母其文是美國南卡羅納州醫科大學高級影像中心首席科學家、博士及博士後導師。 2010年7月7日,在成都舉行的“海外高層次人才天府行”簽約儀式上,南充市中心醫院和美國“海歸”博士母其文成功簽約。同年8月25日,母其文在接受當地記者採訪時說,他放棄45萬美元年薪來到南充,是為了把美國的經顱磁刺激技術(TMS)項目用於南充醫療臨床研究。
母其文通過了美國醫學執照基礎醫學考試 (USMLE Step 1)和臨床醫學考試(USMLE Step 2 CK);曾獲教育部提名國家科技進步二等獎、中華醫學科技進步二等獎等國家級、部省級及市廳級獎勵5項。參編專著3部,含英文兩部。發表論文50餘篇, 包括Biological Psychiatry 等國內外專業核心期刊。部分論文單篇國際上引用達70餘次,總引用超過300次。美國神經成像、美國生物精神學、實用放射學、西部醫學等雜誌邀請審稿專家或編委。現為南充市中心醫院院長助理兼影像科主任。
母其文完成多項解剖結構性、功能性磁共振成像項目研究, 包括: (1)2004 年首次用磁共振功能成像檢測到不同脈衝寬度迷走神經刺激的急性顱內效應;(2) 2005年用功能性磁共振技術首次發現工作記憶的基線活動水平可以預測睡眠剝奪的易感性;(3) 2007年首次用功能性磁共振成像發現多巴胺協同劑增強了精神分裂症前額葉的血流灌注。
母其文為南充市中心醫院帶來的經顱磁刺激技術(TMS)項目,在國外已用於多種神經精神疾病的治療與研究,並被美國FDA批准臨床使用,目前北京、上海等地陸續引進並用於臨床治療研究。 但互動式經顱磁刺激磁共振功能成像技術項目(Interleaved Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation functional MagneticResonance Imaging ,TMS-fMRI),一種將經顱磁刺激與磁共振功能成像互動整合起來並用磁共振功能成像來實時檢測經顱磁刺激過程中的急性顱腦反應的技術,目前僅在美國、英國、德國等為數不多已開發國家研究機構開展。母其文回國後,南充中心醫院投入巨資在亞洲成立“腦功能康復與開發成像研究所”。 2011年6月,母其文等在南充成功開展互動式經顱磁刺激磁共振功能成像技術項目,在國內率先用互動式經顱磁刺激磁共振功能成像技術檢測到首例人腦經顱磁刺激過程中腦功能活動的改變。
研究興趣:1. CT和磁共振成像新技術研究套用;2.功能性磁共振成像;3.藥理功能性磁共振成像;4.基於體素的形態學測量;5.磁共振彌散成像;6.磁共振灌注成像;7.磁共振波譜;8.早老性痴呆早期結構功能標誌;9.經顱腦磁刺激磁共振成像;10.迷走神經刺激成像;11.腦深部刺激成像;12.抑鬱症腦功能成像;13.毒品成癮腦功能成像;14.睡眠障礙對人體認知功能的改變;15.動物研究。
附:TMS是Barker 等學者於1985年首先創立,是一種利用脈衝電磁場和交變電磁場產生的感應電流作用於大腦中樞神經系統,改變大腦皮層神經細胞的膜電位,影響腦內代謝和神經電位活動,從而引起一系列生理功能反應的一種大腦皮層刺激方法,具有無痛、無損傷、無X線輻射等優點。隨著計算機技術的發展,重複經顱磁刺激技術(Repeated TMS,rTMS)在認知神經科學、臨床神經精神疾病及康復領域獲得越來越多的認可。2004年加拿大批准TMS進入臨床套用;2008年美國藥品與食物管理局(FDA)批准TMS臨床使用治療藥物難治性抑鬱症。該技術將被廣泛套用於認知科學、神經病學、精神病學、康復醫學、小兒腦損傷等臨床治療與研究。TMS-fMRI能讓科研人員、臨床醫務工作者在腦功能刺激成像過程中直接“看”到人腦神經網路協調活動改變,並試圖以此調節治療參數達到最佳治療效果,同時為人類探索和發揮腦認知功能開闢了新的途徑。
Mu Q AJNR 20-207,1999.doc(608.50K)
1. Mu Q, Xie J, Wen Z, Weng Y, Shuyun Z. A quantitative MR study of the hippocampal formation, the amygdala, and the temporal horn of the lateral ventricle in healthy subjects 40 to 90 years of age. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 1999 Feb;20(2):207-11.
Cited 80 times
Record 1 of 79 |
Title: More is less: Emotion induced prefrontal cortex activity habituates in aging |
Author(s): Roalf, DR (Roalf, David R.); Pruis, TA (Pruis, Trisha A.); Stevens, AA (Stevens, Alexander A.); Janowsky, JS (Janowsky, Jeri S.) |
Source: NEUROBIOLOGY OF AGING Volume: 32 Issue: 9 Pages: 1634-1650 DOI: 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2009.10.007 Published: SEP 2011 |
Abstract: Several recent studies have documented age-related changes in brain activity-less amygdala activity and higher prefrontal activity in response to emotional stimuli. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), we examined whether aging also affects the maintenance of activity to emotional stimuli and whether maintenance differs by the valence (negative, neutral and positive) of the pictures. Younger participants had a larger volume of activity in the amygdala but less in the prefrontal cortex than the old. The old showed more habituation to highly arousing negative but not positive or neutral stimuli in prefrontal cortex as compared to younger participants. Thus prefrontal cortex activity indexes emotion in the elderly, but not the young. Amplified prefrontal activity suggests elderly increase cognitive control for negative, highly arousing emotional stimuli, but it is not maintained. Taken together, age-related increases in prefrontal activity and reduced amygdala activity may underlie observed affective changes in aging. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. |
ISSN: 0197-4580 |
Record 2 of 79 |
Title: Binocular Rivalry: A Window Into Emotional Processing in Aging |
Author(s): Bannerman, RL (Bannerman, Rachel L.); Regener, P (Regener, Paula); Sahraie, A (Sahraie, Arash) |
Source: PSYCHOLOGY AND AGING Volume: 26 Issue: 2 Pages: 372-380 DOI: 10.1037/a0022029 Published: JUN 2011 |
Abstract: Previous binocular rivalry studies with younger adults have shown that emotional stimuli dominate perception over neutral stimuli. Here we investigated the effects of age on patterns of emotional dominance during binocular rivalry. Participants performed a face/house rivalry task where the emotion of the face (happy, angry, neutral) and orientation (upright, inverted) of the face and house stimuli were varied systematically. Age differences were found with younger adults showing a general emotionality effect (happy and angry faces were more dominant than neutral faces) and older adults showing inhibition of anger (neutral faces were more dominant than angry faces) and positivity effects (happy faces were more dominant than both angry and neutral faces). Age differences in dominance patterns were reflected by slower rivalry rates for both happy and angry compared to neutral face/house pairs in younger adults, and slower rivalry rates for happy compared to both angry and neutral face/house pairs in older adults. Importantly, these patterns of emotional dominance and slower rivalry rates for emotional-face/house pairs disappeared when the stimuli were inverted. This suggests that emotional valence, and not low-level image features, were responsible for the emotional bias in both age groups. Given that binocular rivalry has a limited role for voluntary control, the findings imply that anger suppression and positivity effects in older adults may extend to more automatic tasks. |
ISSN: 0882-7974 |
Record 3 of 79 |
Title: Quantization and analysis of hippocampal morphometric changes due to dementia of Alzheimer type using metric distances based on large deformation diffeomorphic metric mapping |
Author(s): Ceyhan, E (Ceyhan, Elvan); Beg, MF (Beg, Mirza Faisal); Ceritoglu, C (Ceritoglu, Can); Wang, L (Wang, Lei); Morris, JC (Morris, John C.); Csernansky, JG (Csernansky, John G.); Miller, MI (Miller, Michael I.); Ratnanather, JT (Ratnanather, J. Tilak) |
Source: COMPUTERIZED MEDICAL IMAGING AND GRAPHICS Volume: 35 Issue: 4 Pages: 275-293 DOI: 10.1016/j.compmedimag.2011.01.005 Published: JUN 2011 |
Abstract: The metric distance obtained from the large deformation diffeomorphic metric mapping (LDDMM) algorithm is used to quantize changes in morphometry of brain structures due to neuropsychiatric diseases. For illustrative purposes we consider changes in hippocampal morphometry (shape and size) due to very mild dementia of the Alzheimer type (DAT). LDDMM, which was previously used to calculate dense one-to-one correspondence vector fields between hippocampal shapes, measures the morphometric differences with respect to a template hippocampus by assigning metric distances on the space of anatomical images thereby allowing for direct comparison of morphometric differences. We characterize what information the metric distances provide in terms of size and shape given the hippocampal, brain and intracranial volumes. We demonstrate that metric distance is a measure of morphometry (i.e., shape and size) but mostly a measure of shape, while volume is mostly a measure of size. Moreover, we show how metric distances can be used in cross-sectional, longitudinal analysis, as well as left-right asymmetry comparisons, and provide how the metric distances can serve as a discriminative tool using logistic regression. Thus, we show that metric distances with respect to a template computed via LDDMM can be a powerful tool in detecting differences in shape. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. |
ISSN: 0895-6111 Record 4 of 79 Title: Consistent neuroanatomical age-related volume differences across multiple samples Author(s): Walhovd, KB (Walhovd, Kristine B.); Westlye, LT (Westlye, Lars T.); Amlien, I (Amlien, Inge); Espeseth, T (Espeseth, Thomas); Reinvang, I (Reinvang, Ivar); Raz, N (Raz, Naftali); Agartz, I (Agartz, Ingrid); Salat, DH (Salat, David H.); Greve, DN (Greve, Doug N.); Fischl, B (Fischl, Bruce); Dale, AM (Dale, Anders M.); Fjell, AM (Fjell, Anders M.) Source: NEUROBIOLOGY OF AGING Volume: 32 Issue: 5 Pages: 916-932 DOI: 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2009.05.013 Published: MAY 2011 Abstract: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the principal method for studying structural age-related brain changes in vivo. However, previous research has yielded inconsistent results, precluding understanding of structural changes of the aging brain. This inconsistency is due to methodological differences and/or different aging patterns across samples. To overcome these problems, we tested age effects on 17 different neuroanatomical structures and total brain volume across five samples, of which one was split to further investigate consistency (883 participants). Widespread age-related volume differences were seen consistently across samples. In four of the five samples, all structures, except the brainstem, showed age-related volume differences. The strongest and most consistent effects were found for cerebral cortex, pallidum, putamen and accumbens volume. Total brain volume, cerebral white matter, caudate, hippocampus and the ventricles consistently showed non-linear age functions. Healthy aging appears associated with more widespread and consistent age-related neuroanatomical volume differences than previously believed. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. ISSN: 0197-4580 Record 5 of 79 Title:Normal aging and imaging correlations Author(s): Schuster, L Schuster, L (Schuster, L.); Essig, M (Essig, M.); Schroder, J (Schroeder, J.) Source: RADIOLOGE Volume: 51 Issue: 4 Pages: 266-272 DOI: 10.1007/s00117-010-2093-7 Published: APR 2011 Abstract: Age-related structural, functional and biochemical changes of the brain can be visualized by neuroimaging methods. Physiological aging of the brain has to be clearly distinguished from pathological alterations of the brain for reliable and early diagnoses of neurodegenerative diseases. Concerning the speed of the cerebral aging process, significant inter-individual differences can be observed. In general, aging is associated with a decline of cognitive functions. Simultaneously, a decay of the average brain volume, especially in the frontal lobe accompanies the process of aging. Correspondingly, a strong susceptibility for age-related degeneration has been observed in the fronto-striato-thalamic network. Due to increasing age the white matter is affected by a progressive loss of fiber integrity mirrored in a significant decay of the fractionated anisotropy (FA) measured by diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). Age-related degeneration of the white matter further leads to a growing number of T2 hyperintense white-matter lesions. Aging also influences the cerebral perfusion pattern leading to a perceptible decay of the global cerebral blood flow (CBF) and blood volume (CBV). During life, iron accumulates in the brain, predominantly in the globus pallidus and in the substantia nigra. By 1H-MR spectroscopy, a decrease of N-acetyl-aspartate (NAA) as a correlate for reduced neuronal metabolism is found in the brain of elderly individuals. ISSN: 0033-832X Record 6 of 79 Title: Regional heterogeneity in limbic maturational changes: Evidence from integrating cortical thickness, volumetric and diffusion tensor imaging measures Author(s): Grieve, SM (Grieve, Stuart M.); Korgaonkar, MS (Korgaonkar, Mayuresh S.); Clark, CR (Clark, C. Richard); Williams, LM (Williams, Leanne M.) Source: NEUROIMAGE Volume: 55 Issue: 3 Pages: 868-879 DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2010.12.087 Published: APR 1 2011 Abstract: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies of structural brain development have suggested that the limbic system is relatively preserved in comparison to other brain regions with healthy aging. The goal of this study was to systematically investigate age-related changes of the limbic system using measures of cortical thickness, volumetric and diffusion characteristics. We also investigated if the "relative preservation" concept is consistent across the individual sub-regions of the limbic system. T1 weighted structural MRI and Diffusion Tensor Imaging data from 476 healthy participants from the Brain Resource International Database was used for this study. Age-related changes in grey matter (GM)/white matter (WM) volume, cortical thickness, diffusional characteristics for the pericortical WM and for the fiber tracts associated with the limbic regions were quantified. A regional variability in the aging patterns across the limbic system was present. Four important patterns of age-related changes were highlighted for the limbic sub-regions: 1. early maturation of GM with late loss in the hippocampus and amygdala; 2. an extreme pattern of GM preservation in the entorhinal cortex; 3. a flat pattern of reduced GM loss in the anterior cingulate and the parahippocampus and; 4. accelerated GM loss in the isthmus and posterior cingulate. The GM volumetric data and cortical thickness measures proved to be internally consistent, while the diffusional measures provided complementary data that seem consistent with the GM trends identified. This heterogeneity can be hypothesized to be associated with age-related changes of cognitive function specialized for that region and direct connections to the other brain regions sub-serving these functions. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. ISSN: 1053-8119 Record 7 of 79 Title: Age-related gray matter volume changes in the brain during non-elderly adulthood Author(s): Terribilli, D (Terribilli, Debora); Schaufelberger, MS (Schaufelberger, Maristela S.); Duran, FLS (Duran, Fabio L. S.); Zanetti, MV (Zanetti, Marcus V.); Curiati, PK (Curiati, Pedro K.); Menezes, PR (Menezes, Paulo R.); Scazufca, M (Scazufca, Marcia); Amaro, E (Amaro, Edson, Jr.); Leite, CC (Leite, Claudia C.); Busatto, GF (Busatto, Geraldo F.) Source: NEUROBIOLOGY OF AGING Volume: 32 Issue: 2 Pages: 354-368 DOI: 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2009.02.008 Published: FEB 2011 Abstract: Previous magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies described consistent age-related gray matter (GM) reductions in the fronto-parietal neocortex, insula and cerebellum in elderly subjects, but not as frequently in limbic/paralimbic structures. However, it is unclear whether such features are already present during earlier stages of adulthood, and if age-related GM changes may follow non-linear patterns at such age range. This voxel-based morphometry study investigated the relationship between GM volumes and age specifically during non-elderly life (18-50 years) in 89 healthy individuals (48 males and 41 females). Voxelwise analyses showed significant (p < 0.05, corrected) negative correlations in the right prefrontal cortex and left cerebellum, and positive correlations (indicating lack of GM loss) in the medial temporal region, cingulate gyrus, insula and temporal neocortex. Analyses using ROI masks showed that age-related dorsolateral prefrontal volume decrements followed non-linear patterns, and were less prominent in females compared to males at this age range. These findings further support for the notion of a heterogeneous and asynchronous pattern of age-related brain morphometric changes, with region-specific non-linear features. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. ISSN: 0197-4580 Record 8 of 79 Title: Age-Related Changes of Elements and Relationships Among Elements in Human Hippocampus, Dentate Gyrus, and Fornix Author(s): Tohno, Y (Tohno, Yoshiyuki); Tohno, S (Tohno, Setsuko); Ongkana, N (Ongkana, Nutcharin); Suwannahoy, P (Suwannahoy, Patipath); Azuma, C (Azuma, Cho); Minami, T (Minami, Takeshi); Mahakkanukrauh, P (Mahakkanukrauh, Pasuk) Source: BIOLOGICAL TRACE ELEMENT RESEARCH Volume: 138 Issue: 1-3 Pages: 42-52 DOI: 10.1007/s12011-009-8605-5 Published: WIN 2010 Abstract: To elucidate compositional changes of the limbic system with aging, the authors investigated age-related changes of elements in the hippocampus, dentate gyrus, and fomix and the relationships among elements by direct chemical analysis. After ordinary dissections at NaraMedicalUniversity were finished, the hippocampi, dentate gyri, and fomices were resected from identical cerebra of the subjects which consisted of 23 men and 23 women, ranging in age from 70 to 101 years. After ashing with nitric acid and perchloric acid, element contents were determined by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry. The average contents of P, Zn, and Na were significantly less in both the hippocampi and dentate gyri compared with the fomices. It was found that the Ca and Mg contents increased significantly in the hippocampus with aging; the P content increased significantly in the dentate gyrus with aging, whereas the Na content decreased in the dentate gyrus with aging; and the Mg content increased significantly in the fornix with aging. Regarding the relationships among elements, a significant direct correlation between Ca and Fe contents and an extremely significant inverse correlation between P and Zn contents were found in both the hippocampi and dentate gyri. In addition, a significant direct correlation between P and Mg contents was found in both the hippocampi and fornices. Pearson's correlation was used to examine whether there were elements with significant correlation among the hippocampus, dentate gyrus, fomix, and mammillary body. Significant correlations were found in five elements of Ca, P, Mg, Zn, and Fe except for S and Na among the hippocampus, dentate gyms, and mammillary body with one exception. Regarding the fomix, significant correlations were found in two elements of P and Fe between the fornix and hippocampus, dentate gyms, or mammillary body. ISSN: 0163-4984 Record 9 of 79 Title: Age-Related Changes in the Integration of Gaze Direction and Facial Expressions of Emotion Author(s): Slessor, G (Slessor, Gillian); Phillips, LH (Phillips, Louise H.); Bull, R (Bull, Rebecca) Source: EMOTION Volume: 10 Issue: 4 Pages: 555-562 DOI: 10.1037/a0019152 Published: AUG 2010 Abstract: Gaze direction influences younger adults' perception of emotional expressions, with direct gaze enhancing the perception of anger and joy, while averted gaze enhances the perception of fear. Age-related declines in emotion recognition and eye-gaze processing have been reported, indicating that there may be age-related changes in the ability to integrate these facial cues. As there is evidence of a positivity bias with age, age-related difficulties integrating these cues may be greatest for negative emotions. The present research investigated age differences in the extent to which gaze direction influenced explicit perception (e.g., anger, fear and joy; Study 1) and social judgments (e.g., of approachability; Study 2) of emotion faces. Gaze direction did not influence the perception of fear in either age group. In both studies, age differences were found in the extent to which gaze direction influenced judgments of angry and joyful faces, with older adults showing less integration of gaze and emotion cues than younger adults. Age differences were greatest when interpreting angry expressions. Implications of these findings for older adults' social functioning are discussed. ISSN: 1528-3542 Record 10 of 79 Title: Volumetry of the human amygdala - An anatomical study Author(s): Brabec, J (Brabec, Jiri); Rulseh, A (Rulseh, Aaron); Hoyt, B (Hoyt, Brian); Vizek, M (Vizek, Martin); Horinek, D (Horinek, Daniel); Hort, J (Hort, Jakub); Petrovicky, P (Petrovicky, Pavel) Source: PSYCHIATRY RESEARCH-NEUROIMAGING Volume: 182 Issue: 1 Pages: 67-72 DOI: 10.1016/j.pscychresns.2009.11.005 Published: APR 30 2010 Abstract: A striking feature of the studies that have addressed the measurement of the amygdala is the wide range of volumes encountered, with reports of volumes ranging from 1 to almost 4 cm(3). Another striking feature is the number of discrepancies in the landmarks adopted for manual tracing in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The goal of our study was to assess the anatomical volume of the amygdala on the basis of its cytoarchitecture while comparing the differences in age and sex. This study was performed on 21 normal male brains (mean age of 56.8 years) and 9 normal female brains (mean age of 61.2 years). The volume of the amygdala was measured by planimetry of Nissl-stained serial sections using ImageJ software. To address the complexity of the amygdala, we elected to use two types of amygdalar measurement that differ mainly in the definition of anterior pole boundaries. The average size of the classic amygdala was 1.24 cm(3) (S.D. = 0.14), while the average size of the amygdala with wider borders was 1.63 cm(3) (S.D. = 0.2). No interhemispheric or intersexual differences were observed for either type of amygdalar measurement. Neither sex revealed any statistically important relationship between volume of the amygdala and age. Our study was concerned exclusively with the anatomical volume of the amygdala rather than the MM volume. Nevertheless, our results may have important implications for MM studies because as of yet there is no gold standard for manual volumetry of the amygdala. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved. ISSN: 0925-4927 Record 11 of 79 Title: Emotional target cues eliminate age differences in prospective memory Author(s): Altgassen, M (Altgassen, Mareike); Phillips, LH (Phillips, Louise H.); Henry, JD (Henry, Julie D.); Rendell, PG (Rendell, Peter G.); Kliegel, M (Kliegel, Matthias) Source: QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY Volume: 63 Issue: 6 Pages: 1057-1064 Article Number: DOI: 10.1080/17470211003770920 Published: 2010 Abstract: Cue saliency is known to influence prospective memory performance, whereby perceptually or conceptually distinct cues facilitate remembering and attenuate adult age-related deficits. The present study investigated whether similar benefits for older adults are also seen for emotional valence. A total of 41 older and 41 younger adults performed a prospective memory task in which the emotional valence of the prospective memory cues was manipulated. Emotionally valenced cues increased prospective memory performance across both groups. Age deficits were only observed when neutral (but not positive or negative) prospective cues were presented. Findings are consistent with predictions that salient cues facilitate participants' prospective memory performance and reduce age-related differences, while extending the concept of saliency to include emotional valence. ISSN: 1747-0218 Record 12 of 79 Title: Social and Emotional Aging Author(s): Charles, ST (Charles, Susan T.); Carstensen, LL (Carstensen, Laura L.) Source: ANNUAL REVIEW OF PSYCHOLOGY Volume: 61 Pages: 383-409 DOI: 10.1146/annurev.psych.093008.100448 Published: 2010 Abstract: The past several decades have witnessed unidimensional decline models of aging give way to life-span developmental models that consider how specific processes and strategies facilitate adaptive aging. In part, this shift was provoked by the stark contrast between findings that clearly demonstrate decreased biological, physiological, and cognitive capacity and those suggesting that people are generally satisfied in old age and experience relatively high levels of emotional well-being. In recent years, this supposed "paradox" of aging has been reconciled through careful theoretical analysis and empirical investigation. Viewing aging as adaptation sheds light on resilience, well-being, and emotional distress across adulthood. ISSN: 0066-4308 Record 13 of 79 Title: Aging and the Perception of Emotion: Processing Vocal Expressions Alone and With Faces Author(s): Ryan, M (Ryan, Melissa); Murray, J (Murray, Janice); Ruffman, T (Ruffman, Ted) Source: EXPERIMENTAL AGING RESEARCH Volume: 36 Issue: 1 Pages: 1-22 Article Number: DOI: 10.1080/03610730903418372 Published: 2010 Abstract: This study investigated whether the difficulties older adults experience when recognizing specific emotions from facial expressions also occur with vocal expressions of emotion presented in isolation or in combination with facial expressions. When matching vocal expressions of six emotions to emotion labels, older adults showed worse performance on sadness and anger. When matching vocal expressions to facial expressions, older adults showed worse performance on sadness, anger, happiness, and fear. Older adults' poorer performance when matching faces to voices was independent of declines in fluid ability. Results are interpreted with reference to the neuropsychology of emotion recognition and the aging brain. ISSN: 0361-073X Record 14 of 79 Title: Hormone therapy does not modify emotion-induced brain activity in older women Author(s): Pruis, TA (Pruis, T. A.); Roalf, DR (Roalf, D. R.); Janowsky, JS (Janowsky, J. S.) Source: HORMONES AND BEHAVIOR Volume: 56 Issue: 5 Pages: 539-547 DOI: 10.1016/j.yhbeh.2009.09.008 Published: NOV 2009 Abstract: Sex hormones have actions in brain regions important for emotion, including the amygdala and prefrontal cortex. Previous studies have shown that cyclic sex hormones and hormone therapy after menopause modify responses to emotional events. Thus, this study examined whether hormone therapy modified emotion-induced brain activity in older women. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), behavioral ratings (valence and arousal), and recognition memory were used to assess responses to emotionally laden scenes in older women currently using hormone therapy (HT) and women not currently using hormone therapy (NONE). We hypothesized that hormones would affect the amount or persistence of emotion-induced brain activity in the amygdala and ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (VLPK). However. hormone therapy did not affect brain activity with the exception that NONE women showed a modest increase over time in amygdala activity to positive scenes. Hormone therapy did not affect behavioral ratings or memory for emotional scenes. The results were similar when women were regrouped based on whether they had ever used hormone therapy versus had never used hormone therapy. These results suggest that hormone therapy does not modify emotion-induced brain activity, or its persistence, in older women. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. ISSN: 0018-506X Record 15 of 79 Title: Age differences in perception and awareness of emotion Author(s):Neiss, MB (Neiss, Michelle B.); Leigland, LA (Leigland, Lindsey A.); Carlson, NE (Carlson, Nichole E.); Janowsky, JS (Janowsky, Jeri S.) Source: NEUROBIOLOGY OF AGING Volume: 30 Issue: 8 Pages: 1305-1313 DOI: 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2007.11.007 Published: AUG 2009 Abstract: We investigated the effects of age and gender on emotional perception and physiology using electrodermal skin conductance response (SCR) and examined whether SCR is related to subjective perceptions of emotional pictures. Older adults found pictures to be more positive and arousing than younger participants. Older women rated pictures more extremely at both ends of the valence continuum: they rated positive pictures more positively and negative pictures more negatively. Elders were less likely to show measurable SCRs. However, magnitude of SCRs when a response occurred did not differ between young and old. Subjective ratings of emotion correlated with physiological responses in younger participants, but they were unrelated in older participants. Thus, in older adults the perception of emotional events was disconnected from the physiological state induced by emotion. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. ISSN: 0197-4580 |
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