- 中文名:江宗培
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:海洋生物地球化學
- 職務:碩士生導師
- 職稱:副教授
- 任職院校:浙江大學
- 性別:男
2014年博士畢業於National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, University of Southampton(英國國家海洋中心,南安普敦大學),海洋科學專業。
[1] Zong-Pei Jiang, David J. Hydes, Toby Tyrrell, Susan E. Hartman, Mark C. Hartman, Cynthia Dumousseaud. “Key controls on the seasonal and interannual variations of the carbonate system in the Northeast Atlantic”, poster presentation, the 3rd symposium on “The Ocean in a High-CO2 World”, Monterey, USA, September 2012.
[2] Zong-Pei Jiang, David J. Hydes, Toby Tyrrell, Susan E. Hartman, Mark C. Hartman, Cynthia Dumousseaud. “Winter mixing as a key control on the seasonal and interannual variations of the carbonate system in the Northeast Atlantic, poster presentation, the 15th Challenger Conference, East Anglia, UK, September 2012.
[3] Zong-Pei Jiang, David J. Hydes, Sue E. Hartman, Mark C. Hartman, “Variability of the carbonate system in the Northeast Atlantic”, oral presentation, the 1st SUCOS academic symposium, Qingdao, China, July, 2012.
[4] Zong-Pei Jiang, David J. Hydes, Sue E. Hartman, Mark C. Hartman, “Key controls on the seasonal and interannual variations of the carbonate system in the Northeast Atlantic”, oral presentation, AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, USA, December, 2011.
[5] Zong-Pei Jiang, David J. Hydes, Mark C. Hartman, Sue E. Hartman, Jon Campbell, “Observing the surface ocean using ship-of-opportunity”, poster presentation, Marine Biogeochemistry: Observation from near and far, Portsmouth, UK, September 2011.
[6] Zong-Pei Jiang, J. C. Huang, M. H. Dai, S. J. Kao, D. J. Hydes, W. C. Chou, and S. Jan, “Short-term dynamics of oxygen and carbon in productive nearshore shallow seawater systems off Taiwan”, oral presentation, the 2nd Marine Science Summer School, Xiamen, China, July 2010.
[7] Zong-Pei Jiang, M. H. Dai, J. C. Huang, S. J. Kao, and W. C. Chou, “Biological dominated and physical modulated short-term variability of the carbonate system: observation and model simulation of diurnal and weekly carbonate dynamics in two contrasting subtropical coastal shallow waters”, poster presentation, the 2nd SOLAS Summer School, Corsica, France, August 2009.
[8] Zong-Pei Jiang, M. H. Dai, J. C. Huang, S. J. Kao, “Dynamics of carbonate system in subtropical coastal shallow waters”, oral presentation, the 1st Joint-Postgraduate UCAS Symposium “Natural and Anthropogenic Impacts on Aquatic Ecosystems”, Hong Kong, China, March 2009.
本科生課程 《海洋化學與實驗》
研究生課程 《海洋生物地球化學》
SWIRE NOCS Ocean Monitoring System:
FP7 Collaborative Project EuroSITES, Porcupine Abyssal Plain observatory
European Ferrybox on Pride of Bilbao:
太平洋吉里巴斯(Kiribati)珊瑚礁系統觀測: 2012年10月
MV Pacific Celebes船載自動觀測系統維護(溫哥華): 2012年10月
CHOICE-C南中國海和東海科考航次: 2011年4-6月
MV Pride of Bilbao自動觀測系統維護,樣品採集: 2010年5,8月
JR221東北大西洋PAP浮標布設航次: 2010年5-6月
廈門大學珠江口調查航次: 2007年5月
廈門大學“創新群體”南海夏季科考航次: 2007年7-8月
廈門大學“創新群體”南海冬季科考航次: 2006年11-12月
Jiang, Z.-P., *Cai, W.-J., Chen, B., Wang, K., Han, C., Roberts, B.J., Hussain, N., & Li, Q. (2019). Physical and biogeochemical controls on pH dynamics in the northern Gulf of Mexico during summer hypoxia. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 124, JC015140
Jiang, Z.-P., *Cai, W.J., Lehrter, J., Chen, B., Ouyang, Z., Le, C., Roberts, B.J., Hussain, N., Scaboo, M.K., Zhang, J., & Xu, Y. (2019b). Spring net community production and its coupling with the CO2 dynamics in the surface water of the northern Gulf of Mexico. Biogeosciences, 16, 3507-3525
Jiang, Z.-P., Yuan, J.J., Hartmann, S.E., & *Fan, W. (2019). Enhancing the observing capacity for the surface ocean by the use of Volunteer Observing Ship. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 38, 114-120
Le, C., Gao, Y., Cai, W.-J., Lehrter, J.C., Bai, Y., & *Jiang, Z.-P. (2019). Estimating summer sea surface pCO2 on a river-dominated continental shelf using a satellite-based semi-mechanistic model. Remote Sensing of Environment, 225, 115-126
Pan, Y., Li, Y., Fan, W., Zhang, D., Qiang, Y., Jiang, Z.-P, & Chen, Y. (2019). A sea trial of air-lift concept artificial upwelling in the East China Sea. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 18
Yuan, H.W., Chen, J.F., Ye, Y., Lou, Z.H., Jin, A.M., Chen, X.G., Jiang, Z.-P., Lin, Y.S., Chen, C.T.A., & Loh, P.S. (2017). Sources and distribution of sedimentary organic matter along the Andong salt marsh, Hangzhou Bay. Journal of Marine Systems, 174, 78-88
Yuan, H.W., Loh, P.S., Lin, S.Y., Hu, X.Y., Qian, J., Chen, J.F., Ye, Y., Lou, Z.H., Jin, A.M., Chen, X.G., & Jiang, Z.-P. (2017). Sources, distribution, and decomposition stages of sedimentary organic matter in estuaries and its adjacent areas. Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, 99, 1346-1357
Pan, Y.W., Wei, F., Zhang, D.H., Chen, J.W., Huang, H.C., Liu, S.X., Jiang, Z.-P., Di, Y.N., Tong, M.M., & Chen, Y. (2016). Research progress in artificial upwelling and its potential environmental effects. Science China-Earth Sciences, 59, 236-248
Hartman, S.E., Jiang, Z.-P., Turk, D., Lampitt, R.S., Frigstad, H., Ostle, C., & Schuster, U. (2015). Biogeochemical variations at the Porcupine Abyssal Plain sustained Observatory in the northeast Atlantic Ocean, from weekly to inter-annual timescales. Biogeosciences, 12, 845-853
*Jiang, Z.-P., Tyrrell, T., Hydes, D.J., Dai, M., & Hartman, S. (2014). Variability of alkalinity and alkalinity-salinity relationship in the tropical and subtropical surface ocean. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 28, 729–742
*Jiang, Z.-P., Hydes, D.J., Hartman, S.E., Hartman, M.C., Campbell, J.M., Johnson, B.D., Schofield, B., Turk, D., Wallace, D., Burt, W.J., Thomas, H., Cosca, C., & Feely, R. (2014). Application and assessment of a membrane-based pCO2 sensor under field and laboratory conditions. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 12, 262-278
Hartman, S.E., Hartman, M.C., Hydes, D.J., Jiang, Z.-P., Smythe-Wright, D., & González-Pola, C. (2014). Seasonal and inter-annual variability in nutrient supply in relation to mixing in the Bay of Biscay. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 106, 68-75
*Jiang, Z.-P., Hydes, D.J., Tyrrell, T., Hartman, S.E., Hartman, M.C., Dumousseaud, C., Padin, X.A., Skjelvan, I., & González-Pola, C. (2013). Key controls on the seasonal and interannual variations of the carbonate system and air-sea CO2 flux in the Northeast Atlantic (Bay of Biscay). Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 118, 1-16
江宗培, & 戴民漢 (2013). 海洋酸化及海水pH的測定. 走向深遠海 -中國海洋研究委員會年會論文集, 48-58
Hartman, S.E., Lampitt, R.S., Larkin, K.E., Pagnani, M., Campbell, J., Gkritzalis, T., Jiang, Z.-P., Pebody, C.A., Ruhl, H.A., Gooday, A.J., Bett, B.J., Billett, D.S.M., Provost, P., McLachlan, R., Turton, J.D., & Lankester, S. (2012). The Porcupine Abyssal Plain fixed-point sustained observatory (PAP-SO): variations and trends from the Northeast Atlantic fixed-point time-series. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 69, 776-783
Jiang, Z.-P., Huang, J.C., *Dai, M.H., Kao, S.J., Hydes, D.J., Chou, W.C., & Jan, S. (2011). Short-term dynamics of oxygen and carbon in productive nearshore shallow seawater systems off Taiwan: Observations and modeling. Limnology and Oceanography, 56, 1832-1849