



  • 中文名:汪維鵬
  • 外文名:Wang Weipeng
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 職業:大學教師
  • 畢業院校:蘇州大學


1997.9-2002.7 中國藥科大學中藥藥理學專業,大學本科
2002.9-2007.6 中國藥科大學藥物分析學專業,博士研究生
2007.8-2010.7 蘇州大學藥學辣腿剃院藥物分析教研去巴催室,講師
2008.9-2011.8 蘇州大學醫學生物技術研促蘭匙究所,博士後
2010.8至今 蘇州大學藥學院藥物分析教研室,副教授


1. 國家自然科學基金 (30901360):負性協同刺激分子B7-H1在胃癌組織中表達的調節機制研究,18萬,2010-2012,主歡獄持。
(1)Cao P, Wang QJ, Zhu XT, Zhou H, Li R, Wang WP*. Quantitative determination of allele frequency in pooled DNA by using sequencing method. J Chromatogr B 2011, 879(7-8): 527-32.
(2)Wu HP, Wu WJ, Chen ZY, Wang WP, Zhou GH, Kajiyama T, Kambara H. Highly sensitive pyrosequencing based on the capture of free adenosine 5' phosphosulfate with adenosine triphosphate sulfurylase. Anal Chem 2011, 83(9): 3600-5.
(3)Wang WP*, Zhang XD, Zhou GH*. High-throughput genotyping by coupling adapter-ligation mediated allele-specific amplification with microplate array parallel gel electrophoresis. Mol Biotechnol 2010, 44(1): 1-7.
(4)Wang WP*, Zhang RH, Wu P, Wang S, Li R. Estimation of allele frequency in pooled DNA by using PCR-RFLP combined with microchip electrophoresis. J Chromatogr B 2009, 877(14-15): 1603-6.
(5)Ren L, Gao YZ, Yin JH, Shi WX, Yu XW, Xie HP*, Wang WP*. The determination for the three genotypes of D16S539 locus based on near-infrared spectroscopy and chemical pattern recognition. Anal Chim Acta 2009, 638(2): 202-8.
(6)譽您講邀Wang WP, Sun WM, Wu WJ, Zhou GH. Improved adapter-ligation mediated allele-specific amplification for multiplex genotyping by using software. Electrophoresis 2008, 29(7): 1490-501.
(7)Wang WP, Wu WJ, Ni KY, Zhou GH. Detection of avian influenza a virus by using Pyrosequencing. Chinese J Anal Chem, 2008, 36(6): 775-780.
(8)Wang WP, Ni KY, Zhou GH. Association of IL1B polymorphisms with gastric cancer in a Chinese population. Clin Biochem 2007, 40: 218-225.
(9)Wang WP, Ni KY, Zhou GH. Multiplex SNP genotyping by adapter-ligation mediated allele-specific amplification. Anal Biochem 2006, 355(2): 240-248.
(6)Wang WP, Sun WM, Wu WJ, Zhou GH. Improved adapter-ligation mediated allele-specific amplification for multiplex genotyping by using software. Electrophoresis 2008, 29(7): 1490-501.
(7)Wang WP, Wu WJ, Ni KY, Zhou GH. Detection of avian influenza a virus by using Pyrosequencing. Chinese J Anal Chem, 2008, 36(6): 775-780.
(8)Wang WP, Ni KY, Zhou GH. Association of IL1B polymorphisms with gastric cancer in a Chinese population. Clin Biochem 2007, 40: 218-225.
(9)Wang WP, Ni KY, Zhou GH. Multiplex SNP genotyping by adapter-ligation mediated allele-specific amplification. Anal Biochem 2006, 355(2): 240-248.


