, Yu Qiao, Li Liao. Study on the granular characteristics of starches separated from Chinese rice cultivars. Carbohydrate polymers. 2012,87(2):1038-1044. (IF3.628)
10. Lan Wang, Bijun Xie, John Shi, Sophia Xue, Qianchun Deng, Yu Wei, Binqiang Tian. Physicochemical properties and structure of starches from Chinese rice cultivars. Food Hydrocolloids. 2010,24(2-3):208-216.(IF2.512)
11. Wang Lan, Yin Zhihua, Zhang.Yun, Xie. Bijun, Sun Zhida. Morphological, physicochemical and textural properties of starch separated from Chinese water chestnut. Starch. 60 (2008) 181-191(IF1.036)
12. Lan Wang, Zhihua Yin, Jia Wu, Zhida Sun, Bijun Xie. A study on freeze-thaw characteristics and microstructure of Chinese water chestnut starch gels. Journal of Food engineering. 88 (2008) 186-192(IF1.867)
13. Qianchun Deng , Lan Wang , Fang Wei , Bijun Xie , FengHong Huang, Wen Huang ,John Shi , Qingde Huang , Binqiang Tian , Sophia Xue . Functional properties of protein isolates, globulin and albumin extracted from Ginkgo biloba seeds. Food Chemistry. 124 (2011) 1458-1465(IF3.459).
14. Deng Qianchun, Shi Jie, Zheng Mingming, Xu Jiqu, Wan Chuyun, Huang Qingde, Zhou Qi, Guo Pingmei. Huang Fenghong, Wang Lan, Tian Hui. Thermal Stability of Rapeseed Oil Fortified with Unsaturated Fatty Acid Sterol Esters. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society. 2014,91(10):1793-1803.


