



  • 書名:每天早晨讀點英文名篇:發音提高篇
  • 作者:林萌
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:32開


出版社: 大連理工大學出版社; 第1版 (2010年7月1日)
平裝: 272頁
正文語種: 英語, 簡體中文
開本: 32
ISBN: 7561155972, 9787561155974
條形碼: 9787561155974
尺寸: 22 x 13.6 x 2.2 cm
重量: 381 g






Chapter One 深刻雋永的人生 Profound Meaning of Human Life
Hamlet 哈姆雷特\2
To a Skylark 致雲雀\7
Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat 熱血、辛勞、眼淚和汗水\12
The Thorn Birds 荊棘鳥\16
Sister Carrie 嘉莉妹妹\22
Tess of the d’Urbervilles 德伯家的苔絲\24
The Waste Land—The Burial of the Dead 荒原——死者葬禮\28
Don Quixote 堂?吉訶德\34
Shall We Choose Death? 我們該選擇死亡嗎?\38
The Necklace 項鍊\43
Jane Eyre 簡?愛\47
Chapter Two 回憶如風的往事 What in Past, Is Past
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 哈克貝里?費恩歷險記\52
A Study in Scarlet 血字的研究\57
A Red, Red Rose 一朵紅紅的玫瑰\61
Animal Farm 動物莊園\65
The Cop and the Anthem 警察與讚美詩\69
Lolita 洛麗塔\73
Gone with the Wind 飄\77
Oh, Captain! My Captain! 啊,船長!我的船長!\82
The Scarlet Letter 紅字\86
The Age of Innocence 純真年代\90
Tropic of Cancer 北回歸線\94
Chapter Three 開啟智慧之門 The Door to Glittering Wisdom
What I Have Lived For 我為何而生\100
Ode on a Grecian Urn 希臘古瓮頌\104
How to Avoid Foolish Opinions 如何避免愚蠢的觀點\108
The Happy Prince and Other Tales 快樂王子及其他故事\112
Youth 青春\116
The Old Man and the Sea 老人與海\120
Brokeback Mountain 斷背山\124
October Lake 十月的湖景\128
The Declaration of Independence 獨立宣言\132
Ode to the West Wind 西風頌\136
Chapter Four 走在美的光彩中 Walking in Beauty
First Snow 初雪\142
See China in the Light of Her Development—Speech at the University of Cambridge 用發展的眼光看中國——溫總理在劍橋大學的演講\146
Speech at the Closing Ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games
Franklin D. Roosevelt’s First Inaugural 富蘭克林?羅斯福就職演講\154
She Walks in Beauty 她走在美的光彩中\158
Rural Life in England 英國的鄉村生活\162
The Daffodils 水仙\166
Joys of Writing 寫作的樂趣\170
Ode to a Nightingale 夜鶯頌\175
Of Studies 論學習\179
Chapter Five 堅強美麗的身影 The Strong-Willed, and Gorgeous
A Speech to 2008 Graduates
Obituary to Diana Princess of Wales Speech
Of Friendship 論友誼\192
The Rewards of Living a Solitary Life 獨自生活的回報\196
Stray Birds 飛鳥集\200
The Raven 烏鴉\204
She Was a Phantom of Delight 快樂的幽靈\208
I Am Willing that It Is a Torrent 我願意是激流\214
Of Love 論愛情\220
Of Beauty 論美\224
Chapter Six 那些使命,那些希望 Our Missions, Our Hopes
Spring 春\230
The Autobiography 自傳\234
Paradise Lost 失樂園\239
Speech at the Graveside of Karl Marx 在馬克思墓前的講話\245
Spell of the Rising Moon 懾人心魄的月出\249
“Duty, Honor, Country”—Sylvanus Thayer Award Acceptance Address
An October Sunrise 十月的日出\257
Nobel Prize Speech 諾貝爾獲獎演說\261
9.11 Speech 9.11演講\265
President Barack Obama’s Inaugural Address 歐巴馬就職演說\269


