



  • 中文名:江蘇年鑑(英文版)2017
  • 作者:江蘇省地方志編纂委員會辦公室
  • 出版社:江蘇鳳凰科學技術出版社
  • 出版時間:2018年12月
  • 頁數:458 頁
  • ISBN: 9787553797717 


Jiangsu Province Yearbook is a comprehensive annual data publication administrated by theGeneral Office of the People's Government of Jiangsu Province, and organized by the Office ofthe Local Annals Editorial Committee, Jiangsu Province. It originated from Jiangsu EconomicYearbook launched in 1986, and was renamed as Jiangsu Province Yearbook in 1991.Startingfrom the year 2012, the English edition of Jiangsu Province Yearbook has been compiled andpublished annually. As a principal source for the overseas publicity of the province, the yearbookis also aimed at offering essential data to the international research community for their study andunderstanding of Jiangsu and China. This is the 7th volume of the English edition of Jiangsu Province Yearbook. It covers thebasic sources and information about Jiangsu's recent development in natural environment, politics,economy, culture, society, and ecological construction in 2016. The 2017 Edition consists of 5parts: Introduction to Jiangsu Province, Chronicle of Important Events in 2016, Annual Review,Appendix and Index.The "Annual Review" serves as the main body of the yearbook, covering 23subjects: Local Government Organizations; Rule of Law; International Exchanges and Exchangeswith China's Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macao Regions; Income and Consumption; PublicAdministration; Economy; Manufacturing Industry; Service Industry; Agriculture; Foreign Trade;Infrastructure; Ecological Environment; Urban and Rural Development; Science and Technology;Education; Culture and Arts; Mass Media; Medical Service and Public Health; Sports; HumanResources; Social Security; Social Organizations and Services; and Public Safety. "FurtherReading" section is compiled behind relevant texts to provide additional information.There arealtogether 12 pieces of "Further Reading" and 49 tables or lists in the book. The currency units used in this book are all RMB(yuan), unless otherwise stated. Along with the publication of paper-based English edition, the electronic book will be releasedsimultaneously in new-media applications for cell-phone or Tablet PC users and is available on AppStores. Website of Jiangsu Province Yearbook(Chinese and English editions): www.jssdfz.gov.cn.


Editorial Statement9
PART ONE Introduction to Jiangsu Province20-39
PART THREE Annual Review56-417
PART FOUR Appendix418-441
PART FIVE Index442-460
PART TWO Chronicle of Important Events in 201640-55


