- 中文名:毛曉敏
- 出生日期:1971年12月
- 畢業院校:清華大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向:水利水電工程
- 任職院校:中國農業大學
5.教育部和外專局111創新引智計畫項目(編號: B14002)“農業高效用水創新引智基地”, 2014-2018,主要參加人
14.教育部留學回國人員啟動基金 “高濃度氯代乙烯的生物降解特性及遷移轉化規律研究”,2009-2011,項目負責人
1.Jiang Li, Xiaomin Mao*, Songhao Shang, Tammo S. Steenhuis. Modeling Regional Soil Water Balance in Farmland of the Middle Reaches of Heihe River Basin. Water,2017, 9: 847
2.段萌, 楊偉才, 毛曉敏*. 覆膜條件下水分虧缺對春小麥光合特性的影響及光回響模型比較研究. 農業機械學報,2017
3.Jiang Li,Xinxin Wang, Liangliang Bai, Xiaomin Mao*. Quantification of lateral seepage from farmland during maize growing season in arid region. Agricultural Water Management,2017, 191: 85-97
4.Jiang Li, Haizhu Hu, Xiaomin Mao*, Yi Liu. Quantification of seepage in a multi-layered disconnected river-aquifer system. Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering,2017, 4(2): 237-245
5.Jiang Li, Xiaomin Mao*, Mo Li. Modeling hydrological processes in oasis of Heihe River Basin by landscape unit-based conceptual models integrated with FEFLOW and GIS. Agricultural Water Management,2017, 338-351
6.Haizhu Hu, Xiaomin Mao*. Comparison of the performance of traditional advection-dispersion equation and mobile-immobile model for simulating solute transport in heterogeneous soils. Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering,2016, 3: 241-248
7.Jiang Li, Ting Zhu, Xiaomin Mao*, Adebayo J. Adeloye. Modeling crop water consumption and water productivity in the middle reaches of Heihe River Basin. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture,2016, 123: 242-255
8.Jiang Li, Xiaomin Mao*, Shaozhong Kang, D. A. Barry. Modeling of hydrological processes in arid agricultural regions. Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering,2015, Front. Agr. Sci. Eng. 2015, 2(4): 283-294 :
9.李江, 郝新梅,范琳琳,毛曉敏*. 黑河中游綠洲地下水位空間變異性研究. 水力發電學報,2015, 34(11): 106-115
10.楊高瞻,楊健,毛曉敏. 不同水肥處理下石羊河流域春小麥生長及產量的模擬預測. 灌溉排水學報,2015,
11.Haizhu Hu, Xiaomin Mao*, D. A. Barry, Chengcheng Liu, Pengxiang Li. Modeling reactive transport of reclaimed water through large soil columns with different low-permeability layers. Hydrogeology Journal,2015, 23(2): 351-364
12.Chunying Wang, Rui Jiang, Xiaomin Mao, Sabine Sauvage, José-Miguel Sánchez-Pérez, Krishna P. Woli, Kanta Kuramochi, Atsushi Hayakawa and Ryusuke Hatano. Estimating sediment and particulate organic nitrogen and particulate organic phosphorous yields from a volcanic watershed characterised by forest and agriculture using a SWAT model. International Journal of Limnology,2015, 51: 23-35
13.Mei Sun, Xiaolin Zhang, Zailin Huo, Shaoyuan Feng, Guanhua Huang, Xiaomin Mao. Uncertainty and sensitivity assessments of an agricultural-hydrological model (RZWQM2) using the GLUE method . Journal of Hydrology,2016, 534: 19-30
14.Liqiang Yao, Zailin Huo, Shaoyuan Feng, Xiaomin Mao, Shaozhong Kang, Jin Chen, Jijun Xu, Tammo S. Steenhuis. Evaluation of spatial interpolation methods for groundwater level in an arid inland oasis, northwest China. Environmental earth sciences,2014, 71: 1911-1924
15.Haizhu Hu, Andrew Binley, Catherine M.Heppell, Katrina Lansdown, Xiaomin Mao. Impact of microforms on nitrate transport at the groundwater-surface water interface in gaining streams. Advances in Water Resources,2014, 73: 185-197
16.毛曉敏*,尚松浩. 作物非充分灌溉制度最佳化的 0-1 規劃模型及其套用. 農業機械學報,2014, 45(10): 153-158
17.Yi Liu, Xiaomin Mao*, Jian Chen, D.A.Barry. Influence of a coarse interlayer on seawater intrusion and contaminant migration in coastal aquifers. Hydrological Processes,2014, 28(20): 5162–5175
18.李江, 毛曉敏*, 劉易. 基於景觀單元的黑河中游地下水位變化研究. 灌溉排水學報,2014, 33(4-5): 266-272
19.Chunying Wang, Xiaomin Mao*, Ryusuke Hatano . Modeling ponded infiltration in fine textured soils with coarse interlayer. Soil Science Society of America Journal,2014, 78(3): 745-753
20.Songhao Shang, Xiaomin Mao. A two-parameter exponential recession model for simulating cropland soil moisture dynamics. Chinese Geographical Science,2014, 24(5): 575–586
21.蔣磊 尚松浩 毛曉敏. 地下水位對乾旱區河谷林耗水影響的數值模擬. 清華大學學報(自然科學版),2013, 5: 601-605
22.Liqiang Yao, Shaoyuan Feng, Xiaomin Mao*, Zailin Huo, Shaozhong Kang, D.A. Barry. Coupled effects of canal lining and multi-layered soil structure on canal seepage and soil water dynamics. Journal of Hydrology,2012, 430-431: 91–102
23.卜囡,尚松浩,毛曉敏*,冀蒙蒙. 層狀土入滲中指流發育的分形特徵及入滲規律. 水動力學研究與進展,2012, 27(2): 183-190
24.J.K. Yamamoto, X.M. Mao*, K. Koike, A.P. Crosta, P.M.B. Landim, H.Z. Hu, C.Y. Wang, L.Q. Yao. Mapping an uncertainty zone between interpolated types of a categorical variable. Computers and Geosciences,2012, 40: 146–152
25.Yi Liu, Songhao Shang, Xiaomin Mao*. Tidal effects on groundwater dynamics in coastal aquifer under different beach slopes . Journal of hydrodynamics,2012, 24(1): 97-106
26.李會,劉鈺,蔡甲冰,毛曉敏. 夏玉米莖流速率和莖直徑變化規律及其影響因素. 農業工程學報,2011, 27(10): 187-191
27.王春穎,尚松浩,毛曉敏*,Jorge Kazuo Yamamoto. 區域地下水位插值的整體-局部組合方法. 農業工程學報,2011, 27(8): 63-68
28.毛曉敏*,姚立強,馮紹元,王瑩瑩. 層狀土條件下混凝土襯砌渠道滲漏及土壤水分分布的數值模擬. 水利學報,2011, 42(8): 949-955
29.Shang Songhao, Mao Xiaomin. A physicoempirical model for soil water simulation in crop root zone. Pedosphere,2011, 21(4): 512-521
30.李會,劉鈺,蔡甲冰,毛曉敏. AquaCrop模型的適用性及套用初探. 灌溉排水學報,2011, 30(3): 28-33
31.Yi Liu, Xiaomin Mao*. Influence of boundary condition on modeling seawater intrusion into coastal aquifer. Advanced Materials Research,2011, 250-253: 3074-3078
32.Zailin Huo, Shaoyuan Feng, Shaozhong Kang, Xiaomin Mao, Fengxin Wang. Numerically modelling groundwater in an arid area with ANN-generated dynamic boundary conditions. Hydrological Processes,2011, 25(5): 705-713
33.王春穎,毛曉敏*,趙兵. 層狀夾砂土柱室內積水入滲試驗及模擬. 農業工程學報,2010, 26(11): 61-67
34.姚立強,毛曉敏,馮紹元,霍再林. 不同防滲措施對渠道滲漏量及周邊土壤水分的影響. 水利學報,2010, 41(11): 1360-1366
35.胡海珠,毛曉敏*. 地下水高濃度三氯乙烯厭氧生物降解的進展. 科技導報,2010, 28(21): 112-117
36.Irina Kouznetsova, Xiaomin Mao, Clare Robinson, D.A. Barry, Jason I. Gerhard, Perry L. McCarty. Biological reduction of chlorinated solvents: Batch-scale geochemical modeling. Advances in Water Resources,2010, 33(9): 969-986
37.毛曉敏*,尚松浩. 基於數據包絡分析的統計預測模型有效性評價. 水科學進展,2010, 21(5): 690-695
38.Shang Songhao, Mao Xiaomin. Determination of minimum flood stage and flow for the regeneration of floodplain forest from inundated forest width-stage curve. Water Science and Engineering,2010, 3(3): 257-268
39.李睿冉,毛曉敏,王慧. 四元聯繫數在區域水資源與社會經濟協調發展評價中的套用. 節水灌溉,2010, (8): 81-84
40.尚松浩,毛曉敏. 潛水蒸發研究進展. 水利水電科技進展,2010, 30(4): 85-89
41.孫美,毛曉敏*,陳 劍,馮紹元. 夾砂層狀土條件下渠道滲漏的室內試驗和數值模擬. 農業工程學報,2010, 26(8): 33-38
42.Hui Wang, Xiaomin Mao*,Feng Dong. Application of five-element connection number on the comprehensive impact evaluation of water-saving renovation in irrigation area. The 7th International Conference on Fuzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD'10),2010, 3: 994-997
43.陳劍,毛曉敏*,胡海珠. 亮藍在砂柱中的吸附運移試驗及數值模擬. 現代節水高效農業與生態灌區建設,雲南大學出版社,2010, 下: 273-279
44.胡海珠,毛曉敏*,王鑠. 多組分離子交換吸附反應-運移的土柱試驗及模擬. 水文地質工程地質,2010, 4: 81-86
45.毛曉敏*,尚松浩. 計算層狀土穩定入滲率的飽和層最小通量法. 水利學報,2010, 41(7): 810-817
46.Xiaomin Mao*, Haizhu Hu. Modelling bio-enhanced TCE DNAPL elimination in a soil column. 2010 4th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering. IEEE Computer Society, Piscataway,2010, doi: 10.1109ICBBE.2010.5516966 : 1-4
47.孫月,毛曉敏*,楊秀英,佟玲,唐敏華. 西北灌區地下水礦化度變化及其對作物的影響. 農業工程學報,2010, 26(2): 103-108
48.孫月,毛曉敏*,沈清林,佟玲,董正舉. 石羊河流域地下水埋深時空變化規律研究. 乾旱區資源與環境,2009, 23(12): 112-117
49.Guangyao Gao, Hongbin Zhan, Shaoyuan Feng, Guanhua Huang, Xiaomin Mao. Comparison of alternative models for simulating anomalous solute transport in a large heterogeneous soil column. Journal of Hydrology,2009, 377(3-4): 391-404
50.Guangyao Gao, Shaoyuan Feng, Hongbin Zhan, Guanhua Huang, Xiaomin Mao. Evaluation of anomalous solute transport in a large heterogeneous soil column with mobile-immobile model. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering,2009, 14(9): 966–974
51.Shaoyuan Feng, Shaozhong Kang, Zailin Huo, Shaojun Chen, Xiaomin Mao. Neural networks to simulate regional ground water levels affected by human activities. Ground Water,2008, 46(1): 80-90
52.Brovelli A, Mao X, Barry DA. Numerical modeling of tidal influence on density-dependent contaminant transport. Water Resources Research,2007, 43(10): W10426
53.Shang Songhao, Mao Xiaomin. Application of a simulation based optimization model for winter wheat irrigation scheduling in North China. Agricultural Water Management,2006, 85(3): 314-322
54.Mao X*, Enot P, Barry DA, Li L, Binley A, Jeng DS. Tidal influence on behaviour of a coastal aquifer adjacent to a low-relief estuary. Journal of Hydrology,2006, 327 (1-2): 110-127
55.Mao X, Prommer H, Barry DA, Langevin CD, Panteleit B, Li L. Three-dimensional model for multi-component reactive transport with variable density groundwater flow. Environmental Modelling & Software,2006, 21 (5): 615-628
56.Liu, X., Mao, X.*, Yang, J., Barry, D.A. Experiments and modeling of phenanthrene biodegradation in the aqueous phase by a mixed culture. Journal of Environmental Sciences,2006, 18(1): 147-153
57.Jeng, D.-S., Mao, X., Enot, P., Barry, D.A., Li, L. Spring-neap tide-induced beach water table fluctuations in a sloping coastal aquifer. Water Resources Research,2005, 41(7): W07026
58.Shang Songhao, Li Xichun , Mao Xiaomin, Lei Zhidong. Simulation of water dynamics and irrigation scheduling for winter wheat and maize in seasonal frost areas. Agricultural Water Management,2004, 68(2): 117-133
59.Mao, X.*, Barry, D.A., Li, L., Stagnitti, F., Allinson, G., Turoczy, N. Modelling the fate of chromated copper arsenate in a sandy soil. Water Air and Soil Pollution,2004, 156: 357-377
60.毛曉敏,劉翔,Barry D. A. PHREEQC在地下水溶質反應-運移模擬中的套用. 水文地質工程地質,2004, (2): 20-24
61.Mao Xiaomin, Shang Songhao, Liu Xiang. Groundwater table prediction using artificial neural network. Tsinghua Science & Technology,2002, 7(6): 574-579
62.尚松浩,毛曉敏,雷志棟,楊詩秀. 冬小麥田間墒情預報的BP神經網路模型. 水利學報,2002, (4): 40-43
63.尚松浩,毛曉敏. 基於BP神經網路的土壤凍結溫度及未凍水含量預測模型. 冰川凍土,2001, 23(4): 414-418
64.毛曉敏,尚松浩,雷志棟,楊詩秀. 利用SPAC模型對冬小麥蒸散發的研究. 水利學報,2001, (8): 7-11
65.毛曉敏,劉翔,趙振洲,王登禮,徐偉. 群井開採條件下承壓含水層水位動態的模擬研究. 水文,2001, 21(2): 25-27
66.Liu Xiang, Mao Xiaomin. Natural biological attenuation of benzene in groundwater. Tsinghua Science and Technology,2000, 5(3): 306-309
67.毛曉敏,雷志棟,尚松浩,楊詩秀. 作物生長條件下潛水蒸發估算的蒸發麵下降折算法. 灌溉排水,1999, 18(2): 26-29
68.尚松浩,毛曉敏,雷志棟,周凱,鐘永剛,艾尼瓦爾. 計算潛水蒸發係數的反Logistic公式. 灌溉排水,1999, 18(2): 18-21
69.尚松浩,毛曉敏,宣小忠,買買提明. 葉爾羌河綠洲潛在騰發量的變化特性. 灌溉排水,1999, 18(2): 14-17
70.毛曉敏,李民,沈言俐,何長德,周凱,艾尼瓦爾. 葉爾羌河流域潛水蒸發規律試驗分析. 乾旱區地理,1998, 21(3): 44-50
71.毛曉敏,楊詩秀,雷志棟. 葉爾羌灌區冬小麥生育期SPAC水熱傳輸的模擬研究. 水利學報,1998, (7): 35-40
72.毛曉敏,楊詩秀,雷志棟. 葉爾羌河流域裸地潛水蒸發的數值模擬研究. 水科學進展,1997, 8(4) : 313-320