- 公司名稱:江蘇淮安康特毛巾有限公司
- 總部地點:江蘇
- 經營範圍:星級賓館配套提花毛巾、多色提花毛巾
- 公司類型:有限公司
全部產品均由100%優質純棉原料織造而成,生產星級賓館配套提花毛巾、多色提花毛巾、素色提花毛巾、民用提花毛巾被、各類繡花印花緞檔毛巾、各類提花裝飾毛巾、各類提花裝飾毛巾布及浴袍服飾面料等各類毛巾飾品。公司自營出口並通過國家ISO9000質量體系認證,產品遠銷美國、加拿大、德國、日本、馬來西亞等國家地區,內銷國內上萬家星級酒店及商務會所。康特人秉持健康、向上、誠實、守信、理解、感恩的精神理念,堅持以人為本,客戶至上的經營宗旨,追求卓越,永不滿足。 KangTe Towel Limited Company(JSKT) locate in huai'an city of jiangsu provinces which is the premier zhouenlai's hometown.JSKT is a professional toweling company and which productions are pure natural and green environmental protections.All production are weaved by 100% cotton whih high quality.there are star-rated hotels matching jacquard towels,civiloan jacquard towdling,all kinds of embroidery printing satin towels,all kinds of bathrobes,and all other toweling ornaments.JSKT whih national ISO9000 quaity system certification dose self-supporting export.the products and regions. products are also distributed to almost trn thousand-star hotrl and business clubs of domestic provinces.the stsffs of JSKT alluphold the spiritual nation of healthy,freshness,honest,faithful,trustworthy,understanding,and thanksgiving.adhere to the business of human-oriented and customer focus.pursue excellence,never satisfied.