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水玲玲,1977年9月出生於安微省, 國家“青年千人計畫”入選者。華南師範大學教授,博士/碩士生導師,信息光電子科技學院院長。



  • 中文名:水玲玲
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生地:安徽
  • 出生日期:1977年
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校:荷蘭特文特大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:光電材料與器件,新型顯示技術,界面物理與化學,微流控
  • 職務:教授


2018.11-現在 華南師範大學—信息光電子科技學院 院長
2016.11-2018.11 華南師範大學—華南先進光電子研究院 副院長
2012.10-至今 教授,華南師範大學,廣州,中國
2009.04-2012.04 博士後研究員,荷蘭特文特大學MESA+納米技術研究所
2005.04-2009.03 博士研究生,荷蘭特文特大學MESA+納米技術研究所
1996.09-2000.07 學士(化學與化工學院),山東大學



  • Lab on a Chip和Micromachines雜誌客座編輯;
  • 主辦國際學術會議“Optofluidics2014”1次(中國,廣州)
  • 擔任2個國際會議組委會委員
  • 國際學術會議特邀和邀請報告30多次。
1. Mei, L., M. Jin, S. Xie, Z. Yan, X. Wang, G. Zhou, A. van den Berg and L. Shui, A simple capillary-based open microfluidic device for size on-demand high-throughput droplet/bubble/microcapsule generation.Lab on a Chip,2018. 18(18): p. 2806-2815.
2. Liu, Z., M. Jin, J. Cao, R. Niu, P. Li, G. Zhou, Y. Yu, A. van den Berg and L. Shui, Electrochemical sensor integrated microfluidic device for sensitive and simultaneous quantification of dopamine and 5-hydroxytryptamine.Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical,2018. 273: p. 873-883.
3. Liu, Z., M. Jin, J. Cao, J. Wang, X. Wang, G. Zhou, A. van den Berg and L. Shui, High-sensitive electrochemical sensor for determination of Norfloxacin and its metabolism using MWCNT-CPE/pRGO-ANSA/Au.Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical,2018. 257: p. 1065-1075.
4. Chen, L., S. Xie, J. Cao, Z. Yan, H. Jiang, Y. Dou, Y. Deng, G. Zhou, M. Jin and L. Shui, Particle directed dual-fluid flow driven by electrowetting for controllable multiway light valves.Applied Physics Letters,2018. 112(23).
5. Gan, S., Y. Lin, Y. Feng, L. Shui, H. Li and G. Zhou, Magnetic polymeric nanoassemblies for magnetic resonance imaging-combined cancer theranostics.International Journal of Nanomedicine,2018. 13: p. 4263-4281.
6. Wu, H., R.A. Hayes, F. Li, A. Henzen, L. Shui and G. Zhou, Influence of fluoropolymer surface wettability on electrowetting display performance.Displays,2018. 53: p. 47-53.
7. Jin, M., S. Shen, Z. Yi, G. Zhou and L. Shui, Optofluid-Based Reflective Displays.Micromachines,2018. 9(4).
8. Shen, S., Y. Gong, M. Jin, Z. Yan, C. Xu, Z. Yi, G. Zhou and L. Shui, Improving Electrophoretic Particle Motion Control in Electrophoretic Displays by Eliminating the Fringing Effect via Driving Waveform Design.Micromachines,2018. 9(4).
9. Akinoglu, E.M., L.T. de Haan, S. Li, Z. Xian, L. Shui, J. Gao, G. Zhou and M. Giersig, Nanoid Canyons On-Demand: Electrically Switchable Surface Topography in Liquid Crystal Networks.Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces,2018. 10(43): p. 37743-37748.
10. Zhang, Z., Y. Zhou, Y. Cai, H. Liu, Q. Qin, X. Lu, X. Gao, L. Shui, S. Wu and J.-M. Liu, Efficient and stable CH3NH3PbI3-x(SCN)(x) planar perovskite solar cells fabricated in ambient air with low-temperature process.Journal of Power Sources,2018. 377: p. 52-58.
11. Zhou, Y., Z. Zhang, Y. Cai, H. Liu, Q. Qin, Q. Tai, X. Lu, X. Gao, L. Shui, S. Wu, and J.-M. Liu, High performance planar perovskite solar cells based on CH3NH3PbI3-x(SCN)(x) perovskite film and SnO2 electron transport layer prepared in ambient air with 70% humility.Electrochimica Acta,2018. 260: p. 468-476.
12. Zhang, Z., L. Xie, R. Lin, Q. Qin, Y. Cai, Y. Zhou, H. Liu, X. Lu, X. Gao, L. Shui, S. Wu, and J.-M. Liu, Enhanced performance of planar perovskite solar cells based on low temperature processed TiO2 electron transport layer modified by Li2SiO3.Journal of Power Sources,2018. 392: p. 1-7.
13. Chen, X., Y. Feng, X. Wang, E. Li, Y. Wang, L. Shui, H. Li, N. Li and G. Zhou, Quartz Microcrystal-Hybridized Organosilicone Encapsulant with Enhanced Optical and Thermal Performances.Polymers,2018. 10(1).
14. Zhang, X., Z. Chen, L. Shui, C. Shang, H. Liao, M. Li, X. Wang and G. Zhou, Flexible Freestanding Carbon Nanofiber-Embedded TiO2 Nanoparticles as Anode Material for Sodium-Ion Batteries.Scanning,2018.
15. Zhang, S., B. Lin, Y. Yu, Y. Cao, M. Guo and L. Shui, A ratiometric nanoprobe based on silver nanoclusters and carbon dots for the fluorescent detection of biothiols.Spectrochimica Acta Part a-Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy,2018. 195: p. 230-235.
16. Liu, H., Z. Zhang, X. Zhang, Y. Cai, Y. Zhou, Q. Qin, X. Lu, X. Gao, L. Shui, S. Wu, and J.-M. Liu, Enhanced performance of planar perovskite solar cells using low-temperature processed Ga-doped TiO2 compact film as efficient electron-transport layer.Electrochimica Acta,2018. 272: p. 68-76.
17. Shang, C., X. Zhang, L. Shui, Z. Chen, H. Liao, M. Li, X. Wang and G. Zhou, Fe3O4@CoO mesospheres with core-shell nanostructure as catalyst for Li-O-2 batteries.Applied Surface Science,2018. 457: p. 804-808.
18. Lu, J., Q. Meng, H. Lv, L. Shui, M. Jin, Z. Zhang, Z. Chen, M. Yuan, X. Wang, J.-M. Liu, and G. Zhou, Synthesis of visible-light-driven BiOBrxI1-x solid solution nanoplates by ultrasound-assisted hydrolysis method with tunable bandgap and superior photocatalytic activity.Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2018. 732: p. 167-177.
19. Qin, Q., Z. Zhang, Y. Cai, Y. Zhou, H. Liu, X. Lu, X. Gao, L. Shui, S. Wu and J. Liu, Improving the performance of low-temperature planar perovskite solar cells by adding functional fullerene end-capped polyethylene glycol derivatives.Journal of Power Sources,2018. 396: p. 49-56.
20. Mo, X., J. Hu, H. Shen, L. Shui, D. Shu, J. He, G. He, Y. Wang, W. Li and Q. He, Surface modification of micro-sized CuO by in situ-growing heterojunctions CuO/Cu2O and CuO/Cu2O/Cu: effect on surface charges and photogenerated carrier lifetime.Applied Physics a-Materials Science & Processing,2018. 124(10).
21. Li, L., Q. Meng, H. Lv, L. Shui, Y. Zhang, Z. Zhang, Z. Chen, M. Yuan, R. Notzel, X. Wang, J.-M. Liu, and G. Zhou, Synthesis of barbituric acid doped carbon nitride for efficient solar-driven photocatalytic degradation of aniline.Applied Surface Science,2018. 428: p. 739-747.
22. Hou, J., Y. Feng, J. Liao, W. Ding, L. Shui, H. Li, Y. Wang, B. Tang, A. Umar and G. Zhou, Multiscale Interface Effect on Homogeneous Dielectric Structure of ZrO2/Teflon Nanocomposite for Electrowetting Application.Polymers,2018. 10(10).
23. Gan, S., L. Chen, Y. Feng, Y. Deng, R. Zhou, Y. Dou, B. Tang, L. Shui, Y. Wang, H. Li, and G. Zhou, Protonation-induced molecular permeation at the oil/water interface in an electric field.Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2018.
24. Dou, Y., B. Tang, J. Groenewold, F. Li, Q. Yue, R. Zhou, H. Li, L. Shui, A. Henzen and G. Zhou, Oil Motion Control by an Extra Pinning Structure in Electro-Fluidic Display.Sensors (Basel, Switzerland),2018. 18(4).
25. Cheng, P., Q. Zhou, X. Hu, S. Su, X. Wang, M. Jin, L. Shui, X. Gao, Y. Guan, R. Nozel, G. Zhou, Z. Zhang, and J. Liu, Transparent Glass with the Growth of Pyramid-Type MoS2 for Highly Efficient Water Disinfection under Visible-Light Irradiation.Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces,2018. 10(28): p. 23444-23450.
26. Chen, Y., T. Shi, P. Liu, X. Ma, L. Shui, C. Shang, Z. Chen, X. Wang, K. Kempa and G. Zhou, Insights into the mechanism of the enhanced visible-light photocatalytic activity of black phosphorus/BiVO4 heterostructure: a first-principles study.Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2018. 6(39): p. 19167-19175.
27. Cai, Y., Z. Zhang, Y. Zhou, H. Liu, Q. Qin, X. Lu, X. Gao, L. Shui, S. Wu and J. Liu, Enhancing the efficiency of low-temperature planar perovskite solar cells by modifying the interface between perovskite and hole transport layer with polymers.Electrochimica Acta,2018. 261: p. 445-453.
28. Chen, J., X. Xiong, L. Shui, Q. Zhang, H. Yang and F. Zhang, Enhanced dielectric constant and hydrophobicity of P(VDF-TrFE)-based composites.Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics,2018. 29(20): p. 17612-17621.
29. Wang, J., M. Jin, Y. Gong, H. Li, S. Wu, Z. Zhang, G. Zhou, L. Shui, J.C.T. Eijkel and A. van den Berg, Continuous fabrication of microcapsules with controllable metal covered nanoparticle arrays using droplet microfluidics for localized surface plasmon resonance.Lab on a Chip,2017. 17(11): p. 1970-1979.
30. Wang, J., J.C.T. Eijkel, M. Jin, S. Xie, D. Yuan, G. Zhou, A. van den Berg and L. Shui, Microfluidic fabrication of responsive hierarchical microscale particles from macroscale materials and nanoscale particles.Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical,2017. 247: p. 78-91.
31. Zhou, L., Y. Cao, B. Lin, S. Song, Y. Yu and L. Shui, In-situ visual and ultrasensitive detection of phosmet using a fluorescent immunoassay probe.Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical,2017. 241: p. 915-922.
32. Xie, S., J. Wu, B. Tang, G. Zhou, M. Jin and L. Shui, Large-Area and High-Throughput PDMS Microfluidic Chip Fabrication Assisted by Vacuum Airbag Laminator.Micromachines,2017. 8(7).
33. Wang, L., Z. Yi, M. Jin, L. Shui and G. Zhou, Improvement of video playback performance of electrophoretic displays by optimized waveforms with shortened refresh time.Displays,2017. 49: p. 95-100.
34. Xie, S.-L., D.-H. Li and H.-R. Xu, An Iterative Method for Finding the Least Solution to the Tensor Complementarity Problem.Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications,2017. 175(1): p. 119-136.
35. Li, L., M. Jin, C. Sun, X. Wang, S. Xie, G. Zhou, A. Van den Berg, J.C.T. Eijkel and L. Shui, High Efficiency Hydrodynamic DNA Fragmentation in a Bubbling System.Scientific Reports,2017. 7.
36. Dou, Y., B. Wang, M. Jin, Y. Yu, G. Zhou and L. Shui, A review on self-assembly in microfluidic devices.Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering,2017. 27(11).
37. Hou, J., W. Ding, Y. Feng, L. Shui, Y. Wang, H. Li, N. Li and G. Zhou, Electrowetting Performances of Novel Fluorinated Polymer Dielectric Layer Based on Poly(1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluoroctylmethacrylate) Nanoemulsion.Polymers,2017. 9(6).
38. Xie, S., F. Lu, S. Liu, L. Zheng, M. Jin, G. Zhou and L. Shui, Imidazolium ionic liquid induced one-step synthesis of alpha-Fe2O3 nanorods and nanorod assemblies for lithium-ion battery.APL Materials,2016. 4(12).
39. He, T., M. Jin, J.C.T. Eijkel, G. Zhou and L. Shui, Two-phase microfluidics in electrowetting displays and its effect on optical performance.Biomicrofluidics,2016. 10(1).
40. Jin, M., Y. Zhu, A. van den Berg, Z. Zhang, G. Zhou and L. Shui, Wafer-scale fabrication of high-density nanoslit arrays for surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy.Nanotechnology,2016. 27(49): p. 49LT01-49LT01.
41. Jin, M., X. Liu, A. van den Berg, G. Zhou and L. Shui, Ultrasensitive DNA detection based on two-step quantitative amplification on magnetic nanoparticles.Nanotechnology,2016. 27(33).
42. Xie, Y., M. Sun, M. Jin, G. Zhou and L. Shui, Two-phase microfluidic flow modeling in an electrowetting display microwell.European Physical Journal E,2016. 39(2).
43. Lu, H., H. Zhang, M. Jin, T. He, G. Zhou and L. Shui, Two-Layer Microstructures Fabricated by One-Step Anisotropic Wet Etching of Si in KOH Solution.Micromachines,2016. 7(2).
44. Zhang, X.-M., P.-F. Bai, R.A. Hayes, L.-L. Shui, M.-L. Jin, B. Tang and G.-F. Zhou, Novel Driving Methods for Manipulating Oil Motion in Electrofluidic Display Pixels.Journal of Display Technology,2016. 12(2): p. 200-205.
45. Wang, W., Z. Zhang, Y. Cai, J. Chen, J. Wang, R. Huang, X. Lu, X. Gao, L. Shui, S. Wu, and J.-M. Liu, Enhanced performance of CH3NH3PbI3-xClx perovskite solar cells by CH3NH3I modification of TiO2-perovskite layer interface.Nanoscale Research Letters,2016. 11.
46. Ma, X., Z. Xiong, W. Wang, L. Zhang, S. Wu, X. Lu, X. Gao, L. Shui and J.-M. Liu, Inverted organic solar cells using a solution-processed TiO2/CdSe electron transport layer to improve performance.Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics,2016. 49(15).


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  • Lab on a Chip和Micromachines雜誌客座編輯;
  • 主辦國際學術會議“Optofluidics2014”1次(中國,廣州)
  • 擔任2個國際會議組委會委員
  • 國際學術會議特邀和邀請報告30多次。


