
殷煥順,男,博士,副教授,碩士生導師,學校“1512”第二層次。主要承擔本科生《化學信息學》、《有機化學》、《基礎化學實驗I》、《基礎化學實驗II》,研究生《生物感測技術》等課程的教學任務。自2009年至今,以第一作者或者通訊作者在《Analytical Chemistry》、《Chemical Communications》、《Biosensors and Bioelectronics》、《Analyst》、《Analytical ChimicaActa》、《Journal of Hazardous Materials》、《Talanta》、《ElectrochimicaActa》、《Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical》、《New Journal of Chemsitry》、《Food Chemistry》等SCI期刊發表論文80餘篇。SCI他引次數為2319次(引用次數查詢自web of science網站),h指數為30。ESI高被引論文2篇。主持國家自然科學基金2項、山東省自然科學基金2項、國家重點實驗室開放課題1項、國家博士後基金面上一等資助1項、國家博士後基金特別資助1項,山東農業大學傑出青年人才基金1項。申請專利3項。獲山東省自然科學獎三等獎一項(排名第二位),山東省高等學校自然科學獎二等獎3項、三等獎2項,第十一屆泰安市青年科技獎1項,指導本科畢業論文獲山東省優秀學士論文2次,指導碩士研究生中4人獲國家獎學金。


  • 中文名:殷煥順
  • 出生日期:1979年出生
  • 職業:學者
  • 代表作品:《化學信息學
  • 研究領域: 新型光電催化納米材料的合成;


學校“1512”第二層次。主要承擔《化學信息學》、《有機化學》、《無機及分析化學》、《基礎化學實驗》等課程的教學任務。自2008年至今,以第一作者或者通訊作者在《Analytical Chemistry》、《Biosensors and Bioelectronics》、《Analyst》、《Analytical Chimica Acta》、《Journal of Hazardous Materials》、《Talanta》、《Electrochimica Acta》、《Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical》、《Food Chemsitry》、《Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry.》、《Electroanalysis》、《New Journal of Chemsitry》、《RSC Advances》等SCI期刊發表論文40餘篇。主持國家自然科學基金1項、山東省自然科學基金1項;參加國家自然科學基金項目、山東省自然科學基金等科研課題多項。申請專利兩項。




1. 國家自然科學基金——面上項目,2018.1-2021.12,64萬元。
2. 國家自然科學基金——青年項目,2012.1-2014.12,25萬元。
3. 中國博士後基金一等資助,2017.7,8萬元。
4. 中國博士後科學基金特別資助,2015.7,15萬元。
5. 山東省自然科學基金——青年項目,2011.7-2014.7,6萬元。
6. 山東省自然科學基金——面上項目,2017.1-2019.12,17萬元。
7. 作物生物學國家重點實驗室開放課題,2014.1-2016.12,4萬元。
8. 山東農業大學傑出青年基金1項,2017.1-2020.12,60萬元。
9. 山東農業大學博士後項目1項,4萬元。
1. 2011年,山東高等學校優秀科研成果獎—自然科學類二等獎,排名第二位。
2. 2011年,山東農業大學“突出貢獻獎先進個人”。
3. 2012年,指導2007級套用化學本科專業張海霞的“基於信號擴增的生物感測器檢測MircoRNA-21”論文,被評為“2012年山東省優秀學士學位論文”。
4. 2012年,山東農業大學“突出貢獻獎先進個人”。
5. 2013年,山東農業大學“青年崗位能手標兵”。
6. 2013年,山東高等學校優秀科研成果獎—自然科學類二等獎,排名第二位。
7. 2013年,“第十一屆泰安市青年科技獎”。
8. 2013年,指導2008級套用化學本科專業王默的本科畢業論文“電化學免疫感測器檢測DNA甲基化及甲基酶活性”論文被評為“2013年山東省優秀學士學位論文”。
9. 2015年,山東高等學校優秀科研成果獎—自然科學類三等獎,排名第一位。
10. 2015年,山東高等學校優秀科研成果獎—自然科學類三等獎,排名第二位。
12. 2016年,山東省自然科學獎三等獎,排名第二位。

 1. 國家自然科學基金,功能樹狀高分子組裝電化學基因探針-NASBA聯用技術及快速檢測禽流感病毒的研究(No.20775044)。
2. 國家自然科學基金,超靈敏電化學基因感測器的構築及對環境激素致病機理的研究(No. 21075078)。
3. 國家自然科學基金,土壤中硫丹的微生物強化降解機制與生態毒性去除效應(No. 41071164)。
4. 國家自然科學基金,一氧化氮調控桃果實山梨醇脫氫酶活性的分子機理(No. 30901160)。
[1]Haiyan Wang, Chunling Qi, Wenhuan He, Minghui Wang, Wenjing Jiang, Huanshun Yin*, Shiyun Ai*, A sensitive photoelectrochemical immunoassay of N6-methyladenosine based on dual-signal amplification strategy: Ru doped in SiO2nanosphere and carboxylated g-C3N4, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2018, 99, 281-288.
[2]Wenjing Jiang, Linni Wu, JunlingDuan, Huanshun Yin*, Shiyun Ai, Ultrasensitive electrochemiluminescenceimmunosensor for 5-hydroxymethylcytosine detection based on Fe3O4@SiO2 nanoparticles and PAMAM dendrimers, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2018, 99, 660-666
[1]Yunlei Zhou, Minghui Wang, Huanshun Yin*, Shiyun Ai, Amperometric determination of the activity of protein kinase a using a glassy carbon electrode modified with IgG functionalized gold nanoparticles conjugated to horseradish peroxidase, MicrochimicaActa, 2017, 184, 3301-3308.
[2]Huanshun Yin, Zhiqing Yang, Haiyan Wang, Yunlei Zhou*, Shiyun Ai, Electrochemical biosensor for hydroxymethylated DNA detection and β-glucosyltransferase activity assay based on enzymatic catalysis triggering signal amplification, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2017, 243, 602-608.
[3]Huanshun Yin, Haiyan Wang, Wenjing Jiang, Yunlei Zhou*, Shiyun Ai*, Electrochemical immunosensor for N6-methyladenosine detection in human cell lines based on biotin-streptavidin system and silver-SiO2signal amplification, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2017, 90, 494-500.
[4]Haiyan Wang, Qihai Zhang, Huanshun Yin*, Minghui Wang, Wenjing Jiang, Shiyun Ai*, Photoelectrochemicalimmunosensor for methylated RNA detection based on g-C3N4/CdS quantum dots heterojunction and Phos-tag-biotin, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2017, 95, 124-130.
[5]Haiyan Wang, Pei Liu, Wenjing Jiang, Xue Li, Huanshun Yin*, Shiyun Ai, Photoelectrochemicalimmunosensing platform for M. SssImethyltransferase activity analysis and inhibitor screening based on g-C3N4and CdS quantum dots, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2017, 244, 458-465.
[6]Xue Li, Lusheng Zhu, Yunlei Zhou, Huanshun Yin*, Shiyun Ai*, Enhanced photoelectrochemical method for sensitive detection of protein kinase A activity using TiO2/g-C3N4, PAMAM dendrimer, and alkaline phosphatase, Analytical Chemistry, 2017, 89, 2369-2376.
[1]Yunlei Zhou, Huanshun Yin*, Xue Li, Zhi Li, Shiyun Ai, Hai Lin*, Electrochemical biosensor for protein kinase A activity assay based on gold nanoparticles-carbon nanospheres, phos-tag-biotin and β-galactosidase, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2016, 86, 508-515.
[2]Yunlei Zhou, Huanshun Yin*, Jie Li, Bingchen Li, Xue Li, Shiyun Ai, Xiansheng Zhang*, Electrochemical biosensor for microRNA detection based on poly(U) polymerase mediated isothermal signal amplification, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2016, 79, 79-85.
[3]Yunlei Zhou, Mo Wang, Zhiqing Yang, Linan Lu, Huanshun Yin*, Shiyun Ai*, Electrochemical biosensor for microRNA detection based on hybridization protection against nuclease S1 digestion, Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 2016, 20, 413-419.
[4]Qingming Zhang, Zhi Li, Yunlei Zhou, Xue Li, Bingchen Li, Huanshun Yin*, Shiyun Ai, Electrochemical biosensors for polynucleotide kinase activity assay and inhibition screening based on phosphorylation reaction triggered λ exonuclease and exonuclease I cleavage, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2016, 225, 151-157.
[5]Huanshun Yin, Yunlei Zhou, Bingchen Li, Xue Li, Zhiqing Yang, Shiyun Ai*, Xiansheng Zhang*, Photoelectrochemicalimmunosensor for microRNA detection based on gold nanoparticles-functionalized g-C3N4and anti-DNA:RNA antibody, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2016, 222, 1119-1126.
[6]Zhiqing Yang, Yanhua Shi, Wenrong Liao, Huanshun Yin*, Shiyun Ai*, A novel signal-on photoelectrochemical biosensor for detection of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine based on in situ electron donor producing strategy and all wavelengths of light irradiation, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2016, 223, 621-625.
[7]Pei Liu, Dandan Wang, Yunlei Zhou, Haiyan Wang, Huanshun Yin*, Shiyun Ai*, DNA methyltransferase detection based on digestion triggering the combination of poly adenine DNA with gold nanoparticles, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2016, 80, 74-78.
[8]Xue Li, Yunlei Zhou, Yan Xu, HuijieXu, Minghui Wang, Huanshun Yin*, Shiyun Ai*, A novel photoelectrochemical biosensor for protein kinase activity assay based on phosphorylated graphite-like carbon nitride, AnalyticaChimicaActa, 2016, 934, 36-43.
[9]Bingchen Li, Fei Liu, YuanyuanPeng, Yunlei Zhou, Wenxuan Fan, Huanshun Yin*, ShiyunAi*, Xiansheng Zhang*, Two-stage cyclic enzymatic amplification method for ultrasensitive electrochemical assay of microRNA-21 in the blood serum of gastric cancer patients, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2016, 79, 307-312
[1]Yunlei Zhou, Zhiqing Yang, Xue Li, Yue Wang, Huanshun Yin*, Shiyun Ai*, Electrochemical biosensor for detection of DNA hydroxymethylation based on glycosylation and alkaline phosphatase catalytic signal amplification, ElectrochimicaActa, 2015, 174, 647-652.
[2]Yunlei Zhou, Mo Wang, Zhiqing Yang, Huanshun Yin*, Shiyun Ai*, A Phos-tag-based photoelectrochemical biosensor for assay of protein kinase activity and inhibitors, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2015, 206, 728-734.
[3]Qingming Zhang, Xue Li, Bingchen Li, Huanshun Yin*, Shiyun Ai, An electrochemical biosensor for the activity assay of polynucleotide kinase and inhibitor screening, Analytical Methods, 2015, 7, 9984-9991.
[4]Huanshun Yin†, Yunlei Zhou†, Zhiqing Yang, YunlongGuo, Xinxu Wang, Shiyun Ai*, Xiansheng Zhang*, Electrochemical immunosensor for N6-methyladenosine RNA modification detection, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2015, 221, 1-6.
[5]Huanshun Yin, Zhiqing Yang, Bingchen Li, Yunlei Zhou*, Shiyun Ai*, Electrochemical biosensor for DNA demethylase detection based on demethylation triggered endonuclease BstUI and Exonuclease III digestion, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2015, 66, 266-270.
[6]Huanshun Yin, Xinxu Wang, YunlongGuo, Yunlei Zhou*, Shiyun Ai*, Electrochemical detection of protein kinase activity based on carboxypeptidase Y digestion triggered signal amplification, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2015, 66, 77-83.
[7]Huanshun Yin, Mo Wang, Bingchen Li, Zhiqing Yang, Yunlei Zhou*, Shiyun Ai*, A sensitive electrochemical biosensor for detection of protein kinase A activity and inhibitors based on Phos-tag and enzymatic signal amplification, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2015, 63, 26-32.
[8]Huanshun Yin, Bing Sun, Linfeng Dong, Bingchen Li, Yunlei Zhou*, Shiyun Ai, * A signal-on photoelectrochemical biosensor for assay of protein kinase activity and its inhibitor based on graphite-like carbon nitride, Phos-tag and alkaline phosphatase, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2015, 64, 462-468.
[9]Zhiqing Yang, Fengrui Wang, Mo Wang, Huanshun Yin*, Shiyun Ai*, A novel signal-on strategy for M.SssImethyltransfease activity analysis and inhibitor screening based on photoelectrochemicalimmunosensor, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2015, 66, 109-114.
[10]Zhiqing Yang, Wenjing Jiang, Fei Liu, Yunlei Zhou, Huanshun Yin*, Shiyun Ai*, A novel electrochemical immunosensor for the quantitative detection of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine in genomic DNA of breast cancer tissue, Chemical Communications, 2015, 51, 14671-14673.
[11]Mo Wang, Zhiqing Yang, YunlongGuo, Xinxu Wang, Huanshun Yin*, Shiyun Ai*, Visible-light induced photoelectrochemical biosensor for the detection of microRNA based on Bi2S3nanorods and streptavidin on an ITO electrode, MicrochimicaActa, 2015, 182, 241-248.
[12]Pei Liu, Junling Pang, Huanshun Yin*, Shiyun Ai*, G-quadruplex functionalized nanomesoporous silica for assay of the DNA methyltransferase activity, AnalyticaChimicaActa, 2015, 879, 34-40.
[13]Bingchen Li, Xue Li, Mo Wang, Zhiqing Yang, Huanshun Yin*, Shiyun Ai*, Photoelectrochemical biosensor for highly sensitive detection of microRNA based on duplex-specific nuclease-triggered signal amplification, Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 2015, 19, 1301-1309. .
[1]Yunlei Zhou, ZhenningXu, Mo Wang, Bing Sun, Huanshun Yin*, Shiyun Ai*, DNA methyltransferase activity assay based on visible light-activated photoelectrochemical biosensor, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2014, 53, 263-267.
[2]Yunlei Zhou, Mo Wang, ZhenningXu, Cailing Ni, Huanshun Yin*, Shiyun Ai*, Investigation of the effect of phytohormone on the expression of microRNA-159a in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings based on mimic enzyme catalysis systematic electrochemical biosensor, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2014, 54, 244-250
[3]Yunlei Zhou, Bingchen Li, Mo Wang, Zhiqing Yang, Huanshun Yin*, Shiyun Ai*, Enzyme-based electrochemical biosensor for sensitive detection of DNA demethylation and the activity of DNA demethylase, AnalyticaChimicaActa, 2014, 840, 28-32.
[4]Huanshun Yin, Mo Wang, Yunlei Zhou, Xiaoyan Zhang, Bing Sun, Guihua Wang, Shiyun Ai*, Photoelectrochemicalbiosensing platform for microRNA detection based on in situ producing electron donor from apoferritin-encapsulated ascorbic acid, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2014, 53, 175-181.
[5]ZhenningXu, Huanshun Yin, Yunxiang Han, Yunlei Zhou *, Shiyun Ai *, DNA-based hybridization chain reaction amplification for assaying the effect of environmental phenolic hormone on DNA methyltransferase activity, AnalyticaChimicaActa, 2014, 829, 9–14.
[6]Huanshun Yin, Bing Sun, Yunlei Zhou, Mo Wang, ZhenningXu, Zhengliang Fu, Shiyun Ai*, A new strategy for methylated DNA detection based on photoelectrochemicalimmunosensor using Bi2S3nanorods, methyl bonding domain protein and anti-his tag antibody, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2014, 51, 103-108.
[7]ZhenningXu, Huanshun Yin*, Yunxiang Han, Yunlei Zhou, Shiyun Ai*, DNA-based hybridization chain reaction amplification for assaying the effect of environmental phenolic hormone on DNA methyltransferase activity, AnalyticaChimicaActa, 2014, 829, 9-14.
[8]Mo Wang, Huanshun Yin*, NannanShen, ZhenningXu, Bing Sun, Shiyun Ai*, Signal-on photoelectrochemical biosensor for microRNA detection based on Bi2S3nanorods and enzymatic amplification, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2014, 53, 232-237.
[9]Mo Wang, Zhengliang Fu, Bingchen Li, Yunlei Zhou, Huanshun Yin*, Shiyun Ai*, One-step, ultrasensitive and electrochemical assay of microRNAs based on T7 exonuclease assisted cyclic enzymatic amplification, Analytical Chemistry, 2014, 86, 5606-5610.
[10]Bing Sun, Lijian Chen, Yan Xu, Min Liu, Huanshun Yin*, Shiyun Ai*, Ultrasensitive photoelectrochemical immunoassay of indole-3-acetic acid based on the MPA modified CdS/RGO nanocomposites decorated ITO electrode, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2014, 51, 164-169.
[1]Yunlei Zhou, ZhenningXu, Mo Wang, XiaomengMeng, Huanshun Yin*, Electrochemical immunoassay platform for high sensitivity detection of indole-3-acetic acid, ElectrochimicaActa, 2013, 96, 66-73.
[2]Huanshun Yin†, Yunlei Zhou†, ZhenningXu, Mo Wang, Shiyun Ai*, Ultrasensitive electrochemical immunoassay for DNA methyltransferase activity and inhibitor screening based on methyl binding domain protein of MeCP2 and enzymatic signal amplification, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2013, 49, 39-45.
[3]Huanshun Yin†, Yunlei Zhou†, ZhenningXu, Lijian Chen, Di Zhang, Shiyun Ai*, An electrochemical assay for DNA methylation, methyltransferase activity and inhibitor screening based on methyl binding domain protein, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2013, 41, 492-497.
[4]Huanshun Yin, ZhenningXu, Yunlei Zhou, Mo Wang, Shiyun Ai*, An ultrasensitive electrochemical immunosensor platform with double signal amplification for indole-3-acetic acid determinations in plant seeds, Analyst, 2013, 138, 1851-1857.
[5]ZhenningXu, Mo Wang, Tingting Zhou, Huanshun Yin*, Shiyun Ai*, Electrochemical biosensing method for the detection of DNA methylation and assay of the methyltransferase activity, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2013, 178, 412-417.
[6]ZhenningXu, Mo Wang, Huanshun Yin*, Shiyun Ai*, Liang Wang, Junling Pang, A sensitive electrochemical method for DNA methyltransferase assay and inhibitor screening based on DNA methylation-sensitive cleavage, ElectrochimicaActa, 2013, 112, 596-602.
[7]XiaomengMeng†, Yunlei Zhou†, Qianjin Liang, XiangjinQu, Qingqing Yang, Huanshun Yin*, Shiyun Ai*, Electrochemical determination of microRNA-21 based on bio bar code and hemin/G-quadruplet DNAenzyme, Analyst, 2013, 138, 3409-3415.
[8]XiaomengMeng, ZhenningXu, Mo Wang, Huanshun Yin*, Shiyun Ai*, Direct determination of 5-methylcytosine based on electrochemical activation of surfactant functionalized graphene modified pyrolytic graphite electrode, ElectrochimicaActa, 2013, 95, 200-204.
[9]Huanshun Yin, ZhenningXu, Mo Wang, Xueping Zhang, Shiyun Ai*, An electrochemical biosensor for assay of DNA methyltransferase activity and screening of inhibitor, ElectrochimicaActa, 2013, 89, 530-536
[1]Yunlei Zhou, Zhaoyan Zhang, ZhenningXu, Huanshun Yin*, Shiyun Ai*, MicroRNA-21 detection based on molecular switching by amperometry, New Journal of Chemistry, 2012, 36, 1985-1991.
[2]Yunlei Zhou, Huanshun Yin*, XiaomengMeng, ZhenningXu, Yanrong Fu, Shiyun Ai, Direct electrochemistry of sarcosine oxidase on graphene, chitosan and silver nanoparticles modified glassy carbon electrode and its biosensing for hydrogen peroxide, ElectrochimicaActa, 2012, 71, 294-301.
[3]Yunlei Zhou, Mo Wang, XiaomengMeng, Huanshun Yin*, Shiyun Ai*, Amplified electrochemical microRNA biosensor using a hemin-G-quadruplex complex as the sensing element, RSC Advances, 2012, 2, 7140-7145.
[4]Huanshun Yin†, Yunlei Zhou†, Haixia Zhang, XiaomengMeng, Shiyun Ai*, Electrochemical determination of microRNA-21 based on graphene, LNA integrated molecular beacon, AuNPs and biotin multifunctional bio bar codes and enzymatic assay system, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2012, 33, 247-253.
[5]Huanshun Yin, Yunlei Zhou, Tao Liu, Tiantian Tang, Shiyun Ai*, Lusheng Zhu*, Determination aminopyrine in pharmaceutical formulations based on APTS-Fe3O4nanoparticles modified glassy carbon electrode, Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 2012, 16, 731-738.
[6]Huanshun Yin, Yunlei Zhou, Ruixia Han, YanyanQiu, Shiyun Ai*, Lusheng Zhu*, Electrochemical oxidation behavior of 2,4-dinitrophenol at hydroxylapatite film-modified glassy carbon electrode and its determination in water samples, Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 2012, 16, 75-82.
[7]Huanshun Yin, Yunlei Zhou, Chuanxia Chen, Lusheng Zhu*, Shiyun Ai*, An electrochemical signal 'off-on' sensing platform for microRNA detection, Analyst, 2012, 137, 1389-1395.
[8]Huanshun Yin, Yunlei Zhou, Shiyun Ai*, Qiang Ma, Lushengzhu*, Linan Lu, Electrochemical oxidation determination and voltammetricbehaviour of 4-nitrophenol based on Cu2O nanoparticles modified glassy carbon electrode, International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 2012, 92, 742-754.
[9]Huanshun Yin, XiaomengMeng, ZhenningXu, Lijian Chen, Shiyun Ai*, Electrochemical behavior of phenacetin on CdSe microspheres modified glassy carbon electrode and its simultaneous determination with paracetamol and 4-aminophenol, Analytical Methods, 2012, 4, 1445-1451.
[10]Huanshun Yin, XiaomengMeng, Haichao Su, MinrongXu, Shiyun Ai*, Electrochemical determination of theophylline in foodstuff, tea and soft drinks based on urchin-like CdSemicroparticles modified glassy carbon electrode, Food Chemistry, 2012, 134, 1225-1230.
[11]Mo Wang, ZhenningXu, Lijian Chen, Huanshun Yin*, Shiyun Ai*, An electrochemical immunosensing platform for DNA methyltransferase activity analysis and inhibitor screening, Analytical Chemistry, 2012, 84, 9072-9078.
[12]XiaomengMeng, ZhenningXu, Mo Wang, Huanshun Yin*, Shiyun Ai, Electrochemical behavior of antipyrine at a Bi2S3modified glassy carbon electrode and its determination in pharmaceutical formulations, Analytical Methods, 2012, 4, 1736-1741..



