- 中文名:江元清
- 出生地:湖南省桃源縣
- 畢業院校:加拿大阿爾伯特大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:植物生物學
- 任職院校:西北農林科技大學
1998.6年本科畢業於湖南農業大學資環學院,2001.6年碩士研究生畢業於中國農業大學生物學院生物化學與分子生物學專業,2001.7-2003.8在北京市農林科學院農業生物技術研究中心工作,任助理研究員,從事扁桃基因功能分析相關研究工作兩年。2003.9-2007.11在加拿大阿爾伯特大學(University of Alberta)生物科學系植物生物學專業學習,獲博士學位(對方學校提供助教、助研全獎的方式)。2007年12月至2010年11月先後在阿爾伯特大學生物科學系與美國加州大學伯克利分校(University of California-Berkeley) 植物與微生物學系做博士後研究。2010年12月起加入西北農林科技大學生命科學院從事教學與科研工作。
植物(擬南芥、油菜)細胞逆境(乾旱、鹽害、礦質營養缺乏、脫落酸ABA、活性氧ROS等)回響相關基因(特別是轉錄因子與蛋白激酶)的鑑定與功能分析, 結合正反向遺傳學、生物化學、植物生理學以及分子生物學等研究方法,著重從分子與細胞水平鑑定新的參與一系列逆境與激素信號轉導途徑的新成員,並闡明其分子作用機理與信號轉導的調控機制,為分子輔助的抗逆育種提供候選基因並奠定理論與實踐基礎。
油菜種子發育與葉片衰老,結合顯微解剖與高通量技術(微陣列、蛋白質組學、比較基因組學)鑑定油菜種子的種皮中決定其發育的纖維素合成酶(CesA, CesA-like)及上游轉錄因子等基因,以及調控葉片衰老的新穎的核心基因,結合利用擬南芥突變體及細胞生物學、分子生物學等方面的技術深入研究相關重要基因的生物學功能與分子調控機制。
研究生:《分子細胞生物學》 (主講)、《植物分子生物學研究進展》(參與)等。
近年代表性論文(Representative papers):* 示通訊作者
Niu F, Cui X, Zhao P, Sun M, Yang B,Deyholos MK, Li Y, Zhao X, Jiang Y-Q (2020). WRKY42transcription factor positively regulates leaf senescence through modulating SAand ROS synthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant J. doi:10.1111/tpj.14914.
Cui X, Zhao P, Liang W, Cheng Q, Mu B, Niu F, Yan J,Liu C, Xie H, Kav NNV, Deyholos MK, Jiang Y-Q, Yang B (2020) ARapeseed WRKY Transcription Factor Phosphorylated by CPK Modulates Cell Deathand Leaf Senescence by Regulating the Expression of ROS andSA-Synthesis-Related Genes. J Agric Food Chem. doi:10.1021/acs.jafc.0c02500.
Yao L, Yang B, Xian B, Chen B, Yan J, ChenQ, Gao S, Zhao, Han F, Xu J*, Jiang Y-Q * (2020). The R2R3-MYBtranscription factor BnaMYB111L from rapeseed modulates reactive oxygen speciesaccumulation and hypersensitive-like cell death. Plant Physiol Biochem147: 280-288
ZhangH, Liu D, Yang B, Liu W-Z, Mu B, Song H, Chen B, Li Y,Ren D, Deng H, and Jiang Y-Q* (2020) Arabidopsis CPK6 positivelyregulates ABA signaling and drought tolerance through phosphorylatingABA-responsive element binding factors. Journal of Experimental Botany, 71(1): 188-203
Pan G, Zhang H, Chen B, Gao S, Yang B, Jiang Y-Q*. Rapeseed calcium-dependentprotein kinase CPK6L modulates reactive oxygen species and cell death throughinteracting and phosphorylating RBOHD. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 2019, 518(4):719-725
Rehmani MS, Chen Q, Yan J, Cui X, Gao S, Niu F, Yang L, Yang B*, Jiang Y-Q*. A novel stress-responsive BnaNAL1 transcriptional activator in oilseed rape positively modulates reactive oxygen species production and cell death. Environ Exp Bot. 2019. 163: 1-14.
Yang L, Ye C, Zhao Y, Cheng X, Wang Y, Jiang Y-Q*, Yang B*. An oilseed rape WRKY-type transcription factor regulates ROS accumulation and leaf senescence in Nicotiana benthamiana and Arabidopsis through modulating transcription of RbohD and RbohF. Planta. 2018, 247(6):1323-1338 (IF 3.36)
Wang W, Zhang H, Wei X, Yang L, Yang B, Zhang L, Li J*, Jiang Y-Q*. Functional characterization of calcium-dependent protein kinase (CPK) 2 gene from oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) in regulating reactive oxygen species signaling and cell death control. Gene. 2018, 651:49-56. (IF 2.4)
Yan J, TongT, Li X, Chen Q, Dai M, Niu F, Yang M, Deyholos MK, YangB, Jiang Y-Q*. A novel NAC-type transcription factor from oilseed rape modulates reactive oxygen species accumulation and cell death. Plant Cell Physiol, 2018, 59(2): 290-303 (IF 4.76)
Chen Q, Niu F, Yan J, Chen B, Wu F, Guo X, Yang B* and Jiang Y-Q*. Oilseed rape NAC56 transcription factor modulates reactive oxygen species accumulation and hypersensitive response-like cell death. Physiol Plant. 2017, 160(2): 209-221 (IF 3.33)
Chen B, Niu F, Liu W, Yang B, Zhang J, Ma J, Cheng H, Han F, Jiang Y-Q*. Identification, cloning and characterization of R2R3-MYB gene family in canola (Brassica napus L.) identify a novel member modulating ROS accumulation and hypersensitive-like cell death. DNA Res, 2016, 23(2), 101–114 (IF 5.4)
Niu F, Wang C, Yan J, Guo X, Wu F, Yang B, Deyholos MK, Jiang Y-Q*. Functional characterization of NAC55 transcription factor from oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) as a novel transcriptional activator modulating reactive oxygen species accumulation and cell death. Plant Mol Biol, 2016, 92(1-2): 89–104
Liu W-Z, Deng M, Li L, Yang B, Li H, Deng H, Jiang Y-Q* Rapeseed calcineurin B-like protein CBL4, interacting with CBL-interacting protein kinase CIPK24, modulates salt tolerance in plants. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2015, 467:467-471 (IF 2.466)
Li L, Ye C, Zhao R, Li X, Liu W-Z, Wu F, Yan J, Jiang Y-Q, Yang B*. Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase (MAPKKK) 4 from rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) is a novel member inducing ROS accumulation and cell death. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2015, 467(4):792-7 (IF 2. 466)
Wang B, Guo X, Wang C, Ma J, Niu F, Zhang H, Yang B, Liang W, Han F, Jiang Y-Q*. Identification, cloning and analysis of plant-specific NAC gene family in canola (Brassica napus L.) reveal two novel members mediating programmed cell death. Plant Mol Biol, 2015, 87(4-5):395-411 (IF 4.257)
Zhang H, Liu W, Zhang Y, Deng M, Niu F, Yang B , Wang X, Wang B, Liang W, Deyholos MK, and Jiang Y-Q *. Identification, expression and interaction analyses of calcium-dependent protein kinase (CPK) genes in canola (Brassica napus L.). BMC Genomics. 2014, 15:211 (IF =4.0)
Niu F, Wang B, Wu F, Yan J, Li L, Wang C, Wang Y, Yang B, Jiang Y-Q* .
Canola (Brassica napus L.) NAC103 transcription factor gene is a novel player inducing reactive oxygen species accumulation and cell death in plants. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2014, 454:30-35 (IF =2.3)
Yan J, Niu F, Liu WZ, Zhang H, Wang B, Yang B, Lan W, Che Y, Luan S, Jiang Y-Q*. Arabidopsis CIPK14 positively regulates glucose response. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2014, 450(4):1679-83 (IF =2.3)
Zhang H, Yang B, Liu W-Z, Li H, Wang L, Deng M, Wang B, Liang W, Deyholos MK, Jiang Y-Q* . Identification and characterization of CBL and CIPK gene families in canola (Brassica napus L.). BMC Plant Biol, 2014, 14:8 (impact factor =3.9)
Sun Y, Wang C, Yang B, Hao X, Liang W, Wu F, Niu F, Yan J, Zhang H, Wang B, Deyholos MK, Jiang Y-Q*. Identification and functional analysis of mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase (MAPKKK) genes in canola (Brassica napus L.). J Exp Bot. 2014, 65(8): 2171-2188 (IF= 5.8)
Liang W, Yang B, Yu B, Zhou Z, Li C, Jia M, Sun Y, Zhang Y, Wu F, Zhang H, Wang B, Deyholos MK, Jiang Y-Q*. Identification and analysis of MKK and MPK gene families in canola (Brassica napus L.). BMC Genomics, 2013, 14: 392 (IF= 4.0)
Jiang Y-Q, Deyholos MK. Transcriptome analysis of secondary-wall-enriched seed coat tissues of canola (Brassica napus L). Plant Cell Rep, 2010, 29(4): 327-342 (IF: 2.9)
Jiang Y-Q, Yang B, Deyholos MK. Functional characterization of the Arabidopsis bHLH92 transcription factor in abiotic stress. Mol Genet Genomics, 2009, 282(5):503–516 (IF: 2.9)
Jiang Y-Q, Deyholos MK. Functional characterization of Arabidopsis NaCl-inducible WRKY25 and WRKY33 transcription factors in abiotic stress. Plant Mol Biol 2009, 69(1-2):91-105 (IF: 4.1)
Yang B, Jiang Y-Q, Rahman NH, Deyholos MK, and Kav NNV. Identification and expression analysis of WRKY transcription factor genes in canola (Brassica napus) in response to fungal pathogens and hormone treatments. BMC Plant Biology, 2009, 6(1): 8 (IF: 3.9)
Jiang Y-Q, Yang B, Harris NS, Deyholos MK. Comparative proteomic analysis of Arabidopsis root response to NaCl stress. J. Exp. Bot. 2007, 58(13):3591-3607 (IF: 5.8)
Jiang Y-Q, Deyholos MK. Comprehensive transcriptional profiling of NaCl-stressed Arabidopsis roots reveals novel classes of responsive genes. BMC Plant Biol. 2006, 6:25. (IF: 3.9)
常年應邀為國際學術期刊Journal of Experimental Botany, Plant Molecular Biology, Proteomics, BMC Plant Biology, BMC Genomics, Planta, Plant Science, Plos ONE, BBA-Proteins and Proteomics, J. Integr Plant Biol,Chinese Sciences-Life Sciences, Plant Physiol Biochem, Gene以及多箇中文學術期刊審稿。