



  • 中文名:汪延成
  • 畢業院校:浙江大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:生物醫學微製造、生機電觸覺感知、微製造技術
  • 就職院校:浙江大學機械工程學院





2014/03 – 2015/12,浙江大學,機械工程學院,講師
2011/09 – 2014/02,美國密西根大學,機械工程系,Postdoctoral Research Fellow
2011/03 – 2011/09,浙江大學,機械工程學系,學科博士後


2014.9-2016.6 藍田學園機械與能源工科試驗班1404班,班主任
2015.9-2018.6 機械工程1401班,班主任
2018.9-2019.6 藍田學園機械與材料工科試驗班1805班,班主任
2019.1至今 機械工程1801班,班主任


ME58120320 設計與製造I,大二冬學期;2020年起
ME58120540 機械製造技術,大三夏學期,2022年起
ME61120240 製造過程與工程,大二秋冬學期;2014.9-2020.1
ME61190050 機械製造技術,大三秋冬學期;2016.9至今



  1. 《機械製造技術》課程入選浙江省線下一流本科課程,負責人;
  2. 2020年,專業基礎與前沿相結合的新工科機械製造課程體系改革與實踐,浙江省高等教育“十三五”第二批教學改革項目,項目編號:jg20190011,負責人,2020.1-2021.12
  3. 2019年,《製造過程與工程》海外教師主導本科全英文課程建設項目,浙江大學本科生院,負責人,2019.1-2019.12
  4. 2018年,新工科背景下產教研深度融合的機械工程創新實踐教學體系構建,浙江省高等教育“十三五”第一批教學改革項目,項目編號:jg20180005,第二參與人,2018.10-2020.9
  5. 2018年,《製造過程與工程》海外教師主導本科全英文課程建設項目,浙江大學本科生院,負責人,2018.1-2018.12
  6. 2017年,《製造過程與工程》線上線下混合式教學模式改革試點項目,浙江大學本科生院,負責人,2017.1-2017.12
  7. 2016年,《製造過程與工程》機械工程學院原味課程建設項目,浙江大學機械工程學院,負責人,2016.1-2016.12


15. 汪延成,史堯光,梅德慶,郭曉濤,陳子辰,具有鏤空結構 基底的穿戴式溫差發電器及其製作方法,發明專利,授權號:201710125445.6,授權時間:2019-05-31.
14. 汪延成,薛岱,梅德慶,鄧兆興. 具有超聲能場輔助的三維微結構快速成形方法及裝置,發明專利,授權號:201611180498.X,授權時間:2018-08-28.
10. 梅德慶,於宗楷,姚喆赫,汪延成. 複雜薄壁類鋁合金件超聲輔助半固態壓鑄成型裝置及方法,發明專利,授權號:201610700171.4,授權時間:2019-1-18.
  1. 梅德慶,戴宇,梁觀浩,汪延成,陳子辰.一種磁力控制的墨水滲透式微接觸印刷裝置,發明專利,授權號:201210087861.9,授權時間:2014-1-29.


Selected Journal Paper
42.Wang, Y.C.*,Han, C.Y., Mei, D.Q.,Standing Surface Acoustic Wave-Assisted Fabrication of Region-Selective Microstructures via User-Defined Waveguides,Langmuir, 2019, 35: 11225-11231.(Cover Paper)
41. Xue, D., Zhang, J.X.,Wang, Y.C.*,Mei, D.Q.,Digital Light Processing-Based 3D Printing of Cell-Seeding Hydrogel Scaffolds with Regionally Varied Stiffness,ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, 2019, doi:10.1021/acsbiomaterials.9b00696.
40.Wang, Y.C.*, Zhu, L.F., Mei, D.Q., Zhu, W.D.,A highly flexible tactile sensor with an interlocked truncated sawtooth structure based on stretchable graphene/silver/silicone rubber composites,Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2019, 7: 8669-8679.
39.Wang, Y.C.*,Chen, J.N., Mei, D.Q., Flexible Tactile sensor array for slippage and grooved surface recognition in sliding movement,Micromachines, 2019, 10: 579-16.
38.Wang, Y.C.*, Wu, X., Mei, D.Q., Zhu, L.F., Chen, J.N.,Flexible tactile sensor array for distributed tactile sensing and slip detection in robotic hand grasping,Sensors and Actuators A; Physics, 2019, 297: 111512-13.
37. Feng, Y.B., Mei, D.Q.*,Wang, Y.C.,Cohesive zone method based multi particle finite element simulation of compaction densification process of Al and NaCl laminar composite powders,Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 2019, 134: 35-42.
36. Chen, L.Q. Mei, D.Q.*,Wang, Y.C., Li, Y.,Ni barrier in Bi2Te3-based thermoelectric modules for reduced contact resistance and enhanced power generation properties,Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 796: 314-320.
35.Wang, Y.C.*,Guo, X.T., Shi, Y.G., Mei, D.Q. Self-powered wearable ultraviolet index detector using a flexible thermoelectric generator,Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2019, 29: 045002-8.
34. Xue, D.,Wang, Y.C.*, Mei, D.Q. Multi-step exposure method for improving structure flatness in digital light processing-based printing,Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2019, 39: 106-113.
33. Zhu,L.F.,Wang, Y.C.*, Mei, D.Q., Wu, X., 2018,Highly Sensitive and Flexible Tactile Sensor Based on Porous Graphene Sponges for Distributed Tactile Sensing in Monitoring Human Motions,IEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems,2019, 28(1): 154-163.
32. Shi, Y.G.,Wang, Y.C.*, Mei, D.Q., Chen, Z.C., 2018,Wearable Thermoelectric Generator With Copper Foam as the Heat Sink for Body Heat Harvesting,IEEE Access, 6: 43602-43611.
31.Wang, Y.C., Huang, L.X., Mei, D.Q., Feng, Y.B., Qian, M., 2018,Numerical modeling of microchannel reactor with porous surface microstructure based on fractal geometry,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 43(49): 22447-22457.
30.Wang, Y.C.*, Mei, D.Q., 2018,Five-plane lancet needle design for soft PVC phantom tissue cutting,Bio-Design and Manufacturing, 1(3): 195-202.
29. Xue, D.,Wang, Y.C.*, Zhang, J., Mei, D.Q., Wang, Y., Chen, S.C., 2018,Projection-based 3D printing of cell patterning scaffolds with multi-scale channels,ACS Applied Material & Interface, 10(23): 19428-19435.
28. Yin, J., Yan, M.L.,Wang, Y.C., Fu, J.Z., Suo, H.R., 2018, 3D bioprinting of low concentration cell-laden gelatin methacrylate (GelMA) bioinks with two-step crosslinking,ACS Applied Material & Interface,10: 6849-6857.(ESI高被引論文)
27.Wang, Y.C., Shi, Y.G., Mei, D.Q., Chen, Z.C., 2018, Wearable Thermoelectric Generator to Harvest Body Heat for Powering a Miniaturized Accelerometer,Applied Energy, 215: 690-698.
26.Shi, Y.Q.,Wang, Y.C.*, Mei, D.Q., Chen, Z.C., 2018, Numerical Modeling of the Performance of Thermoelectric Module with Polydimethylsiloxane Encapsulation,International Journal of Energy Research, 42:1287-1297.
25.Wang, Y.C., Xue, D., Mei, D.Q., 2018, Patterned Microstructure Array Fabrication by Using a Novel Standing Surface Acoustic Wave Device,ASME Journal of Micro- and Nano-Manufacturing, 6(2):021002-7.
24.Shi, Y.Q.,Wang, Y.C., Mei, D.Q., Feng, B., Chen, Z.C., 2018, Design and Fabrication of Wearable Thermoelectric Generator Device for Heat Harvesting,IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 3(1): 373-378.
23.Wang, Y.C., Liang, G.H., Mei, D.Q., Chen, Z.C., 2017, Flexible Tactile Sensor Array Mounted on the Curved Surface: Analytical Modeling and Experimental Validation,IEEEJournal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 26(5): 1002-1011.
22.Wang, Y.C., Shi, Y.Q., Mei, D.Q., Chen, Z.C., 2017, Wearable Thermoelectric Generator for Harvesting Heat on the Curved Human Wrist,Applied Energy, 205: 710-719.
21.Zheng, Y.H.,Wang, Y.C., Chen, R.K., Deshpande, S., Nelson, N.S., Buchman, S.R., Shih, A.J., 2017,Tissue transformation mold design and stereolithography fabrication,Rapid Prototyping Journal, 23(1): 162-168.
20.Wang, Y.C., Li, W.S., Han, P.D., Giovannini, M., Ehmann, K., Shih, A., 2016, Contributions in medical needle technologies- geometry, mechanics, design and manufacturing,Machining Science and Technology, 20(1): 1-43.
19.Wang, Y.C., Xi, K.L., Mei, D.Q., Liang, G.H., Chen, Z.C., 2016, A Flexible Tactile Sensor Array based on Pressure Conductive Rubber for Contact Force Measurement and Slip Detection,Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, 7: 378-385.
18.Li, W.S.,Wang, Y.C., Nteziyaremye, C., Yamaguchi, H., Shih, A.J., 2016,Measurement of the friction force inside the needle in biopsy,ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 138: 031003.
17.Liang, G.H.,Wang, Y.C., Mei, D.Q., Xi, K.L., Chen, Z.C., 2016,An analytical model for studying the structural effects and optimization of a capacitive tactile sensor array,Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 26: 045007.
16.Mei, D.Q., Xue, D.,Wang, Y.C., Chen, S.C., 2016,Undulate microarray fabrication on polymer film using standing surface acoustic waves and ultraviolet polymerization,Applied Physics Letters, 108: 241911-4.
15.Wang, Y.C., Chen, R.K., Tai, B.L., Shih, A.J., 2015, Study of the guidewire suturing of soft tissue using a haptic position measurement system,ASME Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 137: 041004.
14.Luo, Y.,Wang, Y.C., Tai, B.L., Shih, A.J., 2015, Bone Geometry on the Contact Stress in the Shoulder for Evaluation of Pressure Ulcers: Finite Element Modeling and Experimental Validation,Medical Engineering & Physics, 37: 187-194.
13.Liang, G.H.,Wang, Y.C., Mei, D.Q., Xi, K.L., Chen, Z.C., 2015, Flexible capacitive tactile sensor array with pyramid array for three-axis force measurement.IEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 24: 1510-1519.
12.Liang, G.H.,Wang, Y.C., Mei, D.Q., Xi, K.L., Chen, Z.C., 2015, A modified analytical model to study the sensing performance of a flexible capacitive tactile sensor array.Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 25: 035017.
11.Shi, Y.G., Mei, D.Q., Yao, Z.H.,Wang, Y.C., Liu, H.Y., Chen, Z.C., 2015, Nominal power density analysis of thermoelectric pins with non-constant cross sections.Energy Conversion and Management, 97: pp. 1-6.
10.Wang, Y.C., Li, W.S., Shih, A.J., 2014, Characterization of the nonwoven polishing wheel topography by nano-CT scanning,CIRP Annuals- Manufacturing Technology, 63: 541-544.
9.Wang, Y.C., Chen, R.K., Tai, B.L., Shih, A.J., 2014, Optimal needle design for minimal insertion force and bevel length,Medical Engineering & Physics,36: 1093-1100.
8.Wang, Y.C., Tai, B.L., Yu, H.W., Shih, A.J., 2014, Silicone-based tissue-mimicking phantom for needle insertion simulation.ASME Journal of Medical Devices, 8: 021001-7.
7.Liang, G.H., Mei, D.Q.,Wang, Y.C., Dai, Y., Chen, Z.C., 2014, Modeling and analysis of a capacitive tactile sensor array for normal force measurement,IEEE Journal of Sensors, 2014: 4095-4103.
6.Wang, Y.C.,Tai, B.L., Chen, R.K., Shih, A.J., 2013, The Needle with Lancet Point – Geometry for Needle Tip Grinding and Tissue Insertion Force,ASME Journal of Manufacture Science and Engineering, 135: 041010.
5.Chen, R.K.,Wang, Y.C., Tai, B.L., Shih, A.J., 2013, The haptic position measurement of soft or compliant objects using the magnetic tracking system,Manufacturing Letters,1: 17-20.
4.Wang, Y.C., Spangler, C., Tai, B.L., Shih, A.J., 2013, Positional Accuracy and Transmitter Orientation Sensitivity of the 3D Electromagnetic Tracking System,Measurement Science and Technology,24: 105105.
3.Belmont, B.,Wang, Y.C., Ammanath, P., Wrobel, J., Shih, A., 2013, An apparatus to quantify anteroposterior and mediolateral shear reduction in shoe insoles,Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology,7: 410-419.
2.Wang, Y.C., Tai, B.L., Van Loon, M., Shih, A.J., 2012, Grinding the Sharp Tip in Thin NiTi and Stainless Steel Wires,International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 62: 53-60.
  1. Wang, Y.C., Mei, D.Q., Chen, Z.C., 2011, Piezoresistive slot-cantilever type accelerometer inspired from spider’s slit sensilla.Sensor Letters, 9: 1309-1315.
Selected Peer Reviewed Conference Paper
25. Han, C.Y.,Wang, Y.C.,*Mei, D.Q., Xu, C.Y. Localized Microstructures Fabrication through Standing Surface Acoustic Wave and User-Defined Waveguides, ASME International manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (MSEC), USA, 2019.(awarded the Best Paper)
24. Zhu, L.F., Wang, Y.C.*, Wu, X., Mei, D.Q., 2018,A Flexible Tactile Sensor Based on Porous Graphene Sponge for Tiny Force Measurement,2018 ASMEInternational manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (MSEC), USA.
23. Xue, D., Wang, Y.C.*, Mei, D.Q., Wang, Y., 2018,Development of a Multi-Step Exposure Method for Projection-Based Printing System,2018 ASMEInternational manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (MSEC), USA.
22.Wang, Y.C., Yu, Z.K., Mei, D.Q., Xue, D., 2017, Fabrication of Micro-wavy Patterned Surfaces for Enhanced Cell Culturing,2017 3rd CIRP Conference on BioManufacturing, USA.
21.Nteziyaremye, V., Wang, Y.C., Li, W.S., Shih, A., Yamaguchi, H., 2014, Surface finishing of needles for high-performance biopsy,Procedia CIRP, 14: 48-53.
20.Wang, Y.C., Xue, D., Mei, D.Q., Deng, Z.X., 2017, Patterned Microstructure Array fabrication by using a novel standing surface acoustic wave device,2017 ASME International manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (MSEC), USA.
19.Wang, Y.C., Liang, G.H., Mei, D.Q., Zhu, L.F., Chen, Z.C., 2016, A Flexible Capacitive Tactile Sensor Array with High Scanning-Speed for Distributed Contact Force Measurement,The 29th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), pp. 854-857.
18.Wang, Y.C., Xi, K.L., Mei, D.Q., 2016, Slip Detection in Prosthetic Hand Grasping by using the Discrete Wavelet Transform Analysis,2016IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM), Canada.
17.Shih, A., Tai, B., Chen, R., Chen, L., Zheng, Y.H., Wang, Y.C., 2016, Video Enriched Pedagogy in Manufacturing Processes, 2016 Proc. Of the 44th SME North American Manufacturing Research Conference (NAMRC)(awarded the Best Presentation Paper)
16.Xi, K.L., Wang, Y.C., Mei, D.Q., Liang, G.H., Chen, Z.C., 2015, A Flexible Tactile Sensor Array based on Pressure Conductive Rubber for Three-Axis Force and Slip Detection,2015 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2015), Korea.
15.Liang, G.H., Wang, Y.C., Mei, D.Q., Xi, K.L., Chen, Z.C., 2015 Preliminary Experimental Study on the Sensing Performance of a Capacitive Tactile Sensor Array Mounted on Curved Surfaces,2015 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2015), Korea.
14.Wang, Y.C., Xi, K.L., Mei, D.Q., Xin, Z.H., Chen, Z.C., 2015, Three-axis contact force measurement of a flexible tactile sensor array for hand grasping applications, 2015International Conference on Wearable Sensors and Robots (ICWSR), China.(awarded the Best Paper)
13.Liu, H.Y., Wang, Y.C., Mei, D.Q., Shi, Y.G., Chen, Z.C., 2015, Design of a wearable thermoelectric generator for harvesting human body energy, 2015International Conference on Wearable Sensors and Robots (ICWSR),China.
12.Wang, Y.C., Chen, R.K., Tai, B.L., Shih, A.J., 2014, Five-plane lancet needle tips design, grinding, and soft tissue insertion, 2014ASME International manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (MSEC), Michigan.
11.Wang, Y.C., Yan, B., Shih, A.J., 2014, Non-woven wheel polishing of Ti-6Al-4V and Co-Cr-Mo alloys, 2014ASME International manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (MSEC), Michigan.
10.Chen, R.K., Chen, L., Wang, Y.C., Shih, A.J., 2014, Additive Manufacturing of Personalized Ankle-Foot Orthosis, 2014SME North American Manufacturing Research Conference (NAMRC), Michigan.
9.Tai, B.L., Nonoyama, F., Wang, Y.C., Shih, A.J., 2014, Enhancement of Kirschner wire for bone drilling, 2014ASME International manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (MSEC), Michigan.
8.Wang, Y.C., Xi, K.L., Liang, G.H., Dai, Y., Mei, D.Q., Chen, Z.C., 2014, A flexible capacitive tactile sensor array for prosthetic hand real-time contact force measurement,IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation: 937-942.(awarded the Best Paper in Automation, Best paper Finalist)
7.Wang, Y.C., Li, W.S., Han, P.D., Giovannini, M., Ehmann, K., Shih, A., 2014, Advances in medical needle technologies- geometry, mechanics, design and manufacturing, 2014International Conference of Manufacturing Technology Engineers, Sep. 30-Oct. 2, Jeju KAL Korea.(awarded the Best Oral Session Paper)
6.Tai, B.L., Wang, Y.C., Shih, A.J., 2013, Cutting force in hollow needle insertion of soft tissue, 2013ASME International manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (MSEC), Madison, Wisconsin.(awarded the Best Paper)
5.Wang, Y.C., Chen, R.K., Tai, B.L., Shih, A.J., 2013, A haptic position measurement system for compliant objects and an application in guidewire stitching of soft tissue, 2013,SME North American Manufacturing Research Conference (NAMRC), Madison, Wisconsin.
4.Wang, Y.C., van Loon, M., Spangler, S., Tai, B., Moore, J.Z., Xu, K., Shih, A.J., 2012, The Needle with Lancet Point – Geometry for Tip Grinding and Tissue Insertion Force, 2012 International Conference on Micromanufacturing (ICoMM): 159-165.
3.Wang, Y.C., van Loon, M., Tai, B., Xu, K., Shih, A.J., 2012, Grinding the Sharp Tip in Thin NiTi and Stainless Steel Wires for Medical Devices, 2012 International Conference on Micromanufacturing (ICoMM): 152-158.
2.Liang, G.H., Mei, D.Q., Wang, Y.C., Dai, Y., Chen, Z.C., 2013, A micro-wires based tactile sensor for prosthesis, 2013 International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications (ICIRA), Korea.
1.Wang, Y.C., Liang, G.H., Mei, D.Q., 2016, Analytical Model to Study the Sensing Performance of Flexible Capacitive Tactile Sensor Array,The 12th International Conference on Frontiers of Design and Manufacturing, 2016.(awarded the Best Paper)


Research Honors and Awards
2019年,Best Paper Award, 2019 ASME International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conbference, MSEC2019, Erie, PA.
2018年,製造工程師學會(Society of Manufacturing Engineers, SME)傑出青年製造工程師獎(Marcus B. Crotts Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award),
2015,Best Paper Award,2015 International Conference on Wearable Sensor and Robotics, ICWSR2015, Hangzhou, China.
2015,Best Oral Session Paper Award,2014 KSMTE International Conference of Manufacturing Technology Engineers (ICMTE), Jeju KAL Korea.
2014,Best Paper Award,2014 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation, ICIA2014, China.
2014,Best Paper Finalists,2014 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation, ICIA2014, China.
2013,Best Paper Award,2013 ASME International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, MSEC2013, Madison, Wisconsin.
Student Received Awards
Teaching Honors and Awards
Conference Organizer and Session Chair
Scientific Committee: North American Manufacturing Research Institute (NARMI)(2016 – 2017).
Co-Organizer:Symposium onAdvances in Manufacturing, Design, and Analysis of Biomedical Devices, 2020 ASME MSEC Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Organizer:Symposium on Advances in Analysis, Design, and Manufacturing of Biomedical Devices and Products, 2019 ASME MSEC Conference, Erie, PA.
Co-Organizer:Design, Modeling and Intelligent Control for Biomedical and Surgical Robotic Systems, 2017 IEEE CASE Conference.
Co-Organizer:Advances in Analysis, Design, and Manufacturing of Biomedical Devices, 2018 ASME MSEC Conference.
Organized Symposium Chair,Advances in Manufacturing Processes of Biomedical Materials and Products, 2014 ASME MSEC Conference, Michigan.
Organized Session Chair,Wearable Sensors and Signal Processing, 2015 International Conference on Wearable Sensor and Robotics, ICWSR2015, Hangzhou, China.
Organizing committee,The 12th International Conference on Theoretical and Computational Acoustics (ICTCA2015), China.
Organizing committee,International Conference on Biomaterials, Bio-Design and Manufacturing (BDMC2018), China.


